

单词 出港



departure lounge

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 資成本及利率掉期合約開支後,本年度錄得淨收入港幣18.7百 萬元,而上年度則錄得淨出港幣6. 4百萬元。
Interest income less finance costs and expenses of interest rate swap contracts was
therefore a net income of HK$18.7 million for the year whereas it was a
[...] net expense of HK$6.4 million for the previous year.
港口引航员对其所负责的港口了如指掌,确保他们能够谨慎精准地引导大型船只 出港 口 ,不发生任何意外。
The knowledge of the port pilots of their port allows them to manoeuvre carefully and precisely huge ships
[...] in and out of harbour without accidents.
第 100及 103號法律公告分別修訂《船舶及港口 管制規例》 (第 313章,附 屬 法 例 A)附
[...] 表 13及《 商船(本地船隻) (費用)規例》(第 548章,附屬法例J)附 表 2,將為遠洋船隻取出港許可證而須繳 付 的費用,以及本地船隻為取得港證 及 出 港 證 所須繳付 的費 用,調低40%,由97元調低至 58元 。
L.N. 100 and L.N. 103 amend the Thirteenth Schedule to the Shipping and Port Control Regulations (Cap. 313 sub. leg. A) and Schedule 2 to the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Fees) Regulation (Cap. 548 sub.
leg. J) to reduce by
[...] 40% the fee payable for a port clearance permit charged on ocean-going vessels and the port and arrival clearance fees [...]
in respect of local
vessels respectively from $97 to $58.
此外,在完成一項有關直接到戶(DTH)衛星電視服務的新業務策略後(如後所述),對一間附屬公司的若干 資產出 6,000,000 港元之減值撥備。
In addition, an impairment provision of HK$6 million for certain assets of a subsidiary was made following a new business strategy in respect of Direct-to-Home (DTH) satellite television service which is described below.
大多数船只出港口 时 受海关和港口当局检查,以检测是否存有武器、爆炸物、毒品和其他能用于恐 怖活动的材料或物质。
Most vessels are searched on entering and leaving port by the port and customs authorities, in order to detect the presence of weapons, explosives, drugs and other materials or substances capable of being used in terrorist activities.
而百分之五十八的父母於選擇聖誕玩具禮物時,「教育意義」成為最重要的考慮因素,其次為「安全性」(42%)及「價錢」(34%)。百分之三十九的父母計劃 出港 幣 10 0元或以上購買聖誕玩具禮物給每名子女,較每月平均用於購買玩具的支出多百分之七。
Educational" (58%) is considered as the top
priority when selecting toys. 39% of the
[...] parents plan to spend HK$ 100 or more on [...]
a Christmas gift per child, a 7% increase
from the monthly toy purchase spending.
港燈將設立一教育基金,在經營費用總額中每年 出港 幣 二 百五十萬 元,進行能源效益及推廣活動,該教育基金的管理由港燈執行並有持份 者的代表參與。
An education fund of HK$2.5M per annum, included in Total Operating Costs, shall be established by HEC for energy efficiency and promotion activities, administered by HEC and involving stakeholder representation.
此次首脑会议明确了在交通基础设施方面面临的各项挑战及 其对区域一体化和贸易便利化的影响,着重 出港 务 管 理局的关键作用,并呼吁设 立一站式边界哨所,作为化解跨境手续形成的对贸易的制约的方式。
The Summit identified challenges in the area of transport infrastructure and their impact on
regional integration and trade
[...] facilitation, highlighting the key role of port authorities and [...]
advocating one-stop border posts
as a way to address constraints on trade resulting from cross-border formalities.
接納要約的港機工程股東如其接納要約乃為有效,則其應收款項的付款 (經扣除就根據接納要約出港機工程股份而應付的相關賣方從價印花 [...]
稅),已經或將會盡快以平郵方式寄發予他們,郵誤風險概由其自行承 擔,惟無論如何須於登記處收到所有有關文件以令該等接納完成及有效
Remittances in respect of the amount due to the accepting HAECO Shareholders whose acceptance of the Offer is valid, less the relevant
sellers’ ad valorem stamp duty payable in
[...] respect of the HAECO Shares tendered [...]
by them under the Offer for acceptance, have
been or will be despatched to them by ordinary post at their own risk as soon as possible but in any event within 10 days from the date on which all relevant documents are received by the Registrar to render such acceptance complete and valid.
於年內,出售集團為本集團的經營現金流量淨額貢獻20,456,000港元(二零零九年: 158,591,000港元)、就投資業務出2,4 46, 0 0 0 港 元 (二零零九年: 541,000港元)及 就融資業務貢獻2,039,000港元(二零零九年: 付出90,188,000港元)
During the year, the Disposal
[...] Group contributed HK$20,456,000 (2009: HK$158,591,000) to the Group's net operating cash flows, paid HK$2,446,000 (2009: HK$541,000) in respect of investing activities and contributed HK$2,039,000 [...]
(2009: paid HK$90,188,000) in respect of financing activities.
截至二零零九年六月三十日,本基金已為重建工作 出港 幣 一 佰五十萬二仟零八十九元 (二零零八年:購置等值港幣七十一萬五仟四佰八十八元的設備),餘額一佰四十九萬五仟元於二零零九年七月十 日匯出。
As of 30th June 2011, the Foundation had remitted HK$701,994 in cash (2010: HK$642,587 worth of equipment) on rebuilding.
2009 年 10 月,青
[...] 年党成功地击退了地方武装企图将从它们 出港 口 城 镇 Kismaayo 的进攻,并且 从那时起,一直全面控制着这一重要的后勤枢纽和收入来源。
In October 2009, Al-Shabaab successfully resisted an attempt by local
[...] forces to dislodge them from the port town of Kismaayo, [...]
and have since exercised full
control over this major logistical hub and source of revenue.
值得關注的是,調查反出港人在 危疾保 障存在兩大缺口,首先是家庭負擔較重的有子女已婚人士,其危疾保障額 [...]
(553,430 港元) 竟然 較沒有子女的已婚人士組別 (651,938 港元) 為低;其次是被訪者的危疾保障額與年齡成反比, 即最需要危疾保障的最高年齡組別人士,保障缺口反而最大。
It is worth noting that two protection gaps exist in critical illness
[...] coverage among Hong Kong people. For [...]
married people with kids who have heavier family
burdens, their average critical illness coverage (HK$553,430) is less than married people without kids (HK$651,938).
美国代表团谨郑重提醒贵代表团,应在 相关要员计划抵达时间之前,提前两个工作日 出港 口 礼 遇申请,而且不应在星 期五下午 3 时之后提交。除每年 9 月一般性辩论期间外,美国代表团和国务院周 末都没有工作人员处理正常上班时间之后提交的临抵达机场前和临离境前申请。
The United States Mission respectfully reminds the Permanent Mission
that requests for
[...] courtesies of the port should be submitted two business days prior to the scheduled arrival of the dignitary concerned, [...]
and should not be submitted
on Fridays after 3 p.m. Except during the period of the general debate each September, neither the United States Mission nor the Department of State is staffed over the weekend to deal with last-minute airport arrival and departure requests that arrive after normal business hours.
出生證明書(如非在港出生, 須附上批准在港居留並印有入境日期的證明書)。
Birth Certificate (If not born in Hong Kong, please provide a certificate on approval of stay in Hong Kong with the entry date printed on it).
4.2 如沒有香港身份證,請夾附其他有效的身份證明文件副本,如 港出 世 紙 、回港證、 簽證身份書、單程證等。
4.2 If the H.K.I.D. Card is not available, please attach copies
of other valid identity documents,
[...] e.g. Hong Kong Birth Certificate, Hong Kong Re-entry [...]
Permit, Document of Identity for
Visa Purposes, One-way Permit, etc.
Michel Rocard先生今次港出席於7月12日至14日香港理工大學舉辦的中歐論壇。
Michel Rocard
[...] was visiting Hong Kong as part of his [...]
participation in the China-Europa forum, which was held from July 12
to July 14 at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
亞洲天王巨星及台灣人氣偶像周杰倫日前抵達 港出 席 新 專輯宣傳活動,特地抽空現身香港杜莎夫人蠟像館,與早前揭幕的蠟像分身作近距離接觸。
Jay Chou, Asian superstar and Taiwanese
[...] pop icon, appeared at Madame Tussauds Hong Kong to get up [...]
close with his new lifelike wax
double unveiled earlier this month, as the star arrives in Hong Kong for his new album promotion.
有關修訂已於二零一零年八月一日生效,由該日起,在 港出 售的 食物含有紐甜及甜菊醇糖苷均屬合法。
The existence of neotame and steviol glycosides in food
[...] for sale in Hong Kong had become legal [...]
with effect from the same date.
如未能提供港出生證明書或港出 生 證 明書最後一 欄顯示其香港永久性居民身份為「未經確定」,申請人則須遞交下列其中一項申請學童的有效身 份證明文件之副本(連同港出生證 明書副本,如可提供)
If this is not available or
[...] if the Hong Kong Birth Certificate bears the words “Not Established”, the applicant must submit copies of one of the following valid identity documents of the student-applicant (together with copy of the Hong Kong Birth Certificate, if available)
港 出售物業產生的資本增值毋須課稅。
Capital gains arising on sale of
[...] property in Hong Kong are not subject [...]
to taxation.
於一九八八年至一 九八九年期間,Glasenberg先生駐港出 任 Glencore香港及北京辦事處的經理及主管,以及亞洲煤推廣部門主管, 彼負責監督Glencore的亞洲煤推廣業務及處理香港及北京辦事處的行政職務。
Between 1988 and 1989, he was based in Hong Kong as manager and head of Glencore’s Hong Kong and Beijing offices, as well as head of coal marketing in Asia, where his responsibilities included overseeing the Asian coal marketing business of Glencore and managing the administrative functions of the Hong Kong and Beijing offices.
(b) 工 貿署署長制定了 附件 B 的公告,就已根據《安 排》從港出口往 內地或擬根據該安排從 港出 口往 內地,並根據《安排》符合零關稅資格,及 以在香港織造的成形針織衫片製成的織片成衣, 訂明該等織片成衣須視為在香港製造或生產。
(b) the Director-General of Trade and Industry has made the Notice at Annex B to specify that in relation to piece-knitted garments that have been exported or are intended to be exported from Hong Kong to the Mainland under CEPA, are qualified for zero tariff under CEPA, and are made from knit-to-shape panels knitted in Hong Kong, the piece-knitted garments are to be regarded as having been manufactured or produced in Hong Kong.
肖穎博士說,在新法例下,港出口 商 可能須在採購產品時,通知內地生產商產品 會出口到歐盟市場,並需獲得中華人民共和國國家質量監督檢驗檢疫總局(國家質檢總 局)的有關證書;從港再出口的 貨物亦要附上有關證書。
Dr. Y. XIAO advised that under the new
[...] legislation, Hong Kong traders might be required that when sourcing the products from the Mainland manufacturers, should inform the latter that the products were intended for the EU market and obtain relevant certificates from General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ), and covered their subsequent re-export consignments from Hong Kong with the relevant [...]
更新的人口推算由2013年開始第二類嬰兒的數目推算為零,是由於已╱將會實施一連串措施,包括(一)2013年所有公立醫院不會接受任何非本地孕婦預約分娩服務、(二)衞生署不會向丈夫為非香港居民的內地孕婦(雙非孕婦)簽發2013年 港出 生 的「預約分娩服務確認書」,以及(三)香港私家醫院聯會亦表示已一致同意停止接受明年雙非孕婦的分娩預約。
It has been taken in this updated set of population projections that there are no Type II babies starting from 2013 because of a series of measures which has been /will be implemented, including (i) public hospitals would not accept bookings for delivery in 2013 from non-local pregnant women,  (ii) the Department of Health would stop issuing the "Confirmation Certificate on Delivery Booking" to non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents for giving birth in Hong Kong in 2013 and (iii) the Hong Kong Private Hospitals Association also indicated that consensus was reached to stop accepting delivery bookings from non-local Mainland women whose husbands are not Hong Kong residents next year.
過往在編製生育統計數字時,某年內所有在 港出 生 的活產嬰兒都計算在內,當中包括由配偶為香港居民及非香港居民(即嬰兒的父母均不是香港居民)的內地婦女在香港所生的嬰兒。
Previously, fertility statistics were compiled by counting all live births born in Hong Kong in a year, including those born in Hong Kong to Mainland women, regardless of whether their spouses were Hong Kong residents or non-Hong Kong residents (i.e. including those cases where neither the child's mother nor father was Hong Kong resident).
鑒於政府當局未有採取有效行動,對15條約束政府的有關條 例出修訂使其亦約束中央政府駐 港 特 區 機構,以及仍未 完成就《個人資料(私隱)條例》是否適用於中央政府駐香港特 區機構所進行的覆檢,以致該等機構無須遵守該等條例;而 政府當局又遲遲未將明文規定對" 官方" 具約束力或適用的35 [...]
條有關條例作適應化修改,本會表示高度關注,並促請政府 當局解釋此方面工作進展緩慢的原因,以及加快對有關條例
That, in view of the Administration's failure to take
[...] effective action to amend the 15 relevant Ordinances which bind the Government so that they also bind the offices of the CPG in the HKSAR and to [...]
complete the review
of the applicability of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to the CPG offices in the HKSAR, resulting in these offices not being required to abide by these Ordinances, and as the Administration has delayed the adaptation of the 35 relevant Ordinances which are expressed to bind, or apply to, the "Crown", this Council expresses serious concern and urges the Administration to explain the reasons for the slow progress of the work and to expedite amendment and adaptation of the relevant Ordinances.
(B) 倘任何股東出代表其所持股份之一張股票予以註銷,並要求本 公司按該股東可能指定之有關比例另發兩張或以上代表該等股份之股票替代,則董事 會可於就首張股票以外每張股票支付董事會不時釐定的有關費用(倘為任何於 港證 券 交易所上市的股本,則該費用不得超過有關證券交易所不時規定或准許的最高金 額,而倘為任何其他股本,則為董事會就有關股東名冊所在地區而言屬合理而可能不 時釐定的以有關貨幣計值的有關款項,或否則於各情況下董事會可能不時釐定的有關 其他款項)後酌情遵照有關要求。
(B) If any member shall surrender for cancellation a share
certificate representing
[...] shares held by him and request the Company to issue in lieu two or more share certificates representing such shares in such proportions as he may specify, the Board may, if it thinks fit, comply with such request subject to the payment of such sum (not exceeding, in the case of any share capital listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, the maximum [...]
amount prescribed or
permitted from time to time by such stock exchange, and, in the case of any other share capital, such sum in such currency as the Board may from time to time determine to be reasonable in the territory in which the relevant register is situate, or otherwise in each case such other sum as the Board may from time to time determine) for every certificate after the first, as the Board shall from time to time determine.
与会者一致认为浙江拥有近万家汽车零部件(用品)生产企业这一产业集群和宁 港出 口 贸易的优越条件,建立一个为汽车零部件(用品)生产企业融入OEM配套供应链和汽车后市场采购链,并提供信息交流、采购对接、技术咨询、产品实验、检测认证、企业管理、合资融资等服务的经营与发展平台十分必要。
It was agreed that Zhejiang has Jin Wanjia auto parts (supplies)
production enterprises of this industry
[...] clusters and export trade port of Ningbo favourable [...]
conditions for the establishment
of an auto parts (supplies) into the OEM production enterprises supporting the supply chain and automotive After the market procurement chain, and to provide information exchange, procurement and docking, technical advice, product test, certification testing, enterprise management, venture financing and other business services and development platform is very necessary.
The reasons of causing the problem of drug
[...] counterfeiting in Hong Kong were then asked, [...]
interviewers first read out 3 options (order
randomized by computer), then respondents would select suitable answers among them, or they could provide their own opinions.




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