

单词 出笼

See also:


cages pl


basket n

External sources (not reviewed)

浇铸的混凝土地板可保护幼犬不受恶劣天气的影响,并确保幼犬不会爬出或 出笼 子。
A covered concrete slab will protect your pup from adverse weather and ensure she doesn't
[...] climb or jump out of the cage.
此外,似乎有必要就事论事地 审视全球化对于某些人权所造成的影响,而不要出笼统的表述。
In addition, it seemed necessary to
examine the effects of globalization on particular human rights on a case-by-case
[...] basis without making generalizations.
维持和平行动部和人道主义事务 协调厅独立委托有关方面就保护平民问题开展研 究,即出笼的研 究报告将提供一组急需的证据; 而且秘书长根据在实地吸取的教训对于资源、培训 以及保护任务的操作概念等是否适当所作的评估也 是十分有益的。
The forthcoming independently commissioned study by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs regarding protection of civilians would provide a much needed body of evidence; and the Secretary-General’s assessment, relying on lessons learned in the field, of the adequacy of the resources, training, and operational concepts for protection mandates would also be useful.
如特别报告员在最近一份国家报告中所指出,38 目前有 一种危险,就是禁止仇恨言论的国内法律可能被当局 出笼 统 的 解释和选择性的 适用,因此强调亟须采用毫不模棱两可的条文,并应制定有效的保障措施防止误 用这种法律。
As indicated in one of the Special Rapporteur’s recent country reports,38 there is a risk that domestic laws prohibiting hate speech may be interpreted loosely and applied selectively by the authorities, which underlines the importance of having unambiguous language and of devising effective safeguards against abuses of the law.
而且,总督在一封被披露的信中 明确表示,即使出最笼统宽 泛的解读,宪法草案都有悖于平等保护和公平等基 本原则。
Moreover, in a letter made public, the Governor articulated that the most general and generous reading of the draft constitution showed it to be inconsistent with basic tenets of equal protection and fairness.
它 (文件)明显强迫工作组的管理层成员遵循 提案中出的笼统思路,从而损害了工 作人员对其以下方面能力的信任:使其 的意见被纳入考虑。
It (the paper) clearly forces management members of the group to follow the broad lines set out in the proposal and consequently, erodes the trust staff have in their ability to have their views taken into account.
第1段出了最笼统的 问题作为导言(人类具有思考和表达伦 理原则的能力),因此在顺序上应当与第2段换一下位置,这样思路才有条 理。
Recital 1 which
[...] contains the most general starting point [...]
(human capacity to reflect and express ethical principles) therfore
should be switched with 2 in order to produce a more logical flow of thoughts.
因为自卫权不限于对侵略行为出反 应 ,所以 笼 统 的 措辞也更适合 作为第 13 条草案的对应条款。
A broader formulation would also more accurately serve as counterpart to draft article 13 since the right to self-defence was not limited to responses to acts of aggression.
尽管监察组出某些笼统的指控,但没有提出 无可辩驳的证据证明厄立特里亚在索马里、吉布提或该区域的违规行为,厄立特 [...]
里亚在其给监察组报告(S/2011/433)的初步答复中表明了这一点,不久后向安全 理事会委员会提交的综合报告中将更详尽地证明这一点。
And despite some sweeping allegations by [...]
the Monitoring Group, no incontrovertible evidence has been presented of Eritrean
contravention in regard to Somalia, Djibouti or the region, as Eritrea has presented in its preliminary reply to the report of the Monitoring Group (S/2011/433) and is preparing to prove in a more detailed manner in its comprehensive report that will shortly be submitted to the Committee of the Security Council.
应 该先将笼门关至只剩一条小缝的时候,将手迅速 出 后 立刻 将 笼 门 关 紧。
You can only withdraw rapidly when the door is almost closed.
该代表团还注意到巴西曾经在委员会中表达 笼 统 的保 留意见,但在当时并未出具体 的建议。
The Delegation also and noted that Brazil had expressed a reservation in the
[...] Committee in general terms but had not made specific proposals at that time.
摇台提供地平面与相应水平罐笼甲板之桥接,安装在笼的进出口侧。罐笼就位 后,摇台下放并搭接在罐笼甲 板上可使矿车平稳的运输到罐笼甲板之上。
The swinging platforms provide the bridging from the ground level to the
relevant cage level floor and are
[...] installed at the cage entry and exit side. after cage positioning, [...]
the platform is lowered and
applied onto the cage deck enabling smooth pushing of the transportation cars or platform cars onto the cage deck.
还吁 还吁 还吁 还吁请 请请
[...] 际人权条约,切实执行其已经成为缔约方的人权条约,撤回其在签署或批准其他 国际人权文书时可能出的过于笼统 、 不够精确或可能被认为不符合条约目的和 [...]
宗旨的保留,并考虑就伊朗伊斯兰共和国已成为缔约国的国际人权条约所设机构 通过的关于该国的结论意见采取行动
the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to consider ratifying or acceding to the international human rights treaties to which it is not already a party, to effectively implement those human rights treaties to which it is
already a party, to withdraw any
[...] reservations it may have made upon signature or ratification [...]
of other international human
rights instruments where such reservations are overly general, imprecise or could be considered incompatible with the object and purpose of the treaty, and to consider acting upon the concluding observations concerning the Islamic Republic of Iran adopted by the bodies of the international human rights treaties to which it is a party
由于该建议过笼统,很难出具体的答复,因此, 这一建议目前的包罗万象形式无法接受。
As the recommendation is very general, it is difficult to give a specific response, and so it cannot be accepted in its current form, as a package.
有人笼统地提出,教 科文组织应当侧重于优先国家和优先领域--从而给予撒哈拉以南 [...]
Some argued more generally that UNESCO [...]
should focus on priority countries and priority areas – hence providing more focus to sub-Saharan Africa.
因此,工作组认为本案不是一个孤立的 案件,它促请缅甸政府认真调查这种做法,重新考虑在逮捕和拘留方面它 出的 模糊、过笼统和泛泛的指控。
The Working Group therefore does not see the present case as an isolated one and urges the Government of Myanmar to seriously investigate the practice and reconsider its vague, overly general and broad charges for arrest and detention.
铁路和空运的数据更笼统,从中看 出 任 何 积极的趋势。
For railways and air transport, data availability is even more sketchy and no positive trend can be observed.
芬兰对阿拉伯利比亚民众国修改后的保留 出 反 对: “ 笼 统 引 述宗教法律,而且不作进一步详 细阐述的保留,没有向公约其他缔约方清晰指明保留国在何种程度上接受该公约约束,因此可 能会让人怀疑该国履行应尽义务的意愿。
Finland made an objection to the reservation modified by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya: “A reservation which consists of a general reference to religious law without specifying its contents does not clearly define to the other Parties of the Convention the extent to which the reserving State commits itself to the Convention and therefore may cast doubts about the commitment of the reserving State to fulfil its obligations under the Convention.
而且在不能严格隔离的家庭里,一旦猫咪 笼 中 跑 出 , 之 后的抓 捕及放归都将是很难解决的状况。
Further,, in a family without strict isolation measures, if the cat
[...] escapes from the cage, it would be difficult to re-trap and release.
同我们以往所讨论的内容非常具 体、多少能够引起明确反应的其他议题不同,联合王 国这次出的一个较笼统的议题,有淡化我们可能希 望传递的任何信息的风险。
Unlike other very specific topics that we have discussed in the past and that give rise to more or less definite reactions, on this occasion the United Kingdom has proposed to us a more general topic that runs the risk of diluting any message that we would wish to convey.
The shaft gate systems consist of two
[...] vertically actuated gates at cage entry and exit side.
2%的磋商参与者反对这项提议,数人建议与世界信息社会日或与世界新闻自由日结合 起来更合宜,一些人出这个概念 笼 统 、 太泛。
A total of 2% of those consulted rejected the proposal, several suggesting that a link to World Information Society Day or to World Press Freedom Day would be more appropriate, and a few noting that the concept was as yet too vague and general.
这些保留 的用处已在实践中显现,有必要将其与掏空条约义务 笼 统 型 保留 出 区 分
The usefulness of these reservations has been demonstrated in
practice and it was necessary to distinguish them from general reservations
[...] that completely vitiate the commitment made.
因此出,特 别报告员没有考虑到这样一种可能性,即当前 的程序问题也许不是援引或放弃豁免的问题,而是在发生严重国际罪行的情况下 没有豁免的问题,虽然其他委员也反驳说,关于对这种“核心罪行”没有豁免的 声称是抽笼统的,委员会必须在较后的阶段更详细地处理这些问题。
Consequently, it was pointed out that the Special Rapporteur had failed to address the possibility that the procedural issue at hand was not one of invocation of immunity or waiver thereof but rather the absence of immunity in respect of situations in which grave international crimes were committed, although it was also countered by other members that the assertion that there was no immunity for such “core crimes” was abstract and general, and [...]
the Commission will
have to deal with these matters in greater detail at a later stage.
笼的出口和 转移布袋的口完全对接,此时一名志愿者要用力将诱捕笼压住转移 布袋的下边上,另一名志愿者需要将转移布袋的上边紧紧压在诱捕笼上,以免猫咪 [...]
Completely connect the exit of the trapping cage and entrance of [...]
the transfer bag. At this time one volunteer must hold
the cage strongly to the bottom of the bag and the ground while another volunteer pushes on the bag from the top to avoid the cat escaping.
核查笼统地指出,条 例执行进度十分明显,采取的步骤最终会带来消耗臭 氧层物质供应的有效管制机制。
In general terms, the verifier stated that progress in the implementation of the regulation is apparent and that the steps undertaken are likely to lead to an effective mechanism for controlling the supply of ODS.
就一些 国家而言,很笼统得出整体 面貌,例如,一些国家为联邦国家,一些国家有一 系列法律处理使用武力问题,再有一些国家并非所有法律都是成文法。
Difficulties were experienced in obtaining a comprehensive picture [...]
in respect of some countries; for example, in the case
of federal States, in situations where a number of different laws deal with the use of force, and where not all laws are written.
经讨论后,工作组商定,对该事项的进一步审议将 包括下列方面(A/CN.9/717,第 143 段):㈠关于保护仲裁过程完整性的条文是 应当采笼统措词的形式,还是应当载列意在具体指明的特定实例;㈡保护仲 裁过程完整性与《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》关于此问题已有的规定之间的关 系;以及㈢如何根据保护仲裁过程完整性的需要确定透明度限制的门槛。
After discussion, the Working Group agreed that the questions for further consideration on that matter would include (A/CN.9/717, para. 143): (i) whether a provision on protection of the integrity of the arbitral process should be in the form of a general formulation or should contain specific instances that were meant to be specifically addressed; (ii) the interplay between the protection of the integrity of the arbitral process and the provisions in the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules already dealing with that issue; and (iii) how to determine the threshold for a limitation to transparency based on the ground of the need to protect integrity of the arbitral process.




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