

单词 凭栏

See also:

rely on
on the basis of
no matter (how, what etc)
lean against

column or box (of text or other data)

External sources (not reviewed)

协理 专家计划和由研究所管理的资金单 栏 目 显 示。
The Associate Expert programme and the funds managed by institutes are shown under separate columns.
单击工栏上的 OCR 向下箭头按 钮,可选择 OCR 语言。
The OCR language can be selected by clicking on the OCR down arrow button on the toolbar.
建议还包括:将民族和种栏目纳 入人口普查和数据收集,以及 制订实现千年发展目标的政策;扩大非洲裔人的教育机会,提高有关教育水平和 [...]
The proposal included the incorporation
[...] of ethnicity and race in the census [...]
and in data collection and the development of
policies to achieve the Millennium Development Goals; improving access to education as well as the level and quality of education for people of African descent; and the inclusion of the theme of people of African descent in corporate social responsibility strategies and programmes.
凭借澳 大利亚提供的更多资金,执行支助股得以出版《裁军、残疾和发展――援 助地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸物幸存者》,并向非洲一个缔约国提供更好的受害者 援助咨询服务。
Also through enhanced funding provided by Australia, the ISU was able to produce the publication “Assisting landmine and other ERW survivors in the context of disarmament, disability and development” and provide enhanced victim assistance advisory services to one State Party in Africa.
审计委员会还注意到,内部监督事务部在审查 Neirab 恢复项目时提出的 类似结论。内部监督事务部指出,近东救济工程处的项目管理未完全遵守项目协 议的条款、工程处细则和规定,在现金业务、使用项目预付款、收据和付 凭 单、 库存项目控制、项目房地安保和核对财务记录和工程处记录方面缺乏充分和有效 的内部控制。
The Board also noted similar findings raised by DIOS on its review of the Neirab Rehabilitation Project (NRP), where DIOS noted that UNRWA’s project management did not fully comply with project agreement’s terms and conditions, the Agency’s rules and regulations and lacked sufficient and effective internal controls, in the areas of cash operations, utilizing project advances, receipts and payment vouchers, controls over inventory items, security of project premises and the reconciliation of financial records with the Agency records.
目前,该司凭非常 有限的能力(位于布鲁塞尔的 1 个 P-5 员额和 1 个一般事务(其他职等)员额,位于总部的 1 个 P-4 员额和 3 个一般临时人员职位), 已开始同联合国内外合作伙伴建立战略伙伴关系,为实地业务关系的改善奠定基 础。
Currently, with a very modest capacity (1 P-5 and 1 GS (OL) posts located in Brussels and 1 P-4 post and 3 general temporary assistance positions located at Headquarters), the Division, on behalf of DPKO and DFS, builds and maintains partnerships, both within and outside the United Nations, to lay the foundation for improved operational relationships in the field.
咨询委员会注意到,在 2012-2013 年拟议方案预算中,为方便在两年期基础上比较 2010-2011 年与 2012-2013 年 之间的资源情况,对妇女署在第 9 款和第 37 款下的 2011 年核定资源进行了合 并,并在 2010-2011 两年期的批款栏列示 ,该数字经过技术性调整以反映两 年期数字。
The Advisory Committee notes that, in the proposed programme budget for 2012-2013, to facilitate comparison on a biennial basis between resources in 2010-2011 and 2012-2013, the resources approved in 2011 for UN-Women under sections 9 and 37 have been consolidated and are presented in the 2010-2011 appropriation column as a technical figure adjusted to reflect the biennial position.
财务报表按基金栏列报 ,对经常预算以外的其他基金 的捐助或拨款,都配以单独的项目编号,这些基金都作为近东救济工程处财务报 表框架内的独立财务和会计实体管理。
The financial statements are presented in a columnar manner by fund; contributions or allocations to funds, other than the regular budget, are assigned individual project codes, which are maintained as distinct financial and accounting entities within the framework of UNRWA’s financial statements.




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