单词 | 凭空捏造 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 凭空捏造 —fabrication relying on nothing (idiom); frame-upSee also:凭空—baseless (lie) • without foundation 捏造—fabricate • make up 捏造 v—manufacture v
但很明显的是,把 一些指控和凭空想象 、无根据的事情列入大会的议 程,会对其可信度和权威造成巨 大的损害。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it is evident that placing allegations, as well as hypothetical and unsubstantiated matters, on the Assembly’s agenda would cause enormous damage to its credibility and authority. daccess-ods.un.org |
那些 認為有這樣言論的㆟,其實是憑 空捏造 的 ㆒ 派胡言。 legco.gov.hk | Those who think so and say so are in fact talking nonsense. legco.gov.hk |
三个室内空间( 出租、小卖、公共厕所)也不再 被 捏 合 成 一块,而是按最方便游人使用的方式与多个室外休 息 空 间 交 错布置。 chinese-architects.com | The three indoor spaces (rental, snack shop and public restrooms) were not grouped into one chunk, but rather mingled with the outdoor spaces to allow visitors use [...] them conveniently. chinese-architects.com |
该决议草案具有明显的政治动机,是 阴谋和捏造,与人权毫无关联。 daccess-ods.un.org | The draft resolution was clearly politically motivated, a plot and a fabrication, and had nothing to do with human rights. daccess-ods.un.org |
現行的㆒九八六年英 國金融服務法案(The Financial Services Act 1986)只規定任何有關㆟士知道自己作出的 陳述、承諾或預測是有誤導成份、虛假不實或是 憑 空捏造 的 , 或是不顧後果作出的, 便須負㆖刑事法律責任。 legco.gov.hk | The Financial Services Act 1986 now attaches criminal liability only to statements, promises or forecasts which the maker knows to be misleading, false or deceptive or which he makes recklessly. legco.gov.hk |
多卡钢混结合梁造桥机凭借其巨大的通用性、其通过可租赁标准组件组装的速度以及其高水平的作 业 空 间 安全性而广受好评。 doka.com | The Doka composite forming carriage scores top marks for its huge versatility, the speed with which it can be assembled from rentable standard components, and its high level of workplace safety. doka.com |
一位与会者指出,紧急情况不是突然 间 凭空 出 现 的,总会有先兆迹象,安全 理事会应更认真地关注这些迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | As one participant put it, emergencies did not just crop up suddenly out of nowhere: there were signs and the Security Council should heed them more carefully. daccess-ods.un.org |
法院评论道, [...] 这只是为了了解证据是否是令人信服且可论证的而不是靠不住 或 凭空 想 象的, 让仲裁员就是否存在仲裁协议作出详细的最后确定。 daccess-ods.un.org | The court remarked that this was only to see if the [...] evidence was cogent and arguable, and not [...] dubious or fanciful, leaving the arbitrator [...]to make a detailed final determination [...]as to the existence or otherwise of an arbitration agreement. daccess-ods.un.org |
不幸的是,我们现 在又听到美国上届政府屡次三番、毫无道理而又枉费心机提出的种种指控,这些 指控都是老生常谈,没有依据,凭空 编 造。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is unfortunate that, yet again, we are hearing the same tired, unwarranted and groundless allegations that used to be unjustifiably and futilely repeated by the previous United States Administration. daccess-ods.un.org |
空口无凭的合格声明是无法接受的。 kohlereurope.com | Blanket statements of conformance are not acceptable. kohlereurope.com |
科索沃当局拒绝接受这些指控,认为这是对阿族人犯下 的罪行,满篇都是胡编乱造、凭空猜 想 和未经国际司法部门证明的事实,指出该 报告有一个反对科索沃独立的网络撑腰。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Kosovo authorities rejected [...] the allegations as a crime [...] against Albanians, filled with clear fabrications, non-existent [...]conjectures and facts not proven [...]by international justice and backed by a network that opposes Kosovo’s independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
故意捏造虚假指控或干扰道德调查本身就是对该规范的重大违反,并且 可能导致被立即解聘 。 lubrizol.com | Knowingly making a false allegation or interfering with an ethics investigation is itself a major violation of the Guidelines and may lead to immediate termination of your employment. lubrizol.com |
但我必須實事求是指出,將民 主政制發展的結果描繪為把香港變成獨立或半獨立,是完全不合乎事實的不負責任講 法;將民主政改提升為國際反華大陰謀,亦是㆒個 憑 空捏造 的 臆 測。 legco.gov.hk | But I must point out that it would be irresponsible and at variance with the facts for one to depict the outcome of democratic development as Hong Kong turning into an independent or semi-independent entity. legco.gov.hk |
对朝鲜人权情况的负面评价是根据背叛其祖国的 人 捏造 的 事 实提 出的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Negative assessments of the human rights situation in DPRK are based on misinformation fabricated by those who betrayed their country. daccess-ods.un.org |
事实上,亚美 [...] 尼亚常驻代表的信再次表明他们处心积虑地公 然 捏造 事 实,亚美尼亚方面借此顽固 地否认无可辩驳的事实,这些事实证明其应对在霍贾里犯下的罪行承担责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reality, the letter of the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Armenia is [...] yet another illustration of [...] sophisticated and blatant falsification, by means of [...]which the Armenian side obstinately denies [...]irrefutable fact testifying to its responsibility for the crimes committed in Khojaly. daccess-ods.un.org |
随着时间的推移,客观和科学的军事分析以及围绕这起事件的各种情况都表 明,该事件是捏造出来 的,完全是出于美国的政治和军事目的。 daccess-ods.un.org | As days go by, the objective and scientific military analysis and the environment surrounding the incident reveal that the incident is a fabricated scenario, purely for the political and military purposes of the United States. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们必须侧重于我们在“人的安全”方面 已开展的实际工作,而不应老是强调那 些 凭空 臆 想的 担忧。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must therefore focus on the actual work that has been done on human security, rather than dwell on imagined fears. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭借其创造性的执行,“4th Dimension Clock” 提供了时间和空间, 光与影之间的有趣的互动。 iontime.ch | With its creative execution, the “4th [...] Dimension Clock” offers an interesting interaction between time and space, light and shadow. iontime.ch |
至於違反原來捐贈㆟的意願,我覺得在這方面如真有爭拗的話,可否在咭㆖有 第㆔者的簽名,證明不是捏造出來的,起碼有㆟作證? legco.gov.hk | Should this be the case, I think, to pre-empt any possible disputes, a witness who is not the donor's household member may sign on the card to at least prove that it is not a fabrication. legco.gov.hk |
然而,美国军方一直拒绝我们派遣国防委员会检查团的要求,并单方向安全 [...] 理事会提交了“联合国军司令部特别报告”,该报告完全代表了南朝鲜当局 的捏 造立场。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the United States forces side has persistently objected to our demand of dispatching the inspection group of the National Defence Commission and unilaterally submitted to the Security Council the “special [...] report” of the “United Nations Command” which entirely [...] represents the fabricated position of the [...]south Korean authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 我们要求阿根廷政府不再重弹 1990 年代腐败政府捏造的不 相关假设和 陈词滥调,相反,应采取有效措施,进行有效调查,以查明真相并防止继续侵犯 这些伊朗公民的基本权利,防止对穆斯林社会的歧视。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) We request the Government of Argentina to desist from repeating the irrelevant hypothesis and clichés invented by a corrupt administration in the 1990s to cover up the real perpetrators and, instead, take effective measures and carry out meaningful investigations to discover the truth and to prevent the continued violation of the fundamental rights of those Iranian citizens and the discrimination against the Muslim community, which continues to be isolated and discriminated against in Argentina under the pretext of combating terrorism daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会这样做,并不是要凭空制定 和确立关于不符合有效性标准的保留的 效果的规则。国家实践、国际判例和法理已经发展出针对这个问题的处理办法和 解决方案,委员会认为完全可以用它们来指导委员会的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | State practice, international jurisprudence and doctrine have already developed approaches and solutions on this matter which the Commission considers perfectly suitable for guiding its work. daccess-ods.un.org |
当他们思考生命时,创意是他们活着的理由; 当他们思考死亡时,创意使他们不害怕,因为他们相信可 以 凭 借 自己 创 造 的 事物而留芳百世。 bootb.com | When they think about life, creativity is the reason for living; when they think about death, creativity keeps them safe from fear, because they feel that with the things they have created, they can never die. bootb.com |
然而,除了荷兰航空公司的凭证中 附有一张银行结单外,没有关 于任何退款的条件和条款的详细信息,协议中也没有提供如何计算退款 的任何信息 daccess-ods.un.org | However, except a bank statement attached in the voucher from KLM, no detailed information was available concerning the terms and conditions applicable to any refund, nor did the agreement provide any information regarding how the amount of refund was calculated. daccess-ods.un.org |
例如见,陆军手册 27-9,第 2-5-12 段(“合理怀疑”不是一种凭空想象 或异想天开的怀疑或 推测,而是因案件中有物证或缺乏物证而引起的一种诚实、认真的怀疑。 daccess-ods.un.org | See for example, Para 2-5-12, DA Pamphlet 27-9 (“A ‘reasonable doubt’ is not a fanciful or ingenious doubt or conjecture, but an honest, conscientious doubt suggested by the material evidence or lack of it in the case. daccess-ods.un.org |
還有另外㆒件事:有關我們須要就選舉委員會提出建議這個事實,並不是香港總督 憑空捏造的; 而有關我們須要就功能組別提出建議這個事實,亦不是香港總督 憑 空捏 造的;此外,有關我必須為例如㆒九九五年投票方法的安排提出建議這個事實,亦不 是我憑空捏造的。 legco.gov.hk | And one more thing: the Governor of Hong Kong has not invented the fact that we need to put forward proposals on the Election Committee. legco.gov.hk |
但 是,这种笨拙的捏造在事 实面前,就象小孩用纸牌塔成的房子一样,很易倒塌, 因为事实证明情况正好完全相反;亚美尼亚常驻代表团毫无根据地指称阿塞拜疆 向亚美尼亚发动“宣传战”,是毫无意义的。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, such awkward fabrication easily collapses like a house of cards against the background of facts that testify to a diametrically opposite situation, and it makes no sense at all for Azerbaijan to launch “propagandistic war” against Armenia, as the latter’s Permanent Mission groundlessly asserts. daccess-ods.un.org |
嚴重個案是指我提出在第(5A)款加入的(i)至 (v),包括指稱警隊成員觸犯 刑事罪行、指稱警隊成員作出襲擊行為(即打人行為)、指稱警隊成 員 捏造 證據 、指稱警隊成員作出威脅,以及指稱警隊成員作出濫用權力及非法行使 權力的行為。 legco.gov.hk | Serious cases refer to items (i) to (v) that I have added to subsection (5A), including allegations of criminal acts, assault (that is, beating up of people), fabrication of evidence, threat, unnecessary use of authority and unlawful use of authority by members of the Police Force. legco.gov.hk |
实际上,亚美尼亚 外交部的所谓声明再次说明其狡诈和公 然 捏造 事 实 ,亚美尼亚方面企图借此否认 对其在不断侵略阿塞拜疆期间犯下的令国际社会关切的最严重罪行的责任,包括 [...] 对恐怖主义行为的责任,但却没有成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | In reality, the said statement of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia is [...] yet another illustration of [...] sophisticated and blatant falsification, by means of [...]which the Armenian side attempts unsuccessfully [...]to deny its responsibility for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, including acts of terrorism, committed in the course of its ongoing aggression against Azerbaijan. daccess-ods.un.org |