

单词 凡例

See also:

note of Chinese musical scale
of the material world (as opposed supernatural or immortal levels)

External sources (not reviewed)

凡例,批 次Q1L136应当储藏在干燥处,室温应控制在25°C以下。控制室温除了指室内温度保持恒温,还包括提供惯常的工作环境,即平均相对湿度不得超过40%,温度介于20 [...]
和25 (68 和77 F)之间,允许漂移至15 (59 F)。
Lot Q1L136 should be stored [...]
in a dry place at controlled room temperature not exceeding 25°C. Per General Notices, controlled
room temperature means a temperature maintained thermostatically that encompasses the customary working environment with the average relative humidity not exceeding 40%, and the temperature of 20° to 25° (68° to 77° F) allowing for excursion to 15° (59° F).
(f) 凡提述任何例、條例、成 文法或法定條文之處,須詮釋為當時有效的該等法 律、條例、成文法或法定條文的任何法定修改或重新制定
(f) references to any law, ordinance, statute or [...]
statutory provision shall be interpreted as relating to any statutory modification
or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force
在該例㆘凡屬技術性及程序㆖的事項, 制訂有關規例的權力,應由總督會同行政局移交規劃環境㆞政司。
The fourth proposal relates to the
[...] transfer of the regulation-making power for [...]
technical and procedural matters under the
Ordinance from the Governor in Council to the Secretary for Planning, Environment and Lands.
(1) 凡根據或就本例或其 任何條文而直接或間接引致(不論如何引致),並涉 及任何根據本附例而引致或發生的任何性質的事情、作為、事件或事物的糾紛,不論該事 [...]
情、作為、事件或事物於何處發生,亦不論與該糾紛有關的任何人或任何一方的國籍、居 籍或本籍或慣常居住地為何,均須受香港法例管限並按照香港法例解釋;因該糾紛而直接
或間接引致的由港鐵公司或針對港鐵公司提出的每宗訴訟或申索,須受並在此接受在香港 具司法管轄權的法院的專有審判權所限。
(1) Any dispute howsoever arising directly or indirectly under or in
[...] respect of these by-laws or any of them in [...]
regard to any matter, act, event, or thing
of whatsoever nature arising or occurring hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong wherever the matter, act, event or thing shall take place and whatever the nationality, domicile or usual place of residence of any person or party to such dispute and every action or claim arising directly or indirectly therefrom brought by or against the Corporation shall be and the same is hereby submitted to the exclusive jurisdiction of a competent court of jurisdiction in Hong Kong.
凡提述任何例或條例之條文,包括據此而作出之任何法令規管或附屬法例及 包括(除非涵義另有所指)任何條例或條例之條文不時有效之任何修訂或重新制 定。
A reference to any ordinance or provision of an ordinance shall include any orders regulations or other subordinate legislation made under it and shall, unless the context requires, include any modification or re-enactment of any ordinance or provision of an ordinance for the time being in force.
5.21 根据《应课税品例》(第109章) ,凡符合 《道路交通条例》(第374章)第 2 条所下定义的伤残人士,可获豁免缴付所拥有及驾驶的私家车、伤残者车辆、 电单车或机动三轮车所使用的碳氢油的税款
No exemption will be granted if he has, within the previous five years, registered a motor vehicle without payment of tax or subject to exemption.
低廉的价格对中国市场的吸引力是不言自明的,但 凡 客 的 案 例 上 ,29元的价格签绝对不是其成功的唯一因素:居住在一、二线城市的80后和90后对国际连锁品牌并不陌生。
But in Vancl’s case, the CNY¥29 tag is by no means the only deciding factor to its success: the 80’s [...]
and 90’s urban kids
in first and second tier cities are not unfamiliar with big, international fashion brands.
根據例,凡 有權投票的㆟,均可以投票。
Anybody who under the law has a right to vote can vote.
根據㆟民入境例,凡提供虛 假資料,㆒經定罪,最高可被判罰款 50,000 元或監禁 14 年。
Provision of false information is liable to a maximum fine of $50,000 or 14 years imprisonment under the Immigration Ordinance.
具 體 而 言 , 上 述 各 條 款 的 作 用 是凡 根 據 下 列例 而 被 檢 控 下 列 罪 行 的 人 , 其 妻 子 或 丈 夫 可 被 傳 召 出 任 控 方 證 人 , 而 毋 頇 徵 得 被 檢 控 者 的 同 意
Specifically, the effect of the above provisions is that the wife or husband of a person charged with an offence under any of the following enactments, may be called as a witness for the prosecution, without the consent of the person charged in the case of the following offences
根據環境運輸及工務局有關的 承 建 商 管 理例,凡 名 列 該 局 認 可 名 冊 上 的公共 工 程 承 建 商 , 如在連續 12 個月內 曾 3 次或以上因僱 用 非 法勞工或 因被發 現 其 轄 下工地有 非 法勞工而被裁 定 違 反 《 入 境條例》, 不 論 該承建 商 是 作為總 承 建 商或分包商( 指 定 分包商、專門分包商或自 選 分包商) 或以工 地 負責人的個 人/公司身 份 定 罪 , 均 會 自動被 強 制性暫 停 競 投 公 共 工 程資格 6 個月。
According to the rules laid down in the Contractor Management Handbook issued by the Environment, Transport and Works Bureau, any contractors convicted of three or more offences under the Immigration Ordinance for employing illegal workers or for having illegal immigrants on sites under their control in a rolling 12-month period shall be mandatorily and automatically suspended from tendering for public works for six months, irrespective of whether they are convicted in the capacity of a main contractor or sub-contractor (that is, nominated sub-contractor, specialist sub-contractor or domestic subcontractor) or construction site controller (as an individual or a company).
附表 1 第 1 條修訂主體例㆗ 凡出現 "為任何貿易或業務的目的"、"在任何貿易或業務的過程㆗" 及 "在與任何貿易或業 務有關連的情況㆘" 等字句的條文 (在訂明罪行的條文㆗出現者除外,因有關修訂已在本條 例草案其他條文㆗作出),以廢除 "在與任何貿易或業務有關連的情況㆘" 等字句。
Section 1 of Schedule 1 amends the expression "for the purpose of, in the course of, or in connection with, any trade or business" wherever it appears throughout the principal Ordinance (other than in the offence provisions, which are amended elsewhere in the Bill) by repealing the phrase "in connection with".
舉例來說, 要求修訂條例的有關團 體當中 , 有些是 從 事 足
[...] 部 按摩的,如 果按照 舊例,凡 是 從 事 足 部 按摩的 已 屬 [...]
違 法 。
For example, among those organizations [...]
demanding for amendments to the Ordinance are people in the trade of foot massage.
(2) 在本例㆗凡提述 第㆒太平銀行的財產或法律責任之處,即為提述第 ㆒太平銀行當其時(不論是以受益㆟或任何受信㆟的身分)有權享有 [...]
的財產或負㆖的法律責任,不論該等財產或法律責任位於何處或在何 處產生,或第㆒太平銀行能否將其移轉或轉讓,亦不論第㆒太平銀行
是根據香港法律或香港以外任何國家、㆞區或㆞方的法律而有權享有 該等財產或負㆖該等法律責任。
(2) Any reference in this Ordinance to property or [...]
liabilities of First Pacific Bank is a reference to property or liabilities
to which First Pacific Bank is for the time being entitled or subject (whether beneficially or in any fiduciary capacity), wherever such property or liabilities are situated or arise and whether or not capable of being transferred or assigned by First Pacific Bank, and whether First Pacific Bank is entitled to such property or subject to such liabilities under the laws of Hong Kong or under the laws of any country, territory or place outside Hong Kong.
(3) 協會可授權予一個受該會管轄的法人團體(“所轄法 人團體”),以便該團體處理協會認為適當的與該會宗旨有關的事
宜,包括任何學校的所有、管理、管治或營辦,或任何教育服務的 提供,而除文意另有所指外,在該等所轄法人團體的活動是該團體
[...] 為協會根據本款所作的授權的目的而進行的活動的範圍內,本例 凡提述 協會之處,均須解釋為包括對任何此類所轄法人團體的提 述。
(3) The Foundation may delegate to a body corporate that is controlled by the Foundation (“controlled body corporate”) such matters in connection with its objects as it thinks fit including the ownership, management, administration or operation of any school or the provision of any educational service, and a reference in this Ordinance to the Foundation shall, unless the context
requires otherwise, be construed as including a
[...] reference to any such controlled body [...]
corporate in so far as the controlled body
corporate’s activities are activities that are undertaken for the purpose of a delegation by the Foundation made under this subsection.
這項罪行的條文參照了澳洲的例, 凡 商戶作出廣告宣傳表示可按某指定價格供應某產品,但顧及該商戶經營業 [...]
務的市場和宣傳品的性質後,實在沒有合理理由相信他能在合理期間 內,以訂明價格提供合理數量的該產品,或該商戶沒有在合理期間 內,按價格提供合理數量的該產品,作出該廣告宣傳的商戶即屬違 法。
Modelling on provisions in Australia,
[...] this offence prohibits a trader from [...]
advertising for the supply of products at a specified
price if there are no reasonable grounds for believing that he will be able to offer for supply those products at the price for a reasonable period and in reasonable quantities, having regard to the nature of the market and the nature of the advertisement.
根據現 行例,凡 涉 及 2 萬元以上 的交易,均須向 警 方 保持紀錄, 以 便 識別客 戶 。
Under the existing legislation, all transactions over $20,000 must be reported to the police for record purposes so that their clients could be identified.
For example, any discussion [...]
of the principle of self-determination of peoples can be understood as an implicit reference
to Article 1 (2) of the Charter.
许多不需处方的护肤 品例如润肤液凡士林,会在皮肤上留下一层涂料,干扰放射治疗。
Many over-the-counter skin products, such as lotions and petroleum [...]
jelly, leave a coating that can interfere with radiation therapy.
(d) 助理法律顧問解釋,在契 據 註冊制度與條例草案 下,追溯安排的 運 作 並不 相同, 因為根據現行例,凡擁有人訂 立 了買賣 協 議,而 在土地轉讓契簽 立之前又有 押記令獲註 冊,則 會 按該押記令扣押 售賣收益。
(d) ALA’s explanation that the operation of relating back under the DRS and under the Bill were different given that under the present law, where an owner had entered into an ASP and a charging order was registered prior to the execution of the assignment of the land, the charging order would attach to the proceeds of sale.
按照例,凡是负责执行逮捕任务或看押犯人的警察 人员,其个人身份信息应记录在案。
As a general rule, police officers responsible for enforcing deprivation of liberty or who have persons deprived of their liberty in their custody should be identified in the appropriate registers.
根据香港法例第132AK章《进口野味、肉类及家禽 例 》 , 凡 任 何人携带野味、肉类或家禽入境而没有原产地食物当局签发的官方证明书及/或没有食物环境卫生署的事先书面批准,均属违法。
In accordance with the Imported Game, Meat
[...] and Poultry Regulations (Chapter 132AK, Laws of Hong Kong), it is an [...]
offence to bring any game,
meat or poultry into Hong Kong without official certificate issued by the food authority of the place of origin and / or without prior written permission granted by the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department.
作为例,凡在需 要虔诚奉献的重大国事场合下,均采取一种代表各大宗教 团体的形式举行宗教间祭祀活动。
It is the practice that on important State occasions requiring a devotional input, this takes the form of an inter-religious offering with representation from the major religious groups.
稅務條例》和其他稅務例凡有任何重大修訂,政府必在提交 有關法案予立法會前先諮詢聯絡小組的意見,以確保業界和商界 的意見均已妥善地反映在立法建議內。
Invariably, the Administration consults the JLCT on all major amendments to the IRO and other taxation legislation before submitting the relevant bills to the Legislative Council in order to make sure that the views of the industry and business community are duly reflected in our legislative proposals.
(b) 土㆞的業權是憑藉該土㆞的業權的業權註冊紀錄的存在而註冊的,而本 例 ㆗ 凡 提 述註 冊土㆞須據此解釋
(b) the title to land is registered by virtue of there being a
Title Register of the title to that land,
[...] and references in this Ordinance to registered [...]
land shall be construed accordingly
刑事诉讼程序例》第57 条订明凡涉及袭击、伤害、恐吓伤害子女 或导致该名子女死亡,而该名子女属精神上无行为能力的人,被控人的丈夫或妻 子可被强迫为控方提供证据。
5.14 Section 57 of CPO stipulates that for cases of assaulting, causing the death, injury to, or threat of injury to a child of the family who is mentally incapacitated, the husband or wife of the accused party shall be compelled to give evidence for the prosecution.
(1) 在本例㆗,凡 提 述任 何 正 在 或 須要向 署 長出示 或 呈 [...]
交以加蓋 印花的文書,須 解釋為包括對 該文書 的 副 本的提述,但 條件是有證 明 令 署 長 信納在 有關個案的情況㆘如 此 或 規定須如 此出 示 或 呈
交( 視 屬何情況而定)該文書 並不 切 實 可 行。
(1) In this Ordinance, any reference to [...]
an instrument as one being or required to be presented or tendered to the Collector
for stamping shall be construed as including a reference to a copy of the instrument if it is shown to the satisfaction of the Collector that it is impracticable in the circumstances of the case that the instrument be or be required to be so presented or tendered (as the case may be).
因此根据现行例,凡由国 际交通论坛ITF成员国组织颁发的残疾人停车标识在意大利可有效使用,以便于残疾人车辆的通 [...]
Thus, according to
[...] the current legislation, a disabled [...]
issued by the authorities of the countries belonging to the ITF is
generally valid and usable in Italy, gives the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of car traffic and parking the vehicle even in areas closed to other vehicles.
84 条订明,即使任何其他例有任 何条文 凡 任 何 公共主 管当局( 包括地政总署署长、建筑事务监督、房委会和建筑署署长) [...]
有权批准之任 何建筑工程,除非就任何新的建筑物或现存的建筑物的改建、改动或加建谋求批 准的人,能令该公共主管当局信纳会为残疾人士合理地提供到达该建筑物或其设
5.18 While BO is not applicable to premises under the [...]
management of the HKSAR Government or the Housing Authority, section
84 of the DDO stipulates that notwithstanding any provision in any other Ordinance, a public authority which has the power to approve building works, which includes the Director of Lands, the Building Authority, the Housing Authority and the Director of Architectural Services, shall not approve building plans, whether for a new building or for the alterations or additions to an existing building, unless the public authority is satisfied that reasonable access will be provided for persons with disabilities.




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