

单词 分外



external secretion (e.g. saliva)


exocrine gland
gland producing external secretion (e.g. saliva)

External sources (not reviewed)

由於分外源性 激素已知可令人類致癌,國際當 局一般會嚴格管制甚至禁止食物中出現這些外源性激素。
As some exogenous hormones are [...]
found to be carcinogenic to humans, international authorities usually exercise strict control
over or even prohibition of the occurrence of such exogenous hormones in foods.
关于驱逐出境的理由,一些发言者强调了 分外 国 人 是在一国境内合法居 留或非法居留的重要性,这是国家实践中经常支持的一种区分。
With regard to the grounds for expulsion, a number of
speakers stressed the importance of the
[...] distinction between aliens lawfully and those [...]
unlawfully present in the territory of
a State, a distinction that was frequently borne out by State practice.
分外螺纹 连接都可用作穿孔接头、但管螺纹端相 对于卡套管接头端较小的外螺纹连接不能实现穿孔、 [...]
Most male connectors
[...] are available as a bored-through fitting, but [...]
male connectors whose pipe thread end is small relative
to the tube fitting end—such as -600-1-2 or -8M0-1-2RT—cannot be bored through.
此外, 它可以考虑建立一个区域基础设施发展基金,把该区域一小 分外 汇 储 备用于基 础设施筹资。
In addition, it could consider creating a regional
infrastructure development fund to
[...] deploy a small part of the region’s foreign exchange reserves [...]
for infrastructure financing.
[...] 为“生命之水”国际行动十年努力的组成 分 ,外 层空 间委员会还应当着眼于加强在水管理方案中使 [...]
As part of its efforts to enrich the current
International Decade for Action, “Water
[...] for Life”, the Outer Space Committee [...]
should also focus on enhancing the use of space-derived
water in water management programmes.
这 些节省额来自在整个期间在喀土穆和奥贝德提供内部自办的更具成本效益的地 面装运服务,而不是外包给商业供应商;在维护和修理直升机停机坪方面有所改 进,从而能够更有效率地管理机队,减少将直升机运到或再运到卡杜格莉的需要,
因此减少了空中飞行时间;减少零部件库存,因为老化的中型和重型车队的主要 维修工作及事故维修和油漆采取了外包的方式;车辆更换减少,因为将车辆从喀
[...] 土穆调往各区和队部,支助与《全面和平协议》有关的活动;在喀土穆,调度服 务分外包, 以满足由于可用车辆减少而导致的不断增长的需求。
These savings stem from the provision of more cost-effective ground handling services in-house in Khartoum and El Obeid for the full period rather than contracting out to commercial vendors, the reduction of air flight hours, as improvements in maintenance and repairs to helipads have allowed for more efficient air fleet management that result in lower requirements for helicopters to position or reposition in Kadugli, the reduction in the holding of spare parts as major maintenance work for ageing medium and heavy vehicle fleets, as accident repair and painting is outsourced, the reduction in vehicle replacements, as vehicles are redeployed from Khartoum to the sectors and team sites in support of Comprehensive Peace
Agreement-related activities, and
[...] dispatch service is outsourced in part in Khartoum to [...]
accommodate the increase in demand,
as fewer vehicles are available.
除 銀 行 借 款 的 非 流 動分 外,所 有 借 款 均 於 一 年 內 到 期。
Withtheexceptionofthe non-current portion of bank borrowings, [...]
all borrowings are repayable within one year.
在欧洲联盟委员会的支助下,按标准重建和装备了“Migramol”项目的一分――外国人临时安置中心,并于 2008 年 4 [...]
With the support of the European Commission, part of the
“Migramol” project, the Centre of
[...] Temporary Placement of Foreigners was rebuild and [...]
equipped in accordance with the standards,
which was subsequently put into commission in April 2008.
许多发言者指出,绝大分外国直 接投资集中于采矿业和初级商品,这些 部门与国内其他经济部门的联系很少,而且没有多少创造就业的空间,很容易受 [...]
Many speakers noted
[...] that the bulk of foreign direct investment [...]
had been concentrated in extractive industries and commodities,
which were sectors with few links to the rest of the domestic economy with little space for job creation and high exposure to external shocks.
(i) 玻璃窗或玻璃牆系統構成一幢建築物地面層以上的整 幅或分外牆;
(i) the window or window wall system is to
[...] form wholly or partly the external wall above ground [...]
floor of a building; and
在巴克瓦.施木那村,尘土飞扬的街道 分外 热 闹 :小贩在兜售装备、饥饿的矿工涌入餐馆、钻石商绞尽脑汁地讨价还价。
In the village of Bakwa Tshimuna, the dusty streets buzz with activity: vendors selling equipment, restaurants catering to famished miners, and diamond merchants vying for the best possible margin.
2008 年初,作为有关两用物品各项规定执行情况执法活动的一 分 , 外 交和 欧洲一体化事务部将同克罗地亚商会一道组织一个讲习班,将学术界及公共和私 营部门的人员聚集起来。
At the beginning of 2008, as part of the enforcement activities regarding the implementation of the provisions concerning dual-use items, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European [...]
Integration, together
with Croatian Chamber of Commerce, will organize a workshop bringing together members of academia and the public and private sector.
适用于希望在卢森堡从业(例如通过成 立或管理卢森堡UCITS)的外国管理公司 的法规,与上述内容一样,包括授权、适 用法律以及监管机构之间责任分  (外国监 管机构监管管理公司的活动;  CSSF对基金的监管)。
The rules applicable to foreign management companies wanting to act in Luxembourg e.g. by establishing or managing a Luxembourg UCITS obviously mirror exactly those described above, in
terms of authorisation,
[...] applicable law and split of responsibility between regulators (supervision of the management company’s activities by the foreign regulator, supervision [...]
of the fund by the CSSF).
在对 186 EX/6 号文件第 VI 部分--《外聘审 计员关于国际促进文化发展基金(FIPC) [...]
审计报告的落实情况和总干事的建议》和 186 EX/39 号文件--《重新启动国际促进文化发展 基金(FIPC)》进行讨论之后,执行局第一八六届会议决定重启基金并重新开展基金活动
(第 186 EX/6 号决定第 V 部分第 6 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 6 段)。
At its 186th session, the Executive
Board decided to revitalize the Fund and to
[...] reactivate its activities (186 EX/Decision [...]
6-V para. 6 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para.
6) following discussion of documents 186 EX/6 Part VI – Follow-up to the external auditor’s report concerning the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC) and proposals by the Director-General and document 186 EX/39 – Reactivation of the activities of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC).
分外勤业 务单位确定了本两年期必须维持的核心行动,以减缓对受关 [...]
注人口的保护和解决办法可能逐步衰减的趋势;还提出了旨在提高保护和援助标 准的新干预行动。
Most operations have identified core
[...] essential activities that must [...]
be maintained throughout the biennium to mitigate the
risk of a regressive trend in the availability of protection and solutions for persons of concern, as well as priority new interventions to raise standards of protection and assistance in critical situations.
外,分化型 定价战略(国外游客收费高于国内游客)和提供关于如何利用门票的明 确信息似乎可以增加公园收入和游客对较高门票价格的接受度。
[...] having a differentiated pricing strategy (charging foreign visitors more [...]
than national visitors), and providing
clear information on how entrance fees are being utilised seem to increase park income and acceptance of higher fees.
外,分析小 组在编写每一份分析时,应与请求国密切协商,酌 情听取排雷、法律和外交方面的专家意见,并通过执行支助股提供支助。
In addition, in preparing each analysis, the analysing group [...]
in close consultation with the requesting State, should, where
appropriate, draw on expert mine clearance, legal and diplomatic advice, using the Implementation Support Unit (ISU) to provide support.
外,分析小 组还得到了国际禁止地雷运动和红十字国际委员会的专家从两个组织广泛专长的 角度提供的咨询意见,认为这些意见极其有益。
In addition, further to the 7MSP decisions and the practice employed in 2008, the analysing group received [...]
the expert advice of
the ICBL and the ICRC given the broad scope of these organisations’ expertise, concluding that this input provided was extremely useful.
NIRS DA1650 近外分析仪 使用最新的近红外技术,提供给面粉生产企业一个强大的,专用的质量控制工具,是为检测及分析不同种类面粉及保护设备的长期投资而设计的。
Capturing the latest
[...] developments in near infrared (NIR) analysis, the NIRS DA1650 analyzer gives flour [...]
millers a robust, purpose-built
quality control tool, ready-to-use for many flour types and with future-proof features for a lasting return on investment.
FOSS样品磨系列涵盖了湿化学分析和近 外分 析 所需的样品制备的广泛应用。产品范围包括2094和2097均质机,用于高脂高油的大量样品的快速均质;Cemotec™盘式磨用于粉碎固体样品而不损失水分;Cyclotec™旋风磨用于粉碎干样;Knifetec™刀式磨用于制备高脂肪、高水分和高纤维含量的样品。
Sample Mills cover a broad range of sample preparation
applications for both traditional wet
[...] chemistry and near infrared analysis The range [...]
includes Homogenizers 2094 and 2097
for rapid homogenization of larger samples with a high fat or oil content; the Cemotec™ Mill for grinding solid samples without moisture loss; the Cyclotec™ Mill for uniform grinding of dry samples and the Knifetec™ Mill for the preparation of high-fat, high-moisture and fibrous samples.
外,分別有 29%和31%的大中華地區民眾認為塔利班在阿富汗重新奪權是「幾壞」或「好壞」的事。
Besides, a respective of 29% and 31% [...]
publics in GCR believed that Taliban to regain power in Afghanistan was a "somewhat bad" or "very bad" thing.
该计划进一步考虑出售或利用本公司其他剩余的非现金资产盈利、清偿债务,包括或有负债和索赔,并将剩余的现金 外分 派 给 本公司股东。
The Plan further contemplates the sale or monetization of the Company's other remaining non-cash assets, the satisfaction or settlement of its liabilities and obligations,
including contingent liabilities
[...] and claims, and additional distributions of any remaining cash [...]
to the Company's stockholders.
除上文披露外,於 最後可行日期,董事並不知悉任何其他人士於本公司的股份或 相關股份中擁有權益或淡倉,而該等權益或淡倉根據證券及期貨條例第XV部第2及第 3分部的 條文須向本公司作出披露,或直接或間接擁有面值10%或以上任何類別股本 權益(或與該等股本有關的購股權),而該等股本附有權利可於任何情況下在本集團 任何其他成員公司的股東大會上投票。
Save as disclosed above, as at the Latest Practical Date, the Directors are not aware of any other person who had an interest or short
position in the
[...] Shares or underlying Shares of the Company which would fall to be disclosed to the Company under the provisions of Divisions 2 and 3 of Part XV of the SFO, or who was, directly or indirectly, interested in 10% or more of the nominal value [...]
of any class
of share capital, or options in respect of such capital, carrying rights to vote in all circumstances at general meetings of any other member of the Group.
外,分摊会 费在收到缴款之前也被承认为开出发票的收入。
Also, assessed contributions were recognized as revenue on invoicing, prior to the receipt of cash.
(E) 在考慮有關委任兩名或以上董事擔任本公司或本公司擁有權益 之任何其他公司之職務或受薪職位(包括委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 安排時,須就每名董分別提 呈決議案,而每名有關董事均可就各項決議案投票(及 計入法定人數),惟有關其本身委任(或委任條款之安排或修訂或終止有關委任)之 決議案外,及除非(如上所述在任何上述其他公司之職務或受薪職位)該董事連同 其任何聯繫人士擁有分之五 (5)或以上之上述其他公司任何類別股本之已發行股份 或該公司任何類別股份之投票權。
(E) Where arrangements are under consideration concerning the appointment (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company
in which the
[...] Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of [...]
an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent or more of the issued shares of
any class of the equity share capital of such company or of the voting rights of any class of shares of such company.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何 分 之 內 或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人 外 , 任 何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何 分 的 財 物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬 外 ; 而 就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who
[...] finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of handing over the same as soon as is [...]
practicable to an official
and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
[...] 会经常审查不同区域制定的战略、提案、草案和概念,对区域性信息产品/服务进行质量 审查/协助,帮助在各区域范围外分 发 那 些产品,并共同组织某些区域活动。
Responding to the request of the regional CAP teams, the Information Management Team (IMT), located in Paris, frequently reviews strategies, proposals, drafts, and concepts developed in the different regions, provides quality review/input to regional information
products/services, helps with dissemination of
[...] those products outside individual regions, [...]
and co-organizes certain regional events.
外,分析 和 詮釋模型得出的結果 ,以及其後對 各個鐵路計劃 進 行的財務和經濟評估等工作,均極為 [...]
複雜,需要由具備專業知識的 首長級人員負責。
Furthermore, analysis and interpretation [...]
of model results together with the subsequent financial and economic evaluations
on railway projects are a highly complex task that demands professional input at the directorate level.
外,分组还 听取 了顾问介绍关于中国氟氯烃生产技术审计的初步结果,向顾问提出了问题,并提出了一些 [...]
In addition, it had heard a presentation [...]
by a consultant on the preliminary findings of the technical audit of HCFC production
in China, asked questions of the consultant and provided some considerations for the consultant to take into account when finalizing the report on the technical audit, expected to be submitted to the next meeting of the Sub-group.




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