单词 | 出众 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 出众 —outstandingless common: stand out Examples:才华出众—outstanding talent (idiom); incomparable artistic merit See also:众—crowd • multitude • numerous
总部设在慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在INDEX 2011展览会上展出众多水 基聚合物粘结剂, 用于给高级纺织品和无纺布进行涂层和改性。 wacker.com | At INDEX 2011, the Munich-based WACKER Group will showcase a wide range of water-based polymer binders for coating and modifying high-quality textiles and nonwovens. wacker.com |
Stephanie 在体育和音乐方面表现出众,下 至地方社区,上至印度尼西亚共和国总统办公室,无不称赞。 specialolympics.org | Stephanie's excelled in sport and music, and lauded from her local community up to the Office of the President of the Indonesian Republic. specialolympics.org |
福伊特的集约型生态纸厂(IEM)表现 出众 : 消 耗的资源更少,同时投资和操作成本更低。 voith.com | The Integrated EcoMill (IEM) from Voith scores twice: fewer resources are consumed and at the same time investment and operating costs are lowered. voith.com |
现在是作出果断决定的时候了,以为有 关所有最后地位问题的协议提出众所 周 知的参数。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is time for bold decisions that set forth the well-known parameters of an agreement on all final status issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
所有POWERSIL® 产品集输配电应用所必需的安全性、质量和可靠性于一身,还具 有 出众 的 性 能特征。 wacker.com | All POWERSIL® products combine the product [...] safety, quality and reliability essential for these applications, and are [...] characterized by outstanding property profiles. wacker.com |
梅赛德斯-奔驰不仅产品质量出众,更 十分注重向企业客户提供优质的服务。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | We are also taking great care to deliver excellent service quality to our corporate customers. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
柯达的瓦楞纸包装解决方案提供了 出众 的 品 质,从单色的牛皮纸板到使用最高图形标准和准确品牌色彩印刷的混色白顶瓦楞纸板。 graphics.kodak.com | Kodak's corrugated packaging [...] solutions provide outstanding quality from single-color [...]Kraft liners to process-color, white-top, [...]microflute liners printed with the highest graphic standards and accurate brand colors. graphics.kodak.com |
仅在柯达 CTP 设备上提供的柯达 [...] SQUARESPOT 成像技术为制版工作带来了出众的稳 定性、准确性和可靠性。 graphics.kodak.com | Available only on KODAK CTP Devices, KODAK SQUARESPOT Imaging Technology brings incredible stability, [...] accuracy, and reliability to plate making. graphics.kodak.com |
作为离子束蚀刻 (IBE) 和磁性物理气相沉积 (PVD) 技术领域的全球领先厂商,Veeco 利用其经验和出众的工 艺知识应对新一代 MEMS 和传感器设备的核心挑战。 veeco.com.cn | As the world’s leader in Ion Beam Etch (IBE) and magnetic Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD) technology, Veeco leveraged its experience and superior process knowledge to meet the critical challenges of next generation MEMS and sensor devices. veeco.com |
独特的色纯度和高光泽使其表现出众。 eckart.com.cn | Their performance is outstanding in respect to [...] unique color purity and high gloss. eckart.net |
此款 Label-Lyte 薄膜适合于需要出众标签外观的多种市场领域,包括保健、美容、家居用品、饮料、罐装或瓶装食品以及汽车应用等。 news.exxonmobilchemical.com | This Label-Lyte film is well suited for a wide range of market segments including health and beauty care, household products, beverages, canistered or bottled food, and automotive applications requiring exceptional label appearance. news.exxonmobilchemical.com |
他说,“过去曾有一些步行机器人,但BigDog和LS3的与众不同之处在于,在现实世界的所有崎岖地形条件下性 能 出众。 tss.trelleborg.com | There have been a few legged robots in the past, but BigDog [...] and LS3 are way out in front with regard to [...] performance on rough terrain in all sorts of real-world conditions,” he says. tss.trelleborg.com |
协调员进一步强调指出,众所周 知,武装冲突中武装部队的活动由一个完全 不同的、已成熟的法律制度处理,这也是条款草案第 18 条第 2 款的背景原因。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Coordinator further underlined that it was common knowledge that an entirely different legal regime, already well established, addressed the activities of armed forces during armed conflict and that this was also the rationale behind paragraph 2 of draft article 18. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种木材在抵 抗从紧固件翘曲或扭曲方面是出众的 (Har rar 1957),虽然当暴露在自然环 境中时,细缝裂纹可能会在未受保护 的表面进一步发展 。 wrcea.cn | The wood is superior in resisting warp or twist from its fastenings (Harrar 1957) although hair-line surface checks may develop on unprotected surfaces when exposed to the elements. wrcea.org |
而含有Lubrizol 5060的配制产品在各种粘度级别条件下均具 备 出众 的 极 压性能,甚至低粘度级别也呈现出高度的极压性能,而无需提高剂量或添加促进剂。 cn.lubrizol.com | Formulations containing Lubrizol 5060 offer excellent extreme pressure performance across the full spectrum of viscosity grades, even lower viscosity grades have high levels of performance without the need for additional up-treating or boosters. lubrizol.com |
例如,加拿大报告指出众多的集体管理相关权利的公司以及数字内容供应商提供合法 获取、复制以及传播网上作品的许可证。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Canadian report for instance states that many organizations for the collective management of rights and digital content providers offer licences for access, legal reproduction and communication of works available online. unesdoc.unesco.org |
顶板适配组合式三脚架,性能出众, 可绕大型半球碗进行15°俯仰。 gitzo.cn | The levelling base fits Systematic tripods and offers high performance and 15° tilt around a large half ball. gitzo.com |
用于冷却系统的纳米涂层—确保出众 的 性 能。 voith.com | Nanocoatings for Cooling [...] Systems – Ensure Outstanding Performance. voith.com |
为在汽车驾驶室环境中提供高性能输出、先进的声音均衡效果 和 出众 的 音 质,Fujitsu Ten公司选择浮点 [...] SHARC® 处理器作为数字信号处理引擎来增强其音频放大器的性能。 analog.com | To ensure [...] high performance output, advanced acoustic [...]equalization and exceptional sound quality in an automobile cabin environment, [...]Fujitsu Ten selected Analog Devices' floating point SHARC® processor as the digital signal processing engine to power its audio amplifiers. analog.com |
在这些行业中,虽然第二层级的企业能够以速度、成本和规模优势获得暂时的领先,但是第一层级的企业将通过强有力的战略规划 和 出众 的 运 营能力获得持久的行业优势。 rolandberger.com.cn | While the second-tier players may have achieved temporary success by building on speed, cost, and scale, the top-tier players differentiate themselves in strategy with strong operational capabilities. rolandberger.com.cn |
虽然 El-Araby 没有经过正规培训,但依然表现出众。 specialolympics.org | Having had no proper training, nevertheless [...] El-Araby was quite exceptional. specialolympics.org |
阿迪力•卡里德(Adil Khalid),阿联酋队员:22岁的阿迪力•卡里德是一位幸运而才 能 出众 的 年 轻人,他击败了另外120名阿联酋的候选人,成功加入今年的沃尔沃环球帆船赛。 iwc.com | Adil Khalid, United Arab Emirates Team Member: Adil Khalid is one lucky and talented 22 year old, having beaten 120 other Emirati hopefuls to participate in this year’s VOR. iwc.com |
Cirrus Logic 的高精度 A/D 转换器采用该公司专有的三角积分和 SAR 技术构建,因性能出众而广 受肯定,适合工业过程控制、分析仪器、消费类设备、数字功率计与地震系统等应用。 digikey.cn | Cirrus Logic's high-precision A/D converters are based on the company's proprietary Delta Sigma and SAR technologies, and are recognized for their superior performance and features for applications such as industrial process control, analytical instruments, consumer utility, digital power meters and seismic systems. digikey.ca |
自此以后,我们已生产出众多疫苗,包括伤寒和斑疹伤寒疫苗,为日本消灭传播性疾病作出了贡献。 mdsol.com | Since then, we have produced many vaccines [...] including those for typhoid and typhus, and have contributed to the eradication [...]of communicable diseases in Japan. mdsol.com |
这些ADE电能计量IC结合模数转换器(ADC)与固定函数数字信号处理器(DSP)用于关键测量,不仅拥 有 出众 的 质 量、可靠性和性能,同时提供无与伦比的功能和易用性。 analog.com | Superior in quality, reliability, and [...] performance, Analog Devices’ ADE energy [...] measurement ICs combine analog-to-digital converters [...](ADCs) with fixed-function digital [...]signal processors (DSPs) to perform critical measurements, while providing unparalleled functionality and ease-of-use. analog.com |
一款顶级头盔集合了所有意大利的设计和工艺,为你提供无与伦比的舒适性,其特殊设计所带来的优势在其他的头盔中也是非 常 出众 的。 chainssprockets.com | A top of the line helmet, offering unsurpassed comfort and fit, together with all Italian styling and manufacture, which incorporates a number of unique design features that make it stand out from the rest. chainssprockets.com |
缠绕和多层收缩膜使用的埃奇得茂金属聚乙烯树脂 、 [...] 埃能宝™茂金属聚乙烯树脂以及Nexxstar™高密度聚乙烯树脂配方 将 出众 的 包装完整性,经济优势,包装生产线的可靠性和高透明度、高光泽度及更高的印刷品质结合起来。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Bundling and multipack collation shrink films using Exceed mPE resin , Enable™ [...] mPE resin and Nexxstar™ HDPE resin [...] formulations combine outstanding package integrity, [...]economic advantage and packaging-line [...]reliability with high clarity, gloss and enhanced print quality. exxonmobilchemical.com |
萨凡纳,GA, 2010年10月19日 - (亚太商讯) - 在亚特兰大国家商用航空协会(NBAA)会议召开前夕,Gulfstream试飞员和工程师证明Gulfstream G650出众的高 速巡航能力,以0.90马赫飞行5,000海里(9,260 km)的一个闭环,以9小时45分钟飞过大西洋。 acnnewswire.com | Savannah, GA, Oct 19, 2010 - (ACN Newswire) - Just prior to the National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) Meeting and Convention in Atlanta, Gulfstream test pilots and engineers made a compelling demonstration of the Gulfstream G650's exceptional high-speed cruise capabilities, flying a 5,000-nautical-mile (9,260 km) closed circuit at Mach 0.90 over the Atlantic Ocean in 9 hours and 45 minutes. acnnewswire.com |
在所有的公司中,Oerlikon Graziano应当明白:它已经为迈凯轮MP4 12C生产了备受赞誉的双离合变速器,并同样为新款P1供应双离合变速器;它还使用专利的独立变速杆原则为最新一代的兰博基尼生产了性 能 出众 的 AM T。 cn.drivelinenews.com | Of all companies, Oerlikon Graziano should know: it already produces the much praised dual clutch transmission for the McLaren MP4 12C, and also supplies the new P1′s DCT; it also makes the ¬rapid-fire AMT for the latest-generation Lamborghinis using the patented Independent Shifting Rod principle. drivelinenews.com |
从机械部件到车身和内饰,Quattroporte第四代的Evoluzione车型凭借全面的部件改良和细节优化实现了超 凡 出众 的 卓 越品质。 maserati.com.cn | The Evoluzione version of the Quattroporte Serie IV stood out thanks to the overall improvement of its components and the extensive optimisation of countless details, from the mechanical components to the bodywork to its interior. web.maserati.com |