

单词 出月



complete the month of confinement following childbirth

External sources (not reviewed)

至於立法會選舉方面,調查顯示,在選舉提名結束後,約七成登記選民能夠正確 出9月 7 日 是選舉日期,算是不錯的認知程度。
Regarding the Legislative Council election, after the nomination
period is over, about 70% of all registered voters managed to tell us the exact date of
[...] the election, namely, September 7.
我要出,6 月 13 日,阿拉伯国家联盟秘书长访 问了加沙地带,敦促结束对加沙的封锁,实现巴勒斯 [...]
坦和解,以促进实现巴勒斯坦人建立一个独立的巴勒 斯坦国的愿望,作为两国解决办法的一部分。
I note that on 13 June the Secretary-General [...]
of the League of Arab States visited the Gaza Strip, urging an end to the blockade
of Gaza and Palestinian reconciliation in order to advance towards legitimate Palestinian aspirations for the creation of an independent Palestinian State as part of a two-State solution.
另一位发言者出,5 月 3 日 是世界新闻自由日, 强调委员会应该回顾《世界人权宣言》第十九条,其中申明人人享有言论自由, 包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,和通过任何媒介和不论国界寻求、接受和传递 消息和思想的自由。
Another speaker, noting that 3 May was World Press Freedom Day, emphasized that it was important for the Committee to recall article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which affirmed the right of everyone to freedom of expression, including the freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
我要出,7月 1日的 公眾集會和公眾遊行的主辦者通知警方, 於當天下午2時開始在維多利亞公園舉行公眾集會,然後遊行至中區 政府合署並在該處舉行另一集會,活動應於晚上8時結束。
I must point out that the organizer of the public meeting and public procession on 1 July had advised the [...]
police that the public
meeting would commence at 2 pm on that day at the Victoria Park, followed by a procession to the Central Government Offices where another meeting would take place.
最后,我要强调出,1 月 27 日,乌拉圭和澳大 利亚两国代表团将举办一个面向所有人的研讨会,讨 [...]
论的议题将是如何在维持和平任务中落实对平民的 保护。
Lastly, I would like
[...] to highlight that, on 27 January, the delegations [...]
of Uruguay and Australia will organize an open workshop
to address the issue of implementing the protection of civilians in the mandates of peacekeeping operations.
另一方面,秘书长在 2008 年 3 月 28 日提交安全理事会的关于联合国科索沃
临时行政当局特派团的报告(S/2008/211)中注意到科索沃于 2007 年 12 月 19 日
[...] 结束选举进程,科索沃议会议员于 2008 年 1 月 4 日宣示就职,并出:“2 月 17 日 ,科索沃议会举行会议,在会上通过了一个‘独立宣言’,宣布科索沃为一个 [...]
On the other hand, in his report of 28 March 2008 to the Security Council on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (S/2008/211) the Secretary-General added, after noting that the electoral process in Kosovo had concluded on 19 December 2007 and that the members of the
Assembly of Kosovo had taken their
[...] oath on 4 January 2008: “On 17 February, the Assembly [...]
of Kosovo held a session during
which it adopted a ‘declaration of independence’, declaring Kosovo an independent and sovereign State”.
列 支敦士 登 代表团 还 强调出,2 月 份 政 府 还 设 立 了一个 多 部门工作 [...]
组,具 体负责审查为在国内实施 《 残疾人权利公约 》及其《任择 议定书》所须 采 取的一切立法措 施 和其他措 施 。
The delegation further
[...] stressed that, also in February, the Government established [...]
an interdisciplinary working group with
the specific mandate to examine any legislative and other measures required for the domestic implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol.
2011 年 5 月,丹尼尔·巴伦博伊姆率领一 支由
[...] 35 名欧洲音乐家组成的演出队到加沙 出 ,8 月,他 率领由阿拉伯和以色列音乐家组成的 [...]
West-Eastern Divan 交响乐团到大韩民国演出。
In May 2011, Daniel Barenboim had taken a
group of 35 musicians from Europe to perform
[...] in Gaza, and in August he had taken the [...]
West-Eastern Divan Orchestra, made up of
Arab and Israeli musicians, to play in the Republic of Korea.
Yuzo ITAGAKI was born in Tokyo in Feb. 1931, seven months earlier than [...]
the 9/18 Incident, the inception of Japan’s unreserved incursion into China.
其中将包括上半年的两个商务考察团,那就是 月出 访 印 度孟买、浦那和艾哈迈达巴德;还有四月北上访问中国的辽宁省和吉林省。
In the first half-year, we will be organising
two business missions – to Mumbai, Pune and
[...] Ahmedabad in India in February; and to Liaoning [...]
and Jilin provinces in April.
最終可獲贈 之Cash
[...] Dollars將根據合資格出糧服務客戶於存入Cash Dollars時其月出糧金 額而釐定。
The actual amount of Cash Dollars rewarded will
[...] be subject to the monthly payroll amount of [...]
the Eligible Payroll Customer at the time when the Cash Dollars are credited.
該等物業目 前已月出租予 租戶作工場、配套 辦公室及倉庫 用途,每月租金總 額為 80,000港元,不包括差餉及管理費。
The Properties are currently leased to the
[...] Tenants on a monthly basis at a total rent of HK$80,000 per month, exclusive [...]
of rates and management
fees, for use as workshop, ancillary office and warehouse.
該公司已於二零一一年十月出售, 且有關交易於二零一 二年六月完成,因此本集團於本回顧期內沒有此等開支。
The Group had no such expense in the current period under review.
来源:《中国统计年鉴 2009》,中国国家统计局编,2009 年 9 月出版;《2009 年国民经济和 社会发展统计公报》,中国国家统计局 2010 年 2 月发布。
Source: China Statistical Yearbook 2009, China
National Bureau of
[...] Statistics, September 2009; 2009 National Social and Economic Development Statistics Bulletin, February 2010.
过渡联邦政府安全部门 的情况近几月出现恶 化,许多表面上是过渡联邦政府部队的部队实际上 [...]
是自治民兵,他们与非索特派团的关系比与过渡联邦政府领导人的关系更 密切(截至 2011 年 3 月的非索特派团和联邦过渡政府在摩加迪沙的位置图 见附件 1.1.a)。
The state of the Government security sector has
[...] deteriorated in recent months, and many ostensibly [...]
Transitional Federal Government forces
are in fact autonomous militias more closely affiliated with AMISOM than with the Transitional Federal Government leadership (see annex 1.1.a for a map of AMISOM and Transitional Federal Government positions in Mogadishu as at March 2011).
秦博士於2001年4月至2010年9月擔任招商銀行股份有限公司董事長,於2000年12月至201 0年 8 月出 任 招商局集團有限公司董事長,1995年4月至2000年7月擔任中國國際信託投資公司(CITIC)總裁,2000年7月至2001年12月任CITIC 副董事長及於1998年至2000年出任中信實業銀行董事長。
Dr. Qin served as Chairman of China Merchants Bank Co., Ltd. from April 2001 to September 2010 and as Chairman of China Merchants Group Limited from December 2000 to August 2010; President of China International Trust and Investment Corporation (CITIC) from April 1995 to July 2000; Vice Chairman of CITIC from July 2000 to December 2001 and Chairman of CITIC Industrial Bank from 1998 to 2000.
鑒 於 (i) 貴 集 團 於 截 至 二
零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 止 年度及 截 至
[...] 二 零 一一年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六月 出 現 虧 蝕 ; (ii) 股 份 收 購 價 高 於 二 [...]
零 一 零 年 十 二 月 三 十 一 日 最 近 期 之 經
審 核 每 股 資 產 淨 值 ; (iii) 以 股 份 收 購 價 代 表 之 隱 含 市 賬 率 及 隱 含 企 值 ╱ 銷 售 比 率 高 於 可 比 較 公 司 之 平 均 數 ; 及 (iv) 股 份 收 購 建 議 為 獨 立 股 東 實 現 股 份 投 資 之 另 一 出 路 , 故 吾 等 認 為 , 股 份 收 購 價 為 公 平 合 理 。
In view of (i) the Group was loss-making for the
[...] year ended 31 December 2010 and for the six months ended 30 [...]
June 2011; (ii) the Share Offer
Price represents a premium over the latest audited NAV per Share as at 31 December 2010; (iii) the implied PB Ratio and the implied EV/Sales Ratio as represented by the Share Offer Price is higher than the averages of the Comparable Companies; and (iv) the Share Offer provides an alternative exit for the Independent Shareholders to realize their investment in Shares, we consider that the Share Offer Price is fair and reasonable.
中心網頁內有二零一零年月出版的 《食物安全焦點》第 四十八期,當中提供更多有關資料。
More information on the issue was available on the CFS website: “Food Safety Focus
[...] Issue No. 48” published in July 2010.
[...] 煤業務的市場推廣及行業資產,並一直擔任該職位直至二零零二年 月出 任 行 政總裁。
In January 1990, he was made responsible for the worldwide coal business of Glencore for
both marketing and industrial assets, and remained in this role until he became Chief
[...] Executive Officer in January 2002.
古巴全球经济研究中心目前正在配合编写拉丁美洲和加勒比区域的全球环境 展望概览区域报告,将于 2010 年 7 月出版。
The Centre for Global Economy Studies in Cuba is currently collaborating in the production of the
global environment outlook regional report for the Latin American and Caribbean
[...] Region which will be launched in July 2010.
調查結果發現,政務司司長曾蔭權得59.4分,較去年12月初的評分顯著下跌2.0分,並創其200 1年 5 月出 任 政務司司長以來的最低評分;另一方面,市民對財政司司長梁錦松及律政司司長梁愛詩的評分分別為52.7及46.7分,相較去年12月初的結果,兩人的得分幾乎沒有改變。
Regarding the popularity ratings for the three Secretaries, results showed that the latest rating of CS Donald Tsang Yam-kuen was 59.4 marks, a significant drop of 2.0 marks from that of early December last year, which was also a record low since his taking up the position as CS in May 2001.
Kalmin先生於二零零三年十月調職至Glencore位於巴爾的總部,負責Glencore的會計及申報職務,並於二零零五年月出 任 財 務 總 監。
Mr Kalmin moved to Glencore’s Baar head
[...] office in October 2003 to oversee Glencore’s accounting and reporting functions, becoming Chief Financial Officer in June 2005.
此外,“禁雷运动”出, 该机构出的许 多效率问题都涉及联合国的作用,在这方面,“禁雷运动”对近 几月来在 非政府组织和联合国之间开始的建设性对话表示赞赏。
In addition, the ICBL noted that
many efficiency issues
[...] they have raised touch upon the role of the United Nations and, in this regard, expressed appreciation for a constructive dialogue that has started in recent months between non-governmental [...]
organisations and the UN.
咨询委员会回顾,秘书长在 A/64/6(Sect.34)号文件中出了暂用的 拟议方案预算第 34 款经常预算和共出资活动的毛额预算的初步提案, 以待世界各地联合国人员及房舍安全保障问题独立审查小组(独立审查小 组)2008 年 6 月建议 对安全和安保部组织进行的全面管理审查完成以及联 合国系统行政首长协调理事会对独立审查小组的建议 出 反 应
The Advisory Committee recalls that in document A/64/6 (Sect. 34), the
Secretary-General submitted a
[...] preliminary proposed programme budget for section 34 of the regular budget and the gross budget for jointly financed activities, pending the completion of the comprehensive management review of the organization of the Department of Safety and Security that was recommended in June 2008 by the Independent Panel on Safety and Security of United Nations Personnel and Premises Worldwide and the submission of the response of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination to the recommendations [...]
of the Independent Panel.
如優進理財客戶之月出糧金額並不固定,本行將以最低之出糧金額 計算客戶可獲贈之Cash [...]
If the monthly payroll amount for [...]
a Preferred Banking customer is variable, Cash Dollars rewarded shall be calculated according
to the customer’s lowest monthly payroll amount.
中亚文明史》第 1 卷和第 2 卷被译成了中文;书的 销售量增加;报纸和知名大学的评价非常好;第 4
[...] 卷 (第 2 部分)于 2000 年 6 月出版,在学者和普通读 者中取得了巨大成功;第 [...]
5 卷的手稿已经通过;《伊 斯兰文化面面观》:继续编写和出版了若干卷,尤其
是第 IV 卷(分 2 册)完稿和第 V 卷(在付印中); 《拉丁美洲通史》:出版了第 II 卷和第 III 卷,第 IV 卷至第 VI 卷正在定稿,正在为最后几卷(第 VII 卷至第 IX 卷)寻求预算外资金;《加勒比通史》: 继续起草、编辑和筹备出版余下三卷(第 I、IV 和 V 卷);《人类史》:继续出版和翻译。
History of Civilizations of Central Asia: Volumes I and II translated into Chinese; Volume sales increase; Very favourable reviews by press and
leading universities; Volume IV (Part Two)
[...] was published in June 2000 and met with [...]
great success among scholars and the public
in general; Manuscript of Volume V approved; Work on The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture: continued preparation and publication of the various volumes, notably Volume IV (2 vols.) completed and Volume V (in the press); General History of Latin America: publication of Volumes II and III; Volumes IV to VI are being finalized; extrabudgetary funds being sought for the final volumes (VII to IX); General History of the Caribbean: drafting, editing and preparation for publication of the three remaining volumes (Volumes I, IV and V) continued; History of Humanity: publication and translations continued.
疟疾,是非洲儿童死亡和贫困的一个重要原因”由联合国儿童基金会200 4年 1 月出 版 , 纳入了个案研究和疟疾流行示图,概述了儿童基金会及其伙伴在非洲疟疾防治中必须采取关键行动。
Malaria, A Major Cause of Child
Death and Poverty in Africa" 
[...] published by UNICEF in January 2004, includes case studies [...]
and a graphic representation of
endemic malaria, outlining key actions UNICEF and its partners must take to control the malaria burden in Africa.
取得的成果:教科文组织统计研究所(i)扩大了调查的覆盖面,现已从 81%的国家获得了关于小学教育的可公布的数据(覆盖了全球小学学龄人口的 93%),从
75%的国家获得了关于中学教育的可公布的数据(覆盖了全球中学学龄人口的 87%); (ii)2003
[...] 年教育数据从开始收集到最终公布的时间缩短至 18 个月;(iii)2003 年 8 月出 版了阿拉伯国家和南亚及东亚地区的教育报告,以及 [...]
UIS 第一本综合性全球教育统计刊物 《全球教育文摘》;(iv)举办了
24 次地区讲习班,几乎所有会员国都有教育统计人员参 加;(v)为 2002 年和 2003/4 年《全球全民教育监测报告》,以及为《联合国千年发展目 标》的数据库提供了分析资料和统计附件。
Some Results Obtained: the UIS (i) improved the coverage of its surveys and now obtains publishable data from 81% of countries on primary schooling (covering 93% of the primary school-age population in the world) and from 75% on secondary schooling (87% of the secondary school-age population); (ii) reduced the time between
initiation of the education data collection to
[...] publication to 18 months in 2003; (iii) published [...]
regional reports on education in
the Arab States and South and East Asia and the first comprehensive UIS global publication of education statistics, the Global Education Digest in August 2003; (iv) conducted 24 regional workshops attended by education statisticians from nearly every Member State; and (v) provided analyses and statistical annexes for the Global EFA Monitoring Reports of 2002 and 2003/4, as well as for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals database.
(g) 关于“减少追回资产的障碍”的研究报告,该报告查明并分析了金融
[...] 中心内存在的阻碍追回被盗资产的各种障碍,已于 2011 年 6 月出版, 而《关于 滥用公司机制问题的报告》记述了法人实体如何被利用于掩盖腐败官员在腐败 [...]
所得中的获利,预定将于 2011 年夏季出版。
(g) The study “Lowering Barriers to Asset Recovery”, which identifies and analyses the barriers that impede the recovery of stolen
assets located within financial centres, has
[...] been published in June 2011, while the [...]
Report on the Misuse of Corporate Vehicles,
describing how legal entities are used to conceal the interest of corrupt officials in the proceeds of corruption, is scheduled for publication during the summer of 2011.
該部門的應佔溢利為港幣八億七千八百 萬元,在撇除二零零七年月出售蛇口集裝箱碼頭的溢 利港幣十億七千八百萬元後,應佔溢利較二零零七年同 期高百分之三十三。
The attributable profit of HK$878 million was 33% higher than that of the same period in 2007, excluding the HK$1,078 million profit on sale of Shekou Container Terminals in February 2007.




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