

单词 减少无

See also:

减少 (...) v

minimize v
lower v
decline v
drop v
impair sth. v


reduce v


External sources (not reviewed)

秘书长表示,这一办 法将会立减少无供资负债,并建立一个供资基础,产生投资收入。
The Secretary-General indicates that this option
[...] would immediately reduce the unfunded liability [...]
and establish a funding base to generate investment income.
我们将酌情考虑加入并 / 或强化我们预防减少无国籍 状态的政策。
We will consider becoming a party to them, where appropriate, and/or strengthening our policies
[...] that prevent and reduce statelessness.
(g) 委员会决定,由于来自以色列的客 减少(无 法 再 光顾巴勒斯坦被占领 土上的商家)造成的商业损失可能是由修建隔离墙引起,故将其列入登记册。
(g) The Board decided that commercial losses
[...] resulting from the reduction of customers from [...]
Israel who could no longer visit businesses in the Occupied
Palestinian Territory could be caused by the construction of the Wall and included in the Register.
例 如,能源部门的投资并减少无法得 到现代能源服 务的人数。
The energy sector investment, for
[...] example, does not reduce the number of people [...]
without access to modern energy services.
委员会还鼓励尚未加入 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》及其 1967 年《议定
[...] 书》、1954 年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》、1961 年减少无国籍 状态公约》和 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》及其《任择议定书》的国家加入这些文书,撤 [...]
销对这些文书的任何持续保留,并建立尊重性别平等原则的关于庇护和无国籍问 题的国家法律框架。
The Committee also encourages States that have not yet done so to accede to the 1951 Refugee Convention and its 1967 Protocol, the 1954 Convention on the Status
of Stateless Persons, the 1961
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and the Convention [...]
on the Elimination of All
Forms of Discrimination against Women and its Optional Protocol, to withdraw any continuing reservations to these instruments and to establish national legal frameworks on asylum and statelessness that respect gender equality principles.
而且,缔约国应该考虑加入《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和减少无国籍 状态公约》,并采取必要的立法和行政措施,使其法律和程序与那 [...]
Furthermore the State party should consider the possibility of acceding to the Convention Relating to the
Status of Stateless Persons and the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and adopt [...]
the necessary legislative and administrative
measures to bring its laws and procedures in line with those norms.
大会第六十五届会议欢迎联合国难民事务高级专员采取举措,与各国协商, 协助举办纪念 1951
[...] 年《关于难民地位的公约》六十周年和纪念 1961 年减少无 国籍 状态公约》五十周年的部长级政府间活动,赞赏地注意到高级专员办事处在 [...]
办事处整合改革进程的各个方面,请高级专员向大会第六十六届会议报告其活动 情况(第 65/194 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly welcomed the initiative of the High Commissioner to facilitate, in consultation with States, the convening of an intergovernmental event at the ministerial level on the
occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the
[...] 1951 Convention relating to the Status [...]
of Refugees and the fiftieth anniversary
of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, noted with appreciation the progress made in the implementation of the process of structural and management change, including the global needs assessment initiative, undertaken by the Office of the High Commissioner, encouraged the Office to consolidate the various aspects of the reform process, and requested the High Commissioner to report on his activities to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (resolution 65/194).
(c) 批准1954 年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和1961 年减少无国籍状 态公约》。
(c) To ratify the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons of 1954, and the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961.
关键是要找到解决办法,以符合国际法,包括人权法的方 式,发放证件,并确定与防止 减少无 国 籍 状态有关的一般原则。
It is essential to identify solutions for the provision of documentation in conformity with
international law, including human rights law, and the principles governing the
[...] prevention and reduction of statelessness.
代表们就以下两个方面提出了问题:难民署在难民混合移徙、性别保护、 平等待遇和为难民子女提供教育方面的能力;以及难民署为推动各国加入《关于
[...] 难民地位的公约》及其《议定书》以及《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和 减少无 国籍状态公约》所开展的活动。
Questions were raised on the capacity of UNHCR with regard to activities on mixed migration, gender-related protection and equal treatment of refugees and provision of education for refugee children, as well as activities to promote accession to the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol
thereto, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
在亚洲和太平洋地区,难民署将继续为长期难民情况下的重新融入奠定基 础,同时积极解决境内流离失所者的问题并防止 减少无 国 籍 状况。
In Asia and the Pacific, UNHCR will continue to lay the groundwork for integration in protracted refugee
situations, while pursuing solutions for internally displaced persons and the
[...] prevention and reduction of statelessness.
衡量 尺度包括:学习者的受益程度如何,是否对政策、做法、思想和观念产生了更 广泛的影响,学习者的参与程度有无提高,歧视现象(例如,性别歧视、对残 疾和少数人身份的歧视等)是减少 , 无 论 在国家还是地方政府以及社区一 级,伙伴关系有无增强,部门间的协作有无改善,是否制定并加强了教育系 统、技术和教学法,以便所有学习者都被全部纳入。
Such measurements include: direct benefits to learners; wider impact on policies, practices, ideas and beliefs; enhanced learners’ participation; reduced
discrimination (e.g.
[...] gender, disability, minority status, etc.); strengthened partnerships and improved collaboration between ministries, at the national and local level of government as well as at the [...]
community level; and
development and strengthening of the education system, technology and pedagogy to include all learners.
难民署与各国和合作伙伴开展了合作,纪念 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》 60 周年和 1961 年减少无国籍状态公约》50 周年。
UNHCR worked with States and partners to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of the Convention relating to
the Status of Refugees of 1951 and the fiftieth anniversary of the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness of 1961.
特别报告员提到并重申 其他特别程序和条约机构向加拿大提出的一些建议,最后提出了一些建议,包括(a) 各 级政府必须承认适足住房权;(b)
必须通过或修正立法来保护适足住房权;(c) 必须致
[...] 力于执行一项具有稳定和长期资金的全面国家住房战略;(d) 必须采取一项全面协调 的国家战略减少无家可 归和贫困现象;(e) 必须通过一项全面协调的住房战略来解 [...]
决保留地内外的土著人的状况;(f) 避免采取任何可能会侵犯已提出权利主张的土著土
地上的土著人民的权利的行动,直到达成解决办法时为止,以及(g) 确保所有土著妇 女在当今条约谈判和协定中具有公平的代表权。
While referring and restating a number of recommendations addressed by other special procedures and treaty bodies to Canada, the Special Rapporteur concludes with a number of recommendations, including the need (a) to recognize the right to adequate housing by all levels of Government; (b) to adopt or amend legislation to protect the right to adequate housing; (c) to commit to a comprehensive national housing strategy with stable and long-term funding; (d) to adopt a
comprehensive and coordinated national
[...] strategy for the reduction of homelessness and poverty; [...]
(e) to address the situation of
Aboriginals in and off reserves through a comprehensive and coordinated housing strategy; (f) to refrain from any actions that could contravene the rights of Aboriginal peoples on Aboriginal land under claim until a settlement has been reached; and (g) to ensure equitable representation of all indigenous women in modern-day treaty negotiations and agreements.
[...] 署提供关于无国籍人的准确和最新统计资料并加强努力以帮 减少无 国 籍 状态问 题。
On statelessness, there were calls for all States to
provide UNHCR with accurate and updated statistics on stateless persons and to increase
[...] efforts to help reduce statelessness.
减少无国籍 状态公约》五十周年,注意到 1954 年《关于无国籍人地位的公 约》现有七十个缔约国,1961 年减少无国籍 状态公约》现有四十二个缔约国, 请高级专员向大会第六十七届会议报告其活动情况(第 66/133 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly welcomed the sixtieth
anniversary of the 1951
[...] Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the fiftieth anniversary of the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, noted that seventy States are now parties to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless persons and [...]
that forty-two States
are parties to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and requested the High Commissioner to report on his activities to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 66/133).
在人文科学及社会科学部 门减少无预算 补偿的限额造成的影响,相当于每个双年度的预算削减了(在通常的账目情况介绍 [...]
中不起眼的)50 多万美元(按会议、语言及文件处规定的价格 51 欧元/页 X 8,000 页)。
In the Social and Human Sciences Sector, the impact
[...] of the quota reduction without any budgetary [...]
compensation is compared to “a budgetary
amputation – invisible in the normal presentation of the accounts – of over $500,000 per biennium (8,000 pages x €51/page at the CLD rate)”.
最 后 ,难民署敦促 各国根据大会和人权理事会的决议以 及难民署执 行委 员会的结论,加入
[...] 1954 年《关于无国籍人地位的公约》以及 1961 年减少无国 籍状态公约》,这两项公约目前分别有 63 个和 [...]
35 个缔约国。
Finally UNHCR urged States, pursuant to resolutions of the General Assembly and Human Rights Council as well as conclusions of the Executive Committee of UNHCR, to accede to the 1954 Convention on the Status of
Stateless Persons and the 1961
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness which currently [...]
have respectively 63 and 35 States parties.
巴西代表团对题为“减少核危险”的决议草案 A/C.1/65/L.27
[...] 投了赞成票,因为我们认为,必须按 照第一段的要求对核理论进行审查,以 便 减少无 意和 意外使用核武器的危险。
The delegation of Brazil voted in favour of draft resolution A/C.1/65/L.27, entitled “Reducing nuclear danger”, because we believe that nuclear doctrines must
be reviewed, as called for in paragraph
[...] 1, in order to reduce the risks of unintentional [...]
and accidental use of nuclear weapons.
[...] 即事件发生的次数减少但受害者人数却有增加,我 们希望增加国家警察和本地警察的人数,包括增加 女性警察,这将有助减少无辜受 害者的人数和降 低境内流离失所者和难民的数目。
In particular, given the trend — stressed earlier by Mr. Ladsous — of a fall in the number of incidents and a rise in the number of victims, we hope that an increase in the ranks of the national and local police,
including by adding women,
[...] will help to reduce the number of innocent victims and lower the number [...]
of internally displaced persons and refugees.
委员会请缔约国再度考虑加入1954 年《关于无国籍人地位公约》和1961 年减 少无国籍状态公约》问题。
The Committee invites the State party to reconsider accession to the
1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless persons and to the 1961
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
此外,“针对 2010 年 6 月 15 日 和发布的欧洲反对种族主义和不容忍委员会关于法国的报告,〔法国〕政府指出, 法国目前没有批准上述公约的计划……16 但是,尽管已经决定暂不讨论法国批准 该公约的问题”,但是应该铭记的是,虽然“《公约》第 7
[...] 程序存在作为‘严重损害缔约国重大利益行为’的处罚措施,但是《公约》所附 的解释性报告称,来源于 1961 年减少无国籍 状态公约》17 的这一措辞显然包 括了叛国和危害有关国家重大利益的其他活动(例如为外国间谍机关工作),但不 [...]
...16 However, while it was decided to leave the question of France’s ratification open”, it should be borne in mind that although “article 7 of the Convention does not preclude the existence of a deprivation-of-nationality procedure as a penalty for ‘conduct seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the State Party’, the explanatory report annexed to the Convention explains that
that wording, taken from the 1961
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness,17 ‘notably [...]
includes treason and other activities
directed against the vital interests of the State concerned (for example work for a foreign secret service) but would not include criminal offences of a general nature, however serious they might be’”.
尽管今年已是《关于难民地位的公约》获得通过 60 周年、减少无国籍 状态公约》获得通过 50 周年, 全世界仍有大约 [...]
4 400 万人因为冲突和迫害以及蓄意 袭击平民和侵犯基本人权的行为而被迫流离失所。
It was 60 years since the adoption of the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and 50
years since the adoption of the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, and yet there [...]
were some 44 million people in
the world who had been forcibly displaced by conflict and persecution, accompanied by premeditated attacks on civilians and violations of basic human rights.
为了纪念通过 1951 年《关于难民地位的公约》和 1961 年减少无国籍状态 公约》的周年,庇护、无国籍和自然灾害背景下的性别平等问题工作队与人权高 专办举行会议,以拟订关于流离失所和无国籍背景下的性别平等问题的声明。
A meeting took place between the task force on gender equality in the context of asylum, statelessness and natural disasters and UNHCR on the elaboration of a statement on gender equality in the context of displacement and statelessness relating to the anniversaries of the adoption of the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
目前,在无国籍问题方面,国际法正在逐步发展,对无国籍状况而产生的一 系列问题有了更加全面地了解,并且致力于“保护及帮助无国籍的个人,尽力减 除减少无国籍事件”,17 这一理念也适用于本条款草案。
At present, international law relating to nationality has evolved to the point where there is a more comprehensive understanding of the problems arising from statelessness, leading to a conception intended “to protect and assist
those individuals who were already stateless, and to try
[...] to eliminate, or at least reduce, the incidence of statelessness”,17 an idea [...]
that also underpins the draft articles.
[...] 条约,以及《国际刑事法院罗马规约》、《关于无国籍人地位的公约》和 减少 无国籍状态公约》。
The Committee invites the State party to ratify the Optional Protocol to the Convention and the core United Nations human rights treaties to which it is not yet a party as well as the Rome Statute on the International
Criminal Court, the Convention on the Status of Stateless Persons and the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.
劳动权利领域的主要优先事项是执行“ 2010-2013 年减少无登记 就业行动 计划”;在就业政策领域,优先任务是逐渐脱离保证收入的活动( [...]
如在经济危机 中引入的公共就业 ) ,转向提高和促进竞争力的长期活动,包括通过修正国家法 律以及调整劳动市场政策活动及其实施范围。
The main priority in the field of labour
rights is the implementation of the
[...] Action Plan for the Reduction of Unregistered [...]
Employment 2010-2013; in the field of employment
policy, priority is to gradually depart from income-securing activities (e.g., public employment programs introduced in the context of economic crisis) to long-term activities improving and stimulating competitiveness, through amending national laws, and by restructuring labour market policy activities and the scope of their implementation.
欧洲局局长介绍了2012 年难民署在该区域的战略重点概要:入境和庇护程
[...] 序;公平和有效的庇护程序;难民和流离失所者的持久解决办法以及防范 减少 无国籍状态。
The Director of the Bureau for Europe presented a summary of UNHCR’s strategic priorities in the region for 2012 related to: access to territory and asylum procedures; fair and
efficient asylum procedures; durable solutions for refugees and IDPs; and the
[...] prevention and reduction of statelessness.
委员会大力鼓励缔约国审议批准《关于难民地位的公约》、《关于难民地位的议 定书》、《关于无国籍人地位的公约》以及 减少无 国 籍 状态公约》的可能性。
The Committee strongly encourages the State party to consider the possibility of ratifying the Convention relating to the Status of Refugees and the Protocol relating to the Status of
Refugees, the Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons and the
[...] Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness.




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