

单词 分切

External sources (not reviewed)

我们作为亚太经社会成员和准成员的代表,重申我们的承诺, 要分切实执 行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》,以及大会第二十三届特别 [...]
We, the Representatives of the members and
associate members of ESCAP, reaffirm our
[...] commitment to the full and effective [...]
implementation of the Beijing Declaration and
Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly.
(e) 采取分切实行 动,实施联合国千年宣言,同时认识到两性平等 [...]
(e) To undertake full and effective [...]
action for the implementation of the United Nations Millennium Declaration, recognizing
that gender equality is a goal in its own right and is central to all other goals
這類產品的例子有分切的麪 包和蛋糕、 分切 的 芝 士、乾蛋 麫等。
Examples of such products are pre-sliced bread and cake, pre-sliced cheese, dried egg noodles, etc.
分切薄刀 砂轮具有高效磨削性能及独特的使用寿命,磨削出 分切 薄 刀刃口锋利,光洁度高,刃口耐用。
Cutting thin knife grinding wheel with high performance and unique life, grinding out cutting thin knife edge [...]
sharpness, high degree of finish, durable edge.
[...] 中包括"融資及保養")及方案2(當中亦包括"擁有及營運")並非分切合實 際,不應作為切實可行的方案以供比較之用。
The Specialist Adviser has commented that the other scenarios used for comparison, Scenario 1B (which also includes "finance and maintain") and
Scenario 2 (which includes also "own and
[...] operate") are not sufficiently realistic to [...]
be considered practical options for meaningful comparison.
虽然在蒙得维的亚通过的行动计划中的十点都 分切 合 实际,但同时还应在国家层面 上批准并实施第 7 项承诺:“通过其主管领域范围内的正规教育和(或)通过非正规和非正 式教育行动,反对种族主义、歧视和仇外心理”,特别应该牢记的是,近年来,随着涌向北 [...]
While the ten points of the Plan of
Action adopted in
[...] Montevideo are all highly pertinent, Commitment No. 7, “Combat racism, discrimination and xenophobia [...]
through formal education
in the scope of their competences and/or through non-formal and informal educational actions” should be endorsed and implemented at the national level, particularly bearing in mind that such problems have increased in recent years as a result of growing immigration to North America and Europe.
66 进纸 (切纸位置 +
[...] [n x )垂直动作单位)]), 并且分切纸(纸正中间一点不切) 。
66 Feeds paper (cutting position + [n x )vertical motion unit)]), And
[...] cuts the paper partially (one point center uncut).
我们将确保地雷受害者分、切实地 参与和融入其社区的社会、文化、经 济和政治生活。
We will ensure the full and effective participation [...]
and inclusion of mine victims in the social, cultural, economic and
political life of their communities.
所以,77 国集团和中国期待着看到一个建设性和积极的筹备进程,这一进 程将创造必要的条件,使结果文件能够明确提及确立新的发展范式和方针的需 要。这种范式和方针把调动政治意愿和和所需资金以便采用新的、恢复平衡的全 球发展途径的必要性,以及改革全球经济治理的问题置于中心位置;同时向发展 中国家提供奉行本国掌控、符合国情的发展政策以便最大限度地为人人带来繁荣 和福利所需的恰当的政策空间;并且加强发展中国家的生产能力,以便 分 、切 实地参与全球经济体系。
The Group of 77 and China therefore looks forward to a constructive and positive preparatory process which builds the comfort level necessary for the outcome document to have an explicit reference to the need for new development paradigm and approach which, among others, places at its heart the need to mobilize political will and attending financial resources for a renewed and rebalanced global approach to development, as well as the issue of the reform of the global economic governance; affording developing countries the adequate policy space necessary to pursue nationally-owned and specifically tailored development policies to maximize prosperity and welfare for all; and strengthening the productive capacities of developing countries to fully and meaningfully engage in the global economic system.
确认增强女孩能力是打破歧视与暴力循环、促进和保护女孩 分切 实 享受人 权的关键所在,此外还确认增强女孩的能力需要得到其父母、法定监护人、家庭、 [...]
Recognizing that the empowerment of girls is key in breaking the cycle of
discrimination and violence and in promoting and
[...] protecting the full and effective [...]
enjoyment of their human rights, and further
recognizing that empowering girls requires the active support and engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families, boys and men, as well as the wider community
这是目前中国一类的国家存在的一个 分切 实 的问 题。
This issue is now a very real one in countries such as China.
今天,我们不仅要纪念德班会议,而且要重申我 们全球坚定的政治承诺,即,分、 切 实 执 行《德班 宣言和行动纲领》以及 2009 年德班审查会议的成果。
Today, we not only commemorate Durban but reaffirm and renew our firm global political commitment to the full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and the outcome of the Durban Review Conference in 2009.
为便利残疾人诉诸法律,突尼斯已采取措施,确保他们能以受害人、嫌疑 人和证人的分切实有 效地在法律程序的所有阶段诉诸法院,这些措施包括为审 判室配备经宣誓的手语译员。
In order to facilitate legal recourse for persons with disabilities, Tunisia has taken measures to ensure their practical access to courts, as victims, suspects and witnesses, at all stages of legal proceedings, including by assigning sworn sign language interpreters to courtrooms.
重申广泛存在赤贫现象妨碍分切实 地 享受人权,在某些情况下可能对生命 [...]
权构成威胁,因此,立即减轻并最终消灭赤贫现象仍然必须是国际社会的高度优 先事项
Reaffirming that, since the existence of widespread extreme
[...] poverty inhibits the full and effective [...]
enjoyment of human rights and might, in some
situations, constitute a threat to the right to life, its immediate alleviation and eventual eradication must remain a high priority for the international community
分切薄刀 有:硬质合金刀片、各种材质的高速 分切 刀 片 ,供不同客户的需求。
Cutting thin knife: hard alloy blade, all kinds of materials of high speed steel cutting [...]
blade, for different customer needs.
我们期 待本次全体会议结束时通过宣言草案( 1H A/66/L.2),籍 以重申我们继续分、切实执行《德班宣言和行动纲 领》的政治意愿。
We look forward to the adoption of the draft declaration (A/66/L.2) at the end of this plenary meeting, renewing our political will to continue the full and effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action.
所以,本集团希望,移徙问题能够 得到分、切实处 理,因为这一问题非常重要而且与贸发会议广泛的工作相关。
The Group therefore expects that this issue will be addressed in a full and meaningful manner due to its importance, and the relevance of migration to the broader work of UNCTAD.
委员会建议缔约国采取一切必要措施,按照《公约》第 13 条和第 15 条 规定,确保分切实落 实言论自由和结社与和平集会自由权利。
The Committee recommends that the State party take all
necessary measures to
[...] ensure the full practical implementation of the rights to freedom of expression and freedom of association and peaceful assembly, in accordance with articles 13 and 15 [...]
of the Convention.
该通道被分切除收 集的小论文,在大多数匿名的一部分发布。
The excised passages were partly collected in small treatises, published for the most part anonymously.
作为市场合作伙伴,Umeco是VICTREX PEEK
[...] 应用在复合材料部件生产的脱模薄膜,加工和真空袋薄膜等方面的可靠资源,提供包 分切 、 打孔以及技术服务等在内的具附加价值的专业技能。
As a marketing partner, Umeco will be a reliable source for VICTREX PEEK polymer-based films for release, processing,
and bagging films for composite part production while providing expertise in value-added
[...] processing including slitting, perforation and [...]
technical service.
在这方面,妇女必须分、切实参 与预防冲突工 作的各个方面和各个阶段以及和平解决争端的各个 方面。
In that regard, the full and effective participation of women at all levels and stages of the prevention of conflict, as well as in all aspects of the peaceful settlement and resolution of disputes, is critical.
其外观设计是根据Bora的整体造型和结构比例打造而成,但Merak的溜背式外形是在座椅后方垂 分切 而 成 ,后行李箱盖上方的“飞拱”结构为车身营造出流畅连贯的造型轮廓。
The styling was derived from the general shape and proportions of the Bora, but the fastback shape was cut vertically right behind the seats and only 'flying buttresses' above the rear trunklid maintained a continuous silhouette.
回顾有关儿童权利,尤其是有关女童权利的各项人权文书和其他文书,包括 《儿童权利公约》、1 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》2 和《残疾人权利公约》3 以及这些公约的任择议定书,4 确认在消除针对女童的各种形式歧视和暴力以及承认女童的权利方面取得 了进展,但歧视女童和侵犯女童人权的行为继续存在,重申需在这方面加紧努力, 确认增强女童能力是减少歧视与暴力、促进和保护女童 分切 实 享 受人权的 关键所在,此外还确认增强女童的能力需要得到其父母、法定监护人、家庭、男 孩和男子以及更广大社区的积极支持和参与
that the empowerment of girls is key in decreasing discrimination and violence and in promoting and protecting the full and effective enjoyment of their human rights, and further recognizing that empowering girls requires the active support and engagement of their parents, legal guardians, families, boys and men, as well as the wider community, 1.
生产设备及仪器:各种胶粘制品与光学膜制造加工过程上料、涂布、干燥、卷取、贴合、复卷 分切 、 模 切 、 包 装等相关设备,包括精密涂布设备、分條机 分切 机 、复卷机、复合机、自动切台,模切设备、模具、刀片,挤出复合设备、模压机,贴合机、贴标机、打包机、缠绕机,反应塔、搅拌器、张力调控装置、静电消除器、辊筒,蒸镀/溅镀/CVD技術、真空成膜设备,卷筒卷取设备、拉丝机、电晕处理、表面处理设备、涂层干燥设备,洁净、防护系统,分析/测量/测试仪器及相关控制系统,相关包装及印刷设备等。
A production equipment and instrument: all kinds of adhesive products and manufacturing process on optical film coating materials, coiling, dry, and
laminating machine,
[...] rewinding machine, cutting machine, die-cutting, packaging and related equipment, including precision coating equipment, slitting machine, cutting [...]
machine, rewinding
machine, cutting machine, automatic compound, die-cutting machine equipment, mould, knives, composite extrusion moulding machine, equipment, laminating machine, labeling machines, packer, winding machine, reaction, mixer, tension control device, static-eliminator and rollers, steamed plating/with/CVD technology, vacuum film equipment, coiling device, drawbench, corona processing, surface treatment equipment, coating and drying equipment, clean and protection system, analysis/measurement/testing instruments and related control system, packaging and printing equipment, etc.
由于棒材分布好 (一个齿只放一根棒 材) ,冷剪工作周期快;最佳对中 和传统切分法轧制相比,收得率高是 HSD® 系统最大的优点。
Faster cycle on cold shear due to better distribution of bars (one bar per notch) and best alignment.
[...] 上无效,要求土耳其撤消该宣言,并且“严重关切到在塞浦路斯共和国被占领地 区内又进一步发生分离主义行动”,谴责“ 切分 离 主义行动,包括土耳其和土 族塞人领导声称互派大使的行动”,要求所有国家“不承认以分离主义行动建立 [...]
The Security Council declared this action as legally invalid, called for its withdrawal, and being “gravely concerned about the
further secessionist acts in
[...] the occupied part of the Republic of Cyprus”, condemned “all secessionist actions, [...]
including the purported
exchange of Ambassadors between Turkey and the Turkish Cypriot leadership”, and called upon all States “not to recognize the purported state of the “Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus” set up by secessionist acts” and called upon them “not to facilitate or in any way assist the aforesaid secessionist entity”.
[...] 在任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處所任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北鐵路車輛或鐵路處 所任何分,但目的為切實可 行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or
any part of the railway
[...] premises any property lost or left behind therein, save for the purpose of [...]
handing over the same as
soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
(c) 倘若條例草案的政策原意是禁止職訓局運用立法會撥款進行
[...] 域外活動,則條例草案的條文並未有處理職訓局如何 切分 配資 源,例如就本港及域外活動兩方面的人力資源確切調配 [...]
(c) If the policy intention of the Bill is to prohibit VTC from using the moneys appropriated by the Legislative
Council to finance extra-territorial
[...] activities, the exact allocation of resources [...]
of VTC such as manpower with respect to
Hong Kong and extra-territorial activities is not addressed by provisions in the Bill.
我们必须为青年人提供他们所需要的 切 , 分 享 他 们的想法并为他们而战--解 决失业与贫困问题,消除性别不平等及一切形式歧视,与各种疾病和边缘化作斗争。
We must provide young
[...] people with everything they need to share their ideas [...]
and act on them -- to fight unemployment and
poverty, to overcome gender inequality and all forms of discrimination, to tackle diseases and marginalization.
除該等條文所規定者外,兌換股份在各方面與發行兌換股份時已發 行的普通股享有同等地位,並在本公司細則第
6(C)條第 5(C)段及本 第 7 段條文的規限下,賦予兌換股份持有人權利獲得於兌換日期後
[...] 記錄日期普通股所獲派付或作出的 切分 派 ,惟倘於兌換日期後記 錄日期就本公司截至該兌換日期前止任何財務期間作出任何分派, [...]
The Conversion Shares shall, save as provided for in these provisions, rank pari passu in all respects with the Ordinary Shares in issue at the time the Conversion Shares are issued, and shall, subject to the proviso of paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) and this paragraph 7, entitle the holders
thereof to all distributions paid or made on
[...] the Ordinary Shares by reference [...]
to a Record Date falling after the Conversion
Date, provided that if a Record Date after the Conversion Date is in respect of any distribution in respect of any financial period of the Company ended prior to such Conversion Date, the holders of the Conversion Shares will not be entitled to such distribution.




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