

单词 出庭

出庭 ()

appear in court


使出庭受审 v

haul v

See also:

law court
front courtyard
main hall

External sources (not reviewed)

他要求这些律出庭接受 问询,但他的要求被驳回,据提交人说,审理笔录 [...]
He requested to have these lawyers
[...] questioned in court, but his request [...]
was rejected, and no record to this effect was entered
in the trial transcript, according to the author.
一如上文第9(b)段所載,在經擴大的輔助計劃之下,就 第 II類法律程序(即與勞資審裁處上訴有關的民事法律程序以外 的新訂民事法律程序類別及有關專業疏忽申索的現行民事法律 程序類別而言),其最終分擔費用比率為20%;凡申索在審訊或 聆訊開始日期之前或(如有委聘大律師) 在向大律師送交在審訊 或聆訊出庭的委 聘書之前已達致和解者,則最終分擔費用比 率為15%。
As set out in paragraph 9(b) above, under the expanded SLAS, the rate of final contribution for Type II proceedings (i.e. the new types of civil proceedings apart from those relating to Labour Tribunal appeals and existing types of civil proceedings for professional negligence claims) is 20% or 15% if the claim is settled before the date of commencement of the trial or the hearing, or if counsel is engaged, before the delivery a brief to counsel for attendance at the trial or the hearing.
这类法律支持通常涉及如下几类案件:(a) 诉前案件(2009/10 年期间, 该司审查的开除建议有约 38%涉及维持和平行动工作人员);(b) 争议法庭一级的 案件(2009/10 年期间,为在争议法庭代表本组 出庭 的 实 体提供的咨询意见中约 39%涉及维持和平行动相关案件,所有判决中约 16%涉及维持和平行动相关案件); (c) 在上诉法庭代表本组出庭(2009/10 年期间,该司就维持和平特派团有关案 件提交了 19 份上诉和答复,约占呈件总数的 19%)。
Such legal support generally pertains to the following types of cases: (a) pre-litigation cases (during the 2009/10 period, approximately 38 per cent of the Division’s reviews of recommendations for dismissal related to staff members in peacekeeping operations); (b) cases at the Dispute Tribunal level (during the 2009/10 period, approximately 39 per cent of the advice to
entities representing the
[...] Organization before the Dispute Tribunal related to cases arising in peacekeeping operations, and approximately 16 per cent of the total number of judgements related to cases arising in peacekeeping missions); and (c) representation of the Organization before the Appeals Tribunal (during the 2009/10 [...]
period, the Division
submitted 19 appeals and answers related to cases arising in peacekeeping missions, which represent approximately 19 per cent of the total number of submissions).
除这些权利外, 特别法庭在被告缺席情况下进行审判的法律制度还包括法庭必须履行的某些义 务:(a) 法庭必须为被告指派辩护律师,并且(b) 在被告缺席情况下进行审判的 程序不得有别于在被出庭情况 下进行审判的程序(规则 107)。
In addition to those rights, the legal regime of trials in the absence of the accused before the Special Tribunal for Lebanon includes two obligations incumbent upon the Tribunal: (a) the Tribunal must assign defence counsel to the accused; and (b) trial proceedings conducted in the absence of the accused must not differ from those conducted in the presence of the accused (rule 107).
但是,根据《规约》及《程序和证据规则》,缺席人仍有一些基本权利:(a) 可 以指定自己选择的辩护律师;(b) 可以终止缺席出庭(规则 108);(c) 如果没 有指定自己选择的辩护律师,审判结束后,可以要求重审(规则 109);(d) 如果 [...]
Under the statute and the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, the absentee retains, however, some fundamental rights: (a) he or she may appoint defence counsel of
his or her choosing;
[...] (b) he or she may terminate his or her absence and appear in court (rule 108); (c) if he or she has not appointed [...]
counsel of his
or her choosing, once the trial is over, he or she may ask for a retrial (rule 109); (d) if he or she has appointed defence counsel of his or her choosing, he or she has the right to appeal against the judgement of the Trial Chamber.
該等條文關乎較高級法出庭發言 權評核委員會("評核委 員會")就在高等法院及終審法院席前進行的民事及刑事法律程 序享有較高級法出庭發言 權("較高級法 出庭 發 言權")的申 請作出裁定、資格規定、批准申請的條件、喪失停止享有及重 新取得較高級法出庭發言權、備存享有較高級法 出庭 發言 權的律師名單,以及發出較高級法 出庭 發 言權證書和訟辯律 師的行為守則。
These provisions relate to the Higher Rights Assessment Board (the Board)'s determination of an application for higher rights of audience before the High Court and the Court of Final Appeal in civil and criminal proceedings (higher rights), the eligibility requirements, the conditions for granting the application, the loss of higher rights, the cessation and re-acquisition of higher rights, the keeping of a list of solicitors having higher rights, and the issuance of higher rights certificates and a code of conduct for solicitor [...]
然而,若考虑行使普遍管辖权的国家刑事司法当局有 重大理由认为,嫌疑人或受害者的领土国和国籍国显然不愿意或无能力起诉嫌疑 人,而且嫌疑人是行使代表国家职能的外国国家官员,则国家刑事司法当局应设 法下出庭传票 ,或采取同等措施,而不是下达逮捕令,以便嫌疑人能 出庭, 并在律师协助下,提供一切其掌握的证明无罪的证据。
However, where the national criminal justice authorities considering exercising universal jurisdiction have serious reasons to believe that the territorial State and the State of nationality of the suspect or the victims are manifestly unwilling or unable to prosecute the suspect, and the suspect is a foreign State official exercising a representative function on behalf of his or her State, they
should seek and issue
[...] a summons to appear or equivalent measure, rather than an arrest warrant, to enable the suspect to appear before the court and to produce, [...]
with the assistance
of counsel, any exculpatory evidence in his or her possession.
[...] 动就对人权产生影响的新立法进行磋商的制度;政府部委有忽视委员会的参与和 意见的倾向;在马尔代夫人权委员会是否可以代表受害 出庭 或 者 甚至向法庭提 交意见上,存在法律不确定性;以及很少吸纳国家预防机制的建议。
The HRCM continues to face a number of challenges in carrying out its mandate including: tension between certain aspects of Shari’ah law and international human rights law; lack of an established system under which HRCM is automatically consulted on new legislation impacting on human rights; tendency for government departments to ignore the Commission’s input and opinions; legal
uncertainty as to
[...] whether HRCM can appear in court on behalf of victims, or even submit opinions to the courts; and very [...]
low take-up of NPM recommendations.
提交人进一步认为,两份要求他在德黑兰革命法 出庭 的 传票没有争议, 而他在这两张传票发出之后没有在革命法 出庭 这 一 事实本身就证实了,如果返 回伊朗伊斯兰共和国,他将会有被逮捕和遭受酷刑或其他残忍、不人道或有辱人 格的待遇或处罚的风险。
3.3 The complainant further maintains that the two summons to appear before the Revolutionary Court in Tehran are uncontested, and the fact that he did not appear before the Revolutionary Court following those summons, in and of itself substantiates the risk that he will be arrested and subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, if he is returned to the Islamic Republic of Iran.
[...] 视频,但是法官有可能不愿接受受害儿童或儿童证人的视频证言,常常要求他们 本出庭。
It is further concerned that despite the law which allows for early deposition of testimonies on video recordings, judges can be
reluctant to accept such testimonies by child victims or witnesses and often
[...] request their physical presence in the court.
(e) 请律师协会或法律协会及其他伙伴机构拟订律师和法律助理名册,以 便给针对涉及刑事犯罪的嫌疑犯、被逮捕者、被拘留者、被控告或被指控刑事
[...] 犯罪者的法律综合系统提供支助;这类支助例如可包括在固定日期内在法出 庭受审
(e) To request bar or legal associations and other partnership institutions to establish a roster of lawyers and paralegals to support a comprehensive legal system for persons suspected, arrested, detained,
accused or charged with a criminal offence; such support could include,
[...] for example, appearing before the courts [...]
on fixed days
(b) 根据其国际义务,采取一切必要步骤,确 保 因刑事罪名被逮捕或羁押的 人有权迅速面见法官或法律授权行使审判权力的其他人员,并确保在合理时间出庭受审 或获释,并在这方面采取一切必要步骤,确保因被逮捕或羁押而被剥夺 自由者不论在何处被捕或被羁押,均有权向法院提起诉讼,以便法院从速决定对 其羁押是否合法并在羁押行为不合法的情况下命令将其释放
(b) To take all steps necessary to ensure the right of anyone arrested or detained on a criminal charge to be brought promptly before a judge or other officer authorized by law to exercise judicial power, and the right to trial within a reasonable time or release, and in that regard to take all necessary steps to ensure the right of any person deprived of liberty by arrest or detention, regardless of the place of arrest or detention, to bring proceedings before court, in order that the court may decide without delay on the lawfulness of his or her detention and order his or her release if the detention is not lawful, in accordance with their international obligations
法院拒绝保释提交人及共同被告人,理由是没有 充分保障确保他们将再出庭受审
The Court refused to release the author and codefendants on bail as there were insufficient guarantees that
[...] they would reappear for trial.
(ii) 对于不适用第21节的职员,非经有关国家外交部
[...] 长同意,不得发布命令要他离境,而有关国家外 交部长则必须与有关专门机构行政首长协商后方 可同意;如遇对某一职员采取驱逐出境的程序 时,专门机构行政首长应有权代表被 出庭。
(ii) In the case of an official to whom Section 21 is not applicable, no order to leave the country shall be issued other than with the approval of the Foreign Minister of the country in question, and such approval shall be given only after consultation with the executive head of the specialized agency concerned; and, if expulsion proceedings are taken against an official, the executive head of the
specialized agency shall have
[...] the right to appear in such proceedings on behalf of the person against [...]
whom they are instituted.
如 法 庭 不 接 納 控 方 的 意 見 及 建 議,不 理 控 方 的 反 對,批 准 被 告 人 保 釋,則 本 署 人 員 除 執 行 法 庭 加 諸 獲
准 保 釋 人 士 而 在 執 行 時 要 求 廉 政 公 署 採 取 行 動 的 任 何 條 件 外,便 沒 有 法 律 責 任 採 取 任 何 的 措 施
[...] 以 確 保 被 告 人 再出 庭 或 遵 照 有 關 規 定 行 事 。
Should a court reject the opinion and recommendation of the prosecution and, despite such objections, grant bail to an accused person, there then is no legal responsibility placed upon officers of this Commission to take steps to ensure his re-attendance at court or his behaviour other
than the enforcement of any conditions which require I.C.A.C. action and which are
[...] placed upon the bailee by the court.
如果Consumer Affairs決定起訴,您可能需要作為 證出庭,並在聆訊上作證。
If Consumer Affairs decides to prosecute, you may have to go to court as a witness and give evidence at the hearing.
小组委员会还建议记录应包括剥夺自由的理由、 开始的确切时间和日期、持续多长时间、谁对其授权负责和有关执法人员的身
[...] 份、关于在此期间被拘留者在何处以及此人何时首次在司法或其他机 出庭 的准 确信息。
The SPT further recommends that the record should include the reasons for the deprivation of liberty, the exact time and date when it started, how long it lasted, who was responsible for its authorisation and the identity of the law enforcement officials concerned, precise
information about where the person was during the period, and when the
[...] person first appeared before a judicial [...]
or other authority.
(d) 工作人员于被捕、被控以情节轻微的交通违规行为以外的犯罪;或在刑 事诉讼中以被告人身份被出庭,或 因情节轻微的交通违规行为以外的犯罪而被 [...]
(d) A staff member who has been arrested, charged with an
offence other than a minor traffic violation or
[...] summoned before a court as a defendant [...]
in a criminal proceeding, or who has
been convicted, fined or imprisoned for any offence other than a minor traffic violation shall immediately report the fact to the Secretary-General.
原告及 Lufthansa 和解團體成 員明確保留任何 Lufthansa 和解團體成員對於以下個人或實體的所有權利,包括過去、現在或將來的被告 或通謀者;被和解團體律師認定為拒絕合理之合作請求,即拒絕參與訪問、提供申述或宣誓書、參與庭外 作證出庭作證的任何 Lufthansa 前任雇員、管理人員;以及除被豁免方之外的任何其他個人或實體。
All rights of any Lufthansa Settlement Class Member against former, current, or future defendants or co-conspirators, any former Lufthansa employee, officer or director who is determined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or affidavits, depositions or trial testimony by Settlement Class Counsel, or any other person or entity other than the Released Parties are specifically reserved by Plaintiffs and the Lufthansa Settlement Class Members.
[...] 的主张,申诉人着重提到两张要他到德黑兰革命法 出庭 的 传 票,以及革命法院 缺席判处他五年监禁,并提到伊朗记者的普遍待遇和目前严重的人权状况。
In support of his claim, the complainant
highlights the two
[...] summonses for him to appear before the Revolutionary [...]
Court in Tehran, as well as the sentence in absentia
to five years’ imprisonment by the Revolutionary Court, with reference to the general treatment of journalists and the current serious human rights situation in Iran.
在 第 三 宗 個 案 中 , 一 名 被 羈 留 人 士 要 求 在 夜 間 完 全 關 掉 羈 留 室 內 電 燈 , 但 一 名 看 管 人 員
無 理 地 拒 絕 有 關 要 求 ; 另 一 名 廉 署 人 員 剝 奪 該 名 其 後 成 為 獲 免 予 起 訴 的 證 人 的 人 士 在
[...] 廉 署 案 件 中 為 控出 庭 作 證 後 領 取 證 人 津 [...]
貼 的 權 利 。
In the third case, a guarding officer had unreasonably declined a detainee’s request to completely switch off the lighting in the detention cell during night time and another officer had deprived the same person who subsequently became an
immunized witness of her right to witness allowance after the
[...] latter testified in court for the prosecution [...]
in an ICAC case.
實 際 上,尌 廉 政 公 署 批 准 保 釋 的 目 的 而 言,在 大 多 數 情 形 下 具 結 已 是 可 予 接 受 的 了,但 倘 有 關 人 士 已 被 控 犯 罪,並 獲 准 保 釋,以出 庭 應 訊,則 應 進 一 步 考 慮 是 否 要 他 們 接 受 現 金 保 釋,而 保 釋 金 額 應 與 他 們 的 背 景、控 罪 的 嚴 重 性 及 需 要 令 他 們 如出 庭 的 目 的 相 符 。
In practice recognizances will usually be satisfactory for most ICAC bail purposes, but whenever persons are
charged with offences and
[...] bailed to court, then further consideration should be given to placing them on cash bail at an amount commensurate with their background, the gravity of the offences with which charged, and the need to have them properly respond to the bail.
黑山政 府 任命了一名代理,代表黑山在斯特拉斯堡 的 欧洲人权法出 庭,从 而履行了在保护人权和自由领域的又一项重要的国际义务。
The Government appointed the Agent to represent Montenegro in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg and thus fulfilled another important international obligation in the field of the protection of human rights and freedoms.
尽管国土安全部一般可为确保非公民在移民诉讼程序期 出庭 而 拘留非公 民,但在许多情况下,国土安全部在这些程序中无需实际拘留非公民(见《移民 归化法》第 236(a)条)。
Although the Department of Homeland Security generally may detain non-citizens to ensure their appearance during the pendency of their immigration proceedings, in many instances non-citizens need not be physically detained by the Department throughout those proceedings (see INA § 236(a)).
[...] 在协助区域内各国审查和修订其打击海盗行为立法;通过培训和改进部门支持 检察官;发展法院的设施;为证 出庭 提 供便利;大幅改进监狱条件并降低拥 挤程度,改进警察的做法和证据处理。
In particular, UNODC is providing assistance to the States in the region in reviewing and updating their counter-piracy legislation; supporting prosecutors through training and office
improvements; developing court facilities;
[...] facilitating the attendance of witnesses at [...]
trial; substantially improving prison conditions
and reducing overcrowding; and improving police practices and evidence -handling.
雖然有上述規定,但「被豁 免方」不包括 (i) 本次訴訟中過去或現在指定的任何其他被告;(ii) 任何其他隨後追加或加入 本次訴訟的被告;(iii) 任何其他通謀者;和/或 (iv) 被和解團體律師認定為已拒絕合理之合作 請求,即拒絕參與訪問、提供申述或宣誓書、參與庭外作證 出庭 作 證的 Lufthansa 任何前 任雇員、管理人員或董事(行使不自證其罪權應被視為拒絕合作)。
Notwithstanding the foregoing, “Released Parties” does not include (i) any other defendant formerly or currently named in the Actions; (ii) any other defendant subsequently added or joined in the Actions; (iii) any other co-conspirator; and/or (iv) any former Lufthansa employee officer or director who is determined to have refused to cooperate with reasonable requests for interviews, declarations or affidavits, depositions or trial testimony by Settlement Class Counsel (an invocation of the right of self-incrimination shall be deemed a refusal to cooperate).
协定》还就若干事项作出规定,例 如:在总部地区适用的法律;法庭及法庭财产、资产和资金享有的豁免;法庭法 官和官员以及当事方代理人、律师和辩护人、被 出庭 的 证 人和专家享有的特权、 豁免和特免待遇。
It contains provisions on matters such as the law applicable to the headquarters district, the immunity of the Tribunal, its property, assets and funds, and the privileges, immunities and exemptions
accorded to the members of
[...] the Tribunal and its officials, as well as to Agents representing parties, counsel and advocates, and witnesses and experts who are required to appear before the Tribunal.
(f) 法官在与作为当事方或法律代理人的工作人员以及在法官主持的庭 经常出庭的其 他人之间的私人关系中,必须避免出现让人有理由担心存在偏袒或 [...]
(f ) In their personal relations with individual staff members who are
parties, legal representatives
[...] and others who appear regularly in the Tribunal presided over [...]
by them, judges must avoid situations
which might give rise to the reasonable apprehension of favouritism or partiality




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