

单词 出让

出让 ()

transfer (one's property or rights to sb else)

让出 verb ()

cede v



make a concession

作出让步 v

compromise v

External sources (not reviewed)

许多成员国害怕,为寻求特定的修订,他们将被迫在其它方面 出让 步, 那将可能不会给他们带来净利益。
Many members fear that in seeking particular amendments they would be obliged to compromise elsewhere in ways that may not bring a net benefit to them.
[...] 国家会在其农业和非农业产品市场准入谈判手段以 外的领域出让步。
CARICOM countries could not be
[...] expected to make concessions [...]
beyond their means in agriculture and non-agricultural market access negotiations.
住房、商品等服务以及向公出让的 权利和能源买卖。
services, including housing services, goods and the acquisition of rights and energy, if offered to the public.
同掸东民族民主同盟军关系密切的勐腊企业主说,佤 邦联军向他们施压,不让他们同军政府就边防卫队提议 进行谈判或出让步。
According to Mongla business owners with close ties to NDAA, the UWSA has pressed them to refrain from negotiating or compromising with the military government on the BGF proposal.
在限制前述一 般性的情况下,客户代表其自身及代为行事的任 何第三方就本协议无条件及不可撤销地向 PCGS让、传达、出让客户 或任何有关第三方可能于或 对资料及图像(无论有关图像在什么媒体或以何 种形式重现或发表)拥有的现有及此后获得的任 何及全部权利所有权及权益(包括但不限于,版 权、专利、商业秘密及商标的权利)。
Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, Customer, on behalf of itself and any third party for whom Customer may be acting with respect to this agreement, unconditionally and irrevocably transfers, conveys and assigns to PCGS any and all current and any hereafter acquired rights, title and interests (including, without limitation, rights in copyright, patent, trade secret and trademark) that Customer or any such third party may have in or to the Data and the Images (on whatever media or in whatever form such Images may be reproduced or published).
技经评估组及其技选委员会和临时附属机构不得因任何利益冲突问题 而在工作中出让步, 这一点至关重要。
It is essential that the work of TEAP and its TOCs and TSBs is not compromised by any conflict of interest.
根据宪法 原则,厄瓜多尔将从社会市场经济过渡到以人为本的社会和支助性经济制度,其 目的是保证生产和再生出让人人能够过良好生活的物质和其他条件。
Constitutional principles signalled a transition from a social market economy to an economic and social system of solidarity, where the human being is recognized as the subject and purpose, with the objective of guaranteeing the production and reproduction of material and other conditions leading to living well for all.
[...] 缔约方从另一缔约方获取的任何此种单位,应增加到获取缔约方的分配数量或出让缔约方持有的分配数量中减去。
Any such units which a Party acquires from another Party to the Convention shall be added
to the assigned amount for the acquiring Party and subtracted from the quantity of
[...] units held by the transferring Party.
我们呼吁在这方 面加强行动,并出让更多的人理解和认可独立、中 立和不偏不倚人道主义行动的重要性。
We call for strengthened action in this
[...] area and point out the importance [...]
of broadening understanding and acceptance of
independent, neutral and impartial humanitarian actions.
这只国王Fouad一世怀表以创纪录的3,306,250瑞郎天价 出 , 让 它 成 为这次拍卖活动中,身价最为不凡的怀表,并挤身全球最抢手怀表排名中的第五名。
The King Fouad I pocket-watch sold for a record SFr
3,306,250, making it the most sought-after
[...] pocket-watch in this sale and the 5th most [...]
sought-after pocket-watch in the world.
在 2010 年 2 月 24
[...] 日与利比里亚常驻联合国代表举行的会议 上,这位大使出,让利比 里亚实施资产冻结可能在政治上具有挑战性,因为在 [...]
At a meeting on 24 February 2010 with the Permanent
Representative of Liberia to the United Nations,
[...] the Ambassador noted that it was politically [...]
challenging for Liberia to implement
the assets freeze, given that the culture and the precedents are not present in Liberia, and it is potentially divisive.
此外,出让政治 事务部每月作一次情况通报这 一概念符合不结盟运动持续发出的呼吁,要求让秘书 [...]
长特使或代表和秘书处能在安全理事会公开会议上 通报情况。
Moreover, developing the concept of a monthly
[...] briefing from the Department of Political Affairs [...]
is in line with the continuous
calls made by the Movement to allow briefings by Special Envoys or Representatives of the Secretary-General and the Secretariat to take place at public meetings of the Security Council.
可以出让儿童 参与臭氧消耗活动并与他们交流的更多活动,作 为环境规划署 2005 年业务计划建议的一部分。
Additional activities to engage and communicate with children on ozone depletion may be suggested as part of UNEP’s 2005 Business Plan proposal.
优化搜索引擎– 渲染特殊的出,让所有搜索引擎对你的网站建立更加适当的索引。
Search Engine Optimization -
[...] Render special output to let all search [...]
engines index your website properly.
我们不是要以色列出让步, 而是要以 色列履行其法律义务,不在被占领土建设定居点,并 通过这样做使谈判能够有成功的合理机会。
One is not asking Israel to make concessions. Israel is being asked to fulfil its legal obligation not to build in the occupied territories and, in so doing, to allow for the negotiations to have a reasonable chance to succeed.
但是,《莫斯科条约》和新《削武条约》并没有 出让 核 武器退役的范 畴,缔约方没有任何销毁本国核武器的义务。
However, the Moscow Treaty and the new START do not go beyond the decommissioning of nuclear weapons, and its parties do not have any obligation to destroy their nuclear weapons.
她感谢奥地利、丹麦和瑞士出让东 欧 和中亚区域办事处设在它们本国的 提议,并向执行局保证说,人口基金将以透明的方式开展工作,根据具体标准作 出适当决定。
She thanked Austria, Denmark and Switzerland for the offers to host EECARO and assured the Board that UNFPA would work in a transparent manner in making the proper decision in line with specific criteria.
(c) 忽视了科学,没有设立全球排放总量的削减指标,并没有 出让 全 球气 温上升低于摄氏 2 度的路线图。
Ignored the science; did not establish an aggregate reduction target for global emissions; and did not include a road map to keep global warming below 2 degrees Celsius.
荷兰指出土地所有权与土地改革方面的努力,引述了 有关法律上有疑问的土出让、土 地强占和强制驱逐的报告。
Taking note of efforts in the area of land ownership and reform, it cited reports of legally dubious land concessions, land-grabbing and forced evictions.
自30多年前创业以来,Liko一直与医疗保健业协作,开 出让 有 残 疾的病人及其护理人生活得更轻松的产品。
Ever since its start more than 30 years ago, and in
cooperation with healthcare, Liko has developed
[...] products which make life easier for [...]
disabled patients as well as their caregivers.
为了避免加上建筑后整个公园的环境形式过于喧闹, 我 们出让这三个建筑共用一个形式母题及结构体系。
To avoid making the environmental form too noisy, we proposed that the three pavilions share one prototypal form and structural system, while the non-structural elements of each building could be adjusted according to the particular location and views.
此外,鉴于在第四次联合国最不 发达国家问题会议上出让半数最不发达国家达到 脱离最不发达国家类别标准的承诺,一项可持续发展 体制框架应要求加强联合国系统内的相关实体,并要 求为最不发达国家的可持续发展提供更多支持。
Furthermore, in view of
[...] the commitment made at the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries to enable half the number [...]
of least developed
countries to meet the criteria for graduation from the category, an institutional framework for sustainable development should call for strengthening the relevant entities within the United Nations system and provide enhanced support for the sustainable development of the least developed countries.
执行委员会请文莱达鲁萨兰国政府加快项目文件的签署,以使制冷剂管理计划得到执行, 并请环境计划署和开发计划署向第五十七次会议编制并提交一份 2009 和
[...] 2010 年行动计划,计划中出让文莱达鲁萨兰国在 2010 年之前实现氟氯化碳完全淘汰(第 [...]
56/71 号决定)的各种活动。
The Executive Committee has requested the Government of Brunei Darussalam to expedite signature of the project documents to enable the implementation of the RMP and to request UNEP and UNDP to prepare and submit to the Executive Committee at its 57th Meeting an
action plan for 2009 and 2010, which includes
[...] activities to enable Brunei Darussalam [...]
to achieve complete phase-out of CFCs by 2010 (Decision 56/71).
因为其模块化设计,LuK CVT链条技术能处理完整的扭矩范围,从小轿车 (从大约100Nm) 到中型汽车 (超过400Nm),而无须在安装空间上 出让 步 , 也没有操作上的需求。
Because of its modular design the LuK CVT chain technology can handle the complete torque range from small cars (from approx. 100Nm) up to upper middle class cars (well over 400Nm) without the need to compromise on installation space nor operational needs.
条约涵盖的活动必须包括所有的 让(出 口 、 进口、转口和转运)和中介活动, 需要明确定义“中介活动”,“中介活动”应指上文“适用范围”所述的个人购买、 出售或转让其持有的物项的活动,或谈判或安排可能包括转让此类物项的交易的 个人活动。
The activities to be covered by the treaty must include all transfers (export, import, transit and trans-shipment) and brokering, subject to a clear definition of “brokering”, which should be understood to mean the activities of individuals who purchase, sell or transfer materials in their possession, as mentioned above under “scope of application”, or who negotiate or arrange transactions that may include the transfer of such materials.
报告员说,主席团建议,根据特殊协议,24 个席位在各选举小组间的分配如下:第一小 组:7 个;第二小组:4 个;第三小组:4 个;第四小组:2 个;第五(a)小组:5 个;第五 (b)小组:2 个,并且商定在缔约方大会下一届常会上,第一小 让出 一 个 席位给第四小组,第 五(a)小让出一个 席位给第五(b)小组。
The Rapporteur said that the Bureau proposed to divide the 24 seats among the electoral groups, as exceptionally agreed, as follows: Group I (7); Group II (4); Group III (4); Group IV (2); Group V(a) (5); Group V(b) (2), it being understood that at the next ordinary session of the Conference of Parties, one seat would be returned by Group I to Group IV, and one seat by Group V(a) to Group V(b).
前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国认为,该条约应涵盖以下类型的有形和无形设备让:出口、 进口、再出口过境、转运、经纪、技术转让、技术援助、租赁、赠 送以及与常规武器有关的贷款。
The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia considers that the treaty should cover the following type of tangible and intangible transfers of equipment: export, import, re-export transit, trans-shipment, brokering, transfer of technology, technical assistance, leases, gifts and loans related to conventional weapons.
让出席位 的区域集团将有权指定该集团的一个成员在该区域集 让出 席 位 期间参加理 事会的审议,但没有表决权。
The regional group which relinquishes a seat will have the right to designate a member of that group to participate in the deliberations of the Council without the right to vote during the period the regional group relinquishes the seat.
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员),
[...] 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医出院后 在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿 让 以 及 西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 [...]
合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提供八小时的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals;
patients are
[...] regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors [...]
in the regional headquarters
perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
咨询委员会以往曾注意到其中有些员额的更 替较快,并强调,必须努让这些 实体 出 持 续承诺,指派较长期间的借调人员, 从而确保职能的稳定(A/64/7,第二.28 段)。
The Committee has previously noted that some of those posts are subject to a quick turnover and has stressed the importance of making efforts to obtain the sustained commitment of those entities to provide assignments of seconded personnel of longer duration, in order to ensure stability of functions (A/64/7, para. II.28).




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