单词 | 刁藩都方程 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 刁藩都方程—Diophantine equationSee also:刁藩都—Diophantus of Alexandria (3rd century AD), Greek mathematician 方程n—equationn 方程—mathematical equation
代表团希望,本次审议进程以及预计将在今后举行的其他会议的最后结果将使双方都感到满意。 daccess-ods.un.org | It hoped that the [...] final results of this and other meetings expected to be held in the future would be satisfactory to both sides. daccess-ods.un.org |
请务必勾选下面的方块「取代子容器和资料夹上的拥有者」,让资料夹中所有的档案都能继承变更 (只有当您正在变更资料夹上的权限时)。 knowledge.seagate.com | Be sure to check the box below, "Replace owner on subcontainers and folders" so all files within the folder will inherit the changes (only if you are changing the permissions on a folder). knowledge.seagate.com |
自从我去年在大会发言以来,塞拉利昂继续取得 稳步进展,特别是在我国政府的改革议程中勾画的优 先领域农业、能源、基础设施、健康和教育方面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since I addressed the Assembly last year, Sierra Leone has continued to make steady progress, [...] particularly in the [...] priority sectors outlined in my Government’s agenda for change, namely, agriculture, energy, infrastructure, [...]health and education. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,教科文组织还应动员所有有关各方进行协作,加强各国内部以及跨越国界和跨越文化藩篱的对话。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO should also engage all [...] its stakeholders and intensify dialogue within countries and across frontiers and cultural divides. unesdoc.unesco.org |
例如,三藩市地区一家软体公司的创始人,早在1997年就通 过向朋友和同事发电子邮件的方式,敦促人们 向自己所在地区的民选官员呼吁,制止对当时 总统克林顿的弹劾程序,向前推进(move on) 其他政治议程。 americancorner.org.tw | For example, the founders ofa San Francisco-areasoftware company began e-mailing friends and colleagues in 1997, asking them to urge their elected officials to end the impeachmentprocess against then President Bill Clinton and to “move on”to other policy issues. americancorner.org.tw |
轻触第三方软体选项後,画面会出现第三方软体注意事项说明,在您阅读完 同意书并同意上面的条款後,轻触我同意按钮即完成此动作并回到应用程式设定 画面,同时您会看到此选项上的核取方块显示为已勾选。 camangi.com | Touch the Third Party Applications block and the notice will appear on a pop-up window. After reading the agreement, touch the Agree icon and you will return to the Application settings screen. camangi.com |
工 作组强调,各阶段的和解进程都应建立在了解真相权的基础上,其实现不能以被 强迫失踪受害者在司法和赔偿方面的权利作为代价。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Working Group emphasizes thatevery process of reconciliation needs to be based on the right to the truth and cannot be achieved at the [...] expense of the right of victims of [...]enforced disappearances to justice and reparation. daccess-ods.un.org |
人口基金的代表指出,第六次亚洲及太平洋大会,将为亚太国家勾勒 《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》2014 [...] 年以后工作的未来,并确保将人口动 态全面纳入 2015 年后的发展议程,提供了一个重要机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The representative of UNFPA indicated that the sixth Asian and Pacific Population Conference would be an important opportunity for Asian and Pacific countries to shape the future of the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and [...] Development beyond 2014 and to ensure that population dynamics were fully integrated into [...] the post-2015 development agenda. daccess-ods.un.org |
三藩市身份证提供一些折扣优待,同时可简化 使用市政服务的方便。 sfimmigrantnetwork.org | The City ID also permits certain discounts and allows streamline access to City services. sfimmigrantnetwork.org |
在采取上述(b)及 (c)项的措施後,整个勾地过程所需的时间由大约 10 个星期缩短至大约 [...] 7 个星期。 devb.gov.hk | As a result of (b) and (c) [...] above, the wholeprocess wouldbe shortened [...]from around 10 weeks to about 7 weeks. devb.gov.hk |
一些法律规定允许有限的例外,若为以下情况则允许将单一申请延及集团 其他成员:所有相关当事方都同意将集团一个以上成员列入在内;集团一个成 员的破产可能会影响集团其他成员;申请所涉及的各当事方经济上一体化紧密 难分,例如资产相互掺合,或者控制权或所有权达到了一定的程度;或将集团 视作单一实体具有特殊的法律意义,尤其对重整计划而言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some laws make provision for limited exceptions that allow a single application to be extended to other group members where, for [...] example, all interested parties [...] consent to the inclusion ofmore thanonegroup member; the insolvency of one group member has the potential to affect other group members; the parties to the application are closely economically integrated, such as by intermingling of assets or a specified degree of control or ownership; or [...]consideration [...]of the group as a single entity has special legal relevance, especially in the context of reorganization plans. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别委员会注意到维持和平行动部/外勤支助部题为“新伙伴关系议程:勾画联合国维和的新水平线”的一份非文件。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Special Committee takes note of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department [...] of Field Support non-paper entitled “A [...] New Partnership Agenda: Charting the [...]New Horizon for United Nations peacekeeping”. daccess-ods.un.org |
与他的儿子Daryl一起,他们结合了最新先进的技术提供的机理和自然衍生技术还有秘密的家庭的萃取过程,配方和勾兑技术,并且不断改善和提高他们的秘方,以达到尽量减少皱纹的出现,最大限地度保持男女健康和外观以及防止受损的头发变薄的。 aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com | Together with his son Daryl, they combined the secret family extraction processes, formulas and blending techniques with the very latest technological advancements in delivery mechanisms and naturally derived technologies in order to continually improve and enhance their secret formulas to minimize the appearance of wrinkles and maximize the health and appearance of thinning damaged hair in men and women. aspirations.nat...nesolutions.com |
勾选该方框后,即使硬盘上 存在损坏的扇区,仍将可运行备份操作,这样可确保将硬盘上的信息尽可能多地保存下来。 seagate.com | Selecting thisbox lets you run a backup even if there are bad sectors on the hard disc ensuring that you save as much information from the hard drive as possible. seagate.com |
这将有助于为在各部门内重新安排和分配人力资源勾画出方向,从而做到重点更明确和注重全面的结果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This shall assist in outlining directions for a restructuring and redistribution of staff resources within sectors, leading to a better focus and overall results orientation. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Experian CheetahMail是Experian® [...] (LSE:EXPN)集团旗下的业务,於1998年成立,总部设於纽约市,并於洛杉矶、三藩市、伦敦、都柏林、杜塞尔多夫、阿姆斯特丹、巴黎、巴塞罗那、悉尼、奥克兰、新加坡、香港、北京和墨尔本设有办事处。 ipress.com.hk | Experian CheetahMail, a business unit of Experian (LSE:EXPN), was founded in 1998 and is headquartered in [...] New York City, with offices in Los [...] Angeles, SanFrancisco,London, Dublin, Dusseldorf, [...]Amsterdam, Paris, Barcelona, Sydney, [...]Auckland, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Melbourne. ipress.com.hk |
正 如 费 正 清 指 出 , 丰 厚 的 财 [...] 富 或 税 收 是 他 们 最 後 取 [...] 得 成 功 的 必 要 条 件 , 因 为 若 没 有 广 大 的 经 济 基 础 , 他 们 不 会 有 高 昂的藩镇士气 或 能 使 他 们 取 得 军 事 胜 利 的 新 型西方武器。 hkahe.com | As Fairbank points out, this wealth or high tax yield of them was a prerequisite for their eventual success for without their broad economic bases which provided adequate [...] financial [...] resources, they would not have thathigh han morale or the new Western arms which later made possible their victory. hkahe.com |
举办手工艺基本技能培训班,以及开设识字、识数和生活技能方面的非正 规教育课程,都是为处于社会边缘的青年求职和自谋职业打下基础。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Basic skills training workshops in a craft [...] profession and non-formal educationcourses in literacy, numeracy and life [...]skills are meant to provide [...]the marginalized with outlets of employment and self-employment. unesdoc.unesco.org |
幕 府 的 改 革 大 致 [...] 上 是 失 败 的 ; 但 在 另一方面,个别藩镇的改 革 却 能 够 重 建 其 [...]经 济 及 恢 复 武 士 的 士 气 , 这 使 他 们 在 培 里 赴 日 後 的 一 段 混 乱 时 [...]间 里 享 有 稳 固 的 基 础 。 hkahe.com | The Shogunate efforts were largely unsuccessful while on the other [...] hand reforms in some of the [...] individual domains did restore han finances and samurai morale, [...]giving them a sound foundation [...]during the turmoil of the post-Perry period. hkahe.com |
修建过程中,下面各方都要涉及: 投资者、监理、设计方和建筑项目管理者。 paiz.gov.pl | During the construction processthe following parties [...] are involved: the investor, the supervisor, the designer (architect) [...]and the construction site manager. paiz.gov.pl |
他还指出,如果要在某个联系小组中制定普遍性标准,那么整个过程都会具有多边性质,所有那些没有请求延长淘汰项目的缔约方都可参加。 multilateralfund.org | He also noted that, if general criteria were to be [...] developed in a contact [...] group, thenthe whole processwouldbecomemultilateral in nature and open to those Parties that did not have a phase-out projectfor whichprolongation [...]was being requested. multilateralfund.org |
在收到来文后和就是非曲直作出决定之前,委员会、工作组或报告员可酌情 参阅所有有关联合国机关、机构、专门机构、基金、方案和机制、包括国际文书 所建立的其他条约机构和联合国各项特别程序、其他国际组织、包括有关区域政 府间组织或机构以及可协助审查来文的所有有关国家机构、机关、办事处提供的 有关文件,但条件是委员会应让每一方都有机会在确定的期限内就第三方文件或 资料发表评论。 daccess-ods.un.org | At any time after the receipt of a communication and before a determination on the merits has been reached, the Committee, the Working Group or a Rapporteur, may consult, as appropriate, relevant documentation emanating from all relevant United Nations organs, bodies, specialized agencies, funds, programmes and mechanisms, including the other treaty bodies instituted by [...] international instruments [...] and thespecialprocedures of the United Nations, and other international organizations, including the relevant regional intergovernmental organizations or bodies as well as all relevant State institutions, agencies or offices that may assist in the examination of the communication, provided that the Committee shall affordeach party anopportunity [...]tocomment on such third party [...]documentation or information within fixed time limits. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,通过加拿大 提供的资金,还制定了准则,以提高对杀伤人员地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物如何 阻碍发展的认识,加强地雷行动与发展组织间的协作,确保地雷行动的规划和落 实可促进发展和减贫工作,确保地雷行动与发展计划、方案和预算挂勾,鼓励发 展行为者协助受地雷影响的社区,将地雷行动纳入发展方案,并协助双边和多边 捐助方将地雷行动纳入其发展方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, through funding provided by Canada, guidelines have been developed to increase awareness of how anti-personnel mines and other explosive remnants of war block development, strengthen coordination between mine action and development organisations, ensure mine action planning and implementation promotes development and poverty reduction efforts, ensure mine action is [...] aligned with development plans,programmes and budgets, encourage development [...] actors to assist mine-affected communities and integrate mine action in their development programmingandassist bilateral and multilateral donors to integrate mine action in theirdevelopment programming. daccess-ods.un.org |
总体目标:所有利益攸关方都能够对性别相关问题有所了解,并且能 够通过基层的行动(包括教育、公共政策对话)使性别相关问题概念 化,同时加大宣传力度,将性别相关问题提上议事日程,从而对印度 千年发展目标的实现产生积极的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Goals: stakeholders willdevelop an understanding of gender-related [...] issues and will conceptualize, integrate into and advocate those issues through grass-root level actions, including education, and public policy dialogues, thus positively impacting the achievement of the Millennium DevelopmentGoals agenda in India. daccess-ods.un.org |