

单词 出入平安

See also:


entrance and exit
expenditure and income
go out and come in


at peace
safe and sound
without mishap
quiet and safe

External sources (not reviewed)

与会者就 这一使命表述建议,其内容应包括可持续发展、机构能力建设,以及 教育、科学、文化和传播。
Participants proposed several
[...] formulations for this mission statement, which included peace, security, sustainable [...]
development, institutional
capacity building, and education, science, culture and communication.
局已推出「边境口岸实时资,旅客只需透过手机及电脑点击进站 www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitor,便可查看关闸、外港及路氹城边境站出入境大堂和车道的实时通关影像,灵活选择合适 出入机,而旅游局已与 局网站连结「边境口岸实时资讯平台」。
Public Security Police Force has launched the "Real-Time Information Platform of Border Ports", which enables visitors to check the real-time border-crossing images at the arrival/departure halls and traffic lanes of Barrier Gate, Outer Harbour and Cotai FrontierPost byentering the platform website: www.fsm.gov.mo/psp/pspmonitor [...]
on phone or computer.
以较低的食物出平格为购 买价格。
The averagepricesfor food expenditure oflower income households are [...]
used as purchase prices.
谈到咨询委员会关于加强和统一联合统的报告(A/64/7/Add.15),其内容涉及 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算若干款的订正估计数和卢旺达 问题国际刑事法庭的预算,她说,咨询委员会注意到, 标准出入 项目第一阶段已经在所有地点充分 执行,只有非洲经济委员会(非洲经委会)、西亚经济 社会委员会(西亚经社会)和前南斯拉夫问题国际法 庭是例外;对这个法庭来说,鉴于法庭即将结束,这 个项目也将停止。
Turning to the Advisory Committee’s report on a
[...] strengthenedand unifiedsecurity managementsystem for the United Nations (A/64/7/Add.15), which concerned the revised estimates under various sections of the proposed programme budget for 2010-2011 as well as the budget for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, she said that the Advisory Committee noted that phase I of the standardizedaccess controlproject [...]
(PACT I) had been fully
implemented at all locations except the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) and the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; in the Tribunal’s case, the project would be discontinued in view of the Tribunal’s impending closure.
咨询委员会目前收到的报告(A/64/532)提供了标准 出入项目 的最新实施状况,以及 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算订正估计数,这 些订正数参照了独立小组的报告以 管理审查的结果。
The report currently before the Advisory Committee (A/64/532) provides an update on the status of
the implementation of
[...] the standardized accesscontrol project and revised estimates under the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011, drawing on the outcome of the report of the Independent Panel and the management review of the Departmentof Safetyand Security.
(c) 申明有义务全面落实联盟理事会关于和平解决叙利亚危机计划的上述 所有决议,最近一项决议是 2012 年 1 月 22 日第 7444 号决议,并敦促叙利亚政 府所一再重申,履行其义务,真心迅速回应阿拉伯国家的努力,为叙利 亚危机找到一个平出从而避免军事干预。
(c) To affirm the obligation to implement in full all the resolutions of the Council of the League that were referred to above, the most recent of which was resolution 7444 of 22
January 2012, concerning
[...] the plan to peacefully resolve the Syrian crisis, and to urge the Syrian Government to honour its obligations and respond genuinely and rapidly to Arab efforts to find a peacefulway out of the crisis in Syria, thereby avoiding military intervention, as has been repeatedly affirmed by theCouncil.
最后,各国政府,尤其是武政府,必须 加强和采用监测机制,以便防止合法销售 入平场。
Lastly, national Governments, especially
[...] those ofarms-exporting States,must strengthen and use monitoring mechanisms in order to prevent legal sales from being diverted into theparallel market.
加拿大并不想就具体专题, 而只是就在拟议的“外向”做法下所可述及的一些分主题 示范性实 例,同时铭记这些分主题的数目必须加以限定:犯罪、人权和法治(其中可包 括刑事司法在保护人权上的作用以及人权在司法系统中的作用,以及法治在这 两个方面所起的作用);犯罪和国际重建(冲突后和灾后情况); 犯罪与技术变革,包括网络犯罪以及有组织犯罪集团对技术的利用与将技术除 用于其他犯罪外还用于贩运;以及犯罪和贸易、商业及全球经济(其中可涵盖 经济犯罪的一些具体方面并且可能还涵盖腐败)。
As Canada did not wish to suggest specific topics, it referred to the following indicative examples of sub-themes
that could be addressed under the proposedoutward-looking” approach, bearing in mind that the number of sub-themes would have to be limited: crime, human rights and the rule of law
[...] (that would include both the role of criminal justice in protecting human rights and the role of human rights in the justice system, and the role of the rule of law in both); crime and international peace,security andreconstruction (post-conflict and post-disaster situations); crime and technological change, including cybercrime, as well as the use of technologies by organized criminal groups and for trafficking, [...]
among other crimes; and crime and trade, commerce and the global economy (that could cover specific areas of economic crime and possibly corruption).
特别委员会确认,维持可以发挥积极作用,促进进行对性别问题 敏感的安全部门改革,发展能更好地满足妇女需求的安全服务,例如,可通过以 下途径发挥这种作用:部署女性维和人员,这可以鼓励更多妇女到东道国政府改 革后的安全部门工作;提供熟悉性别问题的专门人才,支持安全部门改革进程; 将性别观点入安门改革方案。
The Special Committee recognizes the
[...] positive rolethat peacekeeping operations can play in promoting gender-sensitive security sector reform and the development of security services that better respond to women’s needs, such as through, for example, the deployment of female peacekeeping personnel which can be a means of encouraging more women to serve in the reformed security sector of the host Government, through the provision of gender expertise in support of security sector reform processes, and through the incorporation of gender perspectivesin security sector reform [...]
还需进一步努力,确保将性入安 门改革、减少及管理灾害风险等关键领域的主流。
Further efforts need to ensure
[...] that gender equality is mainstreamed in key areas including securitysector reform and [...]
disaster risk reduction and management.
(d) 采取适当措施,确保残疾儿童能够在与他基础上获取关于自身 权利的信息,包括通过人权教育和培训这一途径,使他们能够发现、防止针对他 们的侵犯行为及对此类行为采取行动,并能够享有无障 出入际环境,使用 交通工具,利用信息和通信技术,以及享用向城市和农村地区公众开放、可获得 和提供的系统和其他设施和服务
(d) To take appropriate measures to ensure that children with disabilities have access,on an equal basis with others, to information on their rights, including through human rights education and training, so that they can identify, prevent and act upon [...]
violations against them, as well as access
to the physical environment, to transportation, to information and communications technologies and to systems and other facilities and services that are open, accessible and provided to the public both in urban and in rural areas
马力诺、斯洛文尼亚和多哥等已经成为提案国,并 敦促委员会以协商一致的方式通过该决议草案,从
[...] 而在巴勒斯坦人民寻求主张自己不可剥夺的权利, 即拥有一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的有生存能力的主 权国家,与以色列平安共处的时候,向他们的信息。
He said that Ecuador, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Montenegro, San Marino, Slovenia and Togo had become sponsors and urged the Committee to adopt the draft resolution by consensus, thereby sending a message of solidarity to the Palestinian people as they sought to assert their
inalienable right to a sovereign and viable State
[...] with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peaceand security with Israel.
(c) 恢复公共安全,包括为利比亚政府提供适当的战略和技术咨询与援助, 以建立有能力的机构,在全国采用统一的做法促使前作战人员编入利比亚国队或让他们复员和入平活,包括接受教育和获得就业机会,建立有能 力、负责、尊重人权以及妇女和弱势群体可以求助且有求必应的警察和安全机构
(c) restore public security, including through the provision of appropriate strategic and technical advice and assistance to the Libyan government to develop capable institutions and implement a coherent national approach to the integration
of ex-combatants into
[...] Libyan nationalsecurity forces or their demobilizationand reintegration into civilianlife,including [...]
education and employment
opportunities, and to develop police and security institutions that are capable, accountable, respectful of human rights and accessible and responsive to women and vulnerable groups
作为一个海岸大国,澳大利 亚为《国际海洋法》的制定力的贡献,以促进 国际繁荣。
International Law of the Sea As a major coastal state, Australia has contributed strongly to the
development of the international law of
[...] the sea in a manner that promotes international peace andsecurity andprosperity.
这并不妨碍为保护未成年人,主要在他出入方,例如学校或图书馆 滤器,也不妨碍保护互联网防止 病毒、恶意软件、垃圾邮件及其他破坏性技术等内在威胁。
This does not prevent the installation of filters for the protection of minors, in particular in places accessible to them, such as schools or libraries, or the protection of the Internet from endogenous threats such as viruses, malware, spam and other disruptive technologies.
有措施——全面解决危机、改革安 理会组成、加强非常任成员的作用和限制否决权的 使用——应当有助于使国际社会更多 入安的 决定。
All of the measures I have set out —aholistic approach to crises, the reform of the
[...] Council’s composition, increasing the role of the non-permanent members and restraining the use of the veto — should contribute to making the international community more engaged in theCouncil’sdecisions.
继 2010 年及 2011 年先後平安CSI RAFI A 股 50 ETF*(* 本基金为一项合成交易所买卖基金)(「A [...]
股 50 ETF」) (股份代号: 2818.HK)及离岸人民币债券基金後,平安资产管理(香港)是次在渐趋成熟的金融市
场中一连推出三只全新 ETF,令其在香港发展交易所买卖基金的领先地位得以巩固。
After PAAMC HK launched thecompany‟s first Ping An [...]
of China CSI RAFI A-Share 50 ETF* (*This is a synthetic ETF)(“A-Share
50 ETF”) (stock code: 2818) in 2010 and offshore RMB Bond Fund in 2011, the company is launching a series of 3 new ETFs, strengthening Ping An Group‟s leading position in the growing Hong Kong ETF market.
葡萄牙也不接受将族裔少数群体的代表 入安队的建议,因为《宪 法》规则是指导公共行政的一项基本原则。
Portugal also rejected the
[...] recommendation toincorporate representatives of ethnic minoritiesinto the securityforces,because the Constitution established the principle of equalityasone ofthe fundamental [...]
guiding the public administration.
邝先生 间香港上市公司之独立非执行董事,包括:中远国际控股有限公司、天津发 展控股有限公司、北京首都国际机场股份有限公司、星狮地产(中国)有限公司、新创建集团有限公司、中海油田 服务股份有限公司、正奇投资有限公司、中国诚通发展集团有限公司、中 平安(集团)股份有限公司、华富 国际控股有限公司、中国电力国际发展有限公司、恒基兆业地产有限公司、恒基兆业发展有限公司、雅居乐地产 控股有限公司及中信1616集团有限公司。
Mr. Kwong also serves as an independent non-executive director of a number of Hong Kong listed companies, including COSCO International Holdings Limited, Tianjin Development Holdings Limited, Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited, Frasers Property (China) Limited, NWS Holdings Limited, China Oilfield Services Limited, Concepta Investments Limited, China Chengtong Development Group Limited,Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Limited, Quam Limited, China Power International Development Limited, Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Henderson Investment Limited, Agile Property Holdings Limited and CITIC 1616 Holdings Limited.
虫害控制是食品生产企业需要认真对待的问题之一,在HACCP、AIB、BRC和ISO22000相关食品安全标准中对虫害控制也有严格的要求,因为保持一个整洁、干净、卫生的生产加工环境是生 出安品的前提条件;但是目前食品行业在虫害控制不仅观念落后,而且技术
Pest Control is one of important problems in
[...] food production enterprises, which is strictly restricted in some related food safety standards, like HACCP、AIB、BRC and ISO 22000.
DVB混合解决方案的VCAS是VCAS 3架构的组成部分,面向新视频市场,为DVB广播网络、混合网络和IPTV网络提供了主动 入安增强功能,包括针对向PC、手机脑和机顶盒设备提供的互联网电视服务的基于标准的安全性。
VCAS for DVB Hybrid is a component of the VCAS 3 architecture, which addresses the new
video marketplace with
[...] a proactiverevenue security and enhancement approach for DVB broadcast, hybrid, and IPTV networks, including standards-based security for Internet TV delivery on PC, phone, tablet, and STB devices.




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