单词 | 凰 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 凰noun—phoenixnExamples:鳯凰n—phoenixn 鳯凰—firebird 凤凰n—Phoenixn phoenixn
世界 遗产名录》上增加了几个新的小岛屿发展中国家的名胜,其中包括基里巴斯的凤凰群岛海洋保护区和马绍尔群岛的比基尼岛核试验基地。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Several new SIDS sites were added to the World Heritage list, including the Phoenix Islands marine protected area in Kiribati and the Bikini Atoll nuclear test site in the Marshall Islands. unesdoc.unesco.org |
非常感谢凤凰卫视给我们这个携手合作的机 会,透过亚洲三号S卫星为凤凰卫视扩展电视服务,至大中华及亚洲区内更广泛的观众层。 asiasat.com | We appreciate the opportunity to support [...] Phoenix TV in [...] expanding its broadcast service to a wider audiencein Greater China and the region,” said William Wade, President [...]and Chief Executive Officer of AsiaSat. asiasat.com |
凤凰卫视控股有限公司在香港聯 合交易所主板上市。 asiasat.com | Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Limited is listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong. asiasat.com |
美国亚利桑那凤凰城的霍尼韦尔公司(Honeywell)将为CSeries客机提供惯性参考系统以及辅助动力设备(APU)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Honeywell of Phoenix, Arizona, USA will provide the inertial reference system (IRS) and the auxiliary power unit (APU) for the CSeries aircraft. tipschina.gov.cn |
至今业务已扩展到17个国家,并有分销中心设在英国、法国、亚洲、加拿大、亚特兰大、迈阿密、凤凰城、得克萨斯州、康乃狄克州和波特兰大。 tipschina.gov.cn | Today, the company does business in 17 countries with regional distribution centers in the United Kingdom, France, Asia, Canada, Atlanta, Miami, Phoenix, Texas, Connecticut, and Portland (OR). tipschina.gov.cn |
哈利在魔法部的前出血,袭击发生后的第二个到最后一个场景以前的电影中,哈利·波特与凤凰令的结果。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Harry is shown bleeding in front of the Ministry of Magic, as the result of an attack that took place after the second-to-last scene of the previous film, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. seekcartoon.com |
格里森凤凰®400GH 滚齿机为垂直工件主轴,六轴数控。 gleason.com | Gleason PHOENIX® 400GH Gear Hobbing [...] Machine with vertical workpiece axis and six controlled axes. gleason.com |
这家美丽的海滨度假酒店座落于亚龙湾畔,驱车 30 分钟可抵三亚凤凰国际机场,地理位置便利。 marriott.com.cn | The beautiful beach resort is located on the shore of Yalong Bay which just a 30-minute drive from Sanya Phoenix International Airport. marriott.com.au |
罗医生为鹰君集团有限公司副主席兼 董事总经理,亦为香港上海汇丰银行有限公司、上海实业控 股有限公司、凤凰卫视控股有限公司及中国移动(香港)有 限公司非执行董事。 wingtaiproperties.com | He is a non-executive director of The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, Shanghai Industrial Holdings Limited, Phoenix Satellite Television Holdings Limited and China Mobile (Hong Kong) Limited. wingtaiproperties.com |
凤凰S-长城”另一方面,皮带转运点的无用。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The "Phoenix S-Wall" on the other hand makes belt transfer points useless. en.developmentscout.com |
何秀兰这次输掉议席,但赢得派内派外的支持和同情,其实可以凤凰重生,带领一种新的民主情操。 hkupop.hku.hk | Although Ho Sau Lan Cyd lost her position in the Legislative Council, she won the support and sympathy of both the in- and out-groups, and in fact this is the revival or re-birth process that brings us to a new democratic sentiment. hkupop.hku.hk |
凤凰卫视男主播福疆的网上家园。 business-china.com | Phoenix health regards male host broadcasts lucky boundary on-line homeland. business-china.com |
Palais de la chance系列以个性宝石为焦点,如7颗品质卓越、共重33.73克拉的喀什米尔枕形蓝宝石(Sept [...] Etoiles套装)、1颗14.36克拉2A型D级无瑕梨形钻石(“神秘凤凰”项链)、1颗28.53克拉枕形切割黄色蓝宝石(“锦鲤”戒指)以及1颗9.28克拉、饰以沉睡仙女的赞比亚椭圆形切割祖母绿(“仙女阿莉兹”戒指)。 vancleefarpels.com | The Palais de la chance collection showcases Pierres de [...] caractères such as an exceptional [...] batch of7cushion-cut shappires for a total of33.73-ct [...]from Kasmir (Sept Etoiles set), [...]a pear-shaped type 2A DIF diamond of 14.36-ct (Phénix Mystérieux necklace), a 28.53-carat cushion-cut yellow sapphire (Carpes Koï ring) and a fairy slumbers on a 9.28-carat oval-cut emerald from Zambia (Fée Alizée ring). vancleefarpels.com |
基里巴斯虽已批准建立第一个保护区:凤凰岛保护区,但 尚需就受保护物种制定相关规章。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kiribati has approved the establishment of its first Protected [...] Area (PA); thePhoenix IslandsPA but [...]is yet to enact relevant regulations on protected species. daccess-ods.un.org |
凤凰城–同为亚美推动正义中心(Asian American Center for Advancing Justice)会员的亚太法律中心(Asian Pacific American Legal Center, APALC) 及亚美正义中心(Asian American Justice Center,AAJC)上周与其他民权团体共同向联邦法院提出诉讼,向亚利桑那州违反宪法,要求警察针对被拦下「可合理怀疑」为非法移民者查看「身份文件」的SB 1070反移民法提出挑战。 scanews.com | PHOENIX - Last week, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center (APALC) and Asian American Justice Center (AAJC), members of Asian American Center for Advancing Justice, jointly filed a federal lawsuit with other civil rights groups to challenge SB 1070, Arizona's unconstitutional anti-immigrant law that requires police to demand "papers" from people they stop that they "reasonably suspect" are undocumented. scanews.com |
目前,北京广播网拥有26个频道,200多个二级页面,日点击量超过500万人次,据Alexa权威调查统计,2008年上半年北京广播网世界网站的平均排名在3300名左右,其间最好排名达到过2881名;北京广播网在与新华网、人民网、凤凰网、CCTV、北青网等全国18家较有影响力的媒体网站所进行的比较中,广播网排名在八至十位,在全国广播媒体网站中始终名列第一。 logfm.com | The click rate of it is more than 5 million every day. According to authoritative research and survey of Alexa, in the first half of 2008, the averageranking of RBC.cn was around 3,300 in the world, and the best ranking reached 2,881; compared to the 18 comparatively influential media websites, such as Xinhuanet.com, People's Daily Online,Ifeng.com, CCTV.com, YNET.com, RBC.cn ranked eight to ten, and has always be the best one of the broadcast media websites. logfm.com |
我们的“凤凰学院”能让我们随意设计这些物 品,与实际工作无关。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Our “Phoenix Academy” enables us to freely design such items independently of actual assignments. hansgrohe.hr |
移动SIM卡恢复软件,是设计用来扫描SIM卡,通过智能卡阅读器(电脑/资深大律师SIM卡阅读器或凤凰SIM卡阅读器)在您的计算机上的PC的,并收回全部删除(收件箱,待发草案)的文字讯息,抹去电话簿上的电话号码,其中包括(已拨电话,固定电话号码) ,并提供imsi及身分证统一编号,任何GSM技术为基础的移动电话。 partitionrecovery.org | Mobile sim card recovery software is designed to scan the sim card through sim card reader (PC/SC sim card reader or phoenix sim card reader) on your computer PC’s and recover all deleted (inbox, outbox, draft) text messages, erased phone book contact numbers including (dialed numbers, fixed numbers) and provide IMSI and Identification number of any GSM technology based mobile phones. partitionrecovery.org |
PHOENIX®(凤凰)1000HC锥齿轮铣齿机,是一台最早采用高速计算机控制与软件,以实现全自动化调整与操作的机床。 gleason.com | The PHOENIX® 1000HCBevel Gear [...] Cutting Machine is a premier machine tool integrating high-speed computer controls and software [...]for full automatic setup and operation. gleason.com |
据报道,7月, [...] 中国取缔了地方上的有线电视系统,因为这些系统通过卫星非法接收香港凤凰卫视的节目。 embassyusa.cn | In July China reportedly initiated a crackdown against local cable television [...] systems thatwere illegally receiving [...]the Hong Kong-based news station Phoenix TV via satellite. eng.embassyusa.cn |
新闻集团甚至暗示有这种可能性,该公司高层詹姆斯•默 多克(James Murdoch)称,此次出售凤凰卫视股份,属于精简“子公司所有权结构”的全球大战略之一。 youngchinabiz.com | The company even hinted at that possibility, with executive James Murdoch saying the sale was part of a broader global effort to simplify the company’s “affiliate ownership structures. youngchinabiz.com |
凤凰纳米技术有限公司的其代理,管理人员及员工不能作网站上信息和资料作任何准确性的陈述,明示或暗示,一切准确性以本网站上提供的信息及资料为准; 若任何链接网站的信息及资料翻译成另一种语言,引致其内容引起变化,本网站则一概不负责; 本网站不承担任何责任而产生的任何损失(包括翻译信息和资料),本网站不承担网站上信息和资料可作特定用途及不承担任何浏览本网站的人士在本网站上受到干扰或破坏,尤其发生在浏览本网站的人士的硬件,软体或数据连接时。 nanomatrixsecure.com | NanoMatriX, its agents, instrumentalities, officers and employees: make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy of the information and data contained on this Site; make no representations, express or implied, as to the accuracy or usefulness of any translation of the information on this Site or any linked website into another language; make no representations as to the availability of the Site and the availability of websites linked from or to the Site; accept no liability however arising for any loss resulting from the use of the Site and any information and data or reliance placed on it (including translated information and data); make no representations, either expressed or implied, as to the suitability of the said information and data for any particular purpose; accepts no liability for any interference with or damage to a user's computer, software or data occurring in connection with or relating to this Site or its use or any website linked to this Site. nanomatrixsecure.com |
弗兰克·霍希主修造船工程专业,1974年毕业后最初担任开发工程师,随后担任德国凤凰公司开发及生产总监。 hamburg-summit.com | After having completed his studies in shipbuilding engineering in 1974 Frank Horch worked as development engineer, and later on as Director for development and production at the Phoenix AG. hamburg-summit.com |
亚利桑那州凤凰城(2012年7月26日) -大凤凰城经济理事会(GPEC)今天宣布,正式向美国商务部和国际贸易委员会(ITC)提交抗议信,反对对中国制造的光伏电池和组件征收关税。 zeversolar.com.cn | (July 26, 2012) –The GreaterPhoenix Economic Council (GPEC) announced [...] today that it is filing a formal letter of protest [...]to the U.S. Department of Commerce and the International Trade Commission (ITC) against the tariffs on Chinese-manufactured photovoltaic cells and modules. zeversolar.com |
安富利公司 (Avnet Inc) 总部设於美国阿里桑那州凤凰城,名列「财富五百大企业」榜,截至二零零一年六月三十日止之二零零一财政年度营业额超过一百二十八亿美元,雇员人数约一万二千人。 ipress.com.hk | Phoenix, Arizona-based Avnet Inc (NYSE:AVT) is a Fortune 500 company with fiscal 2001 sales of US$12.8 billion (year ended June 30, 2001), employing approximately 12,000 people around the globe. ipress.com.hk |
如阿德米拉尔、车兰、齐诺克、哥伦布斯/战斧/宙斯(CTZ)、加仑那、哈拉道马革努门、哈拉陶塔努 斯、哈拉道赫库力斯、麒麟丰绿、马可波罗、马林卡、世纪、北酿、努革特、新西兰太平洋的根、凤凰、林伍德之荣、Super Pride、塔革特、青岛大花、维多利亚、勇士。 barthhaasgroup.com | GROUP III: Bitter hops/ High Alpha hops such as Admiral, Chelan, Chinook, Columbus/Tomahawk/Zeus (CTZ), Galena, Hallertau Magnum, Hallertau Merkur, Hallertau Taurus, Herkules, Kirin Flower, Marco Polo, Marynka, Millennium, Northern Brewer, Nugget, NZ Pacific Gem, Phoenix, Pride of Ringwood, Super Pride, Target, Tsingdao Flower, Victoria, Warrior. barthhaasgroup.com |
媒体巨头新闻集团 youngchinabiz.com | When the history books are written, the ongoing withdrawal of global media giants News Corp (Nasdaq: NWS) from China could do down as one of the longest divorces of all time, including the latest news that the company is further selling down its stake in one of its China partners. youngchinabiz.com |