

单词 击弦类



hammered string musical instrument

See also:


strike v

chord (straight line joining two points on a curve)
watch spring
chord (segment of curve)

External sources (not reviewed)

它允许和弦和反演计算,规模计算,音阶 弦 计 算 ,沥 类 设 置 间隔矢量计算和频率和MIDI值计算。
It allows Chord and Inversion calculation, Scale calculation, Diatonic Chord calculation, Pitch Class Set Inter...
古 巴特别确认 在 教育、 卫 生 、就业
[...] 、增进和保护儿童权利、残疾人权利、低 收入者权利和击 任何类型的歧视方面所取得的进展。
Cuba made special acknowledgement of progress in the areas of education, health, employment, the promotion and protection of the rights
of children, the rights of persons with disabilities and of
[...] low income and its fight against any type [...]
of discrimination.
为此,文化部 制订了民间文化领域最大的方案,即合唱团、舞蹈团体 弦 乐 乐 队国家支持体 系。
For this purpose the Ministry has set up the largest programme in the folk culture area, i.e. the national support system for choirs, dance groups and orchestras.
针对应用层或网络层的攻击正在导致这些昂贵的状态防火 墙发生故障,并且类攻击的数 量正在不断上升。
Attacks targeted at the application or network
layers are causing failures of these stateful—and often expensive—firewalls, and
[...] the number of such attacks is growing.
当把多个 证据线索链接在一起,检方就可以提起一个比仅仅依据一个 击 证 人 陈述 类直 接证据的案件更加证据确凿的案件。
By linking various evidentiary threads together, the prosecution can put forward a case that is much stronger than one based solely on direct evidence, such as eyewitness accounts.
此外,两个控制器都提供全面的控制能力和分析应用软件,包括为随机、 弦 扫 描 、共振驻留、经典 击 , 随 机加随机、 弦 加 随 机、 击 响 应 谱及现场数据复现等。
In addition, both controllers offer full-capability control and
analysis software
[...] applications for random, swept sine, resonance dwell, classical shock, random- and sine-on-random, shock SRS, and field data [...]
它以细腻精巧与精确缜密的特质击 出 完 美的 弦。
It takes ingenuity and
[...] precision to strike the perfect chord.
2010 年国际民用航空组织(国际民航组织)主持举行了外交会议,会上通过了
[...] 《制止国际民用航空非法行为公约》(北京公约),其中把利用民航机作为武器的 行为和使用生物、化学和核武器类 似 物质 攻 击 民 航 机或其他目标的行为定为犯 罪行为。
A diplomatic conference held in 2010 under the auspices of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) adopted the Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Relating to International Civil Aviation (Beijing Convention), which criminalizes the act of using civil aircraft as weapons, and
the act of using biological, chemical and nuclear
[...] weapons or similar substances to attack civil aircraft [...]
or other targets.
因應表演藝術委員會的建 議,當局在 2006 年 11
月成立了表演藝術資助委員會,就 10 個 主要演藝團體(包括康文署資助的 4
[...] 個藝團,即香港中樂團、香 港舞蹈團、香港話劇團及香港弦協 會 ,以及香港藝術發展局資 助的 6 [...]
個三年資助團體,即香港芭蕾舞團、中英劇團、城市當代 舞蹈團、香港小交響樂團、劇場組合及進念二十面體)日後的資
助安排,向政府提供意見,並着手研究制訂一套新資助評核準則 及資助模式,在 2009 年 4 月推行。
Following up the recommendation of the Committee on Performing Arts, a Funding Committee for the Performing Arts to advise the Government on the future funding arrangements for the 10 major performing arts groups (including the four groups subvented by the LCSD, namely, the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, the Hong Kong Dance
Company, the Hong Kong Repertory Theatre and
[...] the Hong Kong Philharmonic Society; and [...]
the six three-year grantees of the Hong
Kong Arts Development Council, namely, the Hong Kong Ballet, Chung Ying Theatre Company, the City Contemporary Dance Company, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Theatre Ensemble and Zuni Icosahedron) was set up in November 2006 to develop a new set of funding assessment criteria and a new model of funding to be put in place for implementation in April 2009.
To convey the impact of an explosion, or the sweep of an orchestral score, you also need control – the kind that stops sonic distortion dead in its tracks and brings nuance and pin-sharp definition to even the biggest, most powerful bass effects.
西非经共体通过其 2008 年区域行动计划,建立 了一个专门打击毒品贩运的部门,这是一个关键的机 制,以便与在欧洲、拉丁美洲和美国同样 击 毒 品的 类似机构开展合作和共享情报。
Through its regional action plan of 2008, ECOWAS has established a unit dedicated to fighting drug trafficking, which is the key mechanism for cooperation and intelligence-sharing with similar organizations engaged in the same battle in Europe, Latin America and the United States.
[...] 3:“加强对水下文化遗产和文化产品的保护工作,加强对非法贩卖类 产品的打击力度 ,促进博物馆的发展(特别在发展中国家)”。
MLA 3: “Enhancing the protection
of underwater cultural heritage, and
[...] cultural objects, the fight against illicit trafficking [...]
in them, and the development
of museums, particularly in developing countries”.
经济及社会理事会 在其第 2008/25
[...] 号决议中指出需要采取整体和全面的国家多部门办法,预防和击这类贩运 ,并需要开展国际协调与合作,包括通过技术援助活动,支持这类 [...]
The Economic and Social Council, in its resolution 2008/25, noted the need for holistic and
comprehensive national multisectoral approaches to
[...] preventing and combating such trafficking [...]
and for international coordination and cooperation
in support of such approaches, including through technical assistance activities.
不幸的是,哆啦A梦的机器允许虚构的怪兽来现实世界中 击 败 了 整个 类 种 族,使未来(大雄的时间),一个恶魔统治的世界。
Unfortunately, Doraemon’s machine allowed the fictional monsters to come to the real world and defeated the entire human races, thus turning the future (Nobita’s time) into a demon-ruled world.
这份 早些时候的文件详细介绍了以下情况:哈马斯不断使用迫击炮和火箭攻击以色列
[...] 平民(加沙行动前的八年中有大约 12 000 次类攻击)而且 攻击范围不断扩大; 哈马斯的自杀炸弹攻击;哈马斯通过埃及-加沙边界的地道走私武器弹药,以及 [...]
The earlier paper included detailed accounts of Hamas’s incessant mortar and rocket attacks
on Israel’s civilians
[...] (some 12,000 such attacks in the 8 years prior [...]
to the Operation) and the steadily increasing range of such attacks; Hamas’s suicide bomb
attacks; and Hamas’s smuggling of weaponry and ammunition through tunnels under the Egyptian-Gaza border, as well as Israel’s attempts to address these threats through non-military means, including diplomatic overtures and urgent appeals to the United Nations.
a) 和平或战争时代的敌对或战争行为,包括阻击、抗击或防卫实际、迫近或预期的攻击; b) 和平或战争时代使用原子裂变或放射性武力的战争武器; c) 暴动、叛乱、革命、内战、篡夺权力,或者政府当局为 击 、 抗 击 或 防卫 这 类 事 情 发生所采取的行动,检疫或海关条例规定的查封或毁灭, 政府或公共当局命令的查封或没收,禁运或非法运输或贸易的风险; d) [...]
e) 在美国或加拿大境外发生。
Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle caused by or resulting from any of the following causes are specifically excluded: a) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, including action in hindering, combating, or defending against actual, impending or expected attack; b)
any weapon of war
[...] employing atomic fission or radioactive force, whether in time of peace or war; c) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped [...]
power, or action taken
by governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, seizure or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation or trade; d) occurring after covered vehicle has been repossessed or placed in repossession; or e) occurring outside of the United States or Canada.
这意味着中国国家广播发出的新批评,仅仅是对全球最大软件公司发起攻击的开端,与几周前其竞争对手苹果(Nasdaq: AAPL)遭遇的击类似。
That means this new criticism by China National Radio could be just the opening
shot against the world’s largest
[...] software maker, similar to an ambush faced by rival [...]
Apple (Nasdaq: AAPL) just weeks ago.
由于诸如毒品国际组织、准军事化活动和 击 队 一 类 极 其 严峻危险的因素相互作用, 地区政治演变继续从治理的角度传达出极为复杂的信号。
The region’s political evolution continues to transmit highly complex signals in terms of governance because of the interaction of very severe risk factors such as drug cartels, paramilitary activities and guerrillas.
小小星球大碰撞是一款鼠标击类游 戏,我们需要解决大量的智力拼图来帮助美丽的小小星球恢复和平。
The Tiny Bang Story is a point&click game in which we'll have to solve lots of puzzles in order to have the beautiful place of Tiny Planet in peace.
这意味着必须积极主动地与联合国其他组织、政府间和非政府组织进行大量接触,为共同 寻求击人类面临 的各项重大挑战的解决办法做出贡献,这些挑战涉及:气候变化、粮食安全、公 [...]
It implies proactive and substantive engagement with other UN, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations in order to contribute to the
search for shared solutions to the major
[...] challenges facing humanity, including climate [...]
change, food security, public health,
the protection of biodiversity and meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
振动筛的滚动轴承主要承担高的,而且大多数时候存在 击类 型 的 载荷。
Rolling bearings in vibrating screens are stressed
[...] by high, mostly shock-type loads.
雖然仍有有待改善的㆞方,但我認為應該在現有制度㆘尋求改進,而 不是弦易轍 ㆞另立新的制度,推翻原先成立兩間鐵路公司的基礎原則。
While there is room for further improvements, I think that these improvements should be sought under the existing system rather than under a new and different system which does away with the basic principles on which the two railway companies were founded.
鉴于该政权一再拒绝弦更张 ,其中包括它未能 为其拟议的改革创造有利环境,而且流血冲突不断加 剧,国际社会有责任采取行动,支持叙利亚人民正当 的变革要求。
Given the regime’s repeated refusals to change its ways, including its failure to create an enabling environment for its proposed reforms, as well as the escalating bloodshed, it is incumbent upon the international community to act to support the Syrian people’s legitimate calls for change.
这门课程是用于更专业来训练耳朵的听力,关于听写、重新认识声音、训练和声音程及旋律的听力、音成的上行与下行、邻音音程与非邻音音程、协和与不协和音程、增音程与减音程、大音阶与小音阶、临时记号如升号或降号或还原记号、大和弦与小和弦、增和弦与减和弦、转位和弦、完全终止、不完全终止、教会终止、假终止、半终止、单拍与复拍、木管、铜管 弦 乐 、 键盘 击 乐 、中世纪音乐风格、文艺复兴、巴洛克、古典、浪漫、二十世纪初期、现代、爵士音乐的各方面领域,并搭配所有实际应用练习。
This lesson is dedicated to Ear training and includes Music Dictations, Audition training, Work on ear on harmonic and melodic intervals, Upward, downward, small and large intervals, Consonnances and Dissonances, augmented intervals and diminished intervals, major scales and minor scales, Accidentals such as Sharps, Flats, naturals, Major chord and Minor chord, Diminished chords and Augmented chords, Chord inversion, the Perfect Cadence, imperfect Cadence, Plagal cadence, and Half cadence, Binary measures
and ternary measures,
[...] Woodwinds, Brass, Strings, Keyboards and Percussions, music styles [...]
such as Middle age music, Renaissance
music, Baroque music, Classical music, Romantic music, Modern music, contemporary music and Jazz music, including exercises.
其它例证包括修建在巴勒斯坦领土内迂回的隔离 墙;驱赶巴勒斯坦家庭和拆毁巴勒斯坦人房屋;撤销
东耶路撒冷巴勒斯坦居民的居住权,禁止他们生活在 自己的出生地城市;以色列军方下达新命令,授权以 色列占领军驱逐被认为是渗透到被占领土的西岸巴
[...] 勒斯坦人;以色列非法定居者不断袭击巴勒斯坦人, 而以色列当局没有采取执法行动来阻止或防止类 袭击。
Other examples include the building of the separation wall, which snakes into Palestinian territory; the eviction of Palestinian families and the demolition of Palestinian homes; the revocation of residency rights of Palestinian inhabitants of East Jerusalem, forbidding them to live in the city of their birth; the new Israeli military order which will give the Israeli occupying forces the power to deport Palestinians in the West Bank who are deemed to be infiltrating the occupied territory; and, incessant attacks on Palestinians
by illegal Israeli settlers, and the lack of law enforcement by Israeli authorities to
[...] stop or even prevent such attacks.
[...] Attack)是由韩国著名游戏开发商GameHi公司开发、由神州奥美于在中国运营的第一人称 击类 网 络 游戏,是一款拥有着操作简便,游戏进行速度及角色移动速度较快等特点的游戏,所以从FPS的专业玩家到入门级玩家都能快速入门的正统FPS类游戏。
The raid OL "(English name: Sudden Attack) is from south Korean famous game developers GameHi company
development, by aomei operating in China in the
[...] first person shooter kind of network [...]
game, is a have a simple operation, the
game to move faster speed and the role of the characteristics of the game, so from the professional players FPS to entry-level players can be started quickly FPS games of the orthodox.




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