

单词 分手

分手 adverb

apart adv



"break-up agent", person who acts for sb. who wishes terminate a relationship but does not have the heart to do so

External sources (not reviewed)

当使用(大分)手机通 话时,距离最远可达 10 米/33 英尺。
When talking
[...] on (most) mobile phones the range is [...]
up to 10m/33ft.
和铁路员工 在此道别,我现在还记分手时他们对我说的“回家时小心点啊”。
I then split up with the railroad [...]
workers who, I remember said to me, "Be careful on your way home.
作为对耶路撒冷造成新的现实情况的分手法, 该地的人口组成、法律地位和性质都有了改 变,这将危及最后解决以巴冲突的任何办法。
That jeopardizes any final solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
技能培训课程和管理、营销技能入门课程已成为能力建设的一 分 , 手 工 艺 和设计专 业的年轻女学生已通过在专业手工艺者和设计师处的实习,获得了专业经验(拉丁美洲、亚 [...]
Skills training courses and introductions to management and
[...] marketing techniques have been part of the capacity-building [...]
efforts, and young women students
in crafts and design have gained professional experience through internships with professional artisans and designers (Latin America, Asia).
我们理解并支持东帝汶政府承担这种责任的意愿,并 认为分阶段移交职责的办法,是安全和有序地达到在 安全领域中完全实现机构正常化的共同目标的一项分手段。
We understand and support the willingness of the Timorese Government to assume such responsibilities and view the phased approach to the transfer of functions as an adequate means to achieve the shared goal of full institutional normalization in the security area in a safe and orderly manner.
与海地政府协作,确保生活在多米尼加共和国境内的海地人有 分手 段利 用民事与出生登记机制,以确定海地公民身份(美国)。
Work with the Government of Haiti to ensure Haitians living in the Dominican Republic have adequate access to civil and birth registration mechanisms in order to establish the Haitian citizenship (United States).
分手稿供 使用的犹太教堂和公共目的的阅读和为私人。
A distinction is made between manuscripts intended for [...]
use in the synagogue and in public reading and those for private purposes.
中断的阻力往往会得到很好的的分析师认为,但此刻,正确的时间买,因为这种情况下,变成相当复杂的,因 分手 后 通 常我们所说的拉了回来,一回价格常常觉得,支持我们有阻力的区域。
Disruptions of resistance tend to be very well regarded by analysts, but the moment, the right time to buy because of this event, becomes something quite complicated, because after the breakup usually have what we call pull back, a back prices often feel that support in the region where we had resistance.
燈紅酒綠的蘭桂坊每夜都會上映一幕幕各式各樣的激情故事,這一晚亦不例外:任職影樓助手的攝影師在一個派對中結識了剛與富二 分手 的 富 家女;廣告仔拿錯了美女人妻的手機;股票行業務助跟班認識到私鐘妹,逐漸由憐生愛;負責在這裡一帶巡邏的差佬碰上任職夜店的女DJ,成為了一對熟識的陌生人.
A photographer hits it off with a girl that just broke up with her rich ex-boyfriend; an
office boy in
[...] advertising mistakes his cell phone for a pretty married woman’s; a broker gets to know a prostitute a lot more than he [...]
should; and a patrol
officer comes across a female DJ working at a night club.
重复使用这样的分手法, 屋顶的空间得到组织、分隔和切碎。
By duplicating this device on the rooftop the space is
[...] organized, separated, and fragmented.
A. 风险:保留这些传下来的系统并试图加以升级可能需要一些手工操作,这就 增加了分手工获 取的、用于编制财务报表的数据的不准确和不完整的风险。
Α Risks: Keeping these legacy systems and
trying to upgrade them may require manual intervention which will increase the risk of inaccuracy and incompleteness of the
[...] data obtained partly manually and used for the [...]
preparation of FS.
2012 年 7 月 15 日 21 时 00 分,手持铁 链和刀子的若干恐怖分子袭击了 Mahayni 医院,企图闯入医院。
At 2100 hours on 15 July 2012, several terrorists carrying iron chains and knives mounted an attack on the Mahayni hospital in an attempt to get in.
自 2007 年以来,选举援助司已在制定其工作程序准则方面取得重大进展, 特别是,该司已制定:(a) 对会员国的请求的处理原则;(b) 开展需求评估团的 指导方针;(c) 制订联合国特派团选举构成分手册 ; (d) 该司主管干事的标准 作业程序;以及(e) 其他一些处理行政程序的指导方针,如关于该司报告关系的 准则。
The Electoral Assistance Division has made significant progress since 2007 in formulating guidelines for its work processes. In particular, the Division has developed: (a) guidelines on the treatment of requests from Member States; (b) guidelines for the
conduct of needs assessment
[...] missions; (c) a manual on operation for electoral components in United Nations missions; (d) the Standard Operating Procedures for the Division’s desk officers; [...]
and (e) a number
of additional guidelines dealing with administrative processes, such as on reporting lines within the Division.
其中一分手的一 翼,目前还没有治愈。
One of them broke a wing, for which there is no cure.
这部五分钟的微电影名为“Destinée” (命中注定),邀请了英国演员Oliver Jackson-Cohen和台湾女演员陈妍希饰 分手 后 在朋友的婚礼上再次相遇的Olivier和Claire,影片在埃菲尔铁塔旁的一个华丽的巴黎式花园里拍摄。
The 5-minute long micro movie called “Destiny” stars British actor Oliver Jackson-Cohen and Taiwanese star Michelle Chen (陈妍希) in the roles of Olivier and Claire, two broken-up lovers meeting again at friends’ wedding in a magnificent Parisian garden right by the Eifel Tower.
Rococo首席执行官Sean O Sullivan表示:“在我们协助创建JSR82标准时,我们便设想未来某个时期大 分手 机 都 具有机载蓝牙,开发商可创建激动人心的新型连接应用。
When we helped create the JSR82 standard, we envisaged a time when most phones would have Bluetooth on board, and developers could create exciting new connected
applications", said Sean O
[...] Sullivan, Rococo's CEO, "That time has arrived, and we plan to help spur the next phase of [...]
innovation by giving
handset manufacturers and software developers a new generation of rich Java/Bluetooth tools and APIs.
作为实现目标的分手段, 理事会参与了外部国际机构的活动。
As part of the means to achieve its [...]
objectives, the Council is involved with external international bodies.
手工艺品(craft or artisanal
[...] product)的定义是:“由手工艺者生产的产品,无论它们是纯手工制作, 还是在手工工具或者甚至是机器的帮助下完成,只要直接的手工劳动对最终产品的贡献依然是最 重要的分……手工艺 品的特殊性源于它们的区别性特征:实用、审美、艺术、创造性、附属于 文化、装饰、功能、传统、具有宗教和社会象征意义”(UNESCO [...]
& ITC, 1997)。
Craft or artisanal products are defined as “those produced by artisans, either completely by hand or with the help of hand-tools or even mechanical means, as long as the
direct manual
[...] contribution of the artisan remains the most substantial component of the finished product… The special nature of artisanal products derives [...]
from their distinctive
features, which can be utilitarian, aesthetic, artistic, creative, culturally attached, decorative, functional, traditional, religiously and socially symbolic and significant” (UNESCO and ITC, 1997).
媒体巨头新闻集团退出中国市场,堪称可载入史册、持续时间最长 分手 事 件之一,最新消息称该公司进一步减持凤凰卫视<2008.HK> 股份。
When the history books are written, the ongoing withdrawal of global media giants News Corp (Nasdaq: NWS) from China could do down as one of the longest divorces of all time, including the latest news that the company is further selling down its stake in one of its China partners.
(或) 记录本;确保 将被拘留者迅速移交司法机构; 敦促有关各国政府继续努力查清失踪者的下落,确保负责调查和起诉 的主管当局拥有处理案件和将凶手绳之以法所需要的 分手 段 和 资源,包括考虑 酌情设立特定司法机制或真相及和解委员会作为司法制度的补充
Urges Governments to continue their efforts to elucidate the fate of disappeared persons and to ensure that competent authorities in charge of investigation and prosecution are provided with adequate means and resources to resolve cases and bring perpetrators to justice, including after considering the establishment, where appropriate, of specific judicial mechanisms or truth and reconciliation commissions that complement the justice system
当中包括范逸臣《在這分手》、 張惠妹《知己》、羅志祥《淘汰郎》《黑眼圈》《垃圾桶》、王心凌《想和你》《睜開眼》、郭采潔《你在不在》《不過問》、張棟梁《陌路》、2moro《兩個我》、蔡依林《小傷口》、梁靜茹《情歌沒有告訴你》、孫燕姿《當冬夜漸暖》《是時候》、炎亞綸《下一個我》等。
Van Fan《Break Here》, Ah- Mei 《Bosom Friend》, Show Luo 《Lang eliminated》, 《Dark Circle》, 《Rubbish Trash》, Cyndy Wang 《To Be with You》,《Open Your Eyes》,  Guo Cai Jie 《Are You Here》,《Never Ask》, Nicholas Teo 《Stranger》, 2moro 《Two sides》, Jolin Tsai 《Small injuries》, Fish Leong 《Love Does Not Tell You》,Stephanie Sun 《When Getting Warm Winter》,《It’s Time》,Aaron Yan 《The Next Me》 and many more.
(六 ) 現時,根據第104A條及第4A條採取執法行動的工作是否由 同一組的食環署前線人員負責;若然,現時每個區議會分
[...] 區的執法人手為何;若否,現時每個區議會分區的該兩類 執法手分別為何?
(f) whether the law-enforcement actions under section 104A and section 4A are at present undertaken by the same team of front-line staff of the FEHD; if so, of the
manpower responsible for law enforcement in each DC district; if not, the
[...] two types of manpower in each DC district [...]
at present?
在這個真實、未經規劃的街道與社區裡,人們不斷互動、談笑、 手 、 分 享 、 喝茶、買賣、交易,孩童手牽手走路上學,載著單車的貨車穿梭在人群之間,機車緩慢鑽過蔬果攤之間的縫隙,當然還有汽車駕駛的喇叭聲不絕於耳。
In this real, not manufactured, street and community
people interact; they talk, they
[...] laugh, they shake hands, they share, they drink Chai [...]
with friends, they buy, they sell,
they trade. Children walk to school hand in hand, bicycles carrying cargo weave around the groups of chatting people, motorbikes slowly swerve around vegetable stalls and of course, the background noise is car drivers honking their horns.
董事会对人权高专办信息技术部门完成新管理信息系统的开发表示欣赏,并 建议为设立一名临时手分配 6 0 000 美元,该助手将负责在新赠款管理系统输 入所需数据。
The Board expressed its appreciation for the completion of a new management information system that had been developed by the information technology section of
OHCHR, and recommended that
[...] $60,000 be allocated for a temporary assistant who would enter [...]
the required data in the new grant management system.
1、网络营销推广方案制定:根据市场及产品分析,竞争 手分 析 ,制定线上营销推广战略,以及具体实施策划方案,确保方案和产品营销战略一致; [...]
2、营销资源掌控与整合:网络广告资源挖掘、整合;媒体资源的深度挖掘及整合运用,策 划和计划各类媒体活动;
3、合理选择线上互动活动等营销方法,帮助客户与消费者间建立良好有效的客户关系;为客户提供互联网营销方案撰写及提案; 4、熟悉网民特性,精确捕捉适合客户线上营销的目标受众群体; 5、能挖掘新创意,达到线上营销目的,并有较强的数据分析能力,对广告效果进行客观的评估。
In 1, the network marketing plan: according to the market and
[...] product analysis, competitor analysis, marketing [...]
strategy formulation of line, as well
as the concrete implementation plan, ensure the plan and product marketing strategy; 2, marketing resources to integrate and control: web advertising resources mining, the integration of media resources; the depth of excavation and integrate, planning various types of media and program activities; 3, a reasonable choice of online interactive activities such as marketing methods, to help customers and consumers to establish a good and effective customer relations; to provide Internet marketing plan writing and proposal; 4, familiar with the Internet properties, accurately capture for customers of Online marketing target audience; 5, able to tap the new ideas, to achieve online marketing purposes, and has the strong ability of data analysis, the effects of advertisement objective assessment.
作为已经助力了两万余企业成功开展搜索引擎营销的SEM精算师,拥有着一流的SEM服务团队,研发了特有的几大管理功能,基于系统全面的自动监测,实现了海量数据处理,其智能管理平台横跨百度、谷歌等主流搜索引擎,并且其功能复合企业SEM管理需求,涵盖了一键检测、智能竞价、排名锁定、优秀创意推荐、效果数据分析、竞争 手分 析 等 诸多高效率管理功能,直指企业开展SEM遇到的核心问题,使数以万计的关键词调控自如,直观展现企业广告投放效果,回馈数据分析使企业及时调整搜索营销策略,打破了长期困扰广告主的SEM效果瓶颈。
As has been successfully assisted more than 20,000 enterprises carry out search engine marketing SEM Actuary, has a first-class SEM Service team, developed the management of specific features, based on the comprehensive automatic monitoring systems, enables mass data processing, intelligent management platform across the major search engines, such as Baidu, Google and its functional composite Enterprise SEM Management requirements, covering a key lock, excellent detection, intelligent bidding,
ranking initiatives recommended, effects,
[...] data analysis, competitor analysis, and many [...]
other efficient management capabilities,
Enterprise SEM Core of the problems encountered, tens of thousands of keyword regulation and free, intuitive Enterprise advertising effect, feedback data analysis enables enterprise search marketing strategy in a timely manner, breaking the long-standing advertisers SEM Effect of bottlenecks.
缔约国应手分析外 籍妇女在夜总会做舞者的现象,并在预防和打击贩运人口方 [...]
面加强努力,包括调查涉嫌贩运人口的案件的所有指控,并给予受害者有效补 救,向其提供合理、充足的赔偿以及尽可能完全康复的手段。
The State party
[...] should initiate an analysis on the phenomenon [...]
of foreign women working as dancers in nightclubs and strengthen
its efforts to prevent and combat human trafficking, including by investigating any allegation of suspected cases of human trafficking and provide victims with an effective remedy for fair and adequate compensation, including the means for as full rehabilitation as possible.
在听取了分组的报告后,执行委员会要求秘书处手 分析将 HCFC-22 生产由控制用途转向原料用途的技术可行性,以 [...]
及 ,如果认为转产在技术 上可行,在分析中考虑确保任何转向原料用途在做法都可以持续进行的备选办法。
After hearing the report of the Sub-Group, the
Executive Committee requested the Secretariat to
[...] undertake an analysis of the technical [...]
feasibility of redirecting HCFC-22 production
from controlled uses to feedstock uses and if such redirection was found technically feasible, to consider in the analysis options for ensuring that any redirection to feedstock uses was sustained.
In competitor analysis, open treasure [...]
with a powerful search engine real-time monitoring capability, Baidu, Google, search
can be monitored, Taobao and other than the search engine real-time running data, help the enterprises to understand the profession competition trends, key words: competition and heat as well as the industry's best advertising creative; if the enterprise has the clear competitor, my treasure also can help the enterprise to grasp the competitors keywords on the strategy and other important information, the enterprise only in the corresponding module to add the need to monitor competitors can, in this way, can greatly reduce the workload of enterprise management SEM.




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