单词 | 几内亚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | Examples:巴布亚新几内亚—Papua New Guinea 巴布亚纽几内亚—Papua New Guinea (esp. Taiwan usage) 纽几内亚—New Guinea Papua-New Guinea See also:几adj—severaladj a fewadj 几—almost how many how much small table 亚n—Asian Asiann inferiorn 亚—sub- next to
赤道几内亚 tw.weatherq.org | Equatorial Guinea weatherq.org |
Cassidy 博士最近在澳洲、中国、老挝、巴布亚新几内亚及象牙海岸参与大型采矿及选矿项目之开发及营运 工作。 mmg.com | Dr Cassidy has most recently been involved in the development and operation of major mining and processing projects in Australia, the PRC, Laos, Papua New Guinea and Cote d’Ivoire. mmg.com |
赤道几内亚Alen油田(O区块)的开发仍按预算进行,并计划於二零一三年第三季度首次投产。 glencore.com | Development ofthe Alen field (Block O) in Equatorial Guinearemains [...] on budget with first production scheduled for Q3 2013. glencore.com |
太古海洋开发公司的总部设於新加坡,该公司及其附属公司在安哥拉、澳洲、巴西、汶莱、喀麦隆、丹麦、赤道几内亚、迦纳、印度、印尼、马来西亚、新西兰、卡塔尔、菲律宾、俄罗斯、苏格兰及阿联酋设有分区办事处,并在北美洲外围的各主要石油开采区均有船只作业。 swirepacific.com | Headquartered in Singapore, SPO and its subsidiaries have regional offices in Angola, [...] Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Cameroon, [...] Denmark, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, India, [...]Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Qatar, [...]Philippines, Russia, Scotland and the United Arab Emirates, and operate vessels in every major oil exploration region outside of North America. swirepacific.com |
其次,在赤道几内亚,继Diega(我们已在当地发现油气资源)首个评 估井成功後,侧线钻探已完成,有助界定资源规模。 glencore.com | Secondly, in Equatorial Guinea, following the success of the initial appraisal well on Diega (where a column of both gas and oil was encountered), drilling has been completed on a sidetrack to help define the resource size. glencore.com |
巴布亚新几内亚 tw.weatherq.org | Papua New Guinea weatherq.org |
在我们欢迎来自世界各地客户的同时,政府限制与本公司禁止GDMFX开通账户,源於下列限制和/或外国资产管制处认可的国家: 阿富汗,博茨瓦纳,缅甸 ,科特迪瓦 (象牙海岸),古巴刚过民主共和国, 利比里亚前政权查尔斯泰勒, 冈比亚,加纳,几内亚比绍,几内亚科纳克里, 伊拉克,吉尔吉斯斯坦,莱索托,利比里亚,利比亚,马里,尼日尔,朝鲜,塞内加尔,塞拉利昂,索马里,叙利亚,塔吉克斯坦,多哥,土库曼斯坦,乌兹别克斯坦,也门,埃及, 和津巴布韦。 gdmfx.com | While we welcome clients from all over globe, governmental restrictions along with our company policies prohibit GDMFX from opening accounts originated from the following restricted and/or OFAC sanctioned countries: Afghanistan, Botswana, Burma (Myanmar), Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Cuba, The Democratic Republic of Congo The former Liberian Regime of Charles Taylor, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea Bissau, Guinea Conakry, Iraq, Kyrgyzstan, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya Mali, Niger, North Korea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Syria, Tajikistan, Togo, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Egypt and Zimbabwe. gdmfx.com |
Aseng油田(I区块–赤道几内亚)的首次生产现时快於计划,预期於二零一一年底首次生产石油。 glencore.com | First production from the Aseng Field (Block I – Equatorial Guinea) is now ahead of schedule, with first oil production anticipated by the end of 2011. glencore.com |
基金会的主要受益国是接受法国发展援助的重点国家 (贝宁、布基纳法索、科摩罗、加纳、几内亚科纳克里、马达加斯加、马里、毛里塔尼亚、尼日尔、刚果民主共和国、中非共和国、塞内加尔、乍得、多哥,以及阿富汗、海地和巴勒斯坦) 。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The principal beneficiaries of the measure will be the priority countries for French development aid (Benin, Burkina Faso, Comoros, Ghana, French Guinea, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, Senegal, Chad, Togo, as well as Afghanistan, Haiti and the Palestinian Territories). consulfrance-hongkong.org |
主要与开发赤道几内亚Aseng石油项目所需的有息贷款相关,Atlas为该项目合夥人之一。 glencore.com | Primarily relates to carried interest [...] loans associated with the [...] development of theAseng oil project in Equatorial Guinea, where Atlas [...]is one of the equity partners. glencore.com |
搜寻结果将会自动列出所有 符合检索字串的国家,若键入的是「几内亚」(Guinea),那麽几内亚、几内亚比索、赤道几内 亚、巴布亚纽几内亚等国家的物种资讯都会显示出 来。 imsgbif.gbif.org | That is, a search on “Guinea” will return species records for Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, and Papua New Guinea. imsgbif.gbif.org |
几内亚比绍 cn.soccerway.com | Guinea-Bissau soccerway.com |
美国的平均每人国民生产毛额(GDP per person)在全球排名第十(依同一货币在不同国家的购买能力做 [...] 调整),2006年约为4万3千500美元,排名在百慕达﹑卢森堡﹑ 泽西岛﹑赤道几内亚﹑阿拉伯联合大公国﹑挪威﹑根西岛﹑开曼 [...]群岛及爱尔兰之後,却高於其他主要经济体。 americancorner.org.tw | The United States is No. 10 in gross domestic product per person (adjusted for what the same money actually affords in different countries), at about $43,500 [...] in 2006, behind Bermuda, Luxembourg, Jersey, [...] Equatorial Guinea, United Arab Emirates, [...]Norway, Guernsey, the Cayman Islands, [...]and Ireland, but ahead of all other major economies. americancorner.org.tw |
几内亚 gucci.com | Guinea gucci.com |
鉴於黄先生的国际化发展及投资成就,黄先生被委任为赤道几内亚驻罗马尼亚布加勒斯特名誉领事之贸易顾问,并为耶路撒冷圣约翰骑士团(Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP))之中华人民共和国澳门特别行政区特别代表团之外交顾问。 cre8ir.com | Mr. Wong because of his international development and investment achievement, has been appointed as a Trade Advisor to the Honorary Consulate of EquatorialGuinea toRomania and the Diplomatic Adviser to the Special Representatives for Macao ( China) of the Sovereign Order of Saint John of Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Federation of the Autonomous Priories (KMFAP). cre8ir.com |
治疗分为两组:I组(5豚鼠),我们修改了自己平时的饮食,通过添加2 CPS [...] /天的IcapsL(6毫克叶黄素/玉米黄素)和Ⅱ组(3几内亚猪)的动物 - 对照组,在不增加饮食与叶黄素和玉米黄质。 zh-tw.mccarrisonsociety.org.uk | The animals were divided into treatment in two groups: the group I (5 Guinea pigs) which we modified their usual diets by adding 2 [...] cps/day of IcapsL (6 mg lutein/zeaxanthin) and [...] the group II(3 Guineapigs)--control [...]group, without increasing the diet with lutein and zeaxanthin. mccarrisonsociety.org.uk |
现时APEC共有二十一个会员经济体,包括澳洲、汶莱、加拿大、智利、中国、香港、印尼、日本、南韩、马来西亚、墨西哥、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、秘鲁、菲律宾、俄罗斯、新加坡、中华台北、泰国、美国及越南等。 economia.gov.mo | Currently, APEC has 21 Member Economies known as: Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; [...] Mexico; New Zealand; [...] Papua New Guinea; Peru; The Republic of the Philippines; The Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; [...]The United [...]States of America and Viet Nam. economia.gov.mo:80 |
红波利亚纳滑雪中租金复杂 JSC"俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司"是几中红波利亚纳,其中有两个点在底站,租住在山住房室内海拔1436m 元租金和之一。 k2.g-sochi.ru | Rent in Krasnaya Polyana ski complex JSC "Gazprom" is one [...] and the few rentals [...] in Krasnaya Polyana, in which there are two points at the bottom station and rental at$1436m above sea level, the [...]Mountain shelter indoors. k2.g-sochi.ru |
沿着巴布亚新畿内亚(Papua New Guinea)的小岛潜入海中,畅游在暗礁之间,你将会见识到保存了好几千年的海底世界。 macaucabletv.com | Diving along the islands and amongst the reefs of Papua New Guinea, see a world perfectly preserved from thousands of years ago. macaucabletv.com |