

单词 分布式网络

See also:

分布 n

distribution n

分布 pl

distributions pl


network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc)

External sources (not reviewed)

LAN-XI数据采集硬件3660型覆盖一系列输入/输出模块,可单独、 分布式网络 或 支持最多11个模块的机箱中使用。
LAN-XI Data Acquisition Hardware Type 3660 covers a
range of input/output modules that can be used
[...] stand-alone, in a distributed network or in frames holding [...]
up to 11-modules.
OpenNMS是一个企业级基于Java/XML的 分布式网络 和 系统监控管理平台。
OpenNMS is an enterprise
[...] based on Java/XML distributed network and system monitoring [...]
and management platform.
由于需要管理复杂分布式网络,所以 Corus 的网管团队需要采用一种更好的方式来深入了解出现的各种网络问题。
With a complex distributed network to manage, the network manage-ment [...]
team at Corus needed a better way to gain insight
into network problems as they occurred.
只有Akamai的全分布式网络和智 能路由能够绕过中途(middle-mile)问题,从而确保能够通过SSL [...]
Only Akamai's globally distributed network and intelligent [...]
routing are able to bypass middle-mile problems to ensure fast
and reliable application delivery over SSL VPN.
ZPMC SCADAStandard基分布式网络架构;具有强大的图形开发工具, 能开发出适合反映各种工业自动化控制工况的人机交互图形界面(简称HMI); [...]
并为项目工程师提供了丰富的二次开发接口函数; 同时还提供了包括OPC接口在内的多种国际标准接口方式;
为解决历史记录,数据的查询和回放,ZPMC SCADA系统提供简便的实时数据库,历史数据库接口。
ZPMC SCADAStandardis based on distributed network architecture; And [...]
it supplies powerful graphics tool to help you developing
human machine interface (HMI) suits various industry operations; It supplies abundant Application Program Interface (API) for the second developer; It also supplies various international standardization interface including OPC interface and so on; For saving, checking and replaying history data, ZPMC SCADA supplies real-time database and interface for history database.
以AggreGate平台所开发的AggreGate网络管理系统,与其它同性质 分布式网络 管 理系统相比,具有独特的特点,例如先进的SNMP数据分析工具、整合式报表编辑器及开放程序代码的SDK。
Being built upon AggreGate Platform,
[...] AggreGate Network Manager provides unique features as compared to other distributed network management [...]
software, such as
advanced SNMP data analysis tools, integrated Report Editor, or open-source SDK.
为了保持对其服务器分布式网络的 主 动控制,企业 IT 管理员必须通过手工运行状况检查以及 SNMP [...]
查询来确定潜在的性能和可用性 问题,而这些工作显然低效费时,甚至完全无效。
In an effort to maintain proactive
[...] control over their distributed network of servers, enterprise [...]
IT administrators have had to
resort to manual health checks and SNMP queries to spot potential performance and availability issues.
该设备 为通常意义上的控制器,分布 式车辆控制系统中,既可以成为 系统控网络中的一个节点,又 可以作为独立的控制器参与整车 控制。
It is a general-purpose controller that is
[...] equally suited for use as an element of a distributed machine control system or as a stand-alone device.
然而,妇女团体网络在非正式和平 进程中的作用并非总能得到 分 的承 认和支持。
The role of
[...] women’s groups and networks in informal peace processes has, however, not always been sufficiently recognized [...]
and supported.
这些合作式如经 精心策划, 可以推动实现本组织的战略目标,也能有利于计划的执行,提高教科文组织的影响力,加强 目标群体和人民的参与程度,并增强他们对教科文组织的理想与行动的“主人翁精神”。可 引以为例的有教科文组织的各种俱乐部、中心和协会(5,000 名会员分布在 120 个国家 中)、联系学校项目网络(2001 年共有 166 个国家的 6,700 所学校参加)、姊妹学校/教科文 组织教网络(530 个分布在大约 113 个国家)。
If well conceived, such forms of cooperation may contribute to the attainment of the strategic objectives of the Organization and may also facilitate programme execution and improve UNESCO visibility, increase involvement by target groups and populations and enhance their “ownership” of UNESCO’s ideals and action, as evidenced, for example, by the UNESCO Clubs, Centres and Associations (5,000 members in 120 countries), the Associated Schools Project Network (6,700 in 166 countries in 2001) and the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Networks (530 in some 113 countries).
MOD300 分布式控制 系统自1984年引进,其特点是:完整的控制语言 CCF 和TCL,冗余的通网络(DC N),冗余控制器,历史及报告,批量数据I/O。
The MOD 300 Distributed Control System (DCS) was introduced in 1984 with features such as Integrated Control Languages CCF and TCL, Redundant Communication Network (DCN), Redundant [...]
Controllers, History
and Reports, and Bulk Data I/O. In 1988 the MOD 300 was enhanced by the addition of the SC Controller, Taylor Ladder Logic (TLL) and TRIO.
分布式闪存 和其他传统闪存解决方案可以加 网 站 应 用程序的性能,因此,数据中心可以更轻松地满足针对终端用户性能的服务级协议。
Memcached and other traditional caching solutions speed up the performance of [...]
web applications, making it easier for data
centers to meet their service-level agreements for end-user performance.
会议提出了 SGXML 的目标:“国际海洋资料 交换系统/教科文组织 SGXML 将利用或制订促进来分布式数据 源的数据无缝交换的国际 标准,为此将利用单参数词典、精确标记的元数据和一个共同的 XML 数据结构,存储所有 内容,并向用户提供有独立平台或可与因 网 连 接 的数据集和软件工具”。
The Group developed a Vision for SGXML: “The ICES/IOC SGXML will utilize or establish international standards to
promote the seamless
[...] exchange of data from distributed data sources, by using a single parameter dictionary, well-defined and explicitly tagged metadata, and a common XML data structure, packaging all content and providing to the client datasets and software tools that are platform independent or web-enabled”.
不得以任何式复印 、复制、重新发布、修改、上传、 布 、 传播 、 分 发 、 反编译、反向工程或 分网 站 材 料,包括但不限于文字、图片、音频和/或视频及任何软件(包括但不限于任何软件中包含或生成的图像或文件或软件附带的数据),除非您在任何一台单独电脑上下载一份网站材料的副本且仅用于个人、非商业之目的,但前提是您必须将所有版权、商标及其他专有权声明保持原样,并不得对作者归属进行任何改变或删减。
Materials may not be copied,
[...] reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way or decompiled, reverse engineered or disassembled, including [...]
not limited to the text, images, audio and/or video, as well as any software (including but not limited to any images or files incorporated in or generated by the software or data accompanying such software), except that you may download one copy of the Materials on any single computer for your personal, non-commercial use only, provided you keep intact all copyright, trademark and other proprietary notices and make no change in or deletion of author attribution.
公司在北美、法国、德国、意大利、葡萄牙、西班牙、英国、澳大利亚、中国大陆、日本和中国香港设有办事处 分 销 商 网络 遍 布 全 球
It has offices in North America, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, UK, Australia, China, Japan, and Hong Kong and distributors worldwide.
在吸引活跃的新中心方面、在与会员国合作组织培训讲习班以提升 UNEVOC 中心工作 人员的技能方面,已经(与会员国和伙伴机构一起)采取了行动,以发展和巩固教科文组织 国际技术和职业教育与培训中心(UNEV OC ) 网络 , 网络有 231 个中心分布于 1 57 个国家 (2004 年上半年又有三个国家新加入了网络)。
Action has been taken to promote and consolidate the UNEVOC Network (in partnership with Member States and partner agencies) of 231 Centres in 157 UNESCO Member States with regard to attracting new active centres, and organizing training workshops in collaboration with Member States to upgrade the skills of staff in UNEVOC Centres.
本组织涉及采用六种联合国式语言 (可能时还有其他语言)的出版物 网络公 布和其 他交流的政策指导方针、程序和标准,将有助于确保 WIPO 信息材料符合质量、影 响和需求标准。
Organization-wide policy guidelines,
procedures and standards,
[...] covering publications, web publishing, and other communications, in the six official UN languages [...]
as well as other national
languages when possible, will help ensure that WIPO information materials meet standards of quality, impact and need.
在此课程中,您会:-检验基网络并 分 辨 不同 的 网络 模 式 - 描 述 数据动作,物理媒介和网络连接设施的基础-使用OSI模式并理解Ethernet,Token Ring,FDDI和无限网络-理解数据路径和常见网络协议,例如:NetBEUI和TCP/IP-发掘TCP/IP服务-了解今天依然在使用的 式 网 络协议,例如:IPX/SPX,AppleTalk,Apple Open Transport和IPv6-检查一个本地区网络的基础架构-分辨不同的通过公共载体服务来连接网络的方法-了解不同的远程网络方法-了解并实现网络安全相关方面-实施灾难恢复策略-描述并使用高级数据存储技术-了解并实行网络疑难排解过程-描述现今使用的网络操作系统基础。
In this course, you will
[...] examine basic networking and identify different networking models, describe the basics of data movement, physical media, and network connectivity devices, use the OSI model and understand Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and wireless networks, understand data routing and common network protocols such as NetBEUI and TCP/IP, discover TCP/IP services, understand older network protocols [...]
still used today,
such as IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, Apple Open Transport, and IPv6, examine the infrastructure of a local area network, distinguish the different methods used to connect networks together through the public carrier services, understand the different methods of remote networking, understand and implement relevant aspects of network security, apply disaster recovery principles, describe and employ advanced data storage techniques, understand and implement network troubleshooting procedures, and describe the basics of the network operating systems in use today.
专家们相信,斐济通过非式网络就司 法协助事项进行了有效合作,但鼓励斐济考虑签订双边或多边协定或做出安排 以分利用第 46 条。
Experts believed that Fiji effectively cooperates in mutual
legal assistance
[...] matters through informal networks, but encouraged Fiji to consider entering into bilateral or multilateral agreements or arrangements to use article 46 to its full extent.
总干事的代表还解释了政府间海洋学委员会的下派机构不属于教科文组织总部外的式网络,而 是那些对政府间海洋学委员会非常重要,却又未设委员会代表职能的项目的办公 室组成分。
It was also clarified that IOC’s decentralized antennae are not formally part of the UNESCO field network, rather constituting a subset of project offices of great [...]
to IOC but without representational functions.
该代表还指出,粮食和农业核技术联合司还与食品中兽药残留法典委员会合作, 通过粮食和农业核技术联合司食品污染物和残留信息系 网络 应 用 系统 布 了 多 项 分析 方法。
The Representative also noted that the Joint FAO/IAEA Division had collaborated with the Committee on Residues of
Veterinary Drugs in Foods in
[...] publishing analytical methods through the Joint FAO/IAEA Division Food Contaminant and Residue Information System (FCRIS) web application system.
通过并购或创设,Bourns 仍在持续不断地发展壮大。 现今公司产品线包括精密电位器、面板控制器、编码器、电阻器/电容 网络 、 片 式 电 阻器/阵列、电感器、变压器、自恢复保险丝、晶闸管过压保护器、馈线电阻器、气体放电管、电话局保护器、5 针保护器、工业信号、灌溉及石油保护器、CATV 同轴电缆保护器、信号数据保护器、室内外 POT 分路器、网络接口 器件以及集成电路等。
Product lines now include precision potentiometers, panel
controls, encoders,
[...] resistor/capacitor networks, chip resistors/arrays, inductors, transformers, resettable fuses, thyristor-based overvoltage protectors, line feed resistors, gas discharge tubes, telephone station protectors, 5-pin protectors, industrial signal, irrigation and petroleum protectors, CATV coax protectors, signal data protectors, indoor and outdoor POT splitters, network interface devices, [...]
and integrated circuits.
在现场网络布建上,IES-3062GT和IES-1062GT工业以太网交换机可依据每个楼层与中控室的距离,采用以太网连结网络监视器与千兆主干网络,或是采用光纤传输 式 连 接 摄像机和千兆主干网。
Depended on the distance from the
level at issue to the
[...] central control room, IES-3062GT and IES-1062GT is installed to connect to the IP cameras and link to the Gigabit backbone network or deployed to enable optic fiber connections to the cameras and the Gigabit backbone network.
根据中兴通讯C-RAN的实际部署案例测算,C-RAN架构跟当前广泛应用 分布式 共 站 址方式相比,节省接网的CA PEX可达20%、OPEX约63%、10年的TCO约40%,有效减少1/3工程建设周期。
Based on the actual deployment cases of ZTE C-RAN, it is estimated that the ZTE C-RAN
architecture can, compared to the
[...] commonly distributed station address mode, save 20 percent CAPEX of access networks, about 63 percent [...]
OPEX, about 40 percent
TCO for 10 years, and reduce one-third of the construction cycle.
我們有這樣的一項建議即:若以發行紅利證券 式 發 行 新一類證券,而該新 一類證券涉及可認購或購買股份的期權、權證或類似權利,則有關證券持有 人最低數目分布的規 定並不適用,是因為這項建議可解決上市發行人的實 際困難,那就是:上市發行人在發行紅利證券時,未能確定現有股東身份及 數目。
Our proposal to disapply the minimum spread requirement in the event of a bonus issue of a new class of securities involving options, warrants or similar rights to subscribe or purchase shares addresses practical difficulties where listed issuers cannot ascertain the identity and number of existing shareholders in the case of a bonus issue of such securities.
民政事務局局長 回應時表示,民政事務總署已布指 引 ,當中載列各項一般的 規定,包括撥款的涵蓋範圍、申請資格及審批準則、處理申請 的程序,以及其他與採購程序有關的行政及財務安排等,確保 區議會以公開、公平、具透明度的 式 , 分 配 用 以推行社區參 與計劃的撥款。
SHA responded that the Home
[...] Affairs Department had promulgated guidelines, which set out general requirements on the ambit of funds, application and vetting criteria, processing procedures, administrative and financial arrangements on procurement procedures etc, to ensure that the funds for CI projects were allocated by DCs in an open, fair and transparent manner.




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