

单词 出处

出处 ()

where sth comes from
source (esp. of quotation or literary allusion)

External sources (not reviewed)

但其他成员重申,目前的做法不符合 出处 置 消 耗臭氧层物质的 项目的准则,并且提供的文件只是一份信息文件。
Others reiterated, however, that
the current approach did not meet the
[...] guidelines for ODS disposal projects, and [...]
the document provided was only an information paper.
必须向非洲大及其机构提供更有效的支持,尤其 是因为非洲已经重新表出处理解 决非洲大陆的和 平与安全问题并发挥领导作用的决心。
It is critical to provide more effective support to the African continent and its
institutions, especially as Africa
[...] has demonstrated renewed determination to deal with peace and [...]
security issues on the continent
and provide the leadership that is required.
项目组正在处理的一些关键领域为:“交付原则”、收入确认、资金 出处 理 、 编制 财务报表、职工福利和财务报表中的预算信息。
Some of the key areas being addressed by the Project Team are: application of the “delivery principle”, revenue recognition, and
treatment of capital
[...] expenditure, presentation of financial statements, employee benefits and budget [...]
information in financial statements.
斯洛伐克认为,这一系列建议所涉问题 十分复杂,需要有大量的资金及有关各方的努力与合作,并 出 , 处 理 好这些问 题不是一朝一夕的事,但这些问题将会得到解决。
Slovakia considered this set of recommendations very complex and requiring huge financial resources, effort and cooperation of all involved, and noted that solutions were not imminent but would materialize in the future.
若转载本 报告书其他部分的内容,须注出处。
Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used.
第十一届会议候任主席对 越南和新加坡表示,第十一届会议将为东盟成员国显 出处 理 以 往的冲突构成的 挑战的共同决心提供一次机会,又一个东南亚国家加入《公约》,将有助于加强 铲除杀伤人员地雷的国际运动。
To both States, the 11MSP President-Designate expressed that the 11MSP presents an opportunity for the Member States of the ASEAN to demonstrate solidarity in their resolve to address the challenges posed by past conflicts and that accession to the Convention by yet another South East Asian State would help strengthen the international movement to eradicate anti-personnel mines.
一成员认为,不妨就碳排放额度进行内部讨论,但另一成员对文件有强烈保留,他 不明白为何全球环境基金涉入与臭氧有关的事务, 出处 理 化 学剂是一个复杂的问题,而 且目前已有其他四项公约处理这项问题。
One member suggested that it would be interesting to have internal discussions on carbon credits, while another expressed strong reservations on the paper, wondering why the GEF was involved in ozone-related matters, pointing out that addressing chemicals was a complex issue for which four other conventions already existed.
定期向中非经共体缴纳会费(contribution communautaire d’intégration),并对没有支付会费的成员 出处 罚 , 如在中非经共体组织条约中所规定的。
Pay membership dues to ECCAS regularly (contribution communautaire d’intégration) and apply sanctions on those who do not pay, as set out in the ECCAS Constitutive Treaty.
一种建议是,由遗传资源组成或由遗传资源开发出的知识产权的申请者应该明确说明这些 资源出处,并 提供证据表明这些资源的获取是经其来源国事先知情同意的。
One suggestion is that applicants for IP rights which consist of, or are developed from, genetic resources should identify the source of these resources and provide proof that they were acquired with the prior informed consent of the country from which they were taken.
对三个具体 建议展开了详细讨论,并强调:(a)预防工作应包括对每笔交易进行登记,以此 加强对文化财产经销商的监管和监督;(b)各国政府应将非法进出口或转让文化 财产的行为定为刑事犯罪;以及(c)相关机构应扣押无法确定合 出处 的 文 化财 产。
Three specific recommendations were discussed in detail, emphasizing that (a) prevention efforts should include increased regulation and supervision of dealers in cultural property by keeping a registry of all transactions; (b) Governments should criminalize the illicit import, export or transfer of cultural property; and (c) cultural property should be seized by the authorities if licit provenance could not be established.
在雇用私营安保公司之前,联邦当局必须确保该公司达到 了招募、培训、监管员工的相关规定;确保该公司能够出示良好的人权纪录;确
[...] 保公司内部能够对员工实行有效管理,保证员工遵守行为守则,对不遵守守则的 员工出处罚。
Before using private security services, the federal authorities must ensure that the company satisfies requirements concerning the recruitment, training and oversight of its personnel; demonstrates a clean human rights record; and provides sufficient
internal controls to ensure that its personnel will observe the rules of
[...] conduct and be penalized for failure [...]
to do so.
监察组已发出多项追查请 求,以确定这些装备出处和监管链。
The Monitoring Group has sent out multiple tracing requests to establish the origin and chain of custody of this equipment.
关于第 12 和第 13 段,委员会商定在更新本中保留案文, 但打上删除线,这就是说,引述的第 4 至 14 段的正出处是 2003 年经合组织的 评注。
Concerning paragraphs 12 and 13 it was agreed to retain the text in strikethrough in the update, which meant that the correct reference for quoted paragraphs 4 to 14 would be to the 2003 OECD commentary.
第 8 条规定,出处罚必 须具有必要性;这限制了以最 严重的行为方式或最严重地违背作为法国公民应该具备的对国家的忠诚为由而 [...]
Article 8
[...] provides that punishment must be necessary; [...]
this limits the grounds for deprivation of nationality to the most
serious forms of conduct or those which are most contrary to the allegiance to the nation that is expected of French citizens”.
[...] 的作用是向制订政策者提供咨询,什么时候监管者是作决定者,规定某些条件, 如发放运营许可或出处罚。
Transparency also demands that the conditions should be clearly defined regarding when the regulator’s role is to advise policymakers and when it is
acting as a decision-maker in terms of determining certain conditions,
[...] for example issuing operating licences [...]
or sanctions.
他们必须立即释放所 有被征募的儿童;必须调查强行征募未成年人的案例并对此 出处 罚 , 而且通过 制定专门方案推动社会重建工作。
They must investigate and punish cases of forced recruitment of minors and work towards their social rehabilitation by establishing dedicated programmes.
[...] 度,测量点的名称,测量点在测量环上的角度坐标,测量环的名称,测量质量,日 期,时间,传感器的温度和数出处。
The table delivers the following information for each measured point: Z or measurement value, Taper, Tilt, Point Name, Angular
position, Ring Diameter, Ring name, Measurement reliability or quality, Date and time, Sensor
[...] temperature and Data Origin.
上述法官和司法行政官是指授权审理民事、刑事、和其他案件,在法庭内 出处 置的 全日与兼职官员,以及授权的陪审法官和行政司法官。
Judges and magistrates above refers to both full-time and part-time officials
authorised to hear civil, criminal, and other
[...] cases and to make dispositions in a court [...]
of law, and authorised associate judges and magistrates.
在国家合作方面,海湾合作委员会 最高理事会于 2006 年通过关于处罚贩卖人口的阿布 扎比文件,对贩卖人口者(自然人或法人 ) 做 出处 罚规 定,并要求设立打击贩卖人口国家委员会。
In the context of cooperation among the GCC States, the GCC Supreme Council had, in 2006, adopted a document relating to a temporary law on trafficking in persons that penalized offenders, whether natural or corporate persons, and provided for the establishment of a national committee to combat such trafficking.
[...] 前南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国的累积欠款问题将按照联合国关于这个问 题的最终决定(尚未出)处理(附录 C)。
In line with the established practice of FAO, the issue of the arrears accumulated by the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia will be
dealt with by taking into account the final decision (still pending) taken on
[...] the matter at the United Nations (Appendix C).
(d) 对本法、采购条例和与资格预审程序直接相关的其他法律条例的提及 以及这些法律条例出处14; (e) 采购实体根据本法和采购条例可能就资格预审申请书的编制和递交以 及就资格预审程序规定的其他任何要求。
(d) References to this Law, the procurement regulations and other laws and regulations directly pertinent to the pre-qualification proceedings and the place14 where these laws and regulations may be found
但是,使用作品时必须注明作者、表演者、录音 制品制作者和广播机构的名称和作品 出处。
However, credit must still be given to the author, performer, producer of phonograms, and broadcaster of the work by mentioning their names and the source of the work.
欧共体现已出处理废弃电子电气设备 (WEEE) 的立法。
The EC has now put forward legislation for dealing with Waste of [...]
Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE).
2010 年 2 月,阿根廷政府向联合王国提交了抗议书,坚决拒绝接受“英国企 图核准在领土周围的阿根廷大陆架内进行油气的勘探和开采活动”(见 A/64/653, 附件),并“为应对英国的行动”采取了若干措施,包括“通过了法规,对没有 阿根廷主管当局颁发的有关许可证、直接或间接从事油气勘探或开采的公司出 处罚(见 A/64/711,附件)。
In February 2010, the Government of Argentina submitted a note of protest to the United Kingdom firmly rejecting “the British attempt to authorize the carrying out of hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation activities in the area of the Argentine continental shelf” around the Territory (see A/64/653, annex), and adopted a number of measures “in response to the British actions”, including “rules allowing it to penalize companies that engage directly or indirectly in oil and gas exploration or exploitation without the relevant permits issued by the competent Argentine authorities” (see A/64/711, annex).
有关公开原出处和持 有人事先知情同意的要求有一些注明的目标,其中之一是鼓励遵守 《生物多样性公约》有关资源使用和利益分享的原则。
One of the stated objectives for requiring disclosure of source of origin and prior informed consent is to encourage compliance with the access and benefit sharing principles of the CBD.
作为这些关系的结果,公司能够比较好地理 解我们的市场及它的用户所面临的问题,开 出处 理 参与人的需求、管理商务操作及预见成长的方案。
As a result of these relationships the Company is better able to understand the problems which face our market and its users and develop programmes which address the needs of participants, manage business operations and forecast growth.
这项出处理的是 E/ICEF/2010/10 号文件所载“成果总表”订正附件 [...]
1 说 明的中期战略计划各重点领域和机构目标的方案政策、指导、工具、技术支助和 质量保证等方面的领导问题。
This output addresses leadership [...]
for programme policies, guidance, tools, technical support and quality assurance for the
MTSP focus areas and organizational targets noted in the updated annex 1 of the results matrix contained in document E/ICEF/2010/10.
在输出大批次可搜索 PDF
[...] 文件的多扫描仪环境中,配备输出服务器模块的网络版可以将占用大量 CPU 的出处理转 移到另一台服务器,使扫描站保持高速运行。
In a multiple scanner environment where large batches of searchable PDF files are
output, the Network Edition with an Output Server Module can transfer the
[...] CPU-intensive output processing to a different [...]
server and keep the
scanning station running at top speed.
个人资料保护办公室亦有权限接受个人资料处理的通知, 并作出登记,审批许可申请、接受、调查及处理有关侵犯个人资料方面的投诉, 并对行政违法行为出处罚。
It is also competent to receive and register notices on personal data processing, screening and handling applications for authorizations,
accepting, inquiring
[...] into and processing complaints on the violation of protected data and applying the corresponding administrative penalties.




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