

单词 出任

External sources (not reviewed)

(F) 在本条细则下段的规限下,任何董事或候任或拟任职董 事不应因其职位而失去以卖方、买方或任何其他身份与 本公司订立合约的资格,不论有关合约为与其任何有酬 劳职务或职位的任期,或以卖方、买方或任何其他方式 订立;亦毋须避免订立任何有关合约或董事以任何方式 於当中拥有权益的任何其他合约或安排;而已订立有关 合约或如此拥有权益的任何董事亦毋须仅因 出任位或由此而建立的受托关系向本公司或股东交代其由任 何有关合约或安排所获得的酬金、溢利或其他福利。
(F) Subject to the next paragraph of this Article, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profit or as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any contract with regard thereto or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested be liable to be avoided, nor shall any Director so contracting or being so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
[...] 人,发售比例按接近该等持股人分别持有有关类别股份的数目,或 出任 备以发 行及配发有关股份,惟在违反任何有关决定或有关决定不得延续的情况下,有关股份 [...]
The Company may by ordinary resolution, before the issue of any new shares, determine that the same, or any of them, shall be offered in the first instance, and either at par or at a premium, to all the existing holders of any class of shares in proportion as nearly as may be to the
number of shares of such class held by them
[...] respectively,or make anyprovisions [...]
as to the issue and allotment of such shares,
but in default of any such determination or so far as the same shall not extend, such shares may be dealt with as if they formed part of the capital of the Company existing prior to the issue of the same.
除该等条文所规定者外,兑换股份在各方面与发行兑换股份时已发 行的普通股享有同等地位,并在本公司细则第 6(C)条第 5(C)段及本 第 7 段条文的规限下,赋予兑换股份持有人权利获得於兑换日期後 记录日期普通股所获派付或作出的一切分派,惟倘於兑换日期後记 录日期就本公司截至该兑换日期前止任何财务期间 出任 派, 则兑换股份持有人将无权获得有关分派。
The Conversion Shares shall, save as provided for in these provisions, rank pari passu in all respects with the Ordinary Shares in issue at the time the Conversion Shares are issued, and shall, subject to the proviso of paragraph 5(C) in this Bye-law 6(C) and this paragraph 7, entitle the holders thereof to all distributions paid or made on the Ordinary Shares by reference to a Record Date falling after the Conversion Date, provided that if a Record Date after the Conversion Date is in respect of any distribution in respectof any financial period of the Company ended prior to such Conversion Date, the holders of the Conversion Shares will not be entitled to such distribution.
(e)  倘考虑委任两名或以上董出任司或本公司拥有权益之任何其他公司 [...]
之有酬劳职务之安排(包括安排或修订条款或终止委任),可就各董事提呈个别决议 案,而於该情况下,各相关董事将有权就各项决议案表决,并计入法定人数,惟涉 及其本身委任(或其安排或修订条款或终止委任)及(就上述任何该等其他公司之
有酬劳职位或职务而言)倘董事及其联系人合共拥有该其他公司 5%或以上权益之情 况除外。
(e) Where arrangements are under consideration
[...] concerning the appointment (including [...]
the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof,
or the termination thereof) of two or more Directors to offices or places of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested, a separate resolution may be put in relation to each Director and in such case each of the Directors concerned shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment (or the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof) and except (in the case of an office or place of profit with any such other company as aforesaid) where the other company is a company in which the Director together with any of his associates own 5 per cent. or more.
我/我们/本号〕现确认,在提交本投标表格时,除以下备注所指的豁免通讯外,〔我/我 们/本号〕并没有将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安 排 调 整 任 何 建 议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本号〕或该人应否提交投标表 格出任排,或以其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通;并承诺,在上述舖位招租後,直至 房 屋 署 通 知 竞 投 者 招 租 结 果 的 任 何 时 间 , 除 以 下 备 注 所 指 的 豁 免 通 讯外,〔我/我们/本号〕不 会将建议缴纳的租金金额传达房屋署以外的任何人士、透过与任何其他人士的安排调整任何建 议 缴 纳 的 租 金 金 额 、 与 任 何 其 他 人 士 就 〔 我 / 我 们 / 本 号 〕 或 该 人 应否竞投出任排,或以 其他任何方式与任何其他人士串通。
I/We/Our company] had not communicated to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjusted the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, made any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should submit a Form of Tender or otherwise colluded with any other person in any manner whatsoever and undertake that at any time thereafter in the letting of the above premises until thebidder isnotified by HD of the outcome of the letting exercise and other than the Excepted Communications referred to in the remark below of this Form of Tender [I/we/our company] will not communicate to any person other than HD the amount of any rental offer, adjust the amount of any quotation by arrangement with any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether or not [I/we/our company] or that other person should bid or otherwise collude with any other person in any manner whatsoever.
(D) 尽管股东出任择,倘若本公司获知,向股东所提供之任 何电子地址寄发任何通知或其他文件会或可能会违反任何有 关司法权区的法律,或倘本公司不能核实股东的电子地址所在 [...]
伺服器位置,则本公司可将该等内容刊登於本公司之网站,以 代替发送任何通知或其他文件到有关股东提供的电子地址,而
此举须视作有效送达有关内容予该股东,而有关的通知及文件 须被视作於首次放置该内容在本公司网站当日已送达至股东。
(D) Notwithstanding any election by amember, if the Company is advised that the sending [...]
of any notice or other document
to any electronic address supplied by a shareholder may or might infringe the law of any relevant jurisdiction, or if the Company cannot verify the location of the server at which the electronic address of the member located, the Company may in lieu of the sending of any notice or other document to the electronic address supplied by the shareholder concerned, place the same on the Company’s website, and any such placement shall be deemed effective service on the shareholder, and the relevant notice and document shall be deemed to be served on the shareholder on which the same is first placed on the Company’s website.
有人还建议,应明确逐应该具备合法的理由,任何驱逐的理由 必须按照法律的规定予以确定。
It was also proposed that it should be clearly stated that any expulsion had to rest on legitimate grounds and that any ground for expulsion had to be determined in accordance with the law.
(d) 倘所考虑之建议涉及委任(包括厘定或修订委任条款或终止委任)两名或 以上董出任司或本公司拥有权益之任何公司之职务或职位,则该等 建议须分开处理,并就各董事分别考虑,在此情况下,各有关董事(如根 [...]
(d) Where proposals are under consideration concerning the appointment (including fixing or
varying the terms of or
[...] terminatingthe appointment) of two or more Directors tooffices or [...]
employments with the Company
or any company in which the Company is interested, such proposals shall be divided and considered in relation to each Director separately and in such case each of the Directors concerned (if not prohibited from voting under paragraph (c)) shall be entitled to vote (and be counted in the quorum) in respect of each resolution except that concerning his own appointment.
(B) 在细则第(C)段的规限下,所有股息及就本公司股份作出的其他分派
[...] 他货币计值,则以该货币列账及清偿,惟倘股份以港元计值,董事会可厘定於出任派时,股东可选择以美元或董事会选用的任何其他货币(按董事会可能 厘定的汇率兑换)收取股息及其他分派。
(B) Subject to paragraph (C) of this Bye-law, all dividends and other distributions in respect of shares in the Company shall be stated and discharged, in the case of shares denominated in Hong Kong dollars, in Hong Kong dollars, and, in the case of shares denominated in any other currency, in that currency, provided that, in the case of shares denominated in Hong Kong
dollars, the Board may
[...] determine in the case of any distribution that shareholders may elect toreceive the [...]
same in United States
dollars or any other currency selected by the Board, conversion to be effected at such rate of exchange as the Board may determine.
(D) 董事不得就其或其任何联系出任司或本公司拥有权益的任何其 他公司的任何有酬金的职位或职务所涉及的任何决议案(包括所订立 的安排或修订其中条款或终止)投票或计入会议的法定人数。
(D) A Director shallnot vote or be counted in the quorum on any resolution of the Directors concerning his own appointment or the appointment of any of [...]
his associates as the
holder of any office or place of profit with the Company or any other company in which the Company is interested (including the arrangement or variation of the terms thereof, or the termination thereof).
(B) 本公司可於任何董事以上述方式告退之任何股东大会上推选相同數 目之人出任,以填补有关空缺。
(B) The Company at any general meeting at which any Directors retire in manner aforesaid may fill the vacated office by electing a like number of persons tobe Directors.
鉴于正在对信通技术基础设施、系统和服务作出相当大 的投资,并且,实施信通技术战略和企业资源规划项目等正在开展的举措具有战
[...] 略重要性,应要求秘书长严格审查目前的安排,并根据需要 出任整,以确 保其实效和效率,并充分响应大会关于提交深入评估报告供最迟在第六十八届会 [...]
In the light of the considerable investments being made in ICT infrastructure, systems and services, as well as the strategic importance of ongoing initiatives such as the implementation of the ICT strategy and the enterprise resource planning project (Umoja), the Secretary-General should be
requested to rigorously examine current
[...] arrangements and to make anyadjustments, [...]
as required, to ensure their effectiveness
and efficiency and to fully respond to the General Assembly’s request for an in-depth assessment for consideration no later than at its sixty-eighth session.
出任资决定前,敬请投资者细阅及了解有关投资项目或产品的所有发售文件,以及其中所 载的风险披露声明及风险警告。
Investors should read andfully understand all the offering documents relating to the relevant investments or products and all the risk disclosure statements and risk warnings therein before making any investment decisions.
(b) 任何董事可出任 期间兼任本公司任何其他职位或有薪岗位(核 数师除外),任期及任职条款由董事会厘定,有关董事可就此收取董 事会可能厘定之额外酬金(不论以薪金、佣金、分享溢利或其他方式 支付),而有关额外酬金须为任何其他章程细则规定或根据任何其他 章程细则支付之酬金以外之酬金。
(b) A Director may hold anyother office or place of profit with the Company (except that of Auditors) in conjunction with his office of Director for such period and upon such terms as the Board may determine, and may be paid such extra remuneration therefor (whether by way of salary, commission, participation in profit or otherwise) as the Board may determine, and such extra remuneration shall be in addition to any remuneration provided for by or pursuant to any other Articles.
(C) 董事可出任 司促成之任何公司或本公司可能拥有权 益之任何其他公司之董事或其他主管人员,或以其他形式拥有有关权益,而毋须就担 任该等其他公司之董事或主管人员,或由於在上述其他公司之权益所收取之任何报 酬、收益或其他利益向本公司或其股东交代。
(C) A Director may be or becomeadirector or other officerof, or otherwise interested in, any company promoted by the Company or any other company in which the Company may be interested, and shall not be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefit received by him as a director or officer of or from his interest in such other company.
(F) 若本公司或其任何附属公司以任何方式修订任何股份或借 贷资本随附的权利,以致将有关股份或借贷资本全部或部 份兑换或可兑换为普通股,或附带可购买普通股的任何权
[...] 利,本公司须委任认可商人银行,考虑对换股价 出任整是否恰当,而若认可商人银行核实任何有关调整属恰 [...]
(F) If the Company or any of its subsidiaries shall in any way modify the rights attached to any share or loan capital so as wholly or partly to convert or make convertible such share or loan capital into, or attach thereto
any rights to acquire, Ordinary Shares,
[...] the Companyshall appoint an approved [...]
merchant bank to consider whether any adjustment
to the Conversion Price is appropriate (and if such approved merchant bank shall certify that any such adjustment is appropriate the Conversion Price shall be adjusted accordingly).
争议法庭可在任何时候根据当事方的申请或自行下达任何命令或 出任示,只要在法官看来,这样做对公正、迅速了结案件并使各当事方获得司法公 [...]
The Dispute Tribunal may at any time, either on an application of a party or on its own
initiative, issue any order or give any
[...] direction which appears to a judge to [...]
be appropriate for the fair and expeditious
disposal of the case and to do justice to the parties.
委员会认为,申诉人未能提出充分的证据,证明他所作的任何政治行为足以引起 埃塞俄比亚当局的兴趣,他也未出任他具体证据,表明埃塞俄比亚当局正 在找他,或如果返回埃塞俄比亚,他本人会有遭受酷刑的风险。
In the Committee’s view, the complainant has failed to adduce sufficient evidence about the conduct of any political activity of such significance that would attract the interest of the Ethiopian authorities, nor has he submittedany other tangible evidence to demonstrate that the authorities in his home country are looking for him or that he is at a personal risk of being tortured if returned to Ethiopia.
某代表团对“振兴”执委会的提议表示关注,注意到执委会已经在发挥重要的功 能,应该继续保留其对食典委的咨询作用,而不应该对属于食典委职责的事情 出任定。
One delegation expressed some concern with the proposal to “revitalise” the Executive Committee, noting that it was already carrying out important functions and should
retain its advisory role to the Commission, but should not take
[...] decisions thatwerethe responsibility of the Commission.
此外,他遗憾地指出与具有法 律影响的第 33 C/92 号决议的执行有关的问题,再次未能自然而然地被列入法律委员会议程,而这些问题无可 争议地都属于该委员会的职权范围,还是这位委员对 34 C/19 号文件的地位问题提出了质疑,因为该文件未要 求大会出任定,而它甚至要求对《组织法第 IV 条第 4 款所述向会员国提出建议书和国际公约之规则》 进行修改,因而他对在修改该《规则》时可能不遵循规定的程序表示担心。
He noted too, with regret, that once more matters relating to the implementation of 33 C/Resolution 92, which had legal implications, had not spontaneously been included in the agenda of the Legal Committee even though they undeniably fell within its terms of reference. He also asked about the status of document 34 C/19 which did not require the General Conference to take a decision, even though it referred to the need to amend the Rules of Procedure concerning recommendations to Member States and international conventions covered by the terms of Article IV, paragraph 4, of the Constitution, expressing concern that the regulatory procedures for amending the Rules of Procedure might be circumvented.
125,000,000股认购股份占(i)本公司於本公告日期之现有已发行股本约7.45%;(ii)本公 司经配发及发行认购股份扩大後之已发行股本约6.93%(假设除发行认购股份外,本公
司已发行股本自本公告日期至认购事项完成时并无变动);及(iii)本公司经配发及发行 认购股份、购股权股份及认股权证股份扩大後之已发行股本约6.41%(假设概无配发及
[...] 发行其他股份,且於发行认购股份前并无根据购股权计划授出或行使购股权,亦无创 设或出任外认股权证)。
The 125,000,000 Subscription Shares represent (i) approximately 7.45% of the existing issued share capital of the Company as at the date of this announcement; (ii) approximately 6.93% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares (assuming that there is no change in the issued share capital of the Company from the date of this announcement to the completion of the Subscription save for the issue of the Subscription Shares); and (iii) approximately 6.41% of the issued share capital of the Company as enlarged by the allotment and issue of the Subscription Shares, the Option Shares and the Warrants (assuming there are no other allotments and issue of
Shares and no options under the Share Option Scheme are granted or exercised and no
[...] further warrants created and granted).
(c) 本公司可根据董事会以普通决议提出的建议,就本公司的任何一次特定派 息作出决议,谓尽管有本条(a)段的规定,派息可全部以分配入账列为全 部缴足股款的股份的方式支付,无须向股东 出任 利,选择收取现金 股息代替配股。
(c) The Company may upon the recommendation of the Board by ordinary resolution resolve in respect of any one particular dividend of the Company that notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Article a dividend may be satisfied wholly in the form of an allotment of shares credited as fully paid up without offering any right to shareholders to elect to receive such dividend in cash in lieu of such allotment.
(bb) 不得对购股权计划关於上市规则第17.03条所述事宜的条款 及条件出任利於购股权承授人的修订,惟获得股东在 股东大会批准则除外。
(bb) The terms and conditions of the Share Option Scheme relating to the matters set out in Rule 17.03 of the Listing Rules shall not be altered to the advantage of grantees of the options except with the approval of the shareholders in general meeting.
(B) 替任董事的委任须於发生任何下列情况时厘定: 出任的董事发生任何可能导致其离职的事件,或其委任人不再为董 事,惟倘任何董事於股东大会退任但於会上获重选或根据本细则 条文被视为於其退任的会上获重选,则其根据本细则任於紧接其退任之前已生效的应於该等重选之後持续有效,如 同其并未退任。
(B) The appointment of an alternate Director shall determine on the happening of any event which, were heaDirector, would cause him to vacate such office or if his appointor ceases to be a Director provided that if any Director retires at a general meeting but is re-elected by the meeting or is, pursuant to the provisions of these Bye-laws, deemed to be re-elected at the meeting at which such retirement took place, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Bye-law which was in force immediately prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after such re-election as if he had not so retired.
除在大会上退任的董事外,任何人士如未获董事推荐参选,均无资格在任何股 东大会上获出任 ,除非总办事处或注册办事处已收到一份由妥为符合资格 出席大会并於会上投票的股东(不包括拟获提议推荐的人士)签署的通知,其内 表明彼拟提议推荐该人士参选董事之职,以及一份由该获提议推荐人士所签署表 示候选意愿的通知,惟作出有关通知的最短期间须至少为七(7)日,且提交有关通 知的期间不得早於指定进行选举的股东大会的通知寄发翌日,也不得迟於有关股 东大会召开日期前七(7)日。
No person other than a Director retiring at the meeting shall, unless recommended by the Directors for election, be eligible for election as a Director at any general meeting unless a Notice signed by a Member (other than the person to be proposed) duly qualified to attend and vote at the meeting for which such Notice is given of his intention to propose such person for election and also a Notice signed by the person to be proposed of his willingness to be elected shall have been lodged at the head office or at the Registration Office provided that the minimum length of the period, during which such Notice(s) are given, shall be at least seven (7) days and that the period for lodgment of such Notice(s) shall commence no earlier than the day after the despatch of the notice of the general meeting appointed for such election and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of such general meeting.
邝先生出任香港上市公司之独立非执行董事,包括:中远国际控股有限公司、天津发 [...]
展控股有限公司、北京首都国际机场股份有限公司、星狮地产(中国)有限公司、新创建集团有限公司、中海油田 服务股份有限公司、正奇投资有限公司、中国诚通发展集团有限公司、中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司、华富
国际控股有限公司、中国电力国际发展有限公司、恒基兆业地产有限公司、恒基兆业发展有限公司、雅居乐地产 控股有限公司及中信1616集团有限公司。
Mr. Kwongalso serves as anindependent [...]
non-executive director of a number of Hong Kong listed companies, including COSCO
International Holdings Limited, Tianjin Development Holdings Limited, Beijing Capital International Airport Company Limited, Frasers Property (China) Limited, NWS Holdings Limited, China Oilfield Services Limited, Concepta Investments Limited, China Chengtong Development Group Limited, Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Limited, Quam Limited, China Power International Development Limited, Henderson Land Development Company Limited, Henderson Investment Limited, Agile Property Holdings Limited and CITIC 1616 Holdings Limited.
(5) 除非本细则有任何相反规定,否则股东可於根据本细则召开及举行的任何 股东大会上,藉普通决议案在该董事任期届满前於任何时间将其免任,即使本细则或 本公司与该董事所订的协议中载有任何规定亦然(惟此类免任并不损害根据任何该等 协议出任害赔偿申索的权利)。
(5) Subject to any provision to the contrary in these Article, the Members may, at any general meeting convened and held in accordance with these Articles, by ordinary resolution remove a Director at any time before the expiration of his period of office notwithstanding anything in these Articles or in any agreement between the Company and such Director (but without prejudice to any claim for damages under any such agreement).
(D) 任何董事本人或其商号,均可以专业身分代本公司行事,而其本人或其商号 均可就提供专业服务而有权收取酬金,犹如彼并非董事;惟董事或其商号不出任司的核數师。
(D) Any Director may act by himself or his firm in a professional capacity for the Company and he or his firm shall be entitled to remuneration
for professional
[...] services as if he were not a Director; provided that a Director or his firm shall notact as [...]
auditors to the Company.




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