单词 | 凿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 凿noun, plural—chiselspl凿—certainless common: bore a hole irrefutable authentic chisel or dig Examples:枘凿—incompatible 凿枘—fit like mortise and tenon 妄生穿凿—a forced analogy (idiom); jump to an unwarranted conclusion
既然我们的专责委员会已了解清楚,并且证据确凿,找到了很多数据和理据,指证我刚才读出的第 9.9 段所提出的东西,那我便 觉得我们是责无旁贷。 legco.gov.hk | Since the Select Committee already has a clear grasp of the matters and explicit evidence, data and justifications to prove what is set out in para 9.9 read out just now, I think we are duty-bound. legco.gov.hk |
在没有确凿证据的情况下, 疑点利益归於该前公务员,始属公 平 。 legco.gov.hk | Where the evidence is inconclusive, it is only fair to give the former officer the benefit of the doubt. legco.gov.hk |
至於在樓宇逃生樓梯的围封墙或防护门廊开凿或改动门 口,我们建议将这些工程定为第I级别小型工程项目,因为若这 [...] 些工程要符合结构、规划及消防安全方面的要求,一般都须要 订明建筑专业人士的专业知識。 legco.gov.hk | For formation of or alteration [...] to door openings to the enclosure of escape staircases or the protected lobby, we propose [...]to classify such works as Class I minor works items, as compliance with the structural, planning and fire safety requirements on such works will very often require the expertise of PBPs. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 阻碍火警逃生通道或消防和救援进出途径(因 在墙壁违例开凿门口以增设出入口、安装扇门 不当以致在开门时阻碍其他扇门等原因所 致),因而会在发生火警或意外时造成危险。 legco.gov.hk | (c) obstruction to means of escape or means of access for fire fighting and rescue (caused by unauthorized openings to walls to create additional entrances, improper installation of doors that obstruct one another when opened, etc.), causing danger in the event of a fire or accident. legco.gov.hk |
有确凿证据表 明 该 账 面 价 值 不 能 反 映 当 前 最 佳 估 计 数 的,按 照 当 前 最 佳 估 计 数 对 该 账 面 价 值 进 行 调 整。 zte.com.cn | And book value will be adjusted to the best estimated value if there is certain evidence that the book value is not the best estimation. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
然 而 , 根 据 屋 宇 署 的 执 法 经 验 , 在 这 116 幢 目 标 楼 宇 内 的 分 间 单 位 中,最 常 见 的 违 规 之 处 包 括 因开凿违例门 口 而 导 致 违 反 有 关 逃 生 途 径 的 耐 火 结 构 规 定 、 因 装 设 间 隔 墙 而 阻 碍 走 火 通 道 、 因 进 行 不 合 标 准 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 渗 水 , 以 及 因 过 度 装 设 间 隔 墙 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 楼 板 负 荷 过 重 。 bd.gov.hk | Nevertheless, based on the experience of BD’s enforcement action, the most common irregularities found in the sub-divided flats in these 116 target buildings include formation of unauthorised door openings that contravene the fire-resisting construction requirements of the means of escape, installation of partition walls that block the fire escape routes, sub-standard drainage works that result in water seepage and excessive installation of partition walls and/or thickening of floor screeding that result in overloading of the floor screeding. bd.gov.hk |
年前,香港外籍公务员协会言之凿凿,表示倘若政府不改变关於聘用永久性居民的政 策,该会便会采取法律行动。 legco.gov.hk | A year ago the Association of Expatriate Civil Servants (AECS) was making credible threats of legal action if we did not change our policy on employing permanent residents. legco.gov.hk |
我们今天所说的所有事情,如果政府和警方真的证据确凿,他们便要处理, 不应把它化成政党之间的互相攻击。 legco.gov.hk | About all the things which we have said today, if the Government and the police have solid proof, then they must handle the cases and they cannot dismiss such things as attacks between parties. legco.gov.hk |
较大型的例子是,本港首次以政府合约,签署使用隧道挖进机挖凿直径3.8 米的隧 道,挖去岩石及舖㆖混凝土,可定期於每个工作㆝,完成超过 30 米的工程。 legco.gov.hk | An example in the larger sense is the use for the first time in Hong Kong on a government contract of a tunnel boring machine which is driving through rock and lining with concrete a 3.8 metre diameter tunnel, regularly completing over 30 metres each working day. legco.gov.hk |
事实上,任何人对着一个好像石头般的政府 ― 我记得红十字会有一 个呼吁市民捐血的广告,当中有一个人拿着一个钻石的凿子在钻石头,而我 所看到的政府便好像这个广告内的石头般,无论有多少公众、有多少名立法 会议员作出呼吁 ― 政府还是完全没有任何反应。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, any person facing a government which is like a stone ― I remember an advertisement of the Red Cross calling on the public to give blood and in this advertisement, a person was drilling into a stone. legco.gov.hk |
就负荷过重的问 题而言,对於与分间樓宇单位有关的工程的管制应集中於室内 间隔墙的装设工程与樓板加厚工程之上。这是因为其余兩项常 見工程( 即有关改建或增设室内排水系统以及开凿或改动门口 的工程)一般并不会对建筑物的结构稳定性有显着影响。 legco.gov.hk | As far as overloading issues are concerned, the regulation of works associated with sub-divided flat units should focus on the installation of internal partitions and thickening of floor slabs, as the other two common items (i.e. alterations or additions to the internal drainage system and formationof oralteration to door openings) generally do not have any significant impact on the structural integrity of a building. legco.gov.hk |
正如文 件所指出,分间樓宇单位一般涉及的建筑工程主要由數种常見 的室内装修工程组成,包括装设室内间隔墙、为新设的洗手间 或厨房而改动或竖设室内排水渠和水管、铺设地台以加厚樓 板,从而埋置新设或改道的水渠,以及在樓宇的公用地方(包括 樓宇逃生樓梯的围封墙)开凿或改动门口。 legco.gov.hk | As mentioned in that paper, building works usually associated with sub-division of flat units comprise several types of common internal renovation works, namely installation of internal partitions, alterations or additions to the internal drainage and water pipe systems for new bathrooms or pantries, thickening of floor slabs by laying additional floor screeding for embedding new/diverted drains and water pipes as well as formation of or alteration to door openings at the common parts including the enclosure of escape staircases of buildings. legco.gov.hk |
所以,我可以向各位议员保证,当我们发现有这种情况,而又证据确凿,所取得的证据足以证明该员工是做了一些擅离职守的事情,我们必定会严正 处理。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I can assure Members that, when we discover such situations and if concrete evidence is available, that is, the evidence we can get is adequate to prove that the staff member concerned had really done something that constitutes absence from duties, we would certainly handle it seriously. legco.gov.hk |
虽然㆟们经常把这个说法 挂在口边,并坚持自己的观点正确,但我至今仍未看到有任何确凿证据或明显迹象显 示有任何㆟囤积任何土㆞或土㆞储备。 legco.gov.hk | And although the flag is waved extremely frequently and persistently, I have not yet had any clear evidence or indication of any piece of land or any land bank which could be described as being hoarded by anybody. legco.gov.hk |
我刚才前往会晤孙局长时,亦有不少民间团体的人对我说,他们聘请了 一些英国专家,专家告诉他们如果要拆除这类钟楼,必须有专家在场才可清 拆,不是随便找工人凿烂石屎便可清拆和保存这座钟楼的。 legco.gov.hk | When I met with Secretary Michael SUEN just now, quite a number of people from civic groups told me that the experts hired from the United Kingdom had told them that if this kind of clock tower was to be demolished, it was imperative that experts be present and it would not do to find just any worker to smash the concrete if this clock tower is to be dismantled and preserved. legco.gov.hk |
法 庭 又 被 提 醒 注 意 凯 夫 法 官( Cave J.)在 R v. Thompson 一 案( [1893] 2 QB 12)中 所 说 的 话 〆 ‚ 值 得 注 意 的 一 点 , 尌 是 当 犯 人 的 罪 证 即 使 没 有 供 认 也确凿如山之 时 , 控 方 很 少 会 提 出 关 於 供 认 的 证 据 , 但 当 罪 证 并 非 如 此 之 时 , 控 方 却 往 往 指 称 犯 人 因 觉 悟 前 非 , 内 心 懊 悔 而 渴 望 作 出 供 认 , 以 补 罪 证 之 不 足 々 只 是 犯 人 这 个 渴 望 , 却 偏 偏 会 在 犯 人 一 现 身 法 庭 之 时 即 告 消 失 无 踪 。 hkreform.gov.hk | The court was reminded of the words of Cave J. in R v. Thompson [1893] 2 QB 12: "It is remarkable that it is of very rare occurrence for evidence of a confession to be given when the proof of the prisoner's guilt is otherwise clear and satisfactory; but when it is not clear and satisfactory, the prisoner is not infrequently alleged to have been seized with the desire born of penitence and remorse to supplement it with a confession; a desire which vanishes as soon as he appears in a court of justice". hkreform.gov.hk |
有一点更为重要的是,主席,当你把农地铺上水泥建成一个“货 柜长城”,即使你把土地收回来,重新凿开石屎,是否可以迅间把它 恢复为一块农地,或可以栽种花草树木的地方呢? legco.gov.hk | President, a more important point is that when a piece of farmland has been turned into the "Great Wall of Containers" with the laying of cement on it, can you convert it back into farmland or a piece of land that you can grow trees and flowers instantly even after you have taken the land back and removed the concrete? legco.gov.hk |
真假不应成为艺术世界的桎梏,就像翻开「Lies for Leo」的画作背後,确凿事实汹涌而来,却不及「谎言」美丽 — 天是蓝的、兔子爱吃红萝卜,我们都是爱受哄骗的小孩子。 think-silly.com | Underneath ‘Lies for Leo’ are some wondrous lies that we love to hear — the sky is blue, the rabbits love eating carrots. think-silly.com |
(b) 在 这 116 幢 目 标 楼 宇 内 的 分 间 单 位 中,最 常 见 的 违 规 之 处 包 括 因开凿违例门 口 而 导 致 违 反 有 关 逃 生 途 径 的 耐 火 结 构 规 定 、 因 装 设 间 隔 墙 而 阻 碍 走 火 通 道 、 因 进 行 不 合 标 准 的 渠 管 工 程 而 造 成 渗 水 , 以 及 因 过 度 装 设 间 隔 墙 及 / 或 加 厚 地 台 而 令 楼 板 负 荷 过 重 。 devb.gov.hk | As regards the existing UBWs which constitute less serious contravention of the law and pose lower potential risks, the BD will analyse information collected from the Reporting Scheme, conduct objective risk assessment and then formulate follow-up plans for progressive enforcement after dealing with the first round targets. devb.gov.hk |
即等於告诉 别人,香港原来是有法例的,不过,只要贴上一个标签,犹如在额上凿了不用守法般,便甚麽也可以做了。 legco.gov.hk | It is tantamount to telling the others that legislation has been put in place in Hong Kong, but anything can be done as long as a label is attached, as if a mark is etched on one's forehead indicating that there is no need to abide by the law. legco.gov.hk |
政务司答(译文):副主席先生,正如我在回答㆖㆒条补充问题时所说,任何租客若认 为业主烦扰他们,便应报警;任何㆟的行为如构成刑事罪行而证据确凿,便会遭检控。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR HOME AFFAIRS: Mr Deputy President, as I have said in my reply to the last supplementary, if any tenants consider that they have been harassed by their landlords they should report the cases to the police. legco.gov.hk |
理由不仅是因为那些资讯缺乏确凿证据,也因为那些有如「夺宝奇兵」之类的方舟探 索展示并姑息着不道德的和非法的行为。 noahsarkmovies.com | In truth, the heat is on this new discovery precisely because it threatens the support if not the very existence of numerous schools of teaching about Genesis and the Bible, of skeptics and believers alike. noahsarkmovies.com |
7.5 虽然举报者并不需要就所举报的不当行为、舞弊或违规情况具备确凿证据或证明, 但中华煤气集团期望举报者能就举报事宜提出所关注的原因。 towngaschina.com | 7.5 While the HKCG Group does not expect the Whistleblower to have absolute proof of the misconduct, malpractice or irregularity reported, the report made under this policy should show the reasons for the concerns. towngaschina.com |
鉴 定 存 货 减 值 要 求 管 理 层 在 取 得确凿证据,并 且 考 虑 持 有 存 货 的 目 的、资 产 负 债 表 日 後 事 项 的 影 响 等 因 素 的 基 础 上 作 出 判 断 和 估 计。 zte.com.cn | The determination of the impairment value requires the acquisition of conclusive evidence by the management, who should also take into account factors such as the purpose of stocking the inventory and the impact of post-balance sheet date events before making judgments and estimates. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
不但是开凿的口沿与整件壶的光度不同,而且为了承受盖座而磨平的稍微不规则的平面也与原来的雕塑不调和。 e-yaji.com | The cutting of the opening is left with a quite different finish from the rest of the bottle and the slightly irregular, flattened area needed to allow for a stopper to sit flush with the surface is out of keeping with the original sculpture. e-yaji.com |