

单词 分庭



function as rivals
peer competition
make claims as an equal

See also:

law court
front courtyard
main hall

External sources (not reviewed)

2010 年11月24 日,原定在德黑兰革命庭第26 分庭对索 托德女士开庭审 理,由于德黑兰污染程度太高所有政府机关全部关闭而取消。
On 24 November 2010, a court session that was scheduled
[...] for Ms. Sotoudeh in Branch 26 of Tehran’s Revolutionary [...]
Court was cancelled due to
high levels of pollution in Tehran and all Government offices were closed.
最可能造成上诉判决预测完成日期拖延的五个因素 与以下方面有关的或是由此造成的拖延:(a) 多个上诉人案件的性质;(b) 非常 多的上诉前请求;(c) 将判决书翻译成波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,并将提 交的书面文件翻译分庭的一 种工作语文和波斯尼亚/克罗地亚/塞尔维亚文,特 别是如果上诉人作自我辩护,所需的时间非常之长;(d) 对上诉理由的修订,特 别是在判决书翻译之后(主要是有律师的上诉人);(e) 工作人员人手不够和/或 缺乏上诉支助方面的经验。
The five factors with the most potential to cause slippage in projected estimates for completion of judgements on appeal are the delays associated with or caused by: (a) the nature of multi-appellant cases; (b) the inordinate amount of pre-appeal motions; (c) the inordinate length of time for translation of trial judgements into Bosnian/Croatian/ Serbian, as well as for translation of written submissions into one of the Tribunal’s working languages and Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian, especially in cases of selfrepresented appellants; (d) amendments to grounds of appeal, especially following translation of the trial judgement (mainly for represented appellants); and (e) understaffing and/or lack of experience in appeals support.
在决定是否应将现用于常任法官 的养恤金办法扩及连续服务 3
年以上的审案法官时,大会似可考虑由于 两法庭业务的变化(即审案法官的数量已临时增加;若干审案法官被安全
[...] 理事会授权在 3 年上限后继续服务;以及一些审 分庭 被 分 成 若 干部 分,其中只包括审案法官),两类法官服务条件上的差异是否仍有理由继 [...]
In determining whether the existing pension scheme for permanent judges should be extended to cover ad litem judges who have served continuously for more than three years, the General Assembly may wish to consider whether, given the changed circumstances of the Tribunals’ operations (namely that the number of ad litem judges has been temporarily increased; several ad litem judges have been authorized by the Security Council to serve
beyond the three-year maximum; and
[...] some Trial Chambers have been split into sections [...]
which may consist only of ad litem judges),
the differences in the conditions of service of the two categories of judge continue to be justified.
被害人可以依照《程序和证据规则》向预 分庭作 出陈述。
Victims may make representations to the Pre-trial Chamber, in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Evidence.
安全理事会欢迎秘书长按安理会第 1918 (2010)号决议要求提交报告(S/2010/394),说明
[...] 沿海的海盗和海上武装劫船行为负责的人的目 标,尤其是关于设立可有国际人员的国内特分 庭、区 域法庭或国际法庭和做出相应监禁安排的 方案,同时考虑到索马里沿海海盗问题联络小组 [...]
The Security Council welcomes the report of the Secretary-General (S/2010/394), as requested by its resolution 1918 (2010), on possible options to further the aim of prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea off the coast of Somalia, including, in particular, options for creating special domestic
chambers possibly with
[...] international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding [...]
arrangements, taking into account the work of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia (CGPCS), the existing practice in establishing international and mixed tribunals, and the time and resources necessary to achieve and sustain substantive results.
如果出于司法正义所需,在遵守《争议法庭规约》第八条第三款的情况下, 庭长或审理某个案件的法官分庭可 缩 短或延长《程序规则》规定的时限,亦可 放弃任何规则。
Subject to article 8.3 of the statute of the Dispute Tribunal, the President, or the judge or panel hearing a case, may shorten or extend a time limit fixed by the rules of procedure or waive any rule when the interests of justice so require.
2003年9月25 日,最高法院刑事案件司分庭又修改了判决,撤消了其他一些指控,但还是维持死刑判决。
On 25 September 2003,
[...] the Judicial Chamber for Criminal [...]
Cases of the Supreme Court further revised the sentence by withdrawing
a number of other charges but also upheld the death sentence.
预审法官的其他权力包括:(a) 评价检察官在起诉书内的各项指控;及需要 时(b)
请检察官减少或将这类指控重新归类;(c) 便利当事方之间的交流;(d)
[...] 应任一当事方的请求签发传票、逮捕令和其他命令状;(e) 询问匿名证人;(f) 为 审分庭起草 完整的案卷,其中要列明当事方之间对法律和事实的主要分歧点, [...]
The other powers of the Pre-Trial Judge include: (a) evaluating the charges brought by the Prosecutor in the indictment and, if need be, (b) requesting the Prosecutor to reduce or reclassify such charges; (c) facilitating communication between the parties; (d) issuing summonses, warrants and other orders at the request of either party; (e) questioning anonymous witnesses; (f)
drawing up a complete file for the Trial Chamber
[...] listing the main differences between the [...]
parties on points of law and fact,
and indicating his views regarding the main points of fact and law arising in the case.
司法和法律事务司继续:(a) 向审分庭和上诉分庭提供 直接司法协助,如 法律研究、起草文件和提供其他司法支助、编制司法日历、维护和安排审判室以 及司法程序记录、记录誊本、动议、命令、裁决、判决和宣判的备案、保存和登 记;(b) 履行与法庭有关的其他职能,包括提供和维护拘留设施、编制和维持辩 [...]
The Judicial and
[...] Legal Services Division continues to provide: (a) direct judicial assistance to the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber, such [...]
as, legal research,
drafting and other judicial support; the preparation of the judicial calendar; the maintenance and scheduling of courtrooms; and the recording, maintenance and registration of records of judicial proceedings, transcripts, motions, orders, decisions, judgements and sentences; and (b) other court-related functions, including the provision and maintenance of the detention facilities; the development and maintenance of a list of defence counsel; the establishment and maintenance of a system to remunerate defence counsel; interpretation and translation services; assistance to prosecution and defence witnesses testifying before the Tribunal; and legal library services.
我们还希望表示,我国赞赏秘书长提出报告 (S/2010/394),阐述了通过起诉和监禁海盗行为和海 上武装抢劫行为责任人以打击海盗的可能备选方案, 特别是包括以下方面的备选方案:建立可能有国际组 成部分的国内特分庭、一个区域法庭或一个国际法 庭以及相应的监禁安排。
We would also wish to express our appreciation to the Secretary-General for his report on possible options for countering piracy through prosecuting and imprisoning persons responsible for acts of piracy and armed robbery at sea, including, in particular, options for creating special domestic chambers possibly with international components, a regional tribunal or an international tribunal and corresponding imprisonment arrangements (S/2010/394).
在 2010-2011 年期间处理的一些主要问题有:法庭的管辖权;海底争分庭的诉 讼管辖权;与《公约》第二九二条有关的事项;在有关污染海洋环境的 案件中提交迅速释放船只申请书;向 庭 特 别 分庭 提 供设施的安排;参照联合国 关于建立申诉程序的决定修订法庭司法系统;法庭的出版物,例如判决和命令。
Some of the main issues which were addressed during the period 2010-2011 include matters
relating to the
[...] jurisdiction of the Tribunal; the contentious jurisdiction of the Seabed Disputes Chamber; matters relating to article 292 of the Convention; submission of applications for the prompt release of vessels and crews in cases concerning pollution of the marine environment; arrangements for the provision of facilities to a special chamber of the Tribunal; revision of the system of administration of justice of the Tribunal in the light [...]
of the decision of
the United Nations on the establishment of an appeals procedure; and publications of the Tribunal such as judgments and orders.
2.2 2003 年8月1 日,塔什干市法院上分庭修改 了判决,撤消了其认为没有 根据的某些指控,但仍维持死刑判决。
2.2 On 1 August 2003, an Appeal Chamber of the Tashkent City Court revised the sentence by withdrawing certain charges which it considered were unfounded, but upheld the death sentence.
可归因于资源的尽善利用,也因为在 2009-2010 年财政期内,只把第 18 号案件 中一项关于采取临时措施的紧急请求提交法庭审理,还把一项咨询意见的请求 (第
[...] 17 号案件)提交海底争分庭,而 2009-2010 年预算中列有四项紧急案件的 [...]
The underperformance of the budget for the period can largely be attributed to the optimum use of resources and the fact that, during the financial period 2009-2010, one urgent request for provisional measures, in Case No. 18, was submitted in proceedings to the Tribunal, and a request for an advisory
opinion (Case No. 17) was filed before the
[...] Seabed Disputes Chamber, whereas the [...]
20092010 budget made provision for proceedings in four urgent cases.
司法部与毒品和犯罪问题办公室合作,首次对配备了闭 路电视系统的少年分庭进行 了内部需求评估。
The Ministry of Justice, in cooperation with UNODC,
carried out the first internal needs assessment
[...] of juvenile courts equipped with a closed-circuit television [...]
(CCTV) system.
一)“一谁是一分,庭院业主是有责任作出贡献,以及门本身网关的成本​​”; [...]
- 传奇的引用有关利亚证明一个网关并不一定是主题赞美,由一组的mishnah先决条件的情况下诡辩定义结束。
(a) "One who is part owner of a courtyard [...]
is obliged to contribute to the cost of the gateway as well as of the door itself";
-the citation of a legend concerning Elijah to prove that a gateway is not necessarily a subject for praise, concluded by a casuistic definition of the case presupposed by the Mishnah.
优秀的设计,强大的功能让Pixlr成为主流的网络图片编辑器,与传统的图片编辑程 分庭 抗 礼
By providing all of this, Pixlr is turning into one of the major web-based alternatives to the traditional photo-editing programs.
分庭认为 ,双方采用的关于‘确认’‘当作’‘同意’‘批准’的标 准,与国际法委员会采用的标准相同或者相似。
The Chamber first noted that the articles on responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts were “not binding on States”.
分庭的意见澄清了《公约》和 1994 年《协定》的规定,但也意味着担保国 [...]
和潜在担保国,包括希望通过担保保留区域内的工作计划而参加深海海底采矿的 发展中国家,需要考虑为此通过适当的法律和规章。
While the Chamber’s opinion clarifies [...]
the provisions of the Convention and the 1994 Agreement, it also implies that sponsoring
States and potential sponsoring States, including developing States that may wish to participate in deep seabed mining by sponsoring plans of work within reserved areas, will need to give consideration to the adoption of appropriate laws and regulations for this purpose.
庭长可指定一名法官或一分庭根据 本条规定发出任何命令。
The President may designate a judge or a panel of judges to issue any order within the purview of this article.
小组委员会注意到近期有关儿童和青少年方面的宪法改革,自 2005 年以 来改革一直在不断进行,并且认识到各州正在改革框架之内执行《儿童权利公 约》,并设立特殊少年分庭。
The Subcommittee has taken note of the recent constitutional reform relating to children and adolescents, implementation of which has been under way since 2005, and is aware that, in the framework of that
reform, the various states are
[...] implementing the Convention on the Rights of the Child and creating special juvenile courts.
关于内部司法理事会建议 修正联合国上诉法庭庭长授权联合国争议法庭三名法官组 分庭 审 理 案件的法 定要求,允许由争议法庭庭长确定是否需要一事(A/66/158,建议 31),各代表团 认为,应将这一问题推迟到下次审查内部司法系统时审议,届时将已积累更多的 实际经验。
Regarding the proposal of the Internal Justice Council that the statutory requirement for the President of the United Nations Appeals Tribunal to authorize three-judge panel hearings of the United Nations Dispute Tribunal be revised to allow determination of that need by the President of the Dispute Tribunal (A/66/158, recommendation 31), delegations were of the view that the consideration of this issue should be postponed to the next review of the system of administration of justice, when more practical experience would have been acquired.
根据新法案的规定,每个教区法院应由专门审理劳 工问题和家庭和儿童问题的特别法庭,以及专门审理大、中和小的民事和刑事案分庭。
In accordance with the new Act, each parish court shall have chambers specialized in labour issues and in family and children, as well as major, medium and small instance benches on civil and criminal matters.
政府决心帮助孩子与父母双方有有益的关系,减少冲突对儿童的影响,减 少庭分离对 家庭和社区的情感和经济损失。
The Government is determined to help children to have a meaningful relationship with both parents, reduce the impact
of conflict on children and reduce the emotional and financial
[...] costs of family separation on families and [...]
the community.
2006, pp.17-18),大庭分 化成 多个核心家庭来占重建援助的便宜。
In both Pakistan (interviews by author) and Sri
Lanka (Ternström et al., 2006, pp. 17-18),
[...] extended families split to become multiple [...]
nuclear families to take advantage of reconstruction aid.
如果外 援來港,而其父母不能來港,便會造成 庭分 離 , 對這羣外援的下一代也不 是太好,還會有很多政策牽涉在內的。
If these external supporters do come to Hong Kong while their
parents are not allowed to come, this
[...] will result in family separation, which is not so good [...]
for these external supporters
who will be the next generation, and this will involve many policies.
这就是为什么我正在社区里与其他的 庭分 享 我 的经验。
That is why I am sharing my experience with other families in my community.
委员会强烈促请缔约国确保防止儿童与 庭分 离 , 确保 通过充分的替代家庭和家庭支助服务及社区服务帮助脱离照料机构的儿童包括残 [...]
It strongly urges the State party to ensure the
[...] prevention of the separation of children from their families, [...]
and the re-integration of deinstitutionalized
children, including those with disabilities, through adequate family substitute and family support services as well as communitybased services.
参加联合国系统联合机构分摊费用的法定增长: 国际劳工组织行政庭分摊费 用的增长(ILO 法庭):在批准的 33 C/5 文件 中,安排了总计 75,300 美元的预算资金,用于支付法庭经常费用(此项费 用在所有参加的组织之间分摊)的双年度分摊费,以及教科文组织参加的每 一届国际劳工大会的费用分摊款额。
Additional requirements for the contribution to the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organization (ILO Tribunal): In document 33 C/5 Approved, a total amount of $75,300 was budgeted to cover the biennial contribution to the Tribunal’s overhead costs (which are distributed between participating organizations) and costs of each ILO session where UNESCO participates.
所以,民建聯當時就指出,天水圍家庭服務檢討小組和死因裁判 庭分 別提 出的一系列建議,包括研究如何在香港落實“零度容忍”家暴概念、檢 [...]
討家暴的法律條文、加強公眾教育和公職人員對家暴的培訓、明確建立政府 在社區建設中擔當的角色、制訂完備的福利服務規劃機制、檢討地區協調委
員會、靈活調動地區資源、推動跨政策局和跨界別合作等,範圍相當全面, 基本上可以涵蓋各方的實際需要。
In this connection, the DAB pointed out at the time that the
[...] Review Panel on Family Services in Tin [...]
Shui Wai and the Coroner's Court had made
a series of recommendations which include how to implement the concept of "zero tolerance" towards domestic violence in Hong Kong, reviewing legislative provisions on domestic violence, enhancing public education and training of public officers in tackling domestic violence, clearly defining the Government's role in community building, establishing a comprehensive social welfare planning mechanism, reviewing District Co-ordinating Committees, flexibly deploying district resources, promoting co-operation across Policy Bureaux and sectors, and so on.




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