单词 | 出局 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 出局verb—eliminatev出局—call out pull out of (a competition) kill off knock out (i.e. to beat in a knock-out tournament) retire (a runner in baseball) send off (player for a foul) out (i.e. man out in baseball)
利用快速又稳定的演算法找出局部镀膜瑕疵 (深色或亮色的片状) 以及污点和不均匀之处。 gpsolar.de | Fast and stable algorithms look for local coating defects (dark or bright flakes) as well as stains and inhomogeneities. gpsolar.de |
私营部门出局:虽然初始投资可能会对特定个人带来收益,但这些收 益很少普及或大到足以维持电信中心。 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Displacement of private sector: While initial investments may bring rewards to specific individuals, these rewards are rarely widespread or large enough to maintain the telecentre. daccess-ods.un.org |
负责中兴手机业务的何士友说,如果这两个市场不行,那么你就有可能出局。 zte.com.cn | If you don't get these two markets right then you can be eliminated as a player," said Mr. He, who oversees handsets for the company. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
法 院 作出的一项载决妨碍了行政部门通过正 义与和平 进程提出局部指控 , 但 一 旦 取消这项限制,便向肇事者提出了62 项局部指控。 daccess-ods.un.org | A decision by the Supreme Court had impeded the Executive from handing out partial charges through the Justice and Peace process, but once the restriction was lifted, 62 partial charges were brought against perpetrators. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于 Andrea Amici 在第一场比赛结果中出局,从而掉出排位争夺,因此当 Bonaldi 的 Adrian Zaugg 从第二场比赛开赛后即领先 Cédric Leimer 时,观众们似乎有望看到第一场赛局再度重现。 lamborghini.com | With Andrea Amici excluded from race one results and consigned to the rear of the field, a repeat of race one seemed in prospect when Bonaldi's Adrian Zaugg led Cédric Leimer away at the start of race two. lamborghini.com |
由于本赛季的欧罗巴联赛很早就被淘汰出局,博阿斯的队员们可以专心备战欧洲精英赛,但是提早失去夺取英超冠军的结果,难免让关心热刺的人感觉失落。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | Already being out of this season’s Europa League, Andre Villas-Boas’ men have a realistic chance to reach Europe’s elite competition – but the Premier League champions are out to spoil the fun. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
这一指标更具体地反映出综合质量指标的一个组成部分,即国际局出具301 表格所需的时 间。 wipo.int | This indicator reflects in more detail one of the components of the aggregate quality indicator, namely the time required by the IB to issue Form 301. wipo.int |
代表两国国家空间局出席会议的代表团分别由乌克兰国家空间 局局长 Aleksandr Zinchenko 和俄罗斯联邦航天局局长 Anatoly Perminov [...] 带领。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegations representing the [...] national space agencies of the two countries at the meeting were headed by Aleksandr [...]Zinchenko, Director-General [...]of NSAU, and Anatoly Perminov, Director of the Russian Federal Space Agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
自 2008 [...] 年以来,德国 Helog 公司向科特迪瓦当局出租了IAR-330 型直升 机,供运送要员和履行其他职能任务使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since 2008, the German company [...] Helog AG has leased IAR-330 helicopters [...] to theIvorian authorities for the purposes [...]of transporting dignitaries and other functional duties. daccess-ods.un.org |
(d) 在其他任何情况下,尤其是请求修改被指定缔约方名单或者 商品和服务的,除主管局出错,向国际局提交了有错的文件之外,不能视为 更正国际注册簿的错误;因此,此种更正请求必须由有关主管局向国际局提 出。 wipo.int | (d) in any other case, in particular where the request is for a change in the list of designated [...] Contracting Parties or the list of goodsand services, this cannot be treated as the correction of an error in the International Register unless there has been a mistake by the Office by which the [...] document containing the error was presented to the International Bureau; a request for a correction of this kind must therefore be submitted to the International Bureaubythe Office concerned. wipo.int |
最后,专家组从可靠消息来源得知,科特迪瓦现任当局从前任政府当局出售的国有资产中收回了大约 900 [...] 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | Finally, the Group has been informed by reliable sources that the current authorities have [...] recovered a sum of approximately $9 million from State assets that had been sold by the [...] previous Government administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
人力厅目前的工作重点是处理完积压的大量惩戒和申诉案件,并在新的内 部司法系统中代表行政当局,出席联合国争议法庭的听讯。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Office is focused on clearing the significant backlog of disciplinary cases and [...] appeals and on [...] representing the Administration in hearings before the United Nations Dispute Tribunal, in the context of thenewadministration of justice system. daccess-ods.un.org |
出版物政策培训以及将《出版物准则》译为法文(第 184 EX/6(II)号决定第 8(b) 和 9 段):截至 2010 年 6 月,公众宣传局结合新型信息资料管理工具的实际应用,开展了 [...] 出版物政策和准则方面的培训,主要针对的是部门和各局出版干事/联络员和其他相关工作 人员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Training on publications policy and translation of Publications Guidelines into French (paras. 8(b) and 9 of 184 EX/Decision 6 (II)): As of June 2010, BPI pursued training on publication policy and guidelines – linking this training to the practical roll-out of the new [...] Information Materials Management Tool – [...] notably toSectorand Bureau publications officers/focal [...]points and other relevant staff. unesdoc.unesco.org |
当前,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,世 界经济政治格局出现新变化。 daccess-ods.un.org | New changes are taking place in the global economic and political landscape. daccess-ods.un.org |
在本报告所述期间,图书馆继续收到索要管理局出版物和文件的请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | During the period under review, the Library continued to receive requests for copies of the [...] publications and documents of theAuthority. daccess-ods.un.org |
又决定实体的执行局出席联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金、联合国 儿童基金会和世界粮食计划署执行局的联席会议,以推动关于两性平等问题主流 化和妇女赋权的业务活动的有效协调和一致性 daccess-ods.un.org | 66. Also decides to include the Executive Board of the Entity in the joint meeting of the Executive Boards of the United [...] Nations Development [...]Programme/United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Children’s Fund and the World Food Programme in order to promote effective coordination and coherence among operational activities on gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of women daccess-ods.un.org |
传统领导人和新生力量武装部队当局出面干预,以维护 地区和平和社会和谐。 daccess-ods.un.org | Traditional [...] leaders and FAFN authorities intervened to[...]preserve peace and social cohesion in the area. daccess-ods.un.org |
废物原料供货商出具以下几种文件的原件,则无需提供上述机构的公证文件:日本各地方法务局出具的商业登记簿誉本;荷兰商会(KAMER VAN [...] KOOPHANDEL)出具的纸质版本的商务注册文件;澳大利亚ASIC(Australian Securities [...]and Investments Commission)出具的商业登记文件(需有ASIC官员手签名)。 aqsiq.biz | Waste materials supplier issued the following original documents, then these [...] institutions need to provide notarized [...] documentation: Affairs Bureauissuedby the Japanese [...]throughout the reputation of the business [...]register; the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce (KAMER VAN KOOPHANDEL) issued a paper version of the business registration documents; Australia ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission) issued the business registration document (the need for ASIC official hand sign). aqsiq.biz |
社会工作局( 下面简称社工局) 出版了一本载有《公约》文本的小册子,并免 [...] 费向公众派发。 daccess-ods.un.org | A booklet with the text of the Convention was published by the [...] Social Welfare Bureau (SWB) and distributed [...]to the public for free. daccess-ods.un.org |
在落实上个双年度开始进行的网站变化方面,在公众宣传局出版科和一些新传媒的推 动下,各部门以及几个总部外办事处继续协调和合并了各类专题网站。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Following on the changes to the web initiated during the last biennium, the sectors and some field offices have continued, encouraged by the Editorial and New Media section of BPI, with the harmonization and integration of the various thematic websites. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际劳工组织为国家就业局出版了一系列培训教材。 daccess-ods.un.org | The International Labour Organisation has published a [...] series of training materials for NEA. daccess-ods.un.org |
在待裁定的第一个案例中――第 L.C 2968/01 号 Balilti 诉耶路撒冷邮局出版物有限公司案(2001 年 12 月 2 日),耶路撒冷区劳工法院判定,根据《残疾人平 等权利法》第 9 条确保拥有恰当人数的残疾人的责任包括在决定裁员时,优先考 虑拥有同等资质的残疾雇员。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the first case to be decided, L.C 2968/01 Balilti v. Jerusalem Post Publications Ltd (2.12.01), the Jerusalem District Labor Court held that the duty to ensure proper representation of persons with disabilities according to section 9 of the Equal Rights for People with Disabilities Law, includes giving priority to persons with disabilities over other similarly qualified employees when selecting for redundancy. daccess-ods.un.org |
小组委员会建议 收监记录应说明逮捕理由;被逮捕人到达羁押地点的具体时间,被剥夺自由状态 [...] 的持续时间,下令拘留此人的当局的身份以及负责执行命令的官员的身份,有关 羁押地点的具体资料,以及被拘留者首次在司法当局或其他当局出庭的时间。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Subcommittee recommends that intake records should indicate the reasons for the arrest; the exact time of the arrested person’s arrival at the place of custody, the duration of the situation of deprivation of liberty, the identity of the authority who ordered the person’s detention and of the officials responsible for enforcing it, precise information [...] concerning the place of custody, and the time of the detained [...] person’sfirst appearancebefore ajudicial orother authority. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际麻醉品管制局出口前网上通知系统(PEN Online)带来了特别有前途的 成果:115 [...] 个国家和地区将该系统作为监督清单所列化学品的国际贸易并迅速查 明可疑交易的最有效工具。 incb.org | The International [...] Narcotics Control Board’s Pre-Export Notification [...]Online (PEN Online) system has shown particularly promising [...]results: 115 countries and territories use it as the most effective tool to monitor international trade in scheduled chemicals and to rapidly identify suspicious transactions. incb.org |
对于本次项目的集成平台建设,联信永益公司从全局出发,将整个系统划分服务器系统、存储系统、备份系统、容灾系统及安全系统,各部分具体建设情况如下 surekam.com | For this integrated platform construction project, Surekam takes into [...] account thewholesituation and divides [...]the system into server system, storage system, [...]backup system, disaster recovery system and security system with detailed information as follows surekam.com |
Lufthansa 已向 United States [...] Department of Justice(美国司法部)、European Commission [...] (欧盟执委会)或任何其他调查航空货运业的国家竞争局出示的关於美国境内、运出或运入 美国的航空货运贸易的所有文件(但不包括 [...]Lufthansa 的律师为此次调查而准备的文件)。 aircargosettlement.com | x all documents regarding air cargo commerce within, to, or from the United States that Lufthansa has produced to the United States Department of Justice, the [...] European Commission, or any other [...] national competitionauthority investigating the [...]air cargo industry (but excluding documents [...]created by Lufthansa’s attorneys for such investigation). aircargosettlement.com |