单词 | 函数 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 函数 noun —function n (almost always used)less common: constructor n • function (math.) n Examples:代数函数—(math.) an algebraic function 对数函数—logarithmic function 代数函数论—algebraic function theory (math.) See also:函 n—letter n 函—envelope
国际组织是由‘特殊性原则’制 [...] 约的,也就是说,它们是由凭借权力予以建立的国家投资的,其限制是这些国家委托它促进 的共同利益的函数。 daccess-ods.un.org | International organizations are governed by the ‘principle of speciality’, that is to say, they are invested by the States which create [...] them with powers, the limits of which are a function of the common interests whose [...] promotion those States entrust to them. daccess-ods.un.org |
它的特点包括多数据库管理,创建和连接;表格,数据,索引操作;视图,触发器,和自定 义 函数 管 理。 javakaiyuan.com | Its features include multi-database [...] management, creation and [...] connection ; tables , data, index operations ; views, triggers , and custom function management. javakaiyuan.com |
由函数生成的变量可以与标签对象间建 立链接,或用于其它函数中。 cdn.ftp.nicelabel.com | The function-generated variable can be linked to label objects or used in other functions. nicelabel.com |
此操作可调用函数参考里的任何函数 或 编 写操作章节里的数据修改运 算符,还可运行一个程序。 redlion.net | This action may invoke any of the functions from [...] the Function Reference or the data modification operators described [...]in the Writing Actions section, or it may run a program. redlion.net |
支持的面向对象的功能有:构造函数 , 类方法,实例方法,类变量等等。 javakaiyuan.com | Support for object-oriented [...] features are: constructor, class methods, [...]instance methods , class variables , and so on . javakaiyuan.com |
选取函数后即打开“函数参数输入 ”对话框,然后单击“折叠对话框”按钮(即Number1右边的按钮),此时对话框消失,接着选取单元格区域,选取方法(单击C4拖曳至G4或单击C4按Shift键同时单击G4),最后必须按“回车键”加以确认, “ 函数 参 数 输 入 ”对话框再次出现,单击对话框中的“确定”按钮退出后即可得到第一名学生总分。 oapdf.com | Select function after open "function parameters" dialog box, and then click "fold dialog" button (that is, the right button Number1), when the dialog box disappears, and then select the range, select the method (click to drag C4 C4 by G4 or click Shift key while clicking the G4), the last must press the "Enter" to confirm that the "function parameters" dialog box [...] appears again, click [...]the dialog box "OK" button can be obtained from the following Total students first. oapdf.com |
个别位可以加入或退出信号通道,获得 [...] 相对于控制信号的所需总衰减量,并且在示波器上产生 一种类似于阶梯函数的传递函数。 skyworksinc.com | The individual bits can be switched into or out of the signal path to produce the desired total [...] attenuation versus control signal(s) resulting in a transfer function which [...] resembles a stair step function when plotted. skyworksinc.com |
小组件里的基元 [...] 会将数据项视为元素,并且会可以将其传递至需要此 类型的参数的函数。 redlion.net | The primitives within the widget will see the data item as an element, and will be able to pass it to functions [...] that require arguments of this type. redlion.net |
虽然脆弱海洋生态系统可能有各种定义,但脆弱性是某区域的具 体物理及生态特征的一项函数。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there may be various definitions of vulnerable marine ecosystems, vulnerability is a function of the specific physical as well as ecological characteristics of an area. daccess-ods.un.org |
开发者利用它可以在自己的应用程序中创建TIFF文件,但其应用程序只可供终端用户使用(不作为软件开发商工具的一部分),不可作为独立的产品销售重分发——TIFF-XChange SDK必须作为开发者所创建套包的一部分,而不是将创建TIFF文件作为主 要 函数 — — 其只是一个增值选项。 evget.com | The TIFF-XChange SDK is available on a Royalty Free distribution basis (for the Run Time Driver) to software developers to build in TIFF file creation into their software applications provided only that they are for end user use (not as part of a tool for software developers) and may not be redistributed in a standalone sale - but must form part of a package the developer has created and for which TIFF file creation will not be the primary function - but an added value option. evget.com |
其语法形式为IRR(values,guess) 其中values为数组或单元格的引用,包含用来计算内部收益率的数字,values必须包含至少一个正值和一个负值,以计算内部收益率 , 函数 I R R 根 据数值的顺序来解释现金流的顺序,故应确定按需要的顺序输入了支付和收入的数值,如果数组或引用包含文本、逻辑值或空白单元格,这些数值将被忽略;guess为 对 函数 I R R 计 算结果的估计值,excel使用迭代法计 算 函数 I R R 从guess开始 , 函数 I R R 不 断修正收益率,直至结果的精度达到0.00001%,如 果 函数 I R R 经 过20次迭代,仍未找到结果,则返回错误值#NUM!,在大多数情况下,并不需要 为 函数 I R R 的 计算提供guess值,如果省略guess,假设它为0.1(10%)。 oapdf.com | Its grammatical form of IRR (values, guess) in which values for the array or cell reference, including the internal rate of return used to calculate the figures, values must contain at least one positive and one negative, [...] to calculate the [...] internal rate of return, IRR function Based on the numerical order to explain the order of cash flow should be determined by the need to enter the order of payment and income values, or if the array reference that contains text, logical values or blank cells, these values will be ignored; guess as to the function IRR calculation of the estimated value, excel using the iterative method to calculate IRR function to start from the guess function and constantly modify the rate of return IRR, until the results of the accuracy of 0.00001%, if the IRR function after 20 iterations, is still unable to find results, return error [...]value # NUM! oapdf.com |
每次我们创建一个人名对象的时候,我们都在其中创建了两个新 的 函数 对 象--那么如果这个代码可以共享不是会更好么? developer.mozilla.org | Every time we create a person object we are creating two brand new function objects within it - wouldn't it be better if this code was shared? developer.mozilla.org |
它结合了其他 Navicat 成员的功能,并支持大部份 MySQL、SQL Server、SQLite、Oracle 及 PostgreSQL 的功能,包括存储过程,事件,触发器 , 函数 , 视 图等。 navicat.com.cn | It combines the functions of other Navicat members and supports most of the features in MySQL, SQL Server, SQLite, Oracle and PostgreSQL including Stored Procedure, Event, Trigger, Function, View, etc. This is a time saver, and beneficial to any administrator managing multiple servers. navicat.de |
服务实现 Bean 必须有一个缺省的公开构造函数。 huihoo.org | The Service Implementation Bean must have a [...] default public constructor. huihoo.org |
另外,人口通过教育和生产率被纳入生 产 函数。 bbvaresearch.com | Additionally, population enters the production function trough education and productivity. bbvaresearch.com |
松弛模式测量松弛模量与时间之间的 函数 , 阶 跃改变应力来计算松弛谱。 malvern.com.cn | Relaxation Mode measures the relaxation modulus as a function of time following a step change in strain to compute the relaxation spectrum. malvern.de |
当然,我们还是内置了一个“函数向 导 ”和“代码向导”,因此,即使完全得初学者也可以创建功能强大的安装包,甚至是那些要求异常苛刻的程序打包任务。 evget.com | Of course, we’ve also built in an “Action Wizard” and “Code Wizard” so even complete novices can create powerful installers that handle even the most demanding installation tasks. evget.com |
正如多项建议所指出,由于提交公约与建议委员会每届会议的新 来 函数 量 并不多,没有必要 每年两次对同一来函进行系统审议。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As some proposals indicate, the number of new communications presented at each session of the Committee is not very high, so it is not necessary to systematically review the same communications twice a year. unesdoc.unesco.org |
振荡模式测量动态粘弹特性与频率之间 的 函数。 malvern.com.cn | Oscillation Mode measures the dynamic viscoelastic properties as a function of frequency. malvern.de |
大气层内,温度变化大致是位势高度的线 性 函数。 help.emd.dk | Within an atmospheric layer, the temperature variation is approximated as a linear function of the geopotential altitude. help.emd.dk |
这里有一点需要注意的是如果增加 [...] 或减少期权估值网格的期数,一定要确保改变 MSLS 结果的函数链接对应正确的列数,否 则可能得到不正确的计算分析。 crystalballservices.com | One small note of caution here is that if you add or reduce the [...] number of option valuation lattices, make sure [...] you change the function’s link for [...]the MSLS Result to incorporate the right number [...]of rows, otherwise the analysis will not compute properly. crystalballservices.com |
这将使模拟和数据同化(甚至包括补偿 函数 ) 复 杂 化。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Three categories of land-use are discussed: urban development, the construction of dams, and agriculture. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这种取向是熔融聚 合物受到的剪切力的函数,在它的作用下,与流动路线垂直的方向上的 弹性和刚度系数都会升高。 elastotpe.com | This orientation is a function of the shear to which the molten polymer is subjected and it results in a higher modulus of elasticity and rigidity at right angles to the direction of flow. elastotpe.com |
你可以直接从 [...] Navicat 的环境中调试 PL/SQL 代码如过程和函数,对 象方法及触发器。 navicat.com.cn | You can debug PL/SQL code such as procedures [...] and functions, object methods, and triggers directly from the Navicat environment. navicat.de |
在特殊情况下,如果其它文件将本文件模板实例化,或使用本文件的宏或内 联函 数,您 可编译本文件并将其与其它作品链接在一起,从而在该文件的基础上,形 成新的作品。 printronix.com | As special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file, you could compile this file and link it with other works to produce work based on this file. printronix.de |
如果通过TCP测量找到动态位置误差与轴 加速度的函数关系 ,CTC伺服控制选装功 能(关联轴补偿)就可以补偿这个与加速 度有关的误差,避免其对工件表面质量和 精度造成负面影响。 heidenhain.com.cn | If the dynamic position error as a function of the axis acceleration is known from measurements at the TCP, this accelerationdependent error can be compensated with the CTC servo-control option (Cross Talk Compensation) in order to prevent negative effects on the surface quality and accuracy of the workpiece. heidenhain.hu |
此外,由於登記系統早已把所有身份證號碼和個人手機號碼,化成不能還原的散 列 函数 ( Ha sh Code),而現在亦已經全部銷毀,因此登記人士的私隱已得到充分保護。 hkupop.hku.hk | Moreover, since the system has converted all [...] HKID card numbers and [...] mobile phone numbers upon registration into a chain of irreversible Hash [...]Codes for storage and such [...]information has been completely destroyed, hence, the privacy of all registered citizens has been well protected. hkupop.hku.hk |
生物多样 性和生态系统服务的经济价值是涉及需求因素或相 关变化驱动因素 (如,人口增长、城市化、经济增长、 不断变化的政治、偏好和环境政策、信息与科技的 发展) 以及供应制约因素 (如,气候变化、自然资源 日益稀缺及/或生态系统服务质量下降) 的一个函 数。 teebweb.org | The economic value of biodiversity and ecosystem services is a function of demand-side factors or underlying drivers of change (e.g., population growth and urbanization, economic growth, changing politics, preferences and environmental policy, developments in information and technology), as well as supply-side constraints (e.g., climate change, increasing scarcity of natural resources and/or declining quality of ecosystem services). teebweb.org |
可能注入孔,从高功函数的Pt 探针,相对高的空穴导电性P3HT的28和孔的导电性的PEDOT:PSS解释较低的电阻P3HT丰富的地区,以及更高的电子注入势垒和电子的抑制性能的PEDOT:PSS被引用27作为比较,与P3HT的丰富的正偏压下的PC 61 BM丰富域更高的电阻的原因为何原子力显微镜探针。 jove.com | Possible injection of holes from the high-work function Pt probe, relatively high hole conductivity of P3HT28 and hole conductivity of PEDOT:PSS explain lower resistance of the P3HT-rich areas, as well as a higher barrier for electron injection and electron rejection properties of PEDOT:PSS were cited27 as reasons for higher resistance of the PC61BM-rich domains in comparison with P3HT-rich ones under positive bias of the AFM probe. jove.com |
当关键字DATE作为变量的数据类型在SPL程序的声明部分出现,或者作为SPL存储过程或 S P L 函数 中 形 参的数据类型出现,或者作为一个 S P L 函数 返 回 值类型出现的时候,总是被转换成TIMESTAMP(0)类型,因此它可以处理出现的时间部分值。 enterprisedb.com | When DATE appears as a data type of a variable in [...] an SPL declaration [...] section, or the data type of a formal parameter in an SPL procedure or an SPL function, or the return [...]type of an SPL function, [...]it is always translated to TIMESTAMP(0) and thus can handle a time component if present. enterprisedb.com |