

单词 分当


当前得分 n

current score n

External sources (not reviewed)

参数可 以是增量字母数字固定数据命令的一 分 ; 当 使 用 递增字母数字动态数据时, 可以是执行命令的一部分。
The parameters are part of the Incremental Alphanumeric Fixed Data command or part of the Execute command when using incremental [...]
alphanumeric dynamic data.
应当把名字分当 作个别部分对待,因而每一个名字 分 都 应 当 各 有 一栏或各有一个显示屏,而 不是全都合为一项内容。
The name parts should be treated as individual parts and thus each name part should have its own field or screen and not concatenated into one single element.
国际法治的另一个重要组成分当然 是 争取结 束国际罪行有罪不罚的现象。
Another essential component of the rule [...]
of law at the international level is, of course, the struggle to end impunity for international crimes.
作为 监狱人口管理行动计划(监管和培训措施、调查和后勤支助)的一 分 , 当 局 采 取 了一系列措施并通过了两项行政措施,取得了这一成果。
This decrease
[...] followed steps taken as part of a prison population [...]
management action plan (supervisory and training measures,
surveys and logistical support) and enactment of two executive measures.
据悉,NBA此次开展的训练班活动也是非洲篮球推广项目的组成 分 , 当 天 训 练班在南非皇家巴福肯体育馆举办。
The NBA conducts trainings and
workshops in the Royal Bafokeng Nation in
[...] South Africa as part of a project to [...]
develop basketball skills as a sport in Africa.
分当地雇用的人员都是从事财务、薪资或人力资源管理 等行政工作,而这些工作没有本国内容,无需特别利用当地文化或语言,也无需 [...]
Most local officers were employed for [...]
administrative work, such as finance, payroll or human resources management, that
has no national content and requires no particular recourse to local culture or language, or knowledge of local institutions.
与会者还进一步指出,塔迪奇案中的定义包括了 非国际武装冲突,由于大分当代冲 突均为非国际性的,因此这是有必要的。
It was further observed that the Tadić definition had the benefit of including non-international armed conflicts, which was necessary since most contemporary conflicts are non-international in nature.
第三项也是重 要的一项将是加强“教科文组织整体格局 ”(总部秘书处、总部外办事处、教科文组织中 心和机构、诸如教科文组织教席和俱乐部,尤为重要的是常驻代表团和执行局委员等这些在 国家一级的组成分,当然不 能忘记教科文组织各全国委员会)各组成机构之间的交流、磋 商和沟通,以便更好地实现本组织在国家一级的目标。
A third important feature will be a drive for greater exchange, consultation and communication among the various components of the “UNESCO constellation” (Secretariat at Headquarters, field offices, UNESCO centres and institutes, and national entities such as the UNESCO Chairs and Clubs and, first and foremost, Permanent Delegations and Members of the Executive Board, not forgetting of course the National Commissions for UNESCO), so as better to meet the objectives of our Organization on the national level.
10 时,Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi(1969 出生于 Hama)向
[...] Shari‘ah 县 县长声称,5 时 30 分,当他在 体育馆以南的街区运送雇员去 [...]
Rawadi 糖果店(他本 人也在那里工作)时,4 名蒙面武装男子持自动步枪,抢走他银色的现代面包车,
车牌号 807237,还有他的行动电话,侮辱他并指控他与安全机构合作。
At 1000 hours, Ziyad bin Muhammad al-Ghawi (born in Hama in 1969)
alleged to the head of Shari‘ah district that,
[...] at 0530 hours, while he was in a quarter [...]
south of the stadium transporting employees
to the Rawadi sweet shop, where he also works, four masked men armed with automatic rifles stole his silver Hyundai van, licence plate No. 807237, and his mobile phone, insulted him and accused him of cooperating with the security agencies.
基于以上原因,我建议将联科行动军事和警察 分当 前 的 总兵力维持至 2010 年年底,以使科特迪瓦有机会在联合国的全力支持下完成选举前的最后工作。
For these reasons, I recommend maintaining UNOCI
[...] with the current total overall strength of its military and police components, until the [...]
end of 2010, in order
to give Côte d’Ivoire a chance to walk the final mile to the elections with the full support of the United Nations.
您也可以通过拖拽附加的列标题到分组区域实现多 分 组 , 当分 组 被执行时,设置显示方式以便这些项在初始化时以展开或折叠的形式显示,或设置颜色及包括分层名字、行中的数据的其他格式。
You can proviate multiple levels of groups [...]
by dragging additional column headers into the grouping area, set up the display
so that the items are shown initially as expanded or collapsed or set the colors and other formatting of both the hierarchy names and the data in the rows when grouping is performed.
人权联系会注意到在筹备普遍定期审议时协商进程困难重重,包括在没有 充分时间或信息进行当分析的 情况下,召集有组织的民间团体的选定方式。
Conectas Direitos Humanos noted the difficulties in the consultation process in preparation for the universal periodic review, including
the selective way of convening organized civil society, without sufficient time or
[...] information to allow adequate analysis.
进行研究,收集当分类的 数据,以便能够对贩运人口问题的性质和范围进 行当分析
Conduct research and collect suitably disaggregated data that would enable proper analysis of the nature and extent [...]
of trafficking in persons
联合国和双边援助机构当分享它 们在不同国家的经验中形成的有关的良 好做法,而且更重要的是,应当为跨界方案提供资金。
The United Nations and bilateral aid
[...] agencies should share relevant good [...]
practices from their experiences in different countries
and, more importantly, should finance cross-border programmes.
[...] 转至政策界的主要挑战之一是,这一过程需要大量筹备工作,以确保 当分 析 政 策差距、建 议和后续行动机制。
One of the major challenges of trying to transfer research knowledge to a policy community through Ministerial Fora is that the process
requires considerable preparatory
[...] work to ensure appropriate analysis of policy gaps, [...]
recommendations and mechanisms for follow-up.
专家组还将考虑空间气象造成的风险,以便提议 当分 享哪 几类关键数据,以保障空间活动免遭空间气象的不利影响。
The expert group will also consider the risks arising from space weather, with
a view to proposing which types of key
[...] data ought to be shared in order to safeguard [...]
space activities from detrimental effects of space weather.
贸发十三大当分析这些障碍,并就如何通 过取消所有这些扭曲贸易的措施和确保最不发达国家充分而有意义的参与来扩大 [...]
UNCTAD–XIII should analyse those hurdles and [...]
suggest a way forward on how to broaden market access by eliminating all those
trade–distorting measures and ensuring full and meaningful participation of LDCs.
关于问责问题,我也要补充说,尽管大家可以对 任何情况下的正当程序问题存有 当分 歧 ,但斯里兰 卡政府某部长提出阻挠联合国在该国的活动,以此就 秘书长作出的成立咨询小组的正当决定向其施加压 力的做法似乎是不能接受的。
On the question of accountability, let me also add that, while there is room for legitimate disagreement over the right process for any given situation, it does not seem to be acceptable that a Government minister in Sri Lanka should advocate blocking the activity of the United Nations in that country to put pressure on the Secretary-General over a legitimate decision that he has taken to establish an advisory panel.
当分析中 只包含生物勘探、野生肉类和木材时,极少有森林块能通过针对保护的成本效益测试。
When only bioprospecting, bushmeat, timber were
[...] included in the analyses, few parcels [...]
passed the cost-benefit test for conservation.
任何法典委员会可继续提出测定化学物质的 当分 析 方 法,和/或制定用于确定方法 必须遵照的一系列方法。
Any Codex Committee may continue
[...] to propose an appropriate method of analysis for determining [...]
the chemical entity and/or
develop a set of criteria to which a method used for the determination must comply.
(b) 在可能的范围内,技术援助方案 当分 阶 段 执行,以便在没有取得预期的成果的 情况下,将资源转用于其他活动,如额外的培训或服务工具的采购,而且只有在 制定了管制氟氯化碳进口的法律并采取了措施确保当地市场上氟氯化碳类物质和 非消耗臭氧层物质制冷剂价格至少相差不多时,才应开始执行;以及
(b) To the extent possible, the technical assistance programme should be implemented in stages so that resources could be diverted to other activities, such as additional training or procurement of service tools if the proposed results are not achieved, and should not commence until the legislation controlling CFC imports was in place and measures had been taken to ensure that the local market prices of CFCs and non-ODS refrigerants are at least similar; and
当分析仪 电源接通时(on),不要连接 或拆除阅读器的连接,否则,阅读器或分析仪会损坏,或者显示 错误的屏幕提示消息。
Doing so may result in damage to the reader or analyzer, or the display of incorrect screen prompts.
应当重视提高该地区各国在以下方面 的能力:确保可持续安全饮用水的供应,城市水资源的开发和管理战略,以及与城市及其周 边排水和卫生相关的问题,恢复恶化了的水生态系统,对正在消失的水资源进行研究、预防 和解决与水资源问题有关的冲突问题,建 分 地 区 水观察站、研究某些生态系统、尤其红树 林系统的可持续性,以及利当地知识来保护环境。
Emphasis should be placed on enhancing the capabilities of countries of the region to secure sustainable and safe drinking water supplies, urban water development and management strategies as well as issues related to urban and peri-urban drainage and sanitation, the rehabilitation of degraded water ecosystems, research on disappearing water resources, aspects of conflict prevention and resolution in relation to water
issues, the creation
[...] of subregional water observatories, research in the sustainability of certain ecosystems and in particular of mangrove systems, as well as drawing on local knowledge for [...]
the protection of the environment.
这些缔约方表示,凡属适当,支持 当分 开,并通过专门窗口和机制提供。
They indicated that, where relevant,
[...] support should be separate and made available [...]
through dedicated windows and mechanisms.
大赦国际欢迎挪威支持尊重难 民权利及保证按照案件具体情况,对每项请愿进行 当分 析 的 建议,但注意到, 对可能面临驱逐的非正常情况人员给予灵活性的建议,挪威仅表示部分支持。
Amnesty International welcomed Norway’s support for recommendations to respect the rights of
refugees and to guarantee
[...] a proper analysis of each petition on a case-by-case base, while noting the partial support to [...]
show flexibility towards
the irregular situations of persons who might face expulsion.
(d) 确保在按地理和行政划区以及其他相关类别,包括性别、年龄和族裔当分列的 预算数据的基础上,将拨款范围扩大至处境不利群体,以便通过人类 [...]
(d) Ensure that the expansion of allocations to disadvantaged groups in order to address disparities, through for example the Bono de Desarrollo Humano, is
[...] based on the appropriate disaggregation of budget [...]
data by geographical and
administrative location and other relevant categories, including gender, age and ethnic origin
俄罗斯联邦认为,考虑到对俄罗斯发展以及外国空间技术的长期预测,航 空航天物体相关法律问题的未来解决方法,将取决于这类物体的发展速度和规 模、可能的应用及其活动的规模, 当分 阶 段 实施。
The Russian Federation considers that, taking into account long-term forecasts for the development of Russian and foreign space technologies, the approach to the future resolution of legal issues relating to aerospace objects will depend upon the scale and pace of development of such objects, their possible applications and the scale of activities involving them, and should be implemented in stages.
[...] 充燃料或原料的设施中排出的旁路粉尘或水泥窑粉尘,如果要在陆地上处理,当分析其 金属和有机渗滤液质量参数。
To ensure the protection of public health and the environment and to prevent groundwater contamination, bypass dust or CKD, discarded from facilities that use hazardous
wastes as supplementary fuels or raw
[...] materials, should be analyzed for metal and [...]
organic leachate quality parameters if they
are to be disposed of on land.
缔约方会议第 5/8 号决议中请秘书处继续加强缔约方会议第
[...] 4/2 号决定提及 的活动,为此除其他外当分析并 使用由会员国提供的介绍其如何适用《有组 [...]
织犯罪公约》第 12、13、16 和 18 条的实例,以及由毒品和犯罪问题办公室公 布的涉及引渡、司法协助和其他形式国际合作的案例编目,目的是推出摘要和
重点说明最佳做法的其他工具,以便避免对充分和顺利实施《公约》而可能构 成的障碍。
In its decision 5/8, the Conference of the Parties requested the Secretariat to continue to enhance the
activities mentioned in Conference decision 4/2
[...] by, inter alia, analysing and using the [...]
examples provided by Member States of how
they are applying articles 12, 13, 16 and 18 of the Organized Crime Convention, as well as the catalogue published by UNODC of cases involving extradition, mutual legal assistance and other forms of international legal cooperation.




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