单词 | 凡士林油 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 凡士林油 noun —petrolatum nSee also:凡士林 n—Vaseline n 凡士林—vaseline (loanword)
當礦脂或凡士林油本身 已沒有治療的特質後, 它可於皮膚外層形成一個能防水的保護網, 避免皮膚受感染及保持皮膚在下保護下變得柔軟。 vitagreen.com | While petroleum jelly itself has no therapeutic properties, it forms a waterproof barrier over the skin, preventing infection and keeping the skin beneath supple by preventing water evaporation. vitagreen.com |
锁紧喷嘴和减少过流面积可以被避免.然而,需要避免装配 是 凡士林油 在 表 面过度流 动. sauer-danfoss.com | Locking nozzles and throttle areas can therefore [...] be avoided. Nevertheless, avoid overflow of the petroleum jelly between surfaces during assembly. sauer-danfoss.com |
傳統用法 礦脂或凡士林油是清 澈的礦物油, 並能局部對爆裂的嘴唇作特別護理, 它更是一般化妝品和皮膚護理產品的主要成份。 vitagreen.com | Traditional [...] Use Petrolatum or petroleum jelly is a clear mineral oil jelly best known [...]as a topical treatment for chapped [...]lips and a key ingredient in cosmetics and skin-care products. vitagreen.com |
在装配静液压元件和齿轮箱时, 凡士林油 被 用 来粘附O型圈和密封垫,所 有 凡士林油可 以安全地猫仔壳体表面或是凹槽中. sauer-danfoss.com | The mentioned petroleum jelly is used for adhering O-rings and seals when mounting hydrostatic [...] transmissions and gears so that they are [...]fixed securely to the housing surfaces and in the annular grooves and recesses. sauer-danfoss.com |
凡士林油被用 来在装配时起辅助作用,并能够在液压元件运行时在液压油中溶解.为 保证这点,元件运行温度需要保证在 凡士林油 的 凝固点之上(请联系润滑油厂家). sauer-danfoss.com | Petroleum jelly is used for assembly assistance and should be dissolved in the hydraulic fluid during operation of the hydrostatic unit. sauer-danfoss.com |
傳統用法 透明狀的礦物油或凡士林是礦 物油以蒸餾方式提取的副產品, 並有多種用途。 vitagreen.com | Traditional Use Mineral oil or liquid petrolatum is [...] a colourless by-product from the distillation of petroleum with excellent emollient effects. vitagreen.com |
待所有部件干燥之后,在所有 O 形圈上薄薄地涂一层凡士林。 graco.com | After all parts are dry apply a light coat of petroleum jelly all over o-ring. graco.com |
如果水疱长在可能和衣服或身体其它部位产生摩擦的部位,须在其冷却后涂 上 凡士林 以 减 少摩擦,或者用邦迪创可贴覆盖患处,防止伤口受刺激。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For areas that are likely to rub against clothing or other parts of the body, apply petroleum jelly after cooling to reduce friction or cover the area with a band-aid to prevent further irritation. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
凡來到West Coast的旅者,就會體驗旅綠油油的森 林 及 彎彎曲曲的道路。 4tern.com | Whoever enters West Coast, will experience the green lush rainforest scenery and [...] winding roads. 4tern.com |
它很可能是他们的苜蓿(哥林多后书3:3; 2约翰福音12章),新约中神圣的作家或他们的 文 士 用 于 油 墨 和 脆弱的纸莎草纸辊。 mb-soft.com | It is more than likely that the New [...] Testament sacred writers or their scribes used ink and rolls of fragile papyrus for their autographa (2 Corinthians 3:3; 2 John 12). mb-soft.com |
這裡擁有寬闊的步道,好讓騎士們可 以穿梭如 此 油 綠 的 森 林。 4tern.com | There is a broad walkway for cyclists to cycle through. 4tern.com |
这款护肤露还包含可深入调理和滋养肌肤的Glucquat™ 125保湿剂,提供柔滑性和柔润性的Schercemol™ [...] SHS酯类,提供极佳涂抹性并可延长起效时间的Schercemol™ NGDC酯类,以及用于减轻凡士林所带来 的 油 腻 感 的Schercemol™ DIS酯类。 cn.lubrizol.com | This skin care lotion also features Glucquat™ 125 Humectant for substantive skin conditioning and moisturization, Schercemol™ SHS Ester provides smoothness/suppleness, Schercemol™ NGDC Ester provides [...] excellent spreading properties and long application playtime, and [...] Schercemol™ DIS Ester to counter petrolatum greasiness. lubrizol.com |
许多不需处方的护肤 品,例如润肤液和凡士林,会在皮肤上留下一层涂料,干扰放射治疗。 breastcancersingapore.com | Many over-the-counter skin products, such as lotions and petroleum jelly, leave a coating that can interfere with radiation therapy. breastcancersingapore.com |
以植物油和幼細的蠟質製成的唇膏,含有豐富的滋潤成份如甘菊、含羞草和荷荷 巴 油 , 而 不含化學成份如石蠟 或 凡士林 等 , 為雙唇提供持久保護,並提供持續的保護,而毋須定時補添。 beyorgbeauty.com | The lip balm made from plant-based oils and fine wax provides long-lasting care [...] for the lips -without the need to constantly reapply. beyorgbeauty.com |
EPS i DO 香港市區植樹」大行動於1月29日正式舉行啟動儀式,邀請了香港特別行政區環境局局長邱騰華先生〔右五〕、易辦事(香港)有限公司總經理蘇偉標先生〔右四〕、綠色力量行政總幹事文志森博士〔左四〕、黃大仙民政事務處民政事務專員黃珍妮女士〔左三〕、灣仔民政事務處高級行政主任余嘉齡 女 士 〔 左 二〕 及 油 尖 旺 民政事務處高級聯絡主任黃錦全先生〔左一〕擔任主禮嘉賓,與兩位行動大 使 林 海 峰 (阿Jan)〔右三〕及黃偉文(Wyman)〔右二〕及著名設計師Eric So〔右一〕為香港創造綠色城市揭開序幕。 eps.com.hk | The EPS i DO Hong Kong Urban Tree Planting Campaign, jointly organized by EPS Company (Hong Kong) Limited and Green Power, was launched on Jan 29, 2008 with the attendance of Mr Edward Yau, Secretary for Environment of HKSAR [5th from the Right]; Mr Raymond So, General Manager of EPS Company (Hong Kong) Ltd [4th from the Right]; Dr Man Chi Sum, Chief Executive Officer of Green Power [4th from the Left]; Ms Teresa Wong, District Officer of Wong [...] Tai Sin District [...] Office [3rd from the Left]; Ms Yu Ka Ling, Senior Executive Officer (District Management) of Wan Chai District Office [2nd from the Left]; Mr Gordon Wong, Senior Liaison Officer of Yau Tsim Mong District Office [1st from the Left]; two of the appointed campaign ambassadors, Mr Jan Lamb [...][3rd from the Right] and [...]Mr Wyman Wong [2nd from the Right], and renowned designer, Mr Eric So [1st from the Right]. eps.com.hk |
使用橡皮障及凡士林來避免假牙卡住在支台體到凹區。 bicon.com | Use a rubber dam and Vaseline™ to prevent locking [...] of the denture beneath the undercut of the abutments. bicon.com.ve |
所使用清洗药水为进口德国汉高,涂料为美国PPG食品型环氧树脂,内涂牌号为7570-316A,厚度为12g,外涂牌号为2066-802A,厚度为2-4g,所用食品蜡为美国进口 的 凡士林 ( 白 蜡),产品包装可根据用户要求的卷重,内外径尺寸和方向,选用优质包装材料,按进口铝材标准实施包装。 daoualu.com | Cleaning solution used for the import of German Henkel,PPG paint for the U.S.food-type epoxy resin, Coated grades for the period 7570-316A,Thickness is 12g,Applied externally grades for the 2066-802A; [...] Thickness is 12g,Wax used in food imports to the [...] United States Vaseline (ash),the product [...]packaging can be customized volume weight,size [...]and orientation within the outer diameter,high-quality packaging materials used,the implementation of standards by importing aluminum packaging. daoualu.com |
接受暗瘡藥物治療期間,皮膚可能出現乾裂脫皮等現象,可使用保濕劑, 如 凡士林 , 以確保皮膚濕潤。 hsbc.com.hk | During treatment, the skin may become dry and peel off. A [...] moisturizer such as Vaseline can be used to [...]keep the skin moisturized. hsbc.com.hk |
更高的有效载荷,更低的油耗,非凡 的 可 靠性、安全性和驾驶员舒适性:这意味着Axor在中长途运行中提供令人信服的性能,无论是在运行方面还是在效益方面。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | A high payload, low fuel consumption, exemplary [...] reliability, safety and driver-oriented comfort – which means that the Axor [...]delivers a convincing performance in medium and long-distance operations. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
我还遗憾地告知你,今天,2012 年 5 月 30 [...] 日星期三,南苏丹共和国向所谓 苏丹革命阵线输送武装部队人员和军事物资,并在今天向南科尔 多 凡州 Balila 地区的油田发起军事攻击。 daccess-ods.un.org | I regrettably also convey to you that the Republic of South Sudan has today, Wednesday, 30 May 2012, sent elements of its armed forces along with military supplies to the so-called Sudan Revolutionary [...] Front, and carried out military attacks today against Balila area [...] in South Kordofan State, targeting the oil field there. daccess-ods.un.org |
部分分析人士称,和中海油要约 不同,雪佛龙公司的并 购要约由现金和股票组成,这一点更有竞争力。 crisisgroup.org | Some analysts have argued that because Chevron’s bid, unlike CNOOC’s, was mixed [...] cash and stock, it may have been more competitive than first appeared. crisisgroup.org |
参考这些例子将使国际社会和私营企业能够给予应有的注意, 确保可可、石油、矿产和林业收 入不会用于购买军火和有关物资。 daccess-ods.un.org | Following up on such examples will enhance the capacity of the international community and private businesses [...] to exercise due diligence to [...] ensure that cocoa, oil, mineral and forestry revenues are not [...]used for the purchase of arms and related materiel. daccess-ods.un.org |
(1) 提供道路, 包括一條主幹道路(作為一條策略性繞道的一部 分:該繞道起點為林士街天 橋、並連接現時的港島東區走廊) 以及一個指定為 P2 道路的道路綜合系統。 legco.gov.hk | (1) The provision of roads, namely a trunk [...] road (which would be part of a strategic through road starting from the Rumsey Street Flyover [...]and joining up with [...]the existing Island Eastern Corridor) and a road complex designated as Road P2. legco.gov.hk |
2012年11月2日 - 全新的A系列為平治汽車於小型轎車上揭開新一頁,令人怦然心動的設計,精巧細緻的車廂用料,配置強勁的引擎, 非 凡 的 燃 油 效 益與及同級中最出色的風阻系數。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | November 2, 2012 – With the new A-Class, Mercedes-Benz is opening up a new chapter in the compact segment: emotive design, high quality interior, powerful engines, extremely efficient emissions and a best-in-class drag coefficient. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
专家小组的方法有三方面:审查关键立法:制订评估的概念和方法框架;收 集利比里亚每个自然资源部门的数据,包 括 林 业 、 矿业、 石 油 和 天 然气以及农业 (橡胶和油棕种植园)的数据。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Panel’s methodology is threefold: review of key legislation; development of a conceptual and methodological framework for its assessment; and collection of data on each [...] natural resource sector in [...] Liberia, including forestry, mining, oil and gas, and agriculture (rubber and oil palm plantations). daccess-ods.un.org |
工程計劃的核准範圍主要包括(a)建造 1 條長約 4.5 公里的雙 程三線分隔主幹道( 其中 [...] 3.7 公里為行車隧道) ,以連接中環林士街天 橋 至北角近城市花園的東區走廊;(b)安裝緩解噪音設施;(c)安裝交通管 [...] 制及監察系統;以及(d)進行相關的機電工程。 legco.gov.hk | The approved scope of the project comprises mainly (a) the construction of a 4.5 kilometres (km) long dual [...] threelane trunk road (with 3.7 km in tunnel), [...] linking up the Rumsey Street Flyover [...]at Central with the Island Eastern Corridor [...]at North Point near City Garden; (b) the installation of noise mitigation facilities; (c) the installation of traffic and surveillance system; and (d) associated electrical and mechanical works. legco.gov.hk |
在关于加强执行刑罚的决议(RC/Res.3 号决议)中,审议大会呼吁各国向法院 表示愿意在他们的监狱设施监禁被判刑 人 士 , 并确 认 凡 判 处 监禁,均可在国际或 区域组织、机制或机构提供的监狱设施中服刑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In its resolution on strengthening the enforcement of sentences (resolution RC/Res.3), the Conference called upon States to indicate to the Court their willingness to accept sentenced persons in their prison facilities and confirmed that a sentence of imprisonment could be served in prison facilities made available though an international or regional organization, mechanism or agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们必须为可持续使用石油、 矿产、土地、森林、鱼 类和其他自然资源创造就业和机会,保护资源的传统拥有 者和使用者的权利,增添价值并坚持价格公平。 daccess-ods.un.org | We must build jobs and opportunities for the [...] sustainable use of our oil, our mineral wealth, our land, our forests, our fish and other [...]natural resources, [...]protecting the rights of traditional owners and users of the resources, adding value and insisting on fair prices. daccess-ods.un.org |