单词 | 出尖 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 出尖 —outstandingless common: out of the ordinary • egregious See also:尖 adj—pointed adj • sharp adj 尖—point (of needle) • shrewd
每当离合器接合时就发出尖叫声。 graco.com | Clutch squeaks each time clutch engages graco.com |
多位議員曾作出尖銳的批評,卻小心㆞只欠說出:「你不應提供這麼 多稅項寬減」。 legco.gov.hk | A number of [...] Members have made critical comments, carefully stopping short of saying [...]"you should not have offered so many tax concessions". legco.gov.hk |
据称在整个过程中工作人员都粗鲁地对待这些教徒,以威胁的态度 提 出尖锐 的 问题,将对方当作嫌疑人一样,整个过程持续约两小时之久。 daccess-ods.un.org | Throughout the entire experience, officers allegedly treat the individual [...] rudely, asking pointed questions in [...]a manner that is threatening as if the person [...]is a suspect, and the experience lasts approximately two hours. daccess-ods.un.org |
有些報章對部分政見跟其不同的議員的言論, 作 出尖 酸 刻 薄的攻 擊。 legco.gov.hk | Some newspapers have made most scathing criticisms against remarks made by some Members [...] whose political views are different from theirs. legco.gov.hk |
缺乏摩擦保护会导致湿式制动器发 出尖 锐 噪 声,并降低制动器性能。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Lack of friction [...] protection causes a screeching noise in wet [...]brakes and reduces brake performance. drivelinenews.com |
EDI业已开发出了尖端的 混合动力传动系统与技术,为几乎所有平台级别和配置的并串联混合动力传动系统架构带来了显著的成本和效率优势。 tipschina.gov.cn | EDI has developed leading edge hybrid electric drivetrain systems and technologies that provide significant cost and efficiency [...] advantages for parallel [...]and series hybrid drivetrain architectures across nearly all platform classes and configurations, as well as game-changing technology for new types of continuously variable transmissions (CVT) that are the most efficient and largest capacity transmissions of their type in the industry today. tipschina.gov.cn |
使用威达美丙烯基弹性体可以开发出 顶 尖 的 软包装、薄膜、胶带以及挤出涂覆或挤压成层结构。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Use Vistamaxx propylene-based elastomers to [...] develop leading-edge flexible, film, tape and extrusion-coated or extrusion-laminated [...]structures. exxonmobilchemical.com |
此外, 我们意识到在变化多端的市场中,您的成功明显依据于您的先进技术.我们不只是简单的抓住最新成果--我们持续的提高,创造,改进和 推 出尖 端 的 和自我创新的技术. fxopentrading.com:80 | Moreover, we are aware that in this ever-changing world your success significantly depends on whether you keep pace with the latest [...] technologies. We don’t simply catch up with new achievements – we constantly improve, create, develop and [...] introduce cutting-edge and trend-setting [...]innovations ourselves. fxopentrading.com |
此外, 我们意识到在变化多端的市场中,您的成功明显依据于您的先进技术.我们不只是简单的抓住最新成果--我们持续的提高,创造,改进和 推 出尖 端 的 和自我创新的技术. fxopenasia.com | We don’t simply catch up with new [...] achievements – we constantly improve, create, develop and [...] introduce cutting-edge and trend-setting [...]innovations ourselves. fxopenasia.com |
在这方面,有人指出,蓝尖尾无 须鳕列为“其他公海鱼类种群” 的意义可能不大,因为尽管对这种鱼的捕捞被普遍认为是深水捕捞活动,但大部 [...] 分渔获量来自国家管辖区。 daccess-ods.un.org | In this regard, it was noted that the significance of hoki as an “other [...] high seas fish stock” is probably minor because [...]although it is generally considered to be a deep-water fishery, most of the catch is from areas under national jurisdiction. daccess-ods.un.org |
iii) 这种扩张与全球化也恰逢对于科学的商业和安全压力不断加大,各机构之 间 出现 新的、更加尖锐形式的竞争。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (iii) Expansion and globalization have also coincided with growing commercial and security pressures on science, as well as new and sharper forms of competition between institutions. unesdoc.unesco.org |
他们可以从其他类型的鸽子由它杰出 的 长 而 尖 的 尾 巴上的羽毛白色的提示。 zh.northrup.org | They can be distinguished from other types of [...] doves by it's long, pointed tail and white tips [...]on its feathers. northrup.org |
在秋季號的推出之時,於Lane Crawford尖沙咀店開設的Pop Up Store亦會正式開幕。 think-silly.com | During the launch of our autumn issue, our pop up store at Lane Crawford will also be opened. think-silly.com |
在摆放时需确保刀具和尖锐锋 利的餐具不要 伸 出 刀 叉 篮范围 (尖头朝 下),以免割伤。 vzug.com | To avoid injury, place knives and cutlery [...] with sharp edges or points into the cutlery basket in such a way that they do not stick out (points facing [...]downwards). vzug.com |
三星碳粉匣的設計能夠保障由第一頁至最後一頁的影印都維持最佳的品質,給 您 尖 銳 穩 實的 輸 出 效 果。 samsung.com | The Samsung print cartridge is specially designed to assure optimal print [...] quality with sharp, dark output from first print to last. samsung.com |
在本項喬治亞州法規裡,“武器”一詞指的是以下 物件,它們包括任何手槍,左輪手槍,或任何旨在推 動任何形式的導彈的武器裝置,或任何匕首,獵刀, 彈簧刀,彈道刀,或任何其他有兩或兩英吋以上刀口 [...] 的刀,直邊剃鬚刀,刀片,彈簧棒,金屬棒,警棍, 或含有兩個或兩個以上剛性部件,連接起來且可被自 [...] 由揮舞的物品,如各種不同形式和樣式的雙節棍,飛 鏢,或戰鬥鏈,或任何有兩個或兩個以上的 突 出 點或 尖銳刀口葉片的投擲物,或尖銳的物品,如投擲星, 東方鏢,或任何像這類的武器。 lilburnms.com | For the purposes of this Georgia Code section, the term “weapon” means and includes any pistol, revolver, or any weapon designed or intended to propel a missile of any kind, or any dirk, Bowie knife, switchblade knife, ballistic knife, and any other knife having a blade of two or more inches, straight-edge razor, razor blades, spring stick, metal knucks, blackjack, or any flailing instrument consisting of two or more rigid parts connected in such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which may be known as a nun chahka, nun chuck, nunchaku, shuriken, or fighting chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, [...] having at least two points [...] or pointed blades which is designed to be thrown or propelled and which may [...]be known as a throwing [...]star or oriental dart, or any weapon of like kind. lilburnms.com |
我们的完整不间断电源 (UPS) 系统能防止出现电力尖峰、 突波和降压,冗余的备用柴油发电机会提供额外的燃料,在公共电力系统出现故障时保持数据中心的电力供应。 equinix.cn | Our Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) systems prevent power spikes, surges and brownouts while redundant backup diesel generators provide additional fuel to keep the data center powered up in the event that public utility fails. equinix.ae |
用於C 63 AMG轎跑車的AMG 6.3升 V8 引擎, 其馬力輸出達457 hp,峰值扭力為600 Nm,提供強勁的牽引力和頂尖輸出數 據 :由靜止加速至時速100公里僅需4.4秒,最高時速可達250公里 (電子限速)。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The AMG 6.3-litre V8 engine in the C 63 AMG Coupé has a maximum output of 457 hp and peak torque of 600 Nm, delivering powerful traction and first-class performance figures: the Coupé accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 4.4 seconds and the top speed is 250 km/h (electronically limited). mercedes-benz.com.hk |
本修訂令由行政長官會同行政會議根據《渡輪服務條例》 ( 第 104章 ) 第 19(1)條作出,以 修訂《渡輪服務( 天星小輪有限公 司 )(船費釐定)令》(第 104章,附屬法例C),分兩階段調高天星小 輪有限公司("天星小輪")就其來往尖沙 咀 與中環 及 尖 沙 咀 與灣仔 的兩條專營渡輪航線所收取的最高船費,同時亦修訂香港法例第 104章附屬法例C的附表,以更新對有關服務的描述。 legco.gov.hk | This Amendment Order is made by the Chief Executive in Council under section 19(1) of the Ferry Services Ordinance (Cap. 104). It amends the Ferry Services (The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited) (Determination of Fares) Order (Cap. 104 [...] sub. leg. C) to increase in two phases the [...]maximum fares chargeable by The "Star" Ferry Company, Limited (Star Ferry) on its two franchised ferry routes between Kowloon Point and respectively, Central and Wan Chai. legco.gov.hk |
随着世界上不断有新的地区被开发,用来进行自然资源勘探或基础设施建 设,这些冲突会更加尖锐,出现了 真正的无政府状态,政府以及推行开发项目的 企业都完全不顾及土著人民的权利。 daccess-ods.un.org | These conflicts, which are worsening as new regions of the world get involved in natural resource exploitation or infrastructure building, have given rise to situations of genuine ungovernability, which limit the capacity of States and the companies themselves to carry out projects that fail to take into account indigenous rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
伯爵的创作团队和Anita Porchet合力打造顶尖作品,研发出更加 新颖别致的技法;在追求创新的道路上,伯爵永不止步。 piaget.com.cn | Hand in hand, the Manufacture Piaget’s creative teams and Anita Porchet work together to explore new techniques of enamelling in order to produce innovative special effects in a spirit of constantly renewed creativity. en.piaget.com |
Lee先生对大量尖端的科学产出和出版 物 表示满意,如 由国际水文计划编制经剑桥大学出版社出版的“联合工程和参与式水管理”,它不仅展示了国际水 [...] 文计划对地区和世界范围内水文科学和水资源管理的重大贡献,而且重申了国际水文计划在水科学 领域的领先地位。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Mr Lee expressed his satisfaction with the substantial [...] amount of cutting-edge scientific outputs and publications, [...]such as “Co-engineering and [...]Participatory Water Management” through Cambridge University Press, produced by IHP, which not only demonstrates its significant contribution to hydrological sciences and water resources management regionally and worldwide, but also reiterates IHP’s position at the leading edge of water sciences. unesdoc.unesco.org |
ARC 獎是業界相當難能可貴的獎項,因為把關嚴謹,競爭激烈,必須先從 5,000 多個通路夥伴和解決方案供應商中脫穎而出,再從 19 個產品類別 80 餘家市場上的頂尖供應商中出類拔萃,才能贏得獎項。 seagate.com | The ARC awards are unique in the industry because they were determined after surveying more than 5,000 channel partners and solution providers who evaluated more than 80 market-leading vendors across 19 product categories. seagate.com |
評審團由倫敦交響樂團、柏林愛樂樂團(Berlin Philharmonic)、三藩市交響樂團(San Francisco Symphony)、香港管弦樂團(Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra)、悉尼交響樂團 (Sydney Symphony Orchestra)、紐約愛樂樂團(New York Philharmonic)以及其他世界頂尖管弦樂隊 派 出 音 樂專家擔任,並選出入圍的作品。 hkphil.org | A panel of musical experts from the London Symphony Orchestra, Berlin Philharmonic, San Francisco Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Sydney Symphony Orchestra, New York Philharmonic, and other leading orchestras around the world will narrow the field of entries down to the semifinalists. hkphil.org |
(a) 加強教學及研究-招聘和挽留頂尖教 學 人員,以配合教學及 研究計劃的整體及長遠發展;以及採用和應用嶄新科技及方 法,改善教與學的環境。 legco.gov.hk | (a) Teaching and research enhancement – to recruit and retain top-notch academic staff for general and long term development of teaching and research programmes; and to adopt and apply new technologies and methodologies to improve the teaching and learning environment. legco.gov.hk |
a) 金鐘道政府合署43樓食物安全中心總部; b) [...] 西營盤醫院道4號食物標籤辦事處;以及 c) 尖沙咀 中間道停車場大廈閣樓小量豁免辦事處(二零零九年九月一日起投入 [...]服務)。 cfs.gov.hk | a) CFS Headquarter at 43/F, Queensway Government offices; b) Food Labelling Office at 4 Hospital Road, Sai Ying [...] Pun; and c) SVE Office at M/F, Middle Road [...] Carpark Building, Tsim Sha Tsui (operation [...]would start on 1 September 2009). cfs.gov.hk |
以下 因素合在一起,对用作恐怖武器的便携式防空系统的威胁更具体地作了量化:必要 物资的供应情况;需求(恐怖分子寻求武器),以及潜在买家的经济手段;武器的能 力和射程(便携式防空系统的设计尖端 程 度);武器各部件的运作状态(电池、自动 导引器和发射器的运作情况);正确操作武器的能力;以及接触到潜在目标的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | A combination of the following factors quantifies more specifically the threat of man-portable air defence systems used as a terrorist weapon: the availability of the necessary materiel; the demand (terrorists seeking weapons) and the economic means of potential buyers; the capacity and the range of the weapon (sophistication of design of the man-portable air defence systems); the operational status of the weapon’s various components (functionality of the batteries, seekers and launchers); the ability to operate the weapon properly; and the ability to access potential targets. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果教科文组织既要切实有效地开展实现全民教育目 [...] 标的工作,同时又要满足各国日益增长的需求,向诸如高等教育这样的领域提供援助,或开 展尖端科 学研究,那么就必须在正常计划内长期提供更多的资金,加强该计划和工作人员的 [...]预算。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If UNESCO is to work more efficiently to achieve EFA, while responding to the increasing demand of countries to also provide [...] assistance in areas such as higher education or be [...] at the cutting edge of research, significant [...]further resources must also be provided [...]on a permanent basis within the regular programme to reinforce both the programme and staff budgets. unesdoc.unesco.org |