

单词 凿石场

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External sources (not reviewed)

公共采购制度应当要求采购实体具备关于 以往的类似交易、相关场和市场结 构的 确 凿 情 报
The public procurement system should require the procuring entity to possess good intelligence on past similar transactions, the relevant marketplace and market structure.
Sahnaya 分区的一支警察巡逻队前往接应水资源部一个迟迟不归的打井队, 该打井队当时正在 Yaman 清真寺后面的场钻凿水井
A police patrol from the subdistrict of Sahnaya went to the aid of a water
resources department squad drilling a water well in a
[...] farm behind the Yaman mosque, because [...]
the squad was late in returning.
他提出了一种用于沥青跑道的理念,并监督 沥青铺设从石场选取骨料到摊铺及压实的全过程。
He developed the concept for the
race track asphalt and supervised the asphalt work from selection of the
[...] aggregate in the quarry to paving and [...]
于是,愚公带领着子孙中有力气的 凿石 头 , 挖泥土,用箕畚搬运到渤海的边上。
They transported the earth and rubble to the Sea of Bo Hai.
在法庭面前必须拿出充 实有力、精准凿和无 可辩驳的证据来证明这项非常严重的控罪。
Robust, accurate and irrefutable evidence must be presented before a court of law to prove this very serious charge.
最 后,报告通过如下内容回顾了石油在南苏丹对华关 系上的核心作用,及其如何同时成为冲突的根源:
[...] 先详细介绍了以中国为首的石油财团如何从北苏丹 转向南苏丹,然后分析了中国发觉自己被卷入了场石油危 机,目前处于尴尬境地,并使南北苏丹之 间的战争言论不断攀升。
Finally, it reviews the role of oil as a centrepiece in relations with China, as well as a source of conflict: first by detailing the transition of Chinese-led oil consortiums from North to South, and then through an
analysis of the
[...] uncomfortable position in which China now finds itself, drawn into an oil crisis and [...]
heightening war rhetoric
between Sudan and South Sudan.
女童经常从事“ vidomegon
[...] ”家政服务、手工贸易和商业而男孩子则在石场、种植园中工作或从事手工贸易。
The girls are mainly involved in vidomegon
domestic service, manual trades and commerce while
[...] the boys work in quarries, on plantations [...]
and in manual trades.26 25.
车桥外壳经过加厚,可适应石场的 苛刻作业环境。
The axle housing is
[...] thickened for tough operation at quarries.
这使其成为维修采矿石场设备 、发电设备和其他旋转设备的理想之选。
This makes it ideal for the repair
[...] of mining and quarry equipment, power [...]
generation machinery, and other rotating equipment.
根据数量非常有限的实地抽样以及对利益攸关方进行约谈,调查团没有 发现转移、处理或储存危险废物的任何 凿 证 据
Based on a limited number of field
samples and stakeholder interviews, the
[...] mission found no conclusive evidence of [...]
the transfer, treatment or storage of hazardous waste.
他的主要科学贡 献包括:中印度洋盆地主要结核矿床的划界和资源开发潜在区域的划分;发现大 型石场,为 板内火山活动提供第一手证据;发现沸石矿床及其与中印度洋盆地 的结核和火山之间的关系;发现微陨坑对澳大利亚微玻璃陨石的影响,这是经查 明类似于月球微陨坑的第一批陆地类似物;发现澳大利亚熔 石场 中 的微玻璃陨 石;绘制海底图和南极东部拉斯曼丘陵进出口航道的普里兹湾地区水深测量图。
His major scientific contributions include delineation of major nodule deposits in Central Indian Basin and demarcation of potential areas for resource
development; discovery of a
[...] large pumice field, which provided first evidence for intraplate volcanism; discovery of zeolite deposits and their relation to nodules and volcanics in Central Indian Ocean Basin; discovery of impact microcrates on Australasian microtektites, the first terrestrial analogs identified akin to lunar microcraters; discovery of minitektites in the Australasian strewn field; mapping the seabed [...]
and charting the
bathymetry of Prydz Bay area for approach channel in the Larsemann Hills, East Antarctica.
只有出于特殊、凿无疑 的原因,才允许豁免竞争程序,例如顾问的服务工作特殊; 顾问是在质量和成本上唯一可以接受的提供所需专业知识的人选;或者在紧急情况中(例 如,冲突后和灾难后),这时往往时间紧迫,寻找三位候选人将对提供服务产生不利影响。
Waivers will only be granted for exceptional, substantiated reasons, for example, where the consultant’s services are unique; where the consultant is the only available source of the required expertise at acceptable levels of quality and cost; or in emergency situations (e.g. post-conflict, post-disaster), where time is often critical and the search for three candidates would negatively impact on service delivery.
沥青混合料中的所有骨料均从专门选定的石场运送到搅拌站,其中有些石场 甚 至 远在几百公 里以外。
All aggregate for the asphalt package was hauled to the
[...] mixing plants from specially selected quarries, some of which were several hundred [...]
kilometres away.
高山的苔原, 高山草甸 高山的溪流, 泥泞的陡崖,干燥山坡,在冰河,草坡,湖岸,潮湿的 场 , 石 质 山坡具unconsolidated山麓碎石附近的砾石, 在山麓碎石里的潮湿的山麓碎石和渗出地区, [...]
通过小川的苔藓,在岩石,岩石裂缝,在溪床里的砾石中, 3500-5400(-5600)米甘肃,青海,四川,新疆,西藏,云南
[不丹,印度(Assam),克什米尔,缅甸,尼泊尔,锡金 ].
Alpine tundra, alpine meadows, alpine brooks,
muddy gravelly slopes,
[...] dry slopes, gravel near glaciers, grassy slopes, lake shores, moist pastures, stony slopes [...]
with unconsolidated
screes, wet screes and seepage areas in screes, moss by streamlets, among rocks, rock crevices, gravel in stream beds, boggy ground by lakes, sandy stream edges, by melting snow or running water, swampy ground, glacier stream beds, peaty soil; 3500-5400(-5600) m. Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Xinjiang, Xizang, Yunnan [Bhutan, India (Assam), Kashmir, Myanmar, Nepal, Sikkim].
劳动法》第 174 和第 175 条指出,“16 岁至 18
[...] 岁的未成年 人不得从事地下采矿、石场和本法第 1 条所述企业的夜班工作。
Articles 174 and 175 of this law says that “Minors from sixteen to
eighteen years old cannot be employed in
[...] underground mines or quarries or night work [...]
in any enterprise covered in article 1 of this law.
由 Jill
[...] Shackelford 领导,位于南奥斯汀,经营着一个 石场 和 两 个沥青厂。
Industrial Asphalt, Inc. led by Jill Shackelford, is based in South Austin
[...] and operates a quarry and two asphalt plants.
[...] 江和Yarlung Zangbo 江,岩石的山坡,干燥场,石灰的 岩石裂缝,森林的温暖和干燥山谷; [...]
Warm and dry valleys along Jinsha
Jiang and Yarlung Zangbo Jiang, rocky
[...] mountain slopes, dry pastures, calcareous rock [...]
crevices, forests; 900--3800 m. W Guizhou,
SW Sichuan, SE Xizang, Yunnan.
废弃的场和采石场的一 种遗患证明过去这一行业对环境的做法是令人遗 憾的。
A legacy of
[...] abandoned mine sites and quarries bears witness to [...]
the unsatisfactory environmental performance of the industry in the past.
这些函 件采用“指控信”或“紧急行动”函的形式,一般会罗列出指控事实,分析适用 的国际法,请相关政府澄清指控是否 凿 , 并吁请各国政府采取特别行动,减少 杀戮或有罪不罚的情况。
These communications take the form of “allegation letters” or “urgent action” letters, which typically set out alleged facts, analyse the applicable international law, seek clarification from the relevant Government on the accuracy of the allegations, and call upon the Government to take particular actions to reduce killings or impunity.
巴勒斯坦的自然资源,特别是土地、水和矿山石场,也 继续被开采,该领土继续受到广泛的环境破坏。
Palestinian natural resources, especially land,
[...] water, and mining quarries, also continue [...]
to be exploited and extensive environmental
damage continues to be caused in the Territory.
下面是对大韩民国和外国专家对事件 场 收 集 到的 凿 证 据 发表的意见的 总结:船体变形;有关人员的陈述;对死亡官兵进行的医学检查;对地震波和次 声波的分析;模拟水下爆炸;对白翎岛水域潮流的分析;收集到的鱼雷部件。
7. The following sums up the opinions of
Korean and foreign
[...] experts on the conclusive evidence collected from the incident site: hull deformation; [...]
statements of
relevant personnel; medical examination of the deceased service members; analysis of seismic and infrasound waves; simulation of underwater explosion; and analysis on currents off Baekryong Island and collected torpedo parts.
一些发言者坚持通过包 括使用全民教育全球监测报告(GMR)等手段进行持续的监控和提供证据 凿 的 报 告,从而为 政策对话和决策提供信息。
Several speakers insisted on the need for continuous monitoring and evidence-based reports, including through the Global Monitoring Report (GMR) to inform policy dialogue and decision-making.
此外,在相应的知识产权登记处进行登记所需时间和成本较多也 是有道理的,因为这类登记将提供较多信息(因为须提供设保资产的具体描述
[...] 和有关转让的信息等等),信息内容可能也更确定(因为登记可以构成或被认为 将提供有关存在某项权利的凿证据 等等)。
In addition, the time and cost required for registration in the relevant intellectual property registry may be justified since such registration would provide more information (for example, because of the specific description of the encumbered assets and the information about transfers) and probably more certain information
(for example, because registration may constitute or be
[...] deemed to provide firm evidence as to [...]
the existence of a right).
因此,法官基于向他出示的证据 裁定,对提交人犯有行政罪的判决证据 凿。
Therefore, on the basis of the evidence before him, the judge‟s decision in finding the author guilty of having committed an administrative offence was well-founded.
缔约国提出,根据《外国人法》,被认为是难民或因其他情况需要保护的 外国人,除了某些例外情况外,有权获得瑞典的居留许可“因其他情况需要保护 的外国人”一语以前已经举例说明,但可以进一步指出,这也包括由于国内或国 外武装冲突,或由于原籍国的其他严重冲突而需要保护的人,有 凿 依 据 感到担 心会受到严重侵犯的人。
The term “an alien otherwise in need of protection” has been exemplified previously, but it might be added that it also includes a person who needs protection because of external or internal armed conflict or, because of other severe conflicts in the country of origin, feels a well-founded fear of being subjected to serious abuse.
当把多个 证据线索链接在一起,检方就可以提起一个比仅仅依据一个目击证人陈述之类直 接证据的案件更加证据凿的案件。
By linking various evidentiary threads together, the prosecution can put forward a case that is much stronger than one based solely on direct evidence, such as eyewitness accounts.
不仅是帮助与Sanmaxi数据库转换工具,程序员,应用程序开发人员,数据库管理员或数据库服务器管理员的生活中起着最重要的角色,因为手动转换(书面)数据库 石场 形 式之一到另一个数据库格式非常耗时不快的过程也就是为什么我们设计和开发的高效和最可靠的数据库转换软件,通过它您可以轻松地迁移或转换您的大容量的数据库记录从MySQL到MSSQL和MSSQL,MySQL在很短的时间跨度仅在单一的点击鼠标的格式。
Only with the help of Sanmaxi database conversion tools which plays most important role in the life of programmers, application developers, database manager or database server
administrator because to converting manually (by
[...] writing) database quarry form one to another [...]
database format is very time consuming
and displeasing process that is why we designed and developed highly effective and most reliable database converter software through which you can comfortably migrate or convert your bulk database records from MySQL to MSSQL and MSSQL to MySQL format in very short span of time only in single mouse click.
深为痛惜在打击恐怖主义斗争中发生了侵犯人权和基本自由的行为以及违 反国际难民和人道主义法的行为, 关切地注意到有些措施可能损害人权和法治,例如在没有按律羁押的依据和 正当法律程序保障的情况下羁押恐怖行为涉嫌人,以相当于将被羁押者置于法律 保护之外的方式剥夺自由,在没有基本司法保障情况下审判涉嫌人,非法剥夺恐 怖活动涉嫌人的自由并将他们移送他处,在未作个别风险评估以断定是否存在凿理由 相信涉嫌人回国有可能遭受酷刑的情况下便遣送涉嫌人回国,以及限制有 效监督反恐措施
Noting with concern measures that can undermine human rights and the rule of law, such as the detention of persons suspected of acts of terrorism in the absence of a legal basis for detention and due process guarantees, the deprivation of liberty that amounts to placing a detained person outside the protection of the law, the trial of suspects without fundamental judicial guarantees, the illegal deprivation of liberty and transfer of individuals suspected of terrorist activities, and the return of suspects to countries without individual assessment of the risk of there being substantial grounds for believing that they would be in danger of subjection to torture, and limitations to effective scrutiny of counter-terrorism measures




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