

单词 分化


两极分化 n

polarization n


chemical analysis


chemical composition

External sources (not reviewed)

所有这些问题都值得在伊拉克各方之间举行全面对话,以 分化 解 伊 拉克北 部紧张局势的根源。
All these issues merit a comprehensive dialogue between the Iraqi parties in order to fully address the root causes of tensions in northern Iraq.
[...] 会把重点放在帮助各方做出努力,达成和平的两国 解决方案,并反对任何导致局势进一步两 分化的 行为。
Canada would continue to encourage the General Assembly to focus on assisting the
parties in their efforts towards a peaceful two-State solution and to resist
[...] any further polarization of the situation.
如果没有让步,多年的冲 突将继续上演,而且两分化将继 续加剧。
Without compromise, the protracted conflict will
[...] continue, only deepening polarisation.
此外分化型定价战略(国外游客收费高于国内游客)和提供关于如何利用门票的明 [...]
Further, having a differentiated pricing strategy [...]
(charging foreign visitors more than national visitors), and providing
clear information on how entrance fees are being utilised seem to increase park income and acceptance of higher fees.
[...] 话,对世界上不同文化和民族的个人和人民之间的和平、谅解和友谊至关重要, 而对属于不同文化、宗教和信仰的人表现出的文化偏见、不容忍和仇外心理则导分化并破 坏社会和谐,造成全世界各民族和各国间的仇恨和暴力
Convinced that respect for cultural, ethnic, religious and linguistic diversity, as well as dialogue among and within civilizations, is essential for peace, understanding and friendship among individuals and people of the different cultures and nations of the world, while manifestations of cultural prejudice, intolerance and xenophobia
towards people belonging to
[...] different cultures, religions and beliefs give rise to polarization and disturb [...]
social cohesion, generating
hatred and violence among peoples and nations throughout the world
同样, 应增强与不同文明联盟之间的合作,以发现世界上 不同文化和社会之间正在扩大的两 分化 的 根 源。
In the same way, there should be greater cooperation with the Alliance of
Civilizations, in order to discover the roots of
[...] the growing polarization between cultures and societies [...]
around the world.
[...] 对话:它不是战争而是有如与移民或边界附近地区有关的冲突情态,它常常会使文化差异成 为关系破裂的一个因素,从而使人种变成了对立 分化 的 重 要因素。
The continued strengthening of intercultural communication skills or abilities will be conducive to the continued development of dialogue between stakeholders outside the context of war but in situations of conflict related to migratory processes, cross-border or other situations that highlight the
perception of cultural differences as a factor of disruption, with ethnic factors seen as significant elements
[...] of opposition and differentiation.
全面评估亚美尼亚共和国对阿塞拜疆共和国发动侵略战争的原因和悲剧性 后果,可绝对清楚地看出蓄意屠杀霍贾里镇平民和保卫者,不是一个孤立或零星
[...] 的行为,而是埃里温官方广泛而有系统的暴行政策和做法,其核心是种族优越感、 族分化以及族裔仇恨的可憎理念。
The overall assessment of the causes and tragic consequences of the war unleashed by the Republic of Armenia against the Republic of Azerbaijan makes it absolutely clear that the intentional slaughter of the Khojaly town civilians and defenders was not an isolated or sporadic act, but was part of the official
Yerevan widespread and systematic policy and practice of atrocities, at the core of which are odious ideas of racial
[...] superiority, ethnic differentiation and hatred.
采取的主要措施旨在通过促进收入的增加并改善居民的生活条件,以减轻 社分化并改善农村和城市周边弱势群体的社会经济权利的落实情况。
The principal measures aim to
[...] reduce the social divide and improve realization [...]
of the socio-economic rights of vulnerable
groups in both rural and peri-urban environments, by encouraging income growth and improving living conditions.
[...] 津貼,鼓勵同㆒座樓宇(即大部份單位已出售)餘㆘還未出售的租戶搬走,避免同㆒座樓 宇有「賣」有「租」可能出現分化 和 矛 盾。
Meanwhile, I also suggest that the removal or special allowance be raised to encourage the few remaining tenants of a block with
most of its flats sold to move out,
[...] in order that the polarization and confrontation [...]
of owners and tenants can be averted.
民間全民投票或模擬全民投票雖然不需要這個基礎,但卻需要另外一個層次的社會共識,才能抵消投票本身 分化 作 用
Although civil or mock referendums do not need this foundation, they still need
a social consensus at another level in order
[...] to counteract the polarizing effort brought about [...]
by the referendum itself.
大遊行已經收到即時的效果:政府被迫延期立法,建制內 分化 , 中 央從新研判香港的情勢,各方勢力以至傳媒紛紛向民意傾斜。
The aftermath of the demonstration made the whole
event seemingly "a victory of public
[...] opinion": The internal split of the administration, [...]
the postponement of the legislation,
and the re-evaluation of Hong Kong's situation by the Chinese government.
根据双方达成的协议,COARE将负责对双肾上腺皮质激素样激酶1(DCLK1)在癌症干细胞增 分化 过 程 中的作用开展开创性研究,包括相关的筛查试剂和技术。
Under terms of this agreement, COARE contributes its pioneering research on the role of
Doublecortin-like Kinase 1 (DCLK1) in
[...] proliferation and differentiation of CSC including [...]
relevant screening reagents and know-how.
不要把这些从卢旺达动员的前解放卢旺达民主力量战斗人员同解放卢旺达民主力 分化 团体 “Mandevu”混淆起来;后者也正在与 [...]
M23 并肩战斗。
These ex-FDLR combatants remobilized from Rwanda should not be confused
[...] with the FDLR splinter group “Mandevu”, [...]
which is also fighting alongside M23.
(e) 政府當局建議為不同家庭組別提供紓緩措施,以及利用商品 及服務稅帶來的額外收入去增加教育、
[...] 生及社會福利等範 疇的公共開支的方案,可能會引起社會各界的不同意見,對 整體社會造分化。
(e) The Administration’s proposed compensation packages for different household groups, together with the options for utilizing the additional revenue from GST to increase public expenditure in areas like education, health and social welfare, may
attract diverse views from different sectors of the
[...] community, thus having a divisive effect for the community [...]
as a whole.
种族隔离”应构成已经或打算实施、从而导致强制某人基于其种族、族 群或肤色实行隔离分化或分离的 任何行为。
Racial segregation” shall constitute any act,
committed or intended, which leads to
[...] compulsory separation, differentiation or disassociation [...]
of persons based on their race, ethnicity or skin colour.
[...] 方面,古巴代表团考虑到就上述问题开展了长期审议,以及有关该问题存在反对分化意见 ,建议就如何结束审议开展讨论。
The working group agreed that deliberations on the topic should continue, and in this regard the Cuban delegation suggested holding discussions on how to put an end to the deliberations, taking into
account the long-lasting consideration of the referred topic and
[...] the opposite and polarized points of views on [...]
the issue.
也将探索其他功能,如引文提取、专利态势直 化/分 析、图像相似性检索、专利分类、 化 学 和基因信息提取。
Other functions such as
[...] citation extraction, patent landscape visualization/analysis, image similarity searching, patent [...]
family grouping,
chemical and gene information extraction will also be explored.
进一步分析表明黄山短尾猴与四川短尾猴之间存在着极显著的遗 分化 ( FS T = 0.399,P<0.001),基于最大似然法和邻接法构建的系统发生树均将两者聚为不同的类群,支持将它们归入各自的管理单元 [动物学报52(4): 724–730, 2006]。
The phylogenetic tree and AMOVA analysis demonstrated that there were distinctive genetic divergences between the two Tibetan macaque populations (FST = 0.399, P<0.001), supporting the treatment of the Huangshan and Sichuan Tibetan macaque populations as two different management units [Acta Zoologica Sinica 52(4):724–730, 2006].
自发分化是神经干细胞的特性,而之前的很多关于神经干细胞定 分化 的 研 究都没有考虑到自发 分化 对 实 验结果的影响,因此,自发 分化 成 为 研究神经干细胞生物学特点及临床应用必须面对的问题。
Spontaneous differentiation, a characteristic of neural stem cells, is not taken into account in investigating the influential factors on experimental results in many previous studies regarding oriented differentiation of neural [...]
stem cells.
从一个社分化的观点来看谁 是输家和赢家,看来中国、欧盟和其他外商投资者是「赢家,而劳工们则是输家,只 [...]
是在不同的时间有不同的程度」而已(Au 2006)。
Taking a socially more differentiating look at the wins [...]
and losses, it appears that companies – Chinese, EU and other foreign
investors – are “winners, while workers are losers, albeit to different degrees under different time frames” (Au, 2006).
[...] 括许多关键性的城市挑战的方式上仍然有效,然而,当前紧迫的发展状况,包括快速城化、分散化、食 品安全、价格和能源供应的波动、全球金融危机以及气候变化,还有人们 [...]
The strategy remains valid in the way it frames many of the key city challenges; however, recent
and pressing developments,
[...] including rapid urbanization, decentralization, food security, [...]
volatile prices and supply of
energy, the global financial crisis, climate change, and the increasing recognition of the role cities play in national economic development, are compelling reasons to review the urban agenda and ensure that the Bank, in conjunction with its development partners, remains relevant and positioned to fulfill its intellectual leadership role.
为了实现这一目的,各国必须在警察当局内建立专 化分 工, 并对所有参与少年司法管理工作的人员进行专业化培训。
To achieve such purpose, States should establish specialization within the police and provide for specialized training for all officials involved in the administration of juvenile justice.
截至 2008 年 2 月,基金提供了总额为 100
万美元的机构赠款,支助进行宣传和政策工作, 响应论坛关于以下问题的建议:土著妇女问题;在亚洲对第一个世界土著人民国
[...] 际十年进行的评估;没有固定居所的土著人民;推动土著人民通信事业以促进发 展;特性、权力和权利;编制空间和 化分 布 图;以及气候变化。
By February 2008, the Fund provided institutional grants for a total amount of $1 million to support advocacy and policy work and in response to the Forum’s recommendations on issues related to indigenous women; the assessment of the first International Decade of the World’s Indigenous Peoples in Asia; mobile indigenous peoples;
indigenous peoples’ communication for development; identity, power and rights;
[...] spatial and cultural mapping; and climate change.
台式高速微量离心机广泛应用于生物学、分子生物学、临床诊断、 化分 析等 领域,用于细胞、蛋白质、病毒样品等的分离。
High speed micro-centrifuge range is widely used in physical and chemistry analysis, biochemistry, cellular and molecular biology, clinical Labs and blood donation centers, and is ideal for high-end research applications
[...] 对话,包括就与教科文组织《世界文化多样性宣言》(2001)和 教科文组织文化领域的公约有关的专题举行大量讲座、公开对话和研讨会;(ii) 展览:有关考 古、文艺复兴、化分层、 非洲、美洲和欧洲当代艺术和“从战争到人的尊严”专题的五大展 览;(iii) 文化表现形式:借助于 2005 年教科文组织《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》, [...]
The Forum will be divided into three main sections: (i) dialogues, with a rich offer of lectures, public conversations and symposia on various topics related to the principles of the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity (2001) and of
UNESCO conventions in
[...] the field of culture; (ii) exhibitions, comprising five major exhibitions on archaeology, the Renaissance, cultural stratifications, contemporary [...]
African, American
and European art, and on the topic “from war to human dignity”; (iii) cultural expressions, with a full programme of music, drama and dance events, free performances and virtual events, drawing upon the 2005 UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions.
需要进一步分析的领域包括:下一个三年期的项目支助费用和资源再分配; 对约谈各机构期间查明的问题进行的 化分 析 ;协调各项多边环境协定的报告要求,以查 明发挥联合优势的机会和避免重叠;评估今后对未支出经费的使用;说明机构之间的无收 费互换服务;提高报告的透明度;项目执行方法;环境规划署/履约协助方案活动的管理与 核算;确定有关的关键业绩指标。
Areas requiring further analysis included: projected support costs for the next triennium and reallocation of resources; quantitative analysis of issues identified during interviews with agencies; harmonization of reporting requirements across MEAs to identify opportunities for synergy and avoid overlaps; assessment of future use of unspent funds; accounting for in-kind services between agencies; improving transparency in reporting; project implementation approaches; management and accounting of UNEP/CAP activities; and determination of relevant key performance indicators.
尝试对改革派和 强硬派加以区分可能会适得其反,会在目前就 改革进程建立最广泛共识的关键时期里 化分 裂。
Attempting to conduct a triage of reformists and hardliners is likely to be counterproductive, tending to increase divisions at a time when it is critical to build the broadest possible consensus behind the reform process.
讲 习班的预期成果是:(a) 供承包者用于向海管局报告与其承包区有关的动物的情 况的标化分类检 索表;(b) 供科研人员和海洋科学研究机构收集有关这一区域 的动物的数据和信息使用的标化分 类 检 索表;(c) 可用于编写“区域”内活动 造成的克拉里昂-克利珀顿区海洋环境状况的定期报告的一种手段。
The expected outcomes of the workshops will be: (a) standardized identification keys that will be used by all contractors in reporting to the Authority on fauna associated
with their contract
[...] areas, (b) standardized identification keys for use by scientific researchers and marine scientific research institutions to gather data and information on fauna in these areas and (c) a means by which periodic reports on the state [...]
of the marine environment
in the Clarion-Clipperton Zone resulting from activities in the Area may be prepared.




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