单词 | 凝固剂 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 凝固剂 —solidifying agentcoagulantSee also:凝固—solidify • congeal • fig. with rapt attention 凝固 v—freeze v • coagulate v 凝—congeal • stare • concentrate attention 固 adj—strong adj • hard adj
相比之下,结晶化工艺则利用了 C8 芳烃组分较大的凝固点 差异而从混合物中分离 PX。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | The crystallization process takes advantage of the large differences between the freezing points of the C8 aromatic components to separate PX from the mixture. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
至 於經熱力解 吸 法 處理後的 泥 土,會再 以 混凝 土 凝 固泥土中餘 下的金屬。 legco.gov.hk | The soil after thermal [...] desorption will be solidified by adding cement to immobilize the [...]remaining metals in the soil. legco.gov.hk |
通过促凝剂的使 用也可以根据具体要求 对 凝固 所 需的时间作调整。 refra.com | Even more time can be saved by using REFRAJETCAST® shotcrete products based on the Nanobond technology. refra.com |
通过此过程产生水泥生料,之后对 其进行冷却和细磨,并加入石膏(一种 缓 凝剂 ) 等骨料,做成水泥。 ficem.org | This produces cement clinker, which is then cooled [...] and ground with additives such as gypsum [...](a setting retardant) to make cement. ficem.org |
其中,由于其凝固点较高而且在商业 C8 芳烃产物中浓度较高,PX 几乎总是从这类混合物中结晶分离出来的第一个组分。 exxonmobilchemical.com.cn | Due to its higher freezing point and relatively [...] high concentration in commercial C8 aromatic product streams, the first [...]component to crystallize from such mixtures is almost always PX. exxonmobilchemical.com.cn |
主席先生,㆒個世紀前,美國憑藉殖民主義列強的軍事壓力,首次與㆗國締結最惠國 貿易協議時,美國的談判官員庫欣在當時的場合㆖說:「我進入㆗國,心㆗ 已 凝固 了㆒股普遍的信念,就是無論在任何情況㆘,美國不應將國家對其公民的生命和自由的管 轄權,拱手讓予外國,除非這個國家是我們這個國際大家庭的㆒份子,換句話說,即 是㆒個基督教國家」。 legco.gov.hk | MRS ELSIE TU: Mr President, when the United States first made its Most Favoured Nation trade agreement with China, under military pressure by the colonial powers a century ago, the United States negotiator, Caleb CUSHING, on that occasion said: "I entered China with the formed general conviction that the United States ought not to concede to any foreign state, under any circumstances, jurisdiction over the life and liberty of a citizen of the United States, unless the foreign state be of our own family of nations, in a word, a Christian state. legco.gov.hk |
对于大多数 类型,先在一个粘合表面涂抹一层固 化 剂 ( 引 发 剂) 并 在另一个粘合表面涂抹一层树脂,然后再将两部 分组合于一起。 quadrantplastics.com | In most types a thin layer of hardener (initiator) is applied to one surface and a layer of resin to the other, after which they are assembled. quadrantplastics.com |
总部设在德国慕尼黑的瓦克集团将在2013年3月19至21日于纽伦堡举办的欧洲国际涂料展览会(ECS)上展示最新聚合物粘 结 剂, 这些混凝土改 良用产品符合环保型建筑应用的全部要求。 wacker.com | At the European Coatings Show (ECS) in Nuremberg from March 19 to 21, 2013, the [...] Munich-based WACKER Group is showcasing its [...] latest polymer binders for concrete modification [...]and environmentally sound construction applications. wacker.com |
它们是 双组份粘合剂(树脂和固化剂),粘度范围广,从非 常低到非常高的粘度都有。 quadrantplastics.com | They are twocomponent adhesives (resin + hardener) with viscosities ranging from very low to very high. quadrantplastics.com |
它 整合了体育界和政府的资源来加强、补充和协调现有的活动,教育运动员了解兴 奋 剂 的危 害,巩固公平 竞赛的理想和惩罚那些欺骗自己和欺骗自己所从事的运动项目的人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It combines the resources of sports and governments to enhance, supplement and coordinate existing efforts to educate athletes about the harms of doping, reinforce the ideal of fair play and sanction those who cheat themselves and their sport. unesdoc.unesco.org |
某些天然补充剂可以替代兴奋剂和类 固 醇 ,众所周知,兴 奋 剂 和 类 固 醇 的 使用在美国和其他一些国家是非法的。 cn.iherb.com | Certain natural supplements may provide an alternative to stimulants and steroids, which are illegal in the US and certain other countries. iherb.com |
正是以这种方式以及在大气水分的影响下,采用GENIOSIL®STP-E配制而成的胶 粘 剂 层 由 外向 里 固 化 , 并在这一过程中将两种基材粘接在一起。 wacker.com | It is in this manner and under the influence of atmospheric humidity that an adhesive layer formulated with GENIOSIL® STP-E cures inward from the outside, creating a bond between the two substrates in the process. wacker.com |
过多的细颗粒 (<2 微米) 且水泥凝固过热 及裂缝,过多粗颗粒且强度受到不良影响。 malvern.com.cn | Too many fines (<2 microns) and the cement sets too hot and cracks, too many coarse particles and the strength is adversely affected. malvern.com |
废水的絮凝状态随着 pH 值的改变、化学絮凝剂(如 带电聚合物)的添加以及氯化铝或其它高带电盐类的存在而发生变化。 malvern.com.cn | The flocculation state of waste water is altered by changes in pH, the addition of chemical flocculants, such as charged [...] polymers, and the [...]presence of aluminium chloride or other highly charged salts. malvern.com |
b.)如果样品已经开始凝固,重新融化并且再次运行。 cn.lubrizol.com | The instrument will run from 700 to 400 nm and beep when done. b.) If the sample [...] has started to solidify, re-melt and run again. lubrizol.com |
操作者应选用合适长度的开窗印模柱固位螺丝,使其易于穿出预备好的个别托盘,同时在印模材 料 凝固 后 便于松开螺丝,从患者口中取出。 sic-invent.com | The operator should select a screw length, which ensures that the screw head emerging from the perforations in the custom [...] tray projects beyond the impression tray and that the screw can be easily loosened [...] after the impression material has set. sic-invent.com |
与以往使用阴离子表面活性剂的文献形成鲜明的对比,非离子表面活性剂能采用两种成分( 胶 凝剂 和 表 面活性剂)并能在大得多的范围内形成凝胶,从而可在几个数量级的范围内系统性地定制凝胶的机械性能。 cn.lubrizol.com | In contrast to previous literature work using anionic surfactants, the [...] use of nonionic [...] surfactants allows gels to be formed in a much wider composition range of the two components (gelator and surfactant) yielding [...]the ability to systematically [...]tailor the mechanical properties of the gels across several orders of magnitude. lubrizol.com |
根据需要使用高强度螺纹紧固剂,以 将螺丝安装在 隔膜板 (卫生泵)上或隔膜 (3A 泵)上。 graco.com | Apply a high-strength thread locker to attach the screw to the diaphragm plate (sanitary pump) or to the diaphragm (3A pump), if needed. graco.com |
完成合成、环保型多用途拖拉机变速器油,适用于农用机械和土方机械中的 变速箱、轮轴、液压系统、缓凝剂等。 panolin.com | Fully synthetic environmentally compatible UTTO for combined use in gearboxes, axles, hydraulic systems and retarders in agricultural and earth-moving machinery. panolin.se |
该基本款经济型洗发水的表面活性 剂固 含 量 很低,可为高性价比产品提供效果不俗的清洁特性。 cn.lubrizol.com | This basic economical shampoo, containing a low [...] concentration of surfactant solids, provides surprising [...]cleansing benefits in a cost effective product. lubrizol.com |
由于POLYVIOL® 能与无机颜料(例如高岭土和碳酸钙)紧紧胶粘,因此所含的荧光增 白 剂 也 可以 被 固 定 , 从而胶粘在涂层表面。 wacker.com | Because POLYVIOL® adheres so strongly to inorganic pigments, such as china clay and [...] calcium carbonate, the [...] fluorescent whitening agent applied to it is also immobilized and thus clings [...]to the coated surface. wacker.com |
當陰性對照和陽性對照符合要求,供試品的菌株為革蘭陽性球菌、血 漿凝 固酶試 驗陽性時,判定為檢出金黃色葡萄球菌。 cmchk.org.hk | When the plasma in both the negative and positive control tube are in their expected conditions, and if the test strain is found positive in both Gram-positive coccus test and plasma coagulase test, it can be concluded that staphylococcus aureus has been detected. cmchk.org.hk |
在该螺丝的主轴侧涂上中等强度的螺纹 紧 固剂。 graco.com | Apply a medium-strength thread locker to the shaft side of the screw. graco.com |
在冷水中,有些具有高倾点的油类 将会凝固成不 可预知的形状,浮动部分的外观可 能掩盖了存在的油类的总体积。 itopf.com | In cold water some oils with high [...] pour points will solidify into unpredictable [...]shapes and the appearance of the floating [...]portions may disguise the total volume of oil present. itopf.com |
該作品窺探香港5個場所的往昔,將歷 史 凝固 在 一 個0.5釐米為一年的時間尺度內。 venicebiennale.hk | The work looks into the past of five sites in [...] Hong Kong, condensing history into a time scale [...]of 0.5cm to one year. venicebiennale.hk |
用于光动力疗法、切割、汽化和凝固 组 织的二极管激光器。 zh.medwow.com | Diode lasers for photodynamic therapy, cutting, [...] vaporizing and coagulating tissues. medwow.com |
索马里人将树皮劈开,让树液流出,油状的树液逐 渐 凝固 为 黄白色的泪滴状,干了以后就变成红色,也就是我们所熟悉的没药。 clarinsusa.com | The oily sap hardens into yellowish-white tears that turn red as they dry to form what is known as Myrrh. clarinsusa.com |
法国巴黎Bichat医疗中心的Gabriel [...] Steg教授评论道:"与标准治疗相比,比伐卢定在直接PCI治疗期间持续降低全因死亡率和心血管死亡率,为直接PCI时换用比伐卢定作为优选 抗 凝剂 提 供了有力的例证。 businesswirechina.com | Gabriel Steg, from Centre Hôpitalier Bichat in Paris, France commented that "The sustained reduction in all-cause and cardiovascular mortality achieved by bivalirudin in the context of primary PCI, compared to the [...] standard of care, provides a compelling case for switching to bivalirudin [...] as the preferred anticoagulant for primary PCI. businesswirechina.com |