单词 | 出土 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 出土—unearthedless common: dig up appear in an excavation come up out of the ground See also:土adj—indigenousadj localadj 土n—earthn clayn dustn 土—unsophisticated Tu (ethnic group) crude opium surname Tu
还有证据指出,土着儿童日益成为被招募的 对象。 daccess-ods.un.org | There is also [...] evidence that indigenouschildren have [...]been increasingly subjected to recruitment. daccess-ods.un.org |
出土的汉朝(公元前206年–公元225年)古代中国陶器上可见到稻 田养鱼的设计,十三世纪泰国国王的题字,以及例如越南 的“稻和鱼就象母亲和孩子”的传统歌曲,这些均实际证明 [...] 稻鱼组合在传统上被认为是财富和稳定的指标。 fao.org | Designsof rice fields with fish on ancient Chinese pottery from tombs of the [...] Han Dynasty (206 BC–225 AD), inscriptions [...]from a thirteenth century king of Thailand, and traditional sayings, such as one from Viet Nam – “rice and fish are like mother and children”, are all testament that the combination of rice and fish has traditionally been regarded as an indicator of wealth and stability. fao.org |
现阶段并未有关於建议迁置的政府设施、腾出土地日後的用途及发展时间表 等方面的资料。 devb.gov.hk | Information on specific government facilities proposed to be relocated, the after-use of the sites released and the programme of development is not available at this stage. devb.gov.hk |
军事理论》第 9 部分指出,土库曼斯坦不拥有、生产、销售或通过其领土 运输核生化武器或其他类型的大规模毁灭性武器,主张通过政治、外交和其他非 军事手段防止、遏制和消除区域和全球两级的军事威胁,主张由国际社会采取集 [...] 体行动,处理威胁和平行为、破坏和平行为和侵略行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Part 9 of the Military Doctrine [...] stipulates that Turkmenistan will not possess, produce, distribute, or transport across its State territory [...]any nuclear, chemical, [...]biological or other weapons of mass destruction, and that it shall favour political, diplomatic and other non military means of preventing, containing and neutralizing military threats at regional and global levels, and collective action by the international community in addressing threats to peace, breaches of the peace and acts of aggression. daccess-ods.un.org |
非法进行考古发掘的问题依然严重(厄瓜多尔、希腊、墨西哥、罗马尼亚和联合王国), 并且依然很难确定非法发掘物品的来源,以及是在什么时间出土和出口的(意大利、乌克兰)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Illegal archaeological excavations remain a serious problem (for example in Ecuador, Greece, Mexico, Romania and United Kingdom), and it is still very difficult to determine the origin of an [...] object that has been [...] illicitly excavated, and at what moment it was extracted from the groundand exported(Italy, Ukraine). unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会指出,土地和水资源拮据对本区域的粮食安全构成了威 胁,并认识到需要对土地和水资源管理实行综合性管理,并大力采取有利 [...] 于可持续农业的政策和方案。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee [...] noted thatstrains on landand waterresources [...]posed threats to food security in the region, and recognized [...]the need to promote integrated land and water resource management and to pursue policies and programmes oriented towards sustainable agriculture. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 同工发组织讨论时,秘书处指出土库曼斯坦尚未批 准《哥本哈根修正案》这一事实。 multilateralfund.org | In its discussions with UNIDO, the Secretariat hadraised the fact thatTurkmenistan had not yet ratified the Copenhagen Amendment. multilateralfund.org |
至于宣称 Alexander Blücher 由于据称他从无捷克公民身份,因而不符合《土地法》规定的 特定条件,无权提出《土地法》规定的索回要求的假说,这种推论背后的“逻 辑”是,装模作样地把提交人视为依《土地法》提出收回的申请人,对之适用某 种道貌岸然的歧视性国籍规定。 daccess-ods.un.org | As to the assumption that Alexander Blücher would not have been [...] entitled to claim restitution [...] under the Land Actbecause he was allegedly not a Czech citizen and therefore would not have fulfilled the criteria under the Land Act, the [...]“logic” behind this [...]reasoning is based on a hypothetical application of a discriminatory citizenship requirement to the original owner as if he were the applicant under the Act. daccess-ods.un.org |
第九届上海双年展伊斯坦布尔展馆的主题为“突变”(A Twist in the Untimely),我们决定选择能够折射出土耳其与西方的联系中断和延续的三个主题,与一群知名艺术家合作,透过他们的作品走进历史,勾勒伊斯坦布尔在西化过程中多次与西方中断联系的历史真相。 shanghaibiennale.org | For A Twist in the Untimely, the Istanbul City pavilion of the 9th Shanghai Biennale, we decided to make a selection of three propositions that allude to the various ruptures and continuations that resulted within both contexts and work with a group of strong artists whose work traces several histories and delineates several fault lines inherent in the Westernization process. shanghaibiennale.org |
阿塞拜疆还 特别指出,土库曼斯坦成立 了国家 公民投 诉 委员会,并努 力 更 好 地 履 行其国际义务,使 国内立法符 合国际人权标 准 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Azerbaijan alsohighlighted the establishment of the State Commission on citizen’s complaints and Turkmenistan’s efforts to implement better its international obligations and to bring its domestic legislation into compliance with international human rights standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
我还要强调指出,土耳其也赞成捷克共和国代表将要代表欧洲联盟 所作的发言。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let me also [...] underline that Turkeyalsoaligns itself [...]with the statement to be delivered by the representative of the Czech [...]Republic on behalf of the European Union. daccess-ods.un.org |
请列出批出土地的地点、 面积及用途。 devb.gov.hk | Please give the location, [...] area and user of theland granted. devb.gov.hk |
与会者还指出,土着女孩是第 22(2)条考虑的同样重要的对象,关于消除针 对妇女的暴力行为的国际讨论非常容易忽视土着女孩的问题,尽管从根本上来 [...] 说,暴力侵害土着女孩的行为所涉及的习惯和做法也造成了侵害妇女的暴力和歧 视行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | Participants [...] alsonoted thatindigenous girlswere an [...]equally important consideration of article 22 (2) and were too readily [...]overlooked in international discussions on violence against women even though, fundamentally, violence against indigenous girls was related to the same norms and practices that caused violence and discrimination against women. daccess-ods.un.org |
大 赦 国际还指出,土库曼斯坦应 审 查 审议期间 所作的建议, 包括要求 保护人权维护者、消 除 对 酷刑和其他虐 待行为 有 罪 不 罚 的现象、保障 新 闻自由的 呼吁。 daccess-ods.un.org | AI also noted that recommendations made during the review were to be examined by Turkmenistan, including calls to protect human rights defenders, to eradicate impunity for torture and other ill-treatment, and to guarantee freedom of the press. daccess-ods.un.org |
百合花工作其实是把刚出土的百合球茎清理干净、分类、出口到外国。 4tern.com | Lily bulbs packaging is [...] cleaning up the soil from the bulbs, grades it and exportto worldwide. 4tern.com |
上海对其多所具有地区性与全国性重要地位的博物馆引以为傲,例如: 上海博物馆 (含艺术博物馆与历史博物馆),该馆有世上最珍贵的中国历史文物馆藏,包括 1949 之後陆续发掘出土的考古文物。 seagate.com | It boasts several museums of regional and national importance such as the Shanghai Museum of art and history which has one of the best collections of Chinese historical artifacts in the world, including important archaeological finds since 1949. seagate.com |
由联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和国家统计及信息研究所编写的题为“秘 [...] 鲁土着儿童的状况”的 2010 年报告指出,土着人民的医疗保险覆盖面已经扩大, [...]医疗保险覆盖的土着儿童和青少年的比例高于非土着儿童。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2010 report entitled “The State of Indigenous Children in Peru” prepared by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the National Institute of Statistics and Informatics [...] states that health insurance coverage has [...] increasedfor indigenous peoples and that [...]there is a higher proportion of indigenous [...]children and adolescents covered by health insurance than non-indigenous children. daccess-ods.un.org |
农业企业可能会提出,土地使用可能会导致失业、低 效率及农作物损害问题。 teebweb.org | Agribusiness [...] may raise concerns that changesin landaccess might lead [...]to job-loss, inefficiency and crop damage. teebweb.org |
这一主题旨在突出土着媒体在挑战陈旧观念、铸造土着民族特性、与外界交流以及影响社会和政治议程方面的重要作用。 un.org | The theme aimedto highlight theimportance of indigenous media in [...] challenging stereotypes, forging indigenous peoples' identities, [...]communicating with the outside world, and influencing the social and political agenda. un.org |
对人权的影响并非都是正面的,灾后恢复工 作有时受到所谓的“土地最佳使用原则”的指导,这 一原则忽视了贫困社区的权利,将他们驱逐出土地,从而为商业和旅游设施让路,或以虚无的公共安全或 灾害风险缓解问题为掩护。 daccess-ods.un.org | The implications for human rights were not all positive, as disaster recovery efforts were sometimes guided by the [...] so-called principle of [...] “optimaluse of land”, whichdisregarded the rights of poor communities, evicting them to make way for [...]business and tourism [...]facilities or under the guise of groundless public safety or disaster risk mitigation concerns. daccess-ods.un.org |
实际上,热电联产的扩大发展使得电力供应增加,与此同 [...] 时,甘蔗种植的土地面积却逐渐在减少,这表明热电联产效率提高的部分效果是 能够腾出土地作其他用,包括食物生产。 daccess-ods.un.org | In fact, over time, while increased cogeneration development has led to additional electricity supply, the land area on which sugarcane is cultivated has been declining – [...] implying that increased efficiency in cogeneration has partly [...] led to freeing upland for other uses, including [...]food production. daccess-ods.un.org |
W. Carr指出﹐土地阶级 和 因 工 业 而 致 富 者 在 革 命 以 後 联 合 一 起 ﹐巩 固 了 威 廉 四 世 德 意 志 的 社 会 秩 序。 hkahe.com | W. Carralso pointedoutthat after the revolution there was an alliance between landed and industrial [...] wealth, which underpinned [...]the social order in William IV’s Germany. hkahe.com |
拨开百合球茎-把刚出土的百合球茎一颗颗分开。 4tern.com | Once a lily bulbs start rolling, a person would need to separate the dangle lily bulbs. 4tern.com |
就土地及楼宇而言,倘无法从土地及楼宇成本中可靠区别出土地使用权的 成本,则土地及楼宇的成本则会以直线法按租期或20年(以期限较短者为准)计 提折旧及摊销。 cre8ir.com | For land and buildings where [...] the cost of landuse right cannot be reliably separated from the cost of landand buildings, the costof land andbuildings [...]is depreciated and [...]amortised on a straight line basis over the lease terms or 20 years, whichever is shorter. cre8ir.com |
研究列出影响的来源,并指出和评估施工前 [...] 阶段(特别是处理和搬运废水及倾倒混凝土骨料和出土材料)以及施工和营运阶 段(特别是坡道对任何地下水的影响、隧道通风设施和排气设施、终点站的排水 [...]设施和隧道冷却系统热空气的排放)对环境的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The study lists the sources of impact and identifies and assesses the environmental effects of the pre-construction phase (in particular wastewater treatment and [...] transport and unloading of aggregates for [...] concrete and of excavatedmaterial) and [...]the construction and operation phases (in [...]particular the impact of the ramps on any groundwater, tunnel ventilation and air venting, drainage of the terminals and venting of hot air from a tunnel cooling system). daccess-ods.un.org |
土耳其代表团强调有必要继续维持《公约》程序,利用迄今作出的一切努 力,并指出,土耳其采取的措施,就一个加入军备控制和裁军主要国际文书和遵 [...] 约不足的地区来说,具有特别重要的意义。 daccess-ods.un.org | He underscored the need to maintain the dynamic nature of the Convention process and to build on the [...] efforts made to date, adding that the [...] efforts undertaken by Turkeywereof special [...]importance in a region where there was a [...]poor record of accession to and compliance with major international instruments on arms control and disarmament. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然他离开家乡后,通过Anabaptism蒂罗尔州,虽然他被迫进一步提出土木工程师几次再洗礼派的技巧,因为他作为一个意见,Marpeck的使他能够生活在相对安全。 mb-soft.com | Although he left his native Tyrol after adopting Anabaptism, and while he was forced further to move several times because of his Anabaptist views, Marpeck's skills as a civil engineer enabled him to live in relative security. mb-soft.com |
在 这种背景下,我要指出,土耳其通过其军事、警察和 民事能力至今已为欧盟在马其顿、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥 维那、刚果、巴勒斯坦和科索沃的维持和平努力作出 贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that context, let [...] me point outthat so far, through its military, police and civilian capabilities, Turkey hascontributed [...]to EU peacekeeping [...]efforts in Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Congo, Palestine and Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |