单词 | 击出一垒安打 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 击出一垒安打 verb—single vSee also:安打—base hit (baseball)
有代表团指出,恐 怖 主义行为威胁各国的领土完整和稳定,而且,恐怖主义不仅是对国际和平 与 安 全, 也是对人的生命和尊严,以及是对民主体制的运作的主要威胁 之 一 , 打击 恐 怖主 义需要全球的协调应对。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, terrorism was one of the main threats not only to international peace and security, but also to human life and dignity, as well as to the functioning of democratic institutions and that to counter it required a global and coordinated response. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些国家作出了相当大的努力,对最不发 达国家产品实行简单和透明的原产地规则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税 壁 垒 , 还 有就是供应方面的制约因素, 特别是缺乏基础设施和现代技术,以及能源不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some countries have or made considerable efforts to implement simple and transparent rules of origin for least developed country products, but other serious obstacles to trade remain, including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent [...] with World Trade Organization [...]rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, in particular lack of infrastructure and modern technologies and energy deficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
集安条约组织对派驻阿富汗的打击毒 品国 际安 全援 助部队更多的参与表示赞赏并衷心呼吁军队和 阿富汗政府之间加强合作,同时注意到,为应对这 一灾难 ,阿富汗需要更多更加协调的国际援助,以 及政府无保留的承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | CSTO welcomed the growing input of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in the fight against the Afghan drug infrastructure and called for increased cooperation between ISAF [...] and the Government of Afghanistan, noting [...]that, in order to combat that scourge, Afghanistan needed increased and better coordinated international assistance and the complete commitment of its authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其是有关卫生和植 物检疫标准以及技术性贸易壁垒的措 施,往 往 出 于 其 他重要的政策目标,如保护 人类健康、安全和环境。 daccess-ods.un.org | Measures incorporating sanitary and [...] phytosanitary standards and technical barriers to trade, in [...] particular, are often motivated by other important policy objectives such as protecting human health, safety and the environment. daccess-ods.un.org |
中国详细介绍 了通过立法决定和加强反恐工作的情况,包括为此参照中国已经加入的国际公约而 确定了有关恐怖主义活动、恐怖主义组织及其成员的法律定义;在预防和惩治经济 欺诈问题上采取多头出击的 做法;在预防侵害儿童行为的犯罪和加强保护其权利方 面取得进展;推动开展打击腐败 行为的国际合作;加强为有 效 打击 跨 国 有组织犯罪 提供刑事司法援助;改进网上安全以 加强预防 和 打击 网 络 犯罪的能力;并修订相关 法规,将法律援助的范围从仅仅涉及审判阶段扩大至也包括审判前阶段以及嫌疑犯 可能面临无期徒刑的案件。 daccess-ods.un.org | China elaborated on the adoption of legislative decisions and the strengthening of anti-terrorism efforts, including through the establishment of legal definitions of terrorist activities, organizations and their members by reference to the international conventions to which China had acceded; the adoption of a multi-pronged approach to the prevention and [...] punishment of economic [...] fraud; the progress made in the field of prevention of crimes against children and the strengthening of the protection of their rights; the promotion of international cooperation to combat corruption; the strengthening of criminal justice assistance to combat transnational organized crime effectively; the improvement of online security to enhance capacity to prevent and combat cybercrime; [...]and the amendment of [...]legislation to extend the scope of legal aid from trials only to pretrial proceedings and to cases where the suspect might face a sentence of life imprisonment. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些代表 团强调,需要对应用转基因食品的方法提供技术指导,特别是对发展中国家,另外还需 要在国际上加强协调,防止出现贸易 壁 垒。 codexalimentarius.org | Several delegations stressed the need for [...] technical guidance on methodology applying to GM foods, and especially for developing countries, and the need to facilitate harmonisation at the international level to prevent barriers to trade. codexalimentarius.org |
摩洛哥皇家陆军告知西撒特派团,某些违规行为涉及加 强 安 保 , 以 打击 可能 出现的恐怖活动以及萨赫地区增多的走私和贩运活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Royal Moroccan Army has told MINURSO that [...] certain violations are related to [...] the enhancement of security in order to combat potential terrorist [...]activities, as well as [...]smuggling and trafficking, which have increased in the Sahel region. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳大利亚在农产品出口 国凯恩斯集团中发挥了领导 的作用,并一直倡导削减贸 易壁垒,也是第一个对发展 中国家采取优惠关税的国 家,其目的是帮助发展中国 家从全球化进程中受益。 australia-unsc.gov.au | Australia, in its leadership role [...] of the Cairns Group of agricultural exporters, has long championed the reduction of trade barriers and was the first country to introduce [...]tariff preferences [...]for developing countries to allow them to benefit from globalisation. australia-unsc.gov.au |
大会鼓励地中海国家依据联合国各项有关决议,进一步加强合作 , 打击一切 形 式和表现的恐怖主义,包括恐怖主义分子诉诸大规模毁灭性武器的可能性,打 击国际犯罪和非法武器转让以及非法毒品生产、吸食和贩运,因为这些行为对该 区域的和平、安全和 稳定,进而对改善当前的政治、经济和社会状况,构成严重 威胁,并且危害国家间的友好关系,妨碍发展国际合作,破坏人权、基本自由和 多元社会的民主基础。 daccess-ods.un.org | The General Assembly encouraged the Mediterranean countries to [...] strengthen further their [...] cooperation in combating terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, including the possible resort by terrorists to weapons of mass destruction, taking into account the relevant resolutions of the United Nations, and in combating international crime and illicit arms transfers and illicit drug production, consumption and trafficking, which pose a serious threat to peace, security and stability in [...]the region and therefore [...]to the improvement of the current political, economic and social situation and which jeopardize friendly relations among States, hinder the development of international cooperation and result in the destruction of human rights, fundamental freedoms and the democratic basis of pluralistic society. daccess-ods.un.org |
关于道德操守办公室的活动的秘书长报告 (A/64/316),咨询委员会建议,鉴于已为解决内部监 督事务厅拒绝调查道德操守办公室所移交被指 控打 击报复的案件做出安排, 则应该就此安排向大会予 以说明。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the Secretary-General’s report on the activities of the Ethics Office (A/64/316), the Advisory Committee recommended that the arrangements envisaged to address circumstances in which the Office of Internal Oversight Services declined to investigate cases of alleged retaliation referred by the Ethics Office should be clarified to the General Assembly. daccess-ods.un.org |
在美利坚合众国的帮助下,贝宁政府制订并颁布 了一项国 家海上安全安保战略,这将促进海洋经济的 增长和发展,使得人员和货物能够沿我国海岸的重要 战略海上线路自由流动,加强港口和港口设施 的安 全,打击非法跨国活动和海上犯罪,例如领水中的武 装抢劫和公海上的海盗活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the help of the United States of America, the Government of Benin has formulated and enacted a national maritime security and safety strategy, which will promote the growth and development of the maritime [...] economy, allow for the [...] free movement of persons and goods along major strategic maritime routes off our coasts, enhance security in ports and port installations, and combat illicit transnational activities and maritime crime, such as armed robbery in territorial waters [...]and piracy on the high seas. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个代表团指 出,有 26个国家使用了莱克多巴胺而没 有 出 现 问 题,国际食品安全管理机构网络也没有 通报因使用莱克多巴胺而出现技 术性贸易 壁 垒 或 食 品 安 全 警 报。 codexalimentarius.org | One delegation pointed out that 26 countries were using ractopamine without problems and that no technical barriers to trade or food safety alerts through INFOSAN had been reported due to its use. codexalimentarius.org |
一位发言者强调了建立制止与贩毒有关联的资金流动的全球和区域 壁垒 (“安全带 ”)的重要性,并报告了欧亚反洗钱 和 打击 为 恐 怖主义融资小组成员 国在查明这类资金流动方面所作的努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | One speaker stressed the importance of establishing global and regional barriers (“safety belts”) to stop the financial flows connected with drug trafficking and reported on the efforts [...] made by States members of the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of [...]Terrorism to identify such flows. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些代 表团认为,私营标准是世界现况 的 一 部 分 ,与部分市场相关,对多元化市 场需求是重要的;然而,有必要关注标准的制定,以确保他们没有成为非关税贸易 壁 垒。 codexalimentarius.org | Some delegations were of the view that private standards were part of the current world situation and were relevant to certain segments of the market and important for diversified market requirements; however it was necessary to monitor their development in order to ensure that they did not become non-tariff barriers to trade. codexalimentarius.org |
又深信所有国家为本国和国际商业交易创造稳定而透明的环境对于调动投 资、资金、技术、技能和其他重要资源极为重要,并认识到,所有国家在各级做 出有效努力,预防和打击一切形 式的腐败,是改善本国和国际商业环境的一个重 要因素 daccess-ods.un.org | Convinced also that a stable and transparent environment for national and international commercial transactions in all countries is essential for the mobilization of investment, finance, technology, skills and other important resources, and recognizing that effective [...] efforts at all levels [...] to prevent and combat corruption in all its forms in all countries are essential elements of an improved [...]national and international business environment daccess-ods.un.org |
其他最佳管理做法包括员工预先培训, 并 安 装 一 个 堡 垒 、 铁 丝网和其他 非致命性的防御措施,这取决于船舶的特点及船长确定的需要。 daccess-ods.un.org | The other best management practices include advance [...] staff training and installation of a citadel, razor wire and additional [...]non-lethal defensive measures, [...]depending on the characteristics of the ship and the needs identified by the ship’s master. daccess-ods.un.org |
秘书长指出,打击网络犯罪工作目 前由一名工作人员兼管,禁毒办需要有一名全职的高级别工作人员才能管理和牵 头执行全球行动计划,并动员其他机构和单位采取行动(A/66/6(Sect.16)第 [...] 16.66 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Secretary-General indicates that cybercrime is currently covered by one staff member [...] on a part-time basis and that a [...]full-time senior staff member is required for UNODC to manage and take the lead in implementing the global plan of action and mobilizing other agencies and institutions to take action (see A/66/6 (Sect. 16), para. 16.66). daccess-ods.un.org |
2000 年,集 团开始设立全球抗击艾滋 病、结核病和疟疾基金;2001 年,集团提出打破贫穷与 疾病循环的挑战;2005 年,集团商定加强对艾滋病毒/艾滋病和疟疾的投资;最 近又在加拿大安大略 省穆斯科卡把孕产妇、新生儿和儿童卫生作为八国集团旗舰 倡议,计划生育则是倡议中的一个重 要内容。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2000, the G8 began establishing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; in 2001, they identified the challenge of breaking the cycle of poverty and disease; in 2005, they agreed to boost investment in HIV/AIDS and malaria; and, at the most recent meeting in Muskoka, Ontario, they identified maternal, newborn and child health as a G8 flagship [...] initiative, with family planning as a key component. daccess-ods.un.org |
当局 还指出,提交人首先去了第一提交人的母亲在纽约的居住地,但并 未 打 算 在美 国寻求庇护,而在有机会申请庇护的 第 一安 全 国家 提 出 此 种 申请,这本来是合乎 情理的。 daccess-ods.un.org | They also observed that the authors first went to the place of residence of the first author’s mother in New York but did not [...] make any attempt to seek asylum in the [...] United States, while it would be reasonable to expect such an application in the first safe country of opportunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,主席女士,请允许我再次向您保证,波斯 尼亚和黑塞哥维那与委员会所有成员以及联合国全 体会员一样,决心在国家和国际层面 打击一 切 形 式的 恐怖主义,坚定地致力于履行我们根 据 安 全 理 事会有 关决议所承担的义务。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, let me assure you once again, Madam, that Bosnia and Herzegovina shares the determination of all members of the Committee, as well as all Members [...] of the United Nations [...] in general, to combat terrorism in all its forms at the national and international levels, and is firmly committed to fulfilling its obligations under the relevant Security Council resolutions. daccess-ods.un.org |
最近一份关 于“儿童与武装冲突”的安全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10) 表示,安理会打算在 规定或延长有关制裁委员会的任务时,考虑对违反有关武装 冲突中儿童权利和儿童保护的适用国际法的当事方 做 出 规 定。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its last presidential statement on children and armed conflict (S/PRST/2010/10), the Security Council expressed its intention, when establishing or reviewing the mandate of relevant Sanctions Committees, to consider provisions pertaining to parties that are in violation of applicable [...] [...] international law relating to the right and protection of children in armed conflict. daccess-ods.un.org |
每年,全面的“战略与经济对话”将两国政府各部门的决策者汇聚 到 一 起 , 商讨 从 打 破 贸易 壁 垒 、 到经济合作、到就紧迫的区域和全球事务展开协作等一系列问题。 embassyusa.cn | Every year, the comprehensive Strategic and Economic Dialogue brings together policymakers from across both [...] governments to discuss [...] topics ranging from breaking down trade barriers to economic cooperation [...]to collaborating on pressing regional and global issues. eng.embassyusa.cn |
本系列产品是中达公司充分领会欧洲一级效率标准和国家能效标准要求,结合多年Y2系列出口电动机和出口美国NEMA电动机经验专门设计的 新 一 代 节 能电动机, 是 打 破 出 口 技术 壁 垒 或 取 代进口同类产品极具竞争力的产品。 cnzhongda.com | Apprehending the EU first-level efficiency standard and Chinese energy-efficiency standard profoundly,Zhongda has integrated experience of exported Y2 series motors and [...] NEMA motors and [...] developed the new-generation energy-saving motor.This series has broken the technical barrier of export and/or replaced [...]imported counterparts competitively. cnzhongda.com |
亨灵顿充满了奇特的事物,就看一下长长的紫杉树大街尽头的棕榈树好了,他们就位 于 一 幢 巴 洛克 堡 垒 两 旁;而那建筑散 发 出 的 也是莫里诗宫廷的格调而不是爱尔兰堡垒的气息。 discoverireland.com | Huntington is packed full of peculiarities. Just [...] look the palm trees [...] that appear at the end of a long yew tree avenue, flanking a baroque statue, which give off an ambience [...]of a Moorish palace [...]rather than an Irish fortress. discoverireland.com |
斐济群岛共和国政府支持一切旨在制止恐怖主义活动或制止核生化药剂或 其运载工具的扩散的一切国际倡议和 安 排 , 并将继续主张根据国际法理框架,并 在充分遵守国际法原则和《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的基础上,进行真正有效 的国际合作,以防止和打击一切恐 怖主义行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of the Republic of the Fiji Islands supports all international initiatives and arrangements that have as their objective the suppression of terrorist activity or the proliferation of nuclear, chemical or biological substances or their means of delivery and will continue to advocate for an international cooperation that is truly effective in preventing and combating all terrorist acts, based on a framework of international legitimacy and full respect for the principles of international law and the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 按照国际人权标准,采取一切必 要和适当的行动 , 打击出 于 宗 教或信仰 不容忍动机的仇恨、歧视、不容忍及暴力、恐吓和胁迫行为,以及煽动敌意和暴 力行为,特别是针对世界各地宗教少数群体成员的这类行为,并特别重视侵犯妇 女人权和歧视妇女的做法,包括对她们行使思想、良心和宗教或信仰自由的权利 采取的这类做法 daccess-ods.un.org | (a) Taking all necessary and appropriate action, in conformity with international standards of human rights, to combat hatred, discrimination, intolerance and acts of violence, intimidation and coercion motivated by intolerance [...] based on religion or [...]belief, as well as incitement to hostility and violence, with particular regard to members of religious minorities in all parts of the world, and devoting particular attention to practices that violate the human rights of women and discriminate against women, including in the exercise of their right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion or belief daccess-ods.un.org |
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国在此根据安全理事会第 1624(2005)号决议向反恐 怖主义委员会提交报告,以执行联合国大会 和 安 全 理 事会与反恐怖主义有关的各 项决议,并遵守各项打击恐怖 主义国际公约的宗旨和原则,同时重申致力于继续 在国际反恐怖主义斗争中予以全力合作。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea hereby submits its report to the Counter-Terrorism Committee pursuant to Security Council resolution 1624 (2005), honouring the resolutions of the United [...] Nations General [...] Assembly and the Security Council related to counter-terrorism as well as the purposes and principles of international conventions on combating terrorism, and [...]reaffirming its commitment [...]to continued full cooperation in the international fight against terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
2010 年 [...] 12 月 29 日至 2011 年 1 月 7 日在瓦利卡莱县,联刚稳定 团与刚果(金)武装力量在卢民主力量的 堡 垒 之地 Kimua-Ngenge 地区联合开展了 “Hatua Yamana 行动”(强大出击行动)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In Walikale territory between 29 December [...] 2010 and 7 January 2011, MONUSCO conducted Operation Hatua Yamana (Formidable Reach) jointly with FARDC in the [...]KimuaNgenge area, an FDLR stronghold. daccess-ods.un.org |
在安理会主席最 近一份关于工作方法问题的说明(S/2010/507)中 ,安 理会表示打算酌情邀请建设和平委员会国别组合主席 出席安全理事会正式会议,参加审议有关国家的局势, 或逐案举行非正式对话以交换意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | In a recent note by the Council President on working methods (S/2010/507), the Council expressed its intention to invite, as appropriate, the Chairs of the country-specific configurations of the PBC to participate in formal meetings of the Council at which the [...] situation concerning [...]the country in question is considered, or on a case-by-case basis, for an exchange of views in an informal dialogue. daccess-ods.un.org |