

单词 出差

出差 ()

go on an official or business trip



fig. be sent to the execution ground
lit. go on a long trip

See also:

differ from
make a mistake
fall short of


difference n
error n
discrepancy n
inferior n

External sources (not reviewed)

在这种背景下,挑战在于如何确保教科文组织发挥有效的影响,并利用 其专长,包括提供支持、临时调派人员、总部外工作人 出差 、 培训等,重点是教科文组织的非驻 在国。
In this context, the challenge will be to ensure UNESCO’s effective presence and expertise, including through backstopping, temporary assignments, missions by field staff and training, in particular for countries where UNESCO is nonresident.
这一方法包 括:(a)
[...] 界定当前和未来的技能需要,以 出差 距 和 消除差距所需采取的行动; (b) [...]
提高管理人员和工作人员技能,以改进工作并应对一个更复杂和要求更高的 工作环境的需要;(c) 通过技术来简化人力资源工作的基本程序,从而使工作人
员省出时间来重点从事上述增值活动;(d) 向各级内部客户提供高质量的指导; (e) 探讨将活动移交出去的机会,获取规模经济效益。
The approach includes (a) defining current and future skill
[...] requirements to identify gaps and the actions [...]
required to address them; (b) enhancing
the skills of managers and staff to improve performance and meet the needs of a more complex and demanding work environment; (c) streamlining basic human resources processes through the use of technology, thereby releasing time for staff to focus on the valueadding activities noted above; (d) providing quality guidance to internal customers at all levels; and (e) exploring opportunities to devolve activities and reap the benefits of economies of scale.
这些资源将备抵 P-3 职等 12 个月专门助理和一名专家为商定审查标准和 商定最后的汇编出差进行 两次全球磋商的费用。
These resources would provide for 12 months of professional assistance at the P-3 level as well as travel of an expert to undertake two global consultations to agree on the criteria for the review and to agree on the resulting compendium.
[...] 特设委员会第二届会员报告中的“路线图”文件时,它提醒说各国已被要求以书 面形式出差距和领域。
In reference to the “road map” document in the report of the Ad Hoc
Committee in its second session, it was recalled that States had already been
[...] asked to identity gaps and areas in writing.
目前,学习咨询人在代表本组出差 时 ,领取同工作人员一样的每日生活津贴。 在新政策下,他们将领取一笔包干费用以支付其差旅和住宿费用,而适用于工作 人员的其他差旅政策,包括关出差 住 宿 标准的规则,都将不再适用。
Under the new policy, they would be provided with a lump sum to cover their travel and accommodation costs, and the other travel policies applicable to staff members, including the rules on the standard of accommodation for travel, would no longer apply.
用一个具体的事例 来作说明,任何一个教科文组织的成员(除了总干事、副总干事、助理总干事和中央服务机 构的主任除外),不论是总部的、总部外的、或者各研究机构的,有关他到某一个国 出差 的规 定都要作审查,使这些条款能清楚而又有效地作出规定, 出差 者 和相关的多国/国别 办事处主任之间提前做好协调安排。
As a concrete illustration of this, rules concerning official travel to a given country of any UNESCO staff member (with the exception of DG, DDG, ADGs and Directors of Central Services) at Headquarters, in other field units, or in institutes will be reviewed to ensure that they clearly and effectively provide for full prior agreement between the traveller and the head of the corresponding cluster/national office.
縱使這是一項市民叫好的措施,但要達致將公帑用在最有需要的社羣 身上,政府出差餉寬免前其實可研究如何達致這目的,特別是顧及 [...]
我們多番討論的“N無人士”,並研究是否有需要為差餉寬免設定上限 等問題。
A popular measure it may be, but in order to ensure that public moneys are properly used on
the most needy groups, the Government
[...] should, prior to implementing a rates waiver, [...]
consider ways to achieve the goal, with
particular care being given to those "N have-nots" class while at the same time examining whether there is a need to set a ceiling for such rates concession.
(e) 不包差餉及管理費的租金 諮詢文件提出一個較為實際可行的方法,就是繼續收取包括 差餉和管理費在內的租金,但同時透過每年發給個別租戶一 份結算表,分項出差餉和 管理費金額,以提高透明度。
The Consultation Paper proposes a more practical alternative to continue to charge all-inclusive rents but separately set out the amount of rates and management fees in a statement to be issued to individual tenants annually to enhance transparency.
15.12 “工作人出差”项 下的拟议增长是由于应成员国增多的需求,计划增加在各知识产权局 的项目数量。
15.12. The proposed increase under “Staff Missions” corresponds to a planned increase in the number of projects in IP Offices following increased demands from Member States.
秘书长认为,在这一基础上,需要联阿援助团加强其援 助协调能力,继续协助阿富汗政府 出差 距 并 找到捐助方填补差距;其 作用是在整个联合国系统现有专门知识的支助下,推动阿富汗和国际伙 伴,通过加强和扩大在该国全境的存在,开展政治外联,推动执行《阿 富汗国家发展战略》。
According to the SecretaryGeneral, UNAMA is required, on this basis, to strengthen its aid coordination capacity and to continue to assist the Government of Afghanistan in identifying gaps and donors to fill them; its role is to catalyse Afghan and international partners, supported by expertise available across the United Nations system, and to provide political outreach and promote implementation of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy through a strengthened and expanded presence throughout the country.
没有它,服务团队很难支持所有终端,而且我们不得不频出差到现 场工作,这样既浪费时间又耗费成本”。
Without it, the services team would have trouble supporting all of our terminals and we’d have to make more trips into the field, which is costly and time-consuming.
在 2009 年 3 月 最近一出差期间 ,检察官与内部安全部长商定,政府会跟进对 Félicien Kabuga 在该国的资产、财产和代理人进行调查;提供 Kabuga 的档案供查阅;提供有关 Félicien Kabuga 的存在和活动详情以及肯尼亚政府宣称他离开肯尼亚的全部详 情。
During his latest mission in March 2009, the Prosecutor agreed with the Minister for Internal Security that the Government would follow up the investigation of Félicien Kabuga’s assets, properties and proxies in the country; provide access for perusal of the Kabuga dossier; and provide relevant details on the presence and movement of Félicien Kabuga and full particulars of his departure from Kenya as alleged by the Government of Kenya.
本报告所述期间内出差的调 查员或常驻贝鲁特外地办事处的调查员与证 人进行了 280 多次面谈。
During the reporting period, more than 280 interviews with witnesses were conducted by investigators on mission or by investigators stationed at the Beirut Field Office.
[...] 外或特別服務包括擔任董事會委員會的工作,因應公司的商務或者其他事 出差 或在 國外居住,其有權得到董事會認為恰當的開支,以及董事會認為恰當的酬 [...]
由董事會決定,可以是增補或代替其有權得到的其他酬金且應是公司日常工作支 出的一部分。
If any Director, being willing and having been called upon to do so, shall render or perform extra or special services of any kind including services on any Committee of the Board or
shall travel or reside
[...] abroad for any business or purposes of the Company, he shall be entitled [...]
to receive such sum as the
Board may think fit for expenses, and also such remuneration as the Board may think fit either as a fixed sum or as a percentage of profits or otherwise, and such remuneration may, as the Board shall determine, be either in addition to or in substitution for any other remuneration he may be entitled to receive, and the same shall be charged as part of the ordinary working expenses of the Company.
粮食署正在制订使用现金和代用券的应对措施, 以处理非洲之角危机;在肯尼亚,提供总额为 2 600 万美元的现金将满足 110 万 旱灾灾民的需求;在索马里,粮食署派 出差 , 探 讨可否采用使用现金的应对措 施。
WFP is developing cash and voucher-based responses to the crisis in the Horn of Africa; in Kenya, cash-transfers totalling $26 million will meet the needs of 1.1 million people affected by drought; and in Somalia, WFP completed a mission to explore the use of cash-based responses.
Jabra Go 6430 是专为经常出差途中 处理公务的人设计的一款无线耳麦。
The Jabra Go 6430 is a wireless headset designed for the road warriors among us.
我/我們明白並同意如我 / 我們申請獲批准,於轉讓契據簽定後,房委會及房屋署可將所有載於申請表 及轉讓契據的資料及我 /
[...] 我們的個人資料提供予差餉物業估價署,以作更正業主記錄,及 出差 餉 /地 租通 知書之用。
I/We understand and agree that upon approval of the proposed transfer and the execution of the assignment effecting such transfer, the Housing Authority and the Housing Department may provide all necessary information and my/our personal data contained in this application and the assignment to the
Rating and Valuation Department for updating the record of owner(s)
[...] and for issuing demand notes for rates/Government rent.
在此过程中,将着力出差距和 进一 步改进与区域组织和进程合作的潜在领域,以及使这种接触更富有成果的战略和方 式。
In doing so, the effort
[...] would be to highlight the gaps and potential [...]
areas for further improving cooperation with regional
organizations and processes, and the strategies and modalities which would make such engagement more productive.
产生差异的主要原因是特派团核定兵力增加了 1 890 名军事特遣队人员和 1 500 名警员;一项经商 定的适用于在海地服务的所有联合国人员的财政援 助和补偿一揽子计划的所需经费增加,向需要在任务 区外进行强制性休息和休养的所有联海稳定团人员 发放津贴, 部署临出差的非 联海稳定团工作人员, 提供临时住宿以及支付为牺牲同事举行追悼会的费 用; 更换和重置特派团资产和重建方案的初期费用; 在圣多明各设立一个支助办事处;和扩大现有的减少 社区暴力方案。
The main causes of variance were an increase in the authorized strength of the Mission by 1,890 troops and 1,500 police; additional requirements in support of MINUSTAH staff related to an agreed financial assistance and compensation package applicable to all United Nations personnel serving in Haiti, the payment of allowances to personnel required to take a mandatory rest and recuperation break outside the Mission area, the deployment of non-MINUSTAH staff on temporary duty assignment, the provision of temporary living accommodation, and the cost of memorial services held in honour of fallen colleagues; the replacement and re-establishment of Mission assets and the initial requirements of the reconstruction programme; the establishment of a support office in Santo Domingo; and the expansion of the community violence reduction programme.
此外,“工作人出差”、 “第三方差旅”和“订约承办事务”项下的拟议增长涉 及改进海牙体系的管理以及促进更好地使用该体系及其地域扩展。
In addition, the proposed increases under “Staff Missions”, “Third-party Travel” and “Contractual Services” are related to improving the administration of the Hague system, as well as promoting the better use of the system and its geographical expansion.
本报告举例说明在执行第 1325(2000)号决议方面迄今取得的进展,并出 差距和 挑战,同时提出安全理事会及其他行动者可能希望考虑的关于进一步行动 的建议。
This report provides illustrative examples of the
progress achieved thus far
[...] and identifies gaps and challenges in the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000), as well as recommendations for further [...]
action which the Security
Council and other actors may wish to consider.
他们前出差的地 点有:开罗、中华人民 共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、荷兰、斯里兰卡、土库曼斯坦和津巴布韦。
Missions had been undertaken to Cairo, the People’s Republic of China, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, the Netherlands, Sri Lanka, Turkmenistan and Zimbabwe.
2007年11月18 日,在赴该出差时, Hamoudi 先生在的黎波里被进行简单身份检查的警察逮捕。
On 18 November 2007, while on a business trip to the country, Mr. Hamoudi was arrested in Tripoli by policemen conducting a simple identity check.
乘飞出差的企 业人员应当更多利用电话会议、视频会议和 虚拟会议。
Corporate air
[...] travellers need to make more use of [...]
teleconferencing, videoconferencing and virtual meetings.
此外,改革进程的受援国必须全面负责制定改革 战略,出差距、 需求以及优先领域,并为避免工作 重叠而协调国际支助,从而确保受援国对改革进程享 有领导权与自主权。
Furthermore, in order to ensure leadership and ownership on the part of the recipient country of the reform process, the recipient country must be fully in charge of formulating the reform strategy, identifying gaps, needs and areas of priority as well as coordinating the international support to avoid duplication of efforts.
2010年,中兴通讯会议服务共享中心(简称:会议SSC)正式组建,通过召开电视、电话会议,减 出差数 量 ,进一步减少了交通工具废气排放和能源消耗。
In 2010, the ZTE Conference Service Sharing Center (Conference SSC) was built to reduce business trips and further reduce exhaust emissions and energy consumption from transportation by holding video and telephone conferences.
(h) 工作人员因出差或变 更正式工作地点时,可要求其合并使用回籍假, 但须适当照顾工作人员及其家属的利益。
(h) A staff member may be required to take his or her home leave in conjunction with travel on official business or change of official duty station, due regard being paid to the interests of the staff member and his or her family.
(ii) 继续执行 2008 年以来采用的一些降低成本的措施,包括所出差的航 空旅行须乘坐经济舱、酌情使用有固定出发/返回日 期的游览机票、缩短对东京都市区课程的实地考察之旅的时间 和减少为此所派出的工作人员数目、以及利用电子邮件通信来 减少电话费用。
(ii) The continuation of cost-reducing measures that have been in practice since 2008, which include using economy class air travel for all missions, using excursion air tickets with fixed departure/return dates if possible, shortening the duration of, and assigning less staff to, field study trips of TMA-based courses and reducing telephone costs by utilizing email communications.
倘任何董事應本公司要出差或居 住於海外或提供董事會認為超逾董事 一般職責之服務,則董事會可決定向該董事支付額外酬金(不論以薪金、佣 [...]
金、分享溢利或其他方式支付),此為任何其他公司細則所規定獲支付之一般 酬金以外或代替該等一般酬金之額外酬勞。
Any Director who, by request, goes or resides [...]
abroad for any purpose of the Company or who performs services which in the
opinion of the Board go beyond the ordinary duties of a Director may be paid such extra remuneration (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profits or otherwise) as the Board may determine and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to or in substitution for any ordinary remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other bye-laws.




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