

单词 分忧

See also:


worries pl
anxiety n

External sources (not reviewed)

沃尔沃卡车不仅制造世界领先的卡车,还不遗余力 地为客分忧。
Volvo Trucks does not only build world-class trucks, but at the same time aims to provide customers with a troublefree experience.
It takes a lot of the worry out of managing the farm.
委员会告知涉及国政府,它不参加其会议一事始终令其 分忧 虑 , 委员会认为首要任 务是争取其在审议和分析这一案件时给予积极合作(116 EX/48 PRIV.第 285 段)。
The Committee decided to reiterate to the government concerned that its failure to participate in the work of the Committee continued to cause the Committee great concern, for it considered that it was of the first importance to secure the active cooperation of the government in question in regard to its examination and analysis of this case (116 EX/48 PRIV., para. 285).
南共体对于北基伍地区和刚果民主共和国发生 的针对妇女和女童的性暴力和性别暴力也 分忧 虑, 并谴责这种仇恨行为,对难民署出版的关于保 护妇女和女童的手册表示衷心的欢迎,该手册将有 助于提高社会对她们的关注。
It condemned those heinous acts and welcomed the UNHCR Handbook on the Protection of Women and Girls, which reinforced the need to give attention to their needs.
这次令人分担忧的攻 击是紧接哈马斯和巴勒斯坦其他恐怖组织在过去几 天故意针对以色列平民的恐怖活动显著升级之后发生的。
This very troubling attack
[...] follows a marked increase in terrorist [...]
activity deliberately targeting Israeli civilians over
the past several days by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist organizations.
安全理事会再次获得国际原子能机构(原子能机 构)总干事提交的令人分担忧的报告。
The Security Council has once again taken up a very worrying report from the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
关于这些所谓的无声疾病—— 特别是心血管病、糖尿病和癌症——造成的过早死 亡,近期的统计数据令人分担忧。
Recent statistics on premature deaths caused by these supposedly silent diseases — in particular cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer — are of great concern.
[...] 到此种危机继续在对发展中国家、特别是最不发达国家产生严重的影响,还分 担忧,目 前正在出现的第二波危机产生了新的不利影响,并将在今后的岁月中对 [...]
发展中国家造成严峻的威胁,因此我们建议在 2012
年举行一次金融和经济危机 及其对发展的影响问题后续会议。
Bearing in mind the worst financial and economic crises since the Great Depression, which still remain, and recognizing their continuing severe impact on developing countries, particularly the least
developed, and also being
[...] deeply worried about additional negative impacts as part of the second [...]
wave of the crisis, which is
happening now but also poses a serious threat to developing countries for years to come, we recommend holding a follow-up conference on the financial and economic crises and its impact on development in 2012.
我国代表团意识到,世界武库中仍然储存着超过 20 000 件核武器,令人分担忧。
The realization that the world still harbours over 20,000 nuclear weapons in its arsenals is a matter of great concern to me delegation.
南共体对由于各种冲突导致的流离失所问题和 国际保护所遭遇的困难感到分担忧 , 尤其是在各 种选举后危机出现之后,某些冲突的重新升级和流 向城市的混合移民潮的上涨都造成了整个大洲的流 离失所问题。
Conflict-induced displacement and the challenge of international protection, especially after the emergence of several post-electoral crises, renewed conflicts and mixed migration flows to urban areas, which had been causing population displacement across the continent, were all matters of grave concern to SADC.
另外,欧洲联盟对于需要援助的人在获得人道主义 援助方面所受到的事实上的限制感到 分 担 忧 ,呼吁冲突各国应当遵守国际人道主义法,并感谢难民 [...]
Expressing concern at the de facto restriction of humanitarian access to
populations in need of assistance, the
[...] European Union called on States that were parties to a conflict [...]
to abide by international
humanitarian law and thanked the High Commissioner for his efforts to create humanitarian space in Georgia.
在下半 年,美国疲弱的经济数据及政府债台高筑、中国急速的经济放 缓及希腊借贷违约风险上升等因素,使市场 分 担 忧 而 急 转直 下,造成全球经济复苏停滞不前。
The recovery was halted in the second half with markets turning down sharply on concerns such as weak economic data and high level of government debt in the US, fears of a sharp economic slowdown in China and the increased risk of debt default by Greece.
[...] 受到了金融风暴的影响,造成全球持续的不景气,导致展前报名参与IAAPI展的国外参展商减少,也让想要参展的厂商以及前往的买家 分 担 忧。
With abundant and plentiful tourism resources, the second biggest population in the world, a huge domestic market, the alteration of the public's consumption behavior, and the fast growing economy, India's amusement game industry has great potential and promise so it appeals to a lot of investors, which results in a prosperous and thriving market However, because of the impact of the global financial crisis and continuous economic depression, the
number of foreign exhibitors registering for this year's Show
[...] decreased, which worried the local exhibitors [...]
and buyers a lot.
在此背景下,我们分担忧地注 视着加沙地带暴 力升级,并对数以百计无辜平民丧生深表关切。
Against this background, we are following with profound apprehension the escalation of violence in the Gaza Strip and express our deep concern over the loss of the lives of hundreds of innocent civilians.
考虑到 2008 年移徙工人 的汇款总额超过了 3,000 亿美元(这几乎是每年对发展中国家提供的官方发 展援助额的三倍),目前的这种发展态势将令人 分 担 忧。
Bearing in mind that migrants’ remittances totalled more than US $300 billion in 2008, almost three times the amount of annual ODA to developing countries, such a development would be rather alarming.
近年来受到了巴西政府限制博弈电玩相关产品的经营,造成市场紧缩以及SALEX展会规模缩小,也影响了厂商以及买家的投资意愿,大幅降低了市场的活络度,也让想要参展的厂商以及前往的买家 分 担 忧。
The Brazilian amusement game machine market and the scale of SALEX have shrunk a lot in recent years because the Brazilian Government has prohibited the operation of gambling machines for years. However, although many Brazilian companies say the prohibition has reduced their ability to invest, led to the decline of market vitality, and decreased
their inclination of participating in the
[...] exhibition, Tania Sallen, the person in charge of SALEX, has a different opinion.
为了帮助缓解人们对艾滋病治疗药 分 发 的 担 忧 , 世 界卫生组织今年已经发行了在不利设 施下使用抗逆录酶病毒进行治疗的第一份指南,并下发了该药品的制药商名录及产品清单 [...]
(包括 11 种抗逆录酶病毒),这些产品都达到了世界卫生组织的质量标准,供联合国机构使 用。
In order to help allay concerns about delivery [...]
mechanisms for AIDS drugs, the WHO has this year produced the first treatment
guidelines for using ARVs in poor settings and issued a list of manufacturers and products (including eleven ARVs) which meet WHO quality standards as suppliers to UN agencies.
忧 恐怖分子和 非国家行为者可能获得或使用大规模毁 灭性武器是最近才出现的现象。
The fear that terrorists and non-State [...]
actors may acquire and use weapons of mass destruction is a recent phenomenon.
关于分令人担忧的人道主义局势,恢复民主和国家复原全国委员会现任主 席应向马里提供人道主义援助资金,并吁请马里技术和财政伙伴和国际社会提供 [...]
In view of the very disturbing humanitarian [...]
situation, the current Chairman of ECOWAS shall make funds for humanitarian
assistance available to Mali and shall call on the technical and financial partners of Mali and the international community to provide appropriate humanitarian assistance.
这一主题使得我们得以表达我们的忧,大家分担困 难、共同探索解决问题的方法,明确了我们的希望,并且还就教育政策问题 [...]
The youth attending the Conference expressed their desire for an education that responds to their
expectations and expressed the high hopes that
[...] they place in this important event. This theme [...]
allowed us to share our concerns and
difficulties, to jointly seek perspectives for solutions, to reaffirm our hopes and to reinforce international dialogue on educational policies.
这些风险分令人担忧,而且应根据 2010 年 1 月海地地震造成巨大破坏和 人员损失,以及 2010 年 2 月智利地震的严重结果加以考虑。
Those risks are of serious concern and should be considered in the context of the vast destruction and loss of human life resulting from the earthquake in Haiti in January 2010 and the devastating outcome of the earthquake in Chile in February 2010.
33.5. 一位专家对正常计划项下生效的款项和预算外资金之间的 分 不 明 确表忧 虑, 同时也对北京办事处东道国协议签订延期表示关注。
33.5 One expert expressed concern about the seemingly unclear demarcation between payments effected under regular programme and extrabudgetary funds as well as to the delays in the establishment of a Host Country Agreement for the Beijing Office.
由于 2004-2005 年的前景令人忧,大部分代表 均强调政策与战略问题多于强 调具体问题。
Taking into
[...] consideration the worrying prospects for 2004–2005, [...]
most of the delegates dwelt more on matters of policy and
strategy rather than substance.
同样,一个代表团对以孤立的方式对妇发基 金的资源进分析表示担忧;它 认为,资源 分 配 应 在计及新的两性平等实体的 情况下加以考虑。
In a similar vein, one delegation expressed apprehension with undertaking an analysis of UNIFEM resources in an isolated manner; resource allocation, it felt, should be considered in light of the new gender entity.
年人司法的相关指导原则出发——根据这些原则, 儿童的最大利益在任何情况下都是最重要的,羁押 儿童是最后的办法,应当采取其他措施来代替羁押
[...] ——那么我们不得不承认,从司法角度来讲,伊拉 克、阿富汗以及被占巴勒斯坦领土上的儿童的状况 是分令人担忧的。
On the issue of detained children, she said that, in the light of the guiding principles relating to justice for minors — by which the best interest of the child prevailed in all circumstances, and detention was a measure of last resort and to which alternatives should be provided — the situation in
the occupied Palestinian territories, Iraq and Afghanistan, was
[...] clearly a matter of concern from the legal perspective.
[...] 罢工可能导致社会不稳定,另外,几内亚森林地区不断出现的动乱也 分 令 人担 忧,该 地区心怀不满的团体仍然呼吁让达迪斯·卡马拉上尉返回。
Besides potential social instability resulting from frequent strikes by various sectors of the economy, there was also a serious concern over the recurrent
disturbances in the Guinea Forestière region, where
[...] disgruntled groups were still calling for the [...]
return of Captain Dadis Camara.
自从某些曾参与前军事政 权的部门做出了激烈反应之后,阿根廷国内产生了一 忧 虑 , 但是绝大 分 国 民 均对 这种激烈反应表示谴责。
In the case of Argentina, some concerns have arisen following the violent reaction of some sectors involved in the former military regime, but the overwhelming majority of the population has condemned this reaction.
尽管在数量上占多数,以及政府在 1984 年设立了妇女事务部,但妇女的状况仍令人 忧 , 她 们大 分 仅 限 于生育 和家务。
Despite this numerical superiority and the Government's resolve, borne out by the creation of the Ministry of Women's Affairs in 1984, the situation of women gives grounds for concern inasmuch as, as a rule, they are confined to reproductive and household roles.
这些忧大有夸张分;随 着中国政策制定与执行能力的提高,中 国可采取一系列措施,在能源和更为广泛的安全 问题方面创造出更为有利的国际环境。
These are largely overstated, but China could take a number of steps, as its policymaking and implementation evolves, which would help create a more cooperative international environment on both energy and wider security issues.
然而令人忧的是,尽管分认 识 到气候变化对人类的严重危险,哥本哈根会议前的 谈判却未能如我们所希望的和所需要的那样取得大 量进展。
What is worrisome, however, is although there is full awareness of the serious danger that climate change represents for humanity, the negotiations leading up to Copenhagen have not been able to make as much progress as we had hoped and as was needed.




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