

单词 凌乱不堪

See also:

凌乱 n

clutter n
chaos n




cannot bear
cannot stand

不堪 adv

extremely adv

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 国所称的初步审理的“记录”只是一些不完整的摘 要,缔约国承认,这些记录有凌乱 而 且 不 完 整
As to the Committee’s view that what were described by the State party as “records” of the preliminary hearing were simply incomplete summaries, the State
party acknowledged that the
[...] transcripts were disordered and incomplete [...]
and provides a full set of transcripts in Arabic for the Committee’s consideration.
(a) 缺乏全组织通用的网络出版标准,造成本组织主网站(www.un.org)和许 多其他部门网站的导航办法乱不堪 , 难 以获取信息。
(a) The lack of Organization-wide standards for web publishing, which has
resulted in a confusing navigation scheme
[...] and difficult access to information through [...]
the Organization’s main web presence
(www.un.org) and the many other departmental websites.
當時,巴菲特正凌亂不堪的藝 術工作室內創作巨型的蝴蝶雕塑。
The junkyard-like chaos of the artist’s studio, where he was working on giant sculptures of butterflies, and the uncompromising angularity of the Buffet style made a lifelong impression.
不 能以过于突然凌乱的方式毕业,而是应依照联合国主张的“平稳过渡”概念, 精心规划,同时考虑到小岛屿发展中国家的具体薄弱之处。
Graduation must not occur in an overly abrupt or haphazard manner, but [...]
rather as part of a carefully calibrated process
based on the United Nations-endorsed concept of “smooth transition”, taking into account the specific vulnerabilities of small island developing States.
如果忽略这些建议,继 续实施现有的有选择性的政策,那么, 不 扩 散机 制将会陷入一片乱,前途堪忧。
If those recommendations went unheeded and the current
policy of selectivity were to persist, the nuclear
[...] non-proliferation regime would face an uncertain future mired in chaos.
通过授予工具提示详细的信息使得您的图表具有丰富的信息而 不 显 得 凌乱。
Make your chart
[...] information-rich yet clutter-free by delegating detailed information to tooltips
[...] 委員會並不反對財政上自給自足的原則,但認為經濟或財政上 的考慮因不得凌駕於 西九文化區的文化目標。
While the Subcommittee does not object to the principle of financial self-sufficiency, the
Subcommittee is of the view that economic or financial
[...] considerations must not override the cultural [...]
objectives of WKCD.
这种状况导致工作任务乱不堪:柜台(纺织品、香水、食品)负责人下定单、收 货、验货、将商品摆上柜台销售;仓库管理员记录进货多少,但商品出库上柜台却不做记 录。
The storekeeper keeps track of the arrival of batches and pallets but the transfer of stored goods to shelves is not recorded.
我们的生活节奏变的越来越快甚 凌乱 , 度 假者开始选择邮轮作为劳累长途飞行、多次酒店预订以 不 知 所 获旅游的一种极佳替换。
As our lives become ever more hectic and fast-paced, holidaymakers are choosing cruising as a wonderful alternative to stressful airport travel, multiple hotel bookings and the uncertainty of not knowing exactly [...]
what you’re getting.
所有的会场、接待大厅、走廊和过道都年久失修、破 不堪。
Extreme wear and tear was also found in all the concourses and reception areas, corridors and passages, and so on.
大部分的调整是因为会计制凌乱或 者公司提交材料的准备过程过于仓促 所导致的数据遗漏。
Most of the adjustments were the result of omissions due to either poorly organized accounting systems or hasty preparation of company submissions.
无论您在纸、合成纸或者胶片上印刷,柯达都可以凭借创新型标签和标贴设计帮助您的客户消 凌乱 的 感 觉。
Whether you’re printing on paper, synthetic paper, or film, Kodak can help your clients break
[...] through the clutter with innovative [...]
label and tag designs.
在我们的数次会晤中,我们已明确向他指出, 我们可能部署多少军舰去打击海盗活动并不重要;只 要索马里依然乱不堪,海盗活动就会在陆地上产生, 在海上体现出来。
In our meetings, we have clearly indicated to him that it does not matter
how many warships we
[...] may deploy to fight piracy; as long as Somalia remains chaotic, piracy will [...]
be born on land and manifested at sea.
防止因为日晒或油光引起的晕染!使 凌乱 的 睫 毛变得规则服帖,加强纤长效果,持久有型。
Fortifies bare lashes so they look long; stay strong.
使此种情况变得更为严重的 是基础设施不足,例如法院用房短缺、法庭房舍破 不堪 、 没有可确保跟踪重要 案情的法院数据库系统。
This situation is made even more serious by the inadequate infrastructure, such as a shortage of court houses, dilapidated court premises, and the absence of a court database system to ensure vital case tracking.
这位检察官表示,该监狱最多可容纳 50 名犯人,但第一次前去那里检查时 发现有 104 名犯人,第二次发现有 109 名犯人;划拨的犯人伙食费预算为每人每 天 8.30
伦皮拉(洪都拉斯货币);由于漏雨,一些牢房里遍地是水,许多没有床铺 的囚犯不得不睡在地上,由于人多厕所数量不足而且总是湿乎乎的,使得厕所里
[...] 满是污垢而且充斥着难闻的味道;牢房里拥 不堪 , 男人、女人、恶势力帮派成 员、精神病人以及正在接受审理和判决的人都挤在一间牢房里,这些直接威胁到 [...]
2005 年 10 月 27 日发生的一起暴力事件中得到应验,在那起事件中有一个囚犯丢掉了性 命。
The Attorney for Human Rights noted, inter alia, that the jail had 50 places, but that at the time of the first inspection there were 104 inmates and at the time of the second, 109; the budget allocation for food was 8.30 lempiras a day per inmate; some cells were prone to flooding from water leaks, yet because there were not enough beds many inmates slept on the wet floor; the toilets were
constantly foulsmelling and full of filth
[...] because there were not enough for the large [...]
number of inmates, which constitutes a
hazard to their health; overcrowding is a serious risk to the individual and collective safety of the prisoners, with men and women, members of rival gangs, prisoners with mental illnesses, and convicted prisoners and prisoners awaiting trial sharing the same cells; and the lack of security and the absence of authority had led to a violent incident on 27 October 2005, in which an inmate lost his life.
有两方面的原因使这一问题更加凸显:一是专利申请数 量剧增使许多专利不堪重负 ,二是专利系统中存在的大量重复做功的现象,尤其是需要 [...]
This issue is raised by both the
increase in the number of patent
[...] applications which is imposing heavy demands [...]
on the resources of many patent offices,
and the recognition that there is considerable duplication of effort in the system, particularly with regard to the need to submit multiple applications for a single invention in different jurisdictions.
尽管基础设施有些改善, 但是基本基础设施,尤其是道路持续破 不堪 的 状 况阻碍了贸易,使国家当局不 能进出该国的广大地区。
Despite some improvements, the continuing poor condition of basic infrastructure, especially roads, impedes trade and denies State authorities access to vast areas of the country.
它只能让你更加喜欢画面的效果,因为你会理解 Carmel 显然最先去过那里,有时需要背着沉重的设备翻山越岭到达那里;你会理解那些绝妙的风景是她花费数小时的时间从数以千 凌乱 无 章 的画面中拍摄到的最完美的一张;理解她按下中幅面数字相机的快门后,又在 MacBook Pro 上使用 Aperture 孜不倦地对图像进行数字调整。
It only sharpens your appreciation of the effect to understand that obviously Carmel got there first, sometimes on cross-country skis, carrying heavy gear; that she spent hours looking to catch a perfect image from among a thousand messier choices; or that she digitally adjusted the image in Aperture on a MacBook Pro after the shutter closed on her medium format digital camera.
(a) 教科文组织没有拟订实施这些活动的行动计划,因此实施工作显 凌乱 , 也 没有 重点。
(a) UNESCO did not draw up an action plan for the implementation of activities, consequently, implementation tended to be ad hoc and to lack focus.
表决结果还反映国际社会对所有国家都要 遵守同样标准和责任的压倒性支持,明确表明本组 织的任何会员国不能凌驾于 国际法之上。
It also demonstrated the international community’s overwhelming support for holding all States to the same standards and responsibilities, clearly demonstrating that no member of the Organization was above international law and covenants.
(h) 規定新法定條凌駕那些不容許僱主、僱員及自僱人士 以外任何人士供款的信託契據,以及強積金文件內任何 其他有抵觸的條文。
(h) stipulate that the new statutory
[...] provisions will prevail over those trust deeds which do not allow for contributions [...]
from any parties other
than the employers, employees and self employed persons as well as any other conflicting provisions in the MPF documents.
依他之見,"拒絕機制"對資料當事人不公,原因是 (a) 這會令資料當事人有責任作出具體的拒絕要 求,否則便會被視為沒有拒絕;(b)資料當事人可能 曾經把其個人資料提供予多個資料使用者,若他希 望行使拒絕權,實在難以辨認哪一個資料使用者使 用了其個人資料作直接促銷用途;以及(c)除非資料 當事人事先行使了拒絕權,否則資料使用者可將收 集到的個人資料售賣予任何人,結果資料當事人要 逐一辨認每個曾與他接洽的資料受讓人並作出拒 絕要求,這實在厭不堪。
In his view, the opt-out regime was unfair to data subjects because (a) it would be incumbent upon data subjects to make a specific opt-out request or else they would be deemed not to have opted-out; (b) as a data subject might have provided his personal data to various data users and if he wished to exercise his opt-out right, it would be very difficult for him to identify which data user had used their personal data for direct marketing purposes; and (c) as a data user might sell the collected personal data to any persons unless the data subject had exercised his optout right, it was burdensome for the data subject to identify each and every data transferee that approached him and make an opt-out request.
保持良好遵约水 平的一项切实措施是将根据不同议定书提交报告的日期同步起来,因为报告义务 的扩散已经使军事专不堪重负
One practical measure for maintaining good levels of compliance would be to synchronize the dates for the submission of reports under the different Protocols, since the proliferation of reporting obligations had resulted in a work overload for military experts.
这个体制长期存在,沉默成为普遍现象,而每个 有良好意愿的人都在呼吁谴责这个体制最显而易见 的做法,在这个体制中,利润、贫穷以及邪恶相互交 织,而那些由于虐待在沉默中死去的儿童,他们的生 活不堪言。
That system is perpetuated and silence is generalized, while everyone in good faith calls for condemnation of the most visible practices of a system in which profit, poverty and turpitude are intertwined and the lives of children, who die in silence from mistreatment, constitute but a long litany of suffering.
这些实证发现 导致发展行为体与安全行为体之间、体制资源与目标之间的互动增多,使本已拥不堪的目 标领域和目标议程更加复杂,其中包括如何协调各种截然不同的组织 文化,例如,安全理事会和经济及社会理事会之间以及联合国秘书处内部维持和 平行动部和开发署之间开展的工作。
The result of these empirical discoveries was increasing interaction between development and security actors, institutional resources and objectives, adding further complexity to an already crowded field and agenda of objectives, including how to coordinate efforts across very different organizational cultures, such as between the Security Council and the Economic and Social Council and within the United Nations Secretariat, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UNDP.
正如现在摆在安理会面前的秘书长报告 (S/2010/127)也注意到的情况,那就是在加强采取军 事行动之际,我们面临着忙不堪的 政 治活动,其中 包括订于 9 月举行的国民议会选举、卡尔扎伊总统刚 在一个多月前宣布的和平支尔格以及当然在此之后 举行的喀布尔会议。
As also noted in the Secretary-General’s report now before the Council(S/2010/127), in the midst of heightened military operations, we face a crowded political calendar, including in light of the planned National Assembly elections in September, the Peace Jirga announced by President Karzai in just over a month, and, of course, the Kabul Conference after that.
冲突造成的直接后果包括:死亡和个人和 集体资产的损毁,国内流离失所者和难民,阻碍了经济发展,令有限的经济资源 越不堪重负,造成社会心理创伤、前战斗人员包括儿童兵康复与重返社会的需 要,以及由于恐怖活动的威胁,形成了不安全和恐惧的气氛。
Direct fallouts of the conflict include: death and destruction of personal and collective property, internal displacement of persons and refugees, impeded economic development and strain on limited economic resources, psycho-social trauma, the need for rehabilitation and reintegration of ex-combatants including child soldiers, and a climate of insecurity and fear due to threats posed by terrorist activity.
第一, 建 議的增 幅 是 上 限 的 增 幅 ,運 輸 署署長會根據實際情況及需求,釐 定 每 一個泊 車 位 咪錶的收費 水 平;第 二, 香港的 路旁泊 車 位 咪錶, 從 凌晨至 早 上 8
時 仍然會是免 費 供 駕駛者 使 用 , 所 以 大 家在今 天
[...] 下 午 所 討 論的政府加費 建 議,不會 影響到凌晨至 早 上 8 時 使 用 路旁泊 車 位 [...]
咪錶的人;第三 , 建 議的增 幅 並不會 令 停 車 場 增加收
費 , 因 為 調 整 之後,繁忙地 區 咪錶每小時 的 最 高收費 也 只 是16 元,即仍是 低於繁忙 地 區 停 車 場 的收費 ;第四 , 建 議是有 助 於 達致把 泊 車 位   ─   尤 其 是 繁忙地 區 的 泊 車 位   ─   的 空 置 率 , 維 持 在15%水 平這個交通管 理 目 的。
First, we have proposed an increase in the maximum charge, and the Secretary for Transport will determine the level of individual parking meter charge on the basis of the actual situation and demand; second, on-street parking meters in Hong Kong are available for use by drivers free of charge from the small hours to 8 am, therefore, the proposed
increase Members have been
[...] discussing this afternoon will not affect those who use on-street [...]
parking meters from the small
hours to 8 am; third, the proposed increase will not lead to an increase in car park charges because the maximum charge of a parking meter in a busy district after the adjustment is only $16 per hour, still less than the rate at charged by a car park in a busy district; fourth, in regard to traffic management, the proposal helps to achieve the aim of maintaining the vacancy rate of parking spaces in busy districts at 15%.
[...] 發展計劃方面,雖然該發展計劃可在財政自給自足的前提下推 行,但有關的財務安排應能向市民保證,發展計劃的文化目不會被經濟考慮因凌駕。
In the development of the WKCD project, while the project may be pursued on the premise of financial self-sufficiency, the financial arrangements should
provide assurance to the public that the cultural
[...] objectives of the project will not be overridden by economic [...]




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