

单词 出租人

See also:

出租 (...) v

rent v
hire sth. v


rent v
hire v

租出 adj

leased out adj

External sources (not reviewed)

根據營業租約 而需支付之租金(扣除出租人收取之任何獎勵金後)於全面收益表中入賬,並按有關 [...]
Payments made under operating leases (net of any [...]
incentives received from the lessor) are expensed in the statement of comprehensive
income on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
Payments made
[...] under operating leases (net of any incentives [...]
received from the lessor) are charged to the income statement
on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
根據經營租賃(扣出租人給予的任何 優惠)作出的付款按租期以直線法於綜合收益表扣除。
Payments made under operating leases (net of any incentives [...]
received from the lessor) are charged to the consolidated income
statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
租賃款項( 經扣出租人給予之任何優惠) 在租賃期內以直線法於收益表支銷。
Lease payments (net of any incentives received from the lessor) are [...]
expensed in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the lease term.
經營租賃經扣除出租人收取 的 優惠後,乃於租期內按直線法於匯總收益表確認。
Payments made under operating leases, net of any [...]
incentives received from the lessor, are recognized in the Combined Income
Statements on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease.
The corresponding
[...] liability to the lessor is included [...]
in the balance sheet as finance lease obligation.
如果承租人、与其共同居住的家庭成员或其他人故意破坏或拆毁租住的房 屋,或改变其既定的用途或故意违反共同居住原则,使得其他人无法与他们合 住,而且相应的预防措施和公共约束手段都未产生任何效果, 出租人 和 其 他利 益相关方的请求,可以迫使从事上述破坏或违规甚至犯罪行为的住户搬走,而且 不提供其他住所。
If the lessee, members of his/her family or other persons, who live together with them, systematically destroy or damage the living spaces, or do not use them according to its purpose, or if by systematically breaching the common living rules make it impossible for others to live with them in the same apartment or in the same house, and the preventive and public constraint measures have not showed any progress, the evacuation of the guilty ones at the request of the leaser or other interested parties is made without a subsequent offer of another living space.
出租人之相 應負債在綜合財務狀況表內列為融資租約責任。
The corresponding
[...] liability to the lessor is included [...]
in the consolidated statement of financial position as a finance lease obligation.
此外,為進一步保護本集團的權益,本集團將(倘適用)於取得其 法律顧問的意見後,要求在相關收購或租賃協議(視情況而定)中聲明 出租人 須 為本 集團登記及 ╱ 或取得有效的土地業權。
Furthermore, in order to protect the Group’s interest further, the Group will request, if applicable after obtaining advice from its legal advisers, to
state in the relevant
[...] acquisition or leasing agreement (as the case may be) that the lessor should register [...]
and/or obtain the
valid land title of the Group.
还有,除在融资租赁的情况下,出贷人可能必须取得出人 或出租人权利 的转让才能获得购置款担保权。
Moreover, except in the case
[...] of financial leasing, a lender may have to take an assignment of the seller’s or the lessor’s rights [...]
to obtain an acquisition security right.
融资租赁权”系出租人对租 赁协议标的物有形资产(非流通票 据或流通单证)享有的权利,根据租赁协议,在租赁期结束时:(a) [...]
承租人自动成为租赁标的物资产的所有人;(b)承租人最多只需支付 象征性价款即可取得该资产的所有权;或(c)该资产值最多不超过残 余价值
Financial lease right” means a lessor’s right in [...]
tangible asset (other than a negotiable instrument or negotiable document)
that is the object of a lease agreement under which, at the end of the lease: (a) the lessee automatically becomes the owner of the asset that is the object of the lease; (b) the lessee acquire ownership of the asset by paying no more than a nominal price; or (c) the asset has no more than residual value
根 據出 租 人 簽 訂 的 租 賃 合 同,不 可 撤 銷 租 賃 的 最 低 租 賃 付 款 額 如 下
According to the lease contract signed with lessor, the group had total future minimum lease payments [...]
under non-cancelable
operating leases falling due as follows
根 據 經 營 租 賃 作
[...] 出 的 付 款(已 扣 除出 租 人 獲 得 的 任 何 優 惠),包 [...]
括 就 租 賃 土 地 及 土 地 使 用 權 作 出 的 首 次 付 款,根 據 租 賃 期 以 直 線 法 計 入 損 益 賬。
Payments made
[...] under operating leases (net of any incentives [...]
received from the lessor), including upfront payment made for
leasehold land and land use rights, are charged to the profit and loss account on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease.
(translated as Branch of Guangzhou Nansha Development Zone of China Construction Bank Corporation).
根據買賣協議,TP Vision Hungary(定義見下文,作出租人及服 務供應商)將 於完成交易後與飛利浦匈牙利(定義見下文,作為承租人及服務接收方)訂立匈 [...]
Pursuant to the Sale and Purchase
[...] Agreement, the Hungary Lease and Service Agreement in respect of lease of a factory building [...]
and provision
of services in the factory building will be entered into between by TP Vision Hungary (as defined below), as the lessor and services provider, and Philips Hungary (as defined below) as the lessee and services receiver upon Completion.
如果是小型或者私有制企业出租人 需要向企业负责人获得个人签名来获得合法的租赁合同。
As lessor, it may be prudent to require [...]
a “personal guarantee” from a corporate officer when dealing with small or individually owned corporations.
.經營租約安排 經營租約安排 經營租約安排 經營租約安排 (a) 作出租人 作為出租人 作為出租人 作為出租人 本集 團於附註21展示其以經營租約安排出租的投資物業,租約年期介乎1至5 年不等。
The Group leases its investment properties are shown in note 21 under operating lease arrangements, and the terms of the leases range from 1 to 5 years.
不必,鉴于终止合同终止时信箱是属 出租人 的 财 产,而且它是和住房连在一 起的。
No, provided that it is a good
[...] that stays in the lessor’s side on having [...]
finished the agreement, and it is linked to the housing.
如 果 本 集 團出 租 人,本 集 團 按 經 營 租 賃 出 租 的 資 產 歸 入 非 流 動 資 產,經 營 租 [...]
賃 的 應 收 租 金 按 直 綫 法 在 租 賃 期 內 計 入 利 潤 表。
Where the Group is the
[...] lessor, assets leased by the Group under operating leases are included [...]
in non-current assets, and
rentals receivable under the operating leases are credited to the income statement on the straight-line basis over the lease terms.
学生 住房是一个不可忽视的问题,政府也很关注,尤其是自 2005 年学生社团运动以 来,为促使出租人减少 学生的租金采取了一些措施,还经常进行检查以确保临近 大学校园的小区业主们遵守价格规定。
Student housing is a delicate issue, to which the Government pays attention, especially since manifestations by students' associations in 2005.
香港,二零一零年四月廿一日 指金融租賃公司出租人)與客戶(承租人)訂立的合 約協議,據此,承租人只須於指定期間內定期付出預先 協定的租金(租賃供款),即可使用租賃資產,而租賃 資產的所有權於合約期結束時自動轉讓予承租人,或附 帶「購買選擇權」可於合約期內以事先協定的價格購買 租賃資產。
Hong Kong, 21 April 2010 It is a contractual agreement between the financial leasing company (Lesser) and the client (Lessee) by which the Lessee is entitled to benefit from the leased assets during a specified period of time against periodical installments agreed upon beforehand (leasing installments), provided that the ownership of the leased assets is transferred at the end of the contract’s duration to the lessee automatically, or against an already agreed upon amount with the “option to buy” the leased asset during the contract’s duration.
强调人们期望,兼顾所有利益攸关方利益(包括担保权设保人、有担保债权 人、无担保债权人、保留所有权的出 人 、 融 资租 出租人 、 优 先债权人和设保 人破产情况下的破产代理人等的利益)的统一的现代担保交易制度将明显便利获 [...]
the expectation that modern and harmonized secured transactions regimes which balance the interests of all stakeholders (including grantors of security rights, secured and
unsecured creditors,
[...] retention-of-title sellers and financial lessors, privileged creditors and [...]
the insolvency representative
in the grantor’s insolvency) will demonstrably facilitate access to secured credit, thereby promoting the movement of goods and services across national borders
承租人预先书面通知房主后,可以在房内进行一些必要的施工,以便使房屋适合 自己或者与其共居的配偶、事实夫妻或家人的残疾状况,合同结束时,如 出租人 提出要求,承人应将 房屋恢复到原始状态。
The lessee, previous notification in writing to the owner, will be able to realize in the housing those necessary and indispensable works to adapt the housing to his handicapped person’s condition or to that of his spouse, unmarried couple or relatives who live with him.
[...] 租户死亡,租户的继承人可以占用土地;如果业主要出售(理想情况下,以低于 市场价的价出售),承租人享有 优先购买权;法律还可为夫妻双方提供作为租 户的联合所有权,以防范寡妇被驱逐的风险;一旦产权易手,法律还将确保租户 [...]
(c) 如特别报告员在前次报告中重申的那样,确保所有的土地投资项目都符 合国际人权法规定的相关义务。
Such laws can also allow a tenant’s heirs to occupy the
[...] land if the tenant dies, and provide the tenant with the right [...]
to pre-emption if the landowner
wishes to sell (ideally, at a below-market price); they can provide for the joint titling of husband and wife as tenants, in order to protect widows from the risk of eviction; and they can ensure that the tenant will be allowed to remain on the land if the property changes hands
7.8.3 在新南威爾斯州,特別援助津貼計劃對 人出 租單位的供應 影響不大,原因是 所有合資格的受助人都 [...]
有特殊 需 要,他 們 需要有特 殊 設 施 的單位,而這些單位在私人租務市場只佔少 數。
7.8.3 In NSW, the SAS programme does not have much impact on the
[...] supply of private rental flats because all [...]
eligible recipients are persons with special
needs who demand flats with special amenities which belong to a small sector of the private rental market.
該物業總樓面面積約94平方米的部份已由 租人出租 予 中 山信諾黏合製品有限公司廣州分 公司(一間集團內公司及 貴公司的間接全資附屬公司),年期由二零一零年四月一日起至 二零一三年二月二日止,月租為人民幣5,358元。
Guangzhou Branch, an intra-group company and an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, for a term commencing from 1 April 2010 to 2 February 2013 at a monthly rental of RMB5,358.
4.6.1 考慮到 特別援助津貼及開始租住計劃的受助人數目 不多,兩 項 計劃對人出 租單位的供應影響不大,原因是 特別援助津貼只 資助 少 數有特殊 需要的人,而 開始租住計劃則只 提供一筆過的款項,並 不 資助定期租金。
This is because the former subsidizes a small number of persons with special needs, while the latter is one-off and does not subsidize any periodic rental payments.
我/我們/本號〕現確認,在提交本投標表格時,除以下備註所指的豁免通訊外,〔我/我 們/本號〕並沒有將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安 排 調 整 任 何 建 議 繳 納租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本號〕或人應否提交投標表 格出任何 安排,或以其他任何方式與任何其 人 士 串 通;並承諾,在上述舖位 租 後 , 直至 房 屋 署 通 知 競 投 者 招 租 結 果 的 任 何 時 間 , 除 以 下 備 註 所 指 的 豁 免 通 訊外,〔我/我們/本號〕不 會將建議繳納的租金金額傳達房屋署以外的任何人士、透過與任何其他人士的安排調整任何建 議 繳 納租 金 金 額 、 與 任 何 其人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 們 / 本 號 〕 或人 應否競投出任何安排,或以 其他任何方式與任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other
person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until the bidder is notified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
(6) 收購、開發、管理、特許使用、租賃、出租、出售、交換及以其他方式利用
[...] 任何土地及/或樓宇,尤其為建築目的透過設計及平整而建設、改建、拆卸、 裝飾、管理、維護、裝修、裝置及改善各類樓宇,栽種、鋪平、排污、養殖、 耕作、根據樓宇租約或建築協出租 或 出 售 , 及就上述任何項目向建築商、 租戶及其人士墊 付款項及與彼等訂立各類合約及安排。
(6) To acquire, develop, manage, license, hire, let, sell, exchange and otherwise howsoever turn to account any land and/or building and, in particular, by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, demolishing, pulling down, decorating, administering, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings of all kinds,
and by planting,
[...] paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement or for sale, and by advancing [...]
money to and
entering into contracts and arrangement of all kinds with builders, tenants and others in connection with any of the foregoing.




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