

单词 出榜

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External sources (not reviewed)

墨西哥认 为
[...] ,巴巴多 斯 是加勒 比 区域的一个出 榜样, 墨西哥赞赏 巴巴多 斯在各次区域研讨会上分享自 [...]
己 的经验 。
Mexico considered
[...] Barbados to be an outstanding example within [...]
the Caribbean region and appreciated its sharing of experience
during various regional seminars.
此外,一向排名比陳水扁略高的呂秀蓮,今回因為認知度不足而 出榜 外。
Second, Lu Hsiu-lien who normally ranks a bit higher than Chen Shui-bian has dropped out of the list because of her relatively low recognition rate.
(d) 教科文组织应当在利用信息和传播技术和电讯手段方面 出榜 样 , 以避免安排时 间长和花钱多的会议。
(d) UNESCO should set an example in the use of ICTs and telecommunications, to avoid lengthy and costly conferences.
[...] 宗旨是奖励那些在提高学习、教学和整体教育质量方面树立了 出榜 样 、 采用了最佳做法和 创造性地利用了信息和传播技术(ICTs)的个人、机构、其它实体或非政府组织开展的项目 [...]
The purpose of the UNESCO King Hamad Bin Isa Al-Khalifa Prize for the Use of Information and Communication Technologies in Education is to reward projects and activities of individuals,
institutions, other entities or non-governmental
[...] organizations for excellent models, best [...]
practice, and creative use of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning, teaching and overall educational performance.
安理会今天的辩论会不提及纳尔逊·曼德拉总统 和德斯蒙德·图图大主教的出榜样 就 是不完整的, 他们发挥了世界级领导作用。
This forum’s venture today would not be complete without invoking the great example of President Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
為了方便巿民更能掌握「十大」評分系列的方法和數據,由是次發放開始,在調查方法不變的前題下,研究組會同時公佈以下兩項附加參考資料:(1) 在最後階段評分調查中,因認知率較低而 出榜 外 的 人物或團體所得評分,認知率低於50%者除外; (2)綜合較長時期調查結果的總結排名,「十大議員」及「十大政團」皆以過去12個月為限。
To facilitate better understanding of our "Top 10" series, starting from this release, while the research method has remained the same, we will also include the following two pieces of supplementary information: (1) The ratings of political figures or groups being dropped in the final stage of the rating exercise due to their relatively low recognition rates, provided that they still attain 50% recognition rate; (2) Overall ratings ranked according to results obtained over an extended period of time, which is set at past 12 calendar months for "Top 10 Legislative Councillors" and "Top 10 Political Groups" surveys.
過去兩年一直名列第一或第二位的余若薇,由於在最後階段的認知度排名不入十大,因此 出榜 外 , 情況與近年陳婉嫻及多年前杜葉錫恩相似。
Audrey Eu, who has been in the first or second place over the last two years, has dropped out of the list because of her relatively low recognition rate in the final stage of the survey.
另外,大韩民国 作为《联合国气候变化框架公约》非附件一缔约方, 希望切实减少本国温室气体排放,为发展中国家出榜样, 并希望将年度国内生产总值(GDP)近 2% 用于低碳绿色增长项目,以此作为实现国家环境可 持续经济增长规划的一部分。
Furthermore, as a non-Annex I party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, the Republic of
[...] Korea hoped to make a meaningful reduction to its greenhouse gas emissions as an example for developing countries to follow and intended to spend [...]
approximately two
per cent of its annual gross domestic product (GDP) on low-carbon, green growth programmes as part of a national plan for environmentally sustainable economic growth.
We would like young people and teachers all over the world to take the lead.
論相對排名,夏佳理和周梁淑怡繼續保持第一及第二位,梁振英上升一位排名第三,鄭耀棠則再次跨越認識度門檻排名第四,曾鈺成就保持第五,上次排名第三的陳智思就 出榜 外。
In terms of relative ranking, Ronald Arculli and Selina Chow continue to occupy the first and second positions, Leung Chun-ying moves one step up to become the third, Cheng
Yiu-tong passes the recognition
[...] benchmark again to become the fourth, while Jasper Tsang continues to stay on the fifth.
[...] 这些法庭在适当程序和被拘留者获得公平审判的权利方面 出榜 样。
She also calls upon those tribunals to
[...] constitute a model in respect [...]
of due process and of the rights of detainees to a fair trial.
民研計劃在2012年11月底至12月初,透過真實訪員以隨機抽樣方式,分兩階段進行了五大紀律部隊滿意程度調查,發現論滿意率淨值相對排名,『五大』香港紀律部隊之中,消防處繼續排名榜首,海關、入境事務處和警務處各升一級,分別排名第二至第四位,民眾安全服務隊新入榜排名第五,而上次排名第二的政府飛行服務隊,今次因為未能超越認知門檻而 出榜 外。
POP conducted a double stage survey on people’s satisfaction with the top 5 disciplinary forces in late November to early December 2012 by means of random telephone surveys conducted by real interviewers. The survey shows that in terms of relative rankings according to net satisfaction rates, among the ‘top 5’ Hong Kong disciplinary forces, Hong Kong Fire Services Department stays on top, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Hong Kong Immigration Department and Hong Kong Police Force each goes up one position to rank second to fourth, Civil Aid Service enters the list and ranks fifth, while Government
Flying Services which ranked second last time
[...] has dropped out of the list because it [...]
failed to reach the recognition threshold.
為了方便各界掌握有關調查的方法和數據,本公報同時提供在最後階段評分調查中,因認知率較低而 出榜 外 的 議員評分。
To facilitate better understanding of our "Top 5" series, we have also released the rating of one Executive Councillor who was dropped in the final stage of the rating exercise due to his relatively low recognition rate.
上次排名第四的勞工就業問題,今年就 出榜 外。
Labour and employment” issue which ranked fourth in last survey has dropped out of the list.
该奖项的宗旨是:奖励那些在提高学习、教学和整体教育 质量方面树立了出榜样、 采用了最佳做法和创造性地利用了信息和传播技术(ICTs)的个 [...]
The purpose of this Prize is to reward projects and activities of individuals,
institutions, other entities or non-governmental
[...] organizations for excellent models, best [...]
practice, and creative use of information
and communication technologies (ICTs) to enhance learning, teaching and overall educational performance.
對比半年前,『十大』政治人物只有排名上的變動,沒有新 榜 或 跌 出榜 外 的 人物,當中唐英年的排名較上次調查上升4位,余若薇和李柱銘的排名則分別下跌4和3位,其餘變化都在上下兩名之內。
There is no dropout or new inclusion. The ranking [...]
of Henry Tang increases 4 places, while that of Audrey Eu and Martin Lee
drop 4 and 3 places respectively.
这是中国向缅甸政府施展影响力的典型范 例,即,以中国自己为缅甸出榜样79
As was the case with the presidential statement during the Saffron Revolution, as soon as China was isolated in the Council, it gave in.
上次第三的鄭耀棠由於認知率相對較低而 出榜 外 , 而上次分別得第四和第五的曾鈺成和梁振英就互換位置,但評分仍然偏低。
Cheung Yiu-tong was third last time, this time he couldn't make it to the list due to his relatively low recognition rate.
當局作為社會的管理者,卻不能 出榜 樣 ,帶領社會風氣, 向市民示範責任,對此,我深表遺憾。
The authorities, as the governing party in society, have failed to set an example by setting a social trend and showing the public what responsibilities they have to take.
對比八個月前,7位政治人物能夠蟬聯「十大」,上次排名第五、第九及第十的范徐麗泰、梁家傑及李卓人分別下跌15、5及3位至第二十、十四及十三位而 出榜 外。
Rita Fan, Alan Leong and Lee Cheuk-yan who ranked 5th, 9th and 10th last time have fallen out of the list after dropping 15, 5 and 3 places respectively to take the 20th, 14th and 13th places.
為了方便各界掌握「十大」評分系列的方法和數據,研究組同時公佈以下兩項附加參考資料:(1)在最後階段評分調查中,因認知率較低而 出榜 外 的團體所得評分,認知率低於50%者除外;(2)綜合較長時期調查結果的總結排名,而「十大政團」則以過去12個月為限。
To facilitate better understanding of our 「Top 10」 series, we have included the following two pieces of supplementary information: (1) The ratings of political groups being dropped in the final stage of the rating exercise due to their relatively low recognition rates, provided that they still attain 50% recognition rate; (2) Overall ratings ranked according to results obtained over an extended period of time, which is set at past 12 calendar months for surveys on 「Top 10 Political Groups」.
對比半年前,9位政治人物能夠蟬聯『十大』,上次排名第八的李卓人,今次下跌5位至排名十三而 出榜 外 , 取而代之進入『十大』的是陳方安生,由第十三位上升4位至排名第九。
Lee Cheuk-yan who ranked 8th last time drops 5 places and falls out of the list becoming the 13th, while Anson Chan fills the gap after rising 4 places from 13th to become the 9th.
對比半年前,9位政治人物能夠蟬聯『十大』,上次排名第八的李卓人,今次下跌5位至排名十三而 出榜 外 , 取而代之進入『十大』的是陳方安生,由第十三位上升4位至排名第九。
Compared to 6 months ago, 9 people continue to remain on the 'top 10' list. Lee Cheuk-yan who ranked 8th last time drops 5 places and falls out of the list becoming the 13th, while Anson Chan fills the gap after rising 4 places from 13th to become the 9th.
民研計劃總監鍾庭耀分析:「論滿意率淨值相對排名,『五大』香港紀律部隊之中,消防處繼續排名榜首,海關、入境事務處和警務處各升一級,分別排名第二至第四位,民眾安全服務隊新入榜排名第五,而上次排名第二的政府飛行服務隊,今次因為未能超越認知門檻而 出榜 外。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, “In terms of relative rankings according to net satisfaction rates, among the ‘top 5’ Hong Kong disciplinary forces, Hong Kong Fire Services Department stays on top, Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department, Hong Kong Immigration Department and Hong Kong Police Force each goes up one position to rank second to fourth, Civil Aid Service enters the list and ranks fifth, while Government
Flying Services which ranked second last time
[...] has dropped out of the list because it [...]
failed to reach the recognition threshold.
委员会在审查目前项目时,应考虑如下两个方 面:首先,强化后的问责制应该伴有秘书处更大的灵 活性,因为过分强调一个因素可能阻碍其效率和功 效;其次,既然会员国要求秘书处承担更高级别的 问责,那么他们应该出榜样, 展示类似的高度责 任感。
Two considerations should inform the Committee’s review of the current item: firstly, strengthened accountability should be accompanied by increased flexibility on the part of the Secretariat, since overemphasis on one element might hinder its efficiency and effectiveness; and, secondly, since they were requesting the Secretariat to assume a higher degree of accountability, Member States should serve as models and demonstrate a similarly high degree of responsibility.
對比八個月前,7位政治人物能夠蟬聯『十大』,上次排名第五、第九及第十的范徐麗泰、梁家傑及李卓人分別下跌15、5及3位至第二十、十四及十三位而 出榜 外。
Compared to 8 months ago, 7 people continue to remain on the ‘top 10’ list. Rita Fan, Alan Leong and Lee Cheuk-yan who ranked 5th, 9th and 10th last time have fallen out of the list after dropping 15, 5 and 3 places respectively to take the 20th, 14th and 13th places.
要推動社會向上流動,我認為政府及各階層均應 出榜 樣 , 並須有 一種心態,便是“由心出發”,即是對人有愛心;生活要用心,學習及聆 聽時要虛心;而且做事情要有決心。
They should have a mindset of doing things "from the heart", which means a caring heart for others, an attentive heart to live with, a humble heart for learning and listening, and a determined heart in doing things.
匈牙利指出,挪威与普遍定期审议的合作以及在准备审议进程期间表出的透 明度和开放性可以作为其他国家 榜 样 ,匈牙利高度赞扬挪威的自愿承 诺,即每年提供资料,说明该国接受的建议的执行情况。
Hungary underlined that Norway’s cooperation with the universal periodic review, and its transparency and openness during the preparation and the review process, could serve as a model to other countries, and highly appreciated its voluntary commitment to provide information annually on the implementation of the recommendations it accepted.
最后,重大计划 V 树立了一个可喜榜样,它拿出了正 常预算资金的至少 20%用于跨 部门活动,并且特别侧重于艾滋病毒和艾滋病、气候变化(包括可持续发展教育和科学教 育)、新知识的获取方法(包括信息与传播技术的强化学习、媒体和信息扫盲)、多样性和相互 了解(包括使用多种语言和遗产保存),以及对于冲突后国家和受灾国家的支持。
Finally, Major Programme V has set a welcome example by earmarking at least 20% of its regular budget resources for intersectoral engagement, with particular focus on HIV and AIDS; climate change (including education for sustainable development and science education); new knowledge acquisition processes (including ICT-enhanced learning; media and information literacy); diversity and mutual understanding (including multilingualism and heritage preservation); and support to countries in post-conflict and post-disaster situations.
民意研究計劃主任鍾庭耀分析:「對比六個月前,兩岸政治人物排 榜出 現 了 一些明顯變化,似乎都是集中在台灣政治人物方面。
Robert Ting-Yiu Chung, Director of Public Opinion Programme, observed, "Compared to 6 months ago, significant changes have occurred in the list of top 10 political figures, mostly related to those in Taiwan.




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