

单词 凭靠

凭靠 verb ()

use v

See also:

rely on
on the basis of
lean against
no matter (how, what etc)

depend on
come near to
traditional military costume drama where the performers wear armor (old)
stand by the side of
lean against or on
fuck (vulgar)


proof n

External sources (not reviewed)

凭靠死记 硬背来掌握外国文化的信仰、习俗以及禁忌,这种方法不是很有效。
Rote learning about the beliefs, habits and taboos of foreign cultures, will not work well.
格劳博机床之所以能在悠久的企业历史中总可获得客户和企业员工的信任,且历经几十年能够不断拓展及巩固自己的市场地位 凭靠 的 就是这样的理念。
A philosophy with which the GROB Group with its long company history has repeatedly won the trust of its customers and its own employees, thus enabling it to expand and strengthen its market position over the decades.
将INA, FAG和LuK的产品作为原装配件,凭借 可 靠 的 物 流和全面服务,Schaeffler的后市场服务是维修店、经销商和客户的优质伙伴。
With INA, FAG, and LuK products as original
[...] replacement parts, reliable logistics and comprehensive [...]
services, the Schaeffler aftermarket
service is a high-performance partner for repair shops, distributors and end customers.
数十年来,鸟牌实验室传感凭借可 靠 的 性 能,为实验室和半导体生产过程提供高精度的功率测量。
Bird Laboratory Sensors have been depended upon for decades to provide highly accurate power measurement of laboratory and semiconductor production processes.
作为国际海军联盟的一部分,我们可 凭 经验 说,靠胁迫 性措施不足以铲除海盗的威胁。
can say from experience that coercive measures alone are not enough to eradicate the menace of piracy.
我们认为,重要的是,普罗迪先生要继 续参与执行小组建议的工作,以期加强非洲联 凭借 可靠、可持续和可预测的资源部署维和部队的能力。
To our mind, it is important that Mr. Prodi remain involved in the process of implementing the panel’s recommendations, with a view to strengthening
the capacity of the
[...] African Union to deploy peacekeeping forces, with reliable, sustainable and predictable [...]
resources at its disposal.
凭借其高度靠的运动 板球口径 V - 10,美丽的机械人 Vulcain飞行员双时 [...]
提供了方便的双时并发症 (双时间)。
With its highly reliable movement Cricket [...]
Calibre V-10, the beautiful mechanical man Vulcain...
小组在各种情况下尽量靠主要凭证 和 证人证词,力求发现、找到和访谈科 特迪瓦民兵和利比里亚雇佣军指挥官。
In all cases possible, the
[...] Panel has sought to rely on primary documentation [...]
and witness testimony, and has endeavoured
to identify, locate and conduct interviews with Ivorian militia and Liberian mercenary commanders.
[...] 特殊的人口状况,目前极难对合格选民人口作 靠的 估凭经验猜测,人数在 300 万至 350 万之间。
Because of the lack of reliable population figures and the very specific
demographics of Libya, it is extremely
[...] difficult to establish a reliable estimate of the eligible [...]
voter population; educated guesses
put the figure between 3 and 3.5 million.
在何种条件下专利申请及其获得可以 被认为是反竞争的,主要靠看它 给以凭 借微 小发展就可获得专利留下多少空间来 判断。
The extent to which the application for patents and their acquisition may be deemed anticompetitive crucially depends on the room left to obtain patents on minor developments.
[...] 这只是为了了解证据是否是令人信服且可论证的而不 靠 不 住 或 凭 空 想 象的, 让仲裁员就是否存在仲裁协议作出详细的最后确定。
The court remarked that this was only to see if
the evidence was cogent and arguable,
[...] and not dubious or fanciful, leaving the arbitrator [...]
to make a detailed final determination
as to the existence or otherwise of an arbitration agreement.
靠,仅凭主观猜测。其优势在于其简单性——这种方法可以很容易的向管理者陈述波 动率的概念——执行和解释都很简单。
The benefit of this approach is its simplicity––this method is very easy to explain to management the concept of volatility––both in execution and interpretation.
行式打 印是Printronix的旗舰技术,凭借可靠 性 、低拥有成本以及打印应用上的灵活性,一直以来都是供 应链与后台管理打印应用方面的主要解决方案。
Line matrix printing is Printronix’s flagship technology, and it remains the workhorse solution for supply-chain and back-office printing applications because of its reliability, lower cost of ownership and flexibility of printing applications.
她以中国联想集团副总裁洪月霞为例子,说明人生道路, 靠 各 人 凭 自 己 的意愿和实际情况及自身能力作出最适合自己的选择。
However, women often had to forego the chance to venture overseas because of the difficulty of striking a balance among household, children and career commitments
在经过了来自 62 个其他公司的 101 个过程传感器和仪表类产品的激烈角逐后,FIELDVUE DVC 凭借其优良、靠的性 能得到了最终用户、教育机构和工程、工厂运营、研发和其他技术领域业界专业人士的认可,在角逐中脱颖而出,荣登最佳产品榜。
The Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC2000 was awarded the distinction in the process sensor and instrument products category in the magazine's third annual competition.
我們的高功率衛星 加上廣泛的服務範圍,讓我們得以為客戶提供由單一衛星連接至全球三分之二人口的高質素和 靠 服 務
The high power of our satellites and our range of services
allow us to provide our customers
[...] with high quality and reliable access to two-thirds [...]
of the world’s population from a single satellite.
极高的承载等级和刚性, 长效运行质量、最低的维护需求、高运行 靠 性 :如 今,需 凭 借 直线导轨系统满足那些需求, 该系统用于具有高精确度的横向高承载:那是滚子异型轨道单元成为用于工具生产机械的首选类型的原因。
Extremely high load ratings and rigidity, long-term
running quality, minimum
[...] maintenance, high operational reliability: Those are the requirements [...]
linear guidance systems, which
are used to traverse high loads with great precision, have to meet today.
[...] 引致之現有責任,但由於可能不需要有經濟資源外流,或責任金額未能 靠 地 衡 量而未予 確認。
It can also be a present obligation arising from past events that is not recognised because it is
not probable that outflow of economic resources will be required or the amount of
[...] obligation cannot be measured reliably.
凭借澳 大利亚提供的更多资金,执行支助股得以出版《裁军、残疾和发展――援 助地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物幸存者》,并向非洲一个缔约国提供更好的受害者 援助咨询服务。
Also through enhanced funding provided by Australia, the ISU was able to produce the publication “Assisting landmine and other ERW survivors in the context of disarmament, disability and development” and provide enhanced victim assistance advisory services to one State Party in Africa.
审计委员会还注意到,内部监督事务部在审查 Neirab 恢复项目时提出的 类似结论。内部监督事务部指出,近东救济工程处的项目管理未完全遵守项目协 议的条款、工程处细则和规定,在现金业务、使用项目预付款、收据和付 凭 单、 库存项目控制、项目房地安保和核对财务记录和工程处记录方面缺乏充分和有效 的内部控制。
The Board also noted similar findings raised by DIOS on its review of the Neirab Rehabilitation Project (NRP), where DIOS noted that UNRWA’s project management did not fully comply with project agreement’s terms and conditions, the Agency’s rules and regulations and lacked sufficient and effective internal controls, in the areas of cash operations, utilizing project advances, receipts and payment vouchers, controls over inventory items, security of project premises and the reconciliation of financial records with the Agency records.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该国正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸
[...] 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management
System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and
[...] become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district [...]
and oblast level.
目前,该司凭非常 有限的能力(位于布鲁塞尔的 1 个 P-5 员额和 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,位于总部的 1 个 P-4 员额和 3 个一般临时人员职位), 已开始同联合国内外合作伙伴建立战略伙伴关系,为实地业务关系的改善奠定基 础。
Currently, with a very modest capacity (1 P-5 and 1 GS (OL) posts located in Brussels and 1 P-4 post and 3 general temporary assistance positions located at Headquarters), the Division, on behalf of DPKO and DFS, builds and maintains partnerships, both within and outside the United Nations, to lay the foundation for improved operational relationships in the field.
在第四和第五次会议期间,委员会审议了如下五个项目:项目 5.5--《国际教育标准分 类法》(ISCED);项目 8.5--关于会员国实施《关于承认高等教育学历与资格的建议书》 (1993 年)情况的综合报告;项目 8.7--关于会员国实施《关于发展成人教育的建议书》 (1976 年)情况的综合报告;项目 5.30--要求授权教科文组织执行局在第一八九届会议上批 准在斯里兰卡设立由教科文组织赞助的南亚师资开发中心(第 2 类);以及项目 5.31--修订 1981 年《非洲各国承认高等教育学历、证书、 凭 、 学 位和其它资格的公约》。
During its fourth and fifth meetings, the Commission examined the following five items: Item 5.5 – International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED); Item 8.5 – Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1993 Recommendation on the Recognition of Studies and Qualifications in Higher Education; Item 8.7 – Consolidated report on the implementation by Member States of the 1976 Recommendation on the Development of Adult Education; Item 5.30 – Request for authorization to be provided to the UNESCO Executive Board, at its 189th session, for approval of the proposed South Asian Centre for Teacher Development as a category 2 centre under the auspices of UNESCO, to be set up in Sri Lanka; and Item 5.31 – Revision of the 1981 Regional Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Certificates, Diplomas, Degrees and other Academic Qualifications in Higher Education in the African States.
全球文化多样性联盟》也应寻求纳入国家一级的传统技能开发计划, 以此作为促进文化遗产及在各地区开展文化产业方面的研究,从而提供 靠 并 与 政策相关的 资料数据。
The Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity should also seek to include traditional skills development programmes at the national level, also as a tool to promote cultural heritage, and to
undertake research on cultural industries in the various regions with a
[...] view to generating reliable and policyrelevant data.
如 果 非 上 市 的 權 益 性 證 券 的 公 允 價 值,由 於(a)合 理 的 公 允 價 值 估 計 數 範 圍 的 變 動 對 於 該 投 資 影 響 重 大 或(b) 符 合 該 範 圍 的 多 種 估 計 數 不 能 合 理 評 估 並 用 於 估 計 公 允 價 值,而 導 致 公 允 價 值 不 能靠 計 量,則 此 類 股 票 按 成 本 減 去 減 值 損 失 計 量。
When the fair value of unlisted equity securities cannot be reliably measured because (a) the variability in the range of reasonable fair value estimates is significant for that investment or (b) the probabilities of the various estimates within the range cannot be reasonably assessed and used in estimating fair value, such securities are stated at cost less any impairment losses.




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