

单词 凉茶

See also:


tea n
teas pl

tea plant

External sources (not reviewed)

适用:酸奶杯、珍珠奶茶、果汁杯、果冻、八宝粥、豆浆 凉茶 、 快 餐汤杯等的封口膜。
Suitable:Acidophilus milk cup,Pearl milk cup,Juice cup,Jelly,Soya-bean milk cup,Herbal tea cup ,Fast food soup cup and so on .
几乎每十个孩子里就有一个孩子食 凉茶 或 补 品来试图改善消化不良或者挑食的现象,研究者指出这种行为其实是有潜在危险性的,因为可能存在未知的药物相互作用或者污染物。
Almost one in 10 infants are given herbal teas and supplements to ease digestion or fussiness, a practice that is potentially harmful because of unknown drug interactions or contaminants in the products, researchers said.
宾客们在国家音乐基地茶凉粉乐 队的现场演唱中畅谈艺术,参观作品,度过了一个洋溢着艺术与美的假日夜晚。
Guests talked freely about art and appreciated the works, as well as a live concert by the Chaliangfen Band.
昆士兰北部的季节用湿热与凉描述 比用夏季和冬季更为贴切。
Northern Queensland seasons are more a case of
[...] hot and wet or cool and dry than of [...]
summer and winter.
作为缅甸的经济之都,仰光气凉爽 宜 人,生长着茂盛的热带树木,有绿树成荫的公园和风景如画的湖泊。
The economic hub and gateway to
[...] Burma, Yangon is cool and green with [...]
lush tropical trees, shady parks and picturesque lakes.
Winter days are cool and sometimes gloriously [...]
sunny, with little wind, and often start with early morning frost and fog.
試試吃一片甜瓜或新鮮漿果加低脂酸乳酪而不吃曲奇作為  下茶。
Try having a slice of melon or fresh berries with a low-fat yogurt instead of cookies for a mid-afternoon snack.
放疗期间,张口、保持腺体的分泌和刷牙都有困难,应试着做温和的伸展练习,喝冰镇饮料,经常冲洗并用软的牙刷,用温和有效的漱口液,试用芦苔汁 凉 春 黄 菊 茶 , 争 取增加腺体分泌消除口干。
During radiotherapy, mouth open, secretion of gland and teeth brushing, all these have difficulties, so patients should try to do gentle stretching exercises and often flush the mouth with soft toothbrush and moderate effective gargle.
我们想到新疆的葡萄架,人们在盛夏坐在下面 凉 , 在 漂亮的地毯上享用美酒与食物;而且雀巢又刚好是食品公司。
We were inspired by the grape trellis of the Xinjiang minorities, where the
[...] people enjoy the cool in high summer, [...]
sitting on carpets and served food and wine;
this links exactly with Nestle as a food company.
(5) 管理任何樓宇(不論屬於本公司與否)或於任何期間以本公司認為適當之
[...] 租金及條件租賃該樓宇或其中之任何部分:收取租金及收入及向租戶、 佔用人及其他人供應照明、熱力、空調 茶 點 、 服務員、通信員、接待 室、閱讀室、盥洗室、洗衣設施、電子設備、車庫、娛樂設施及本公司 [...]
公司以按本公司認為適當之條款進行或從事或提供該等管理、租賃及利益 。
(5) To manage any buildings, whether belonging to the Company or not, or let the same or any part thereof for any period and at such rent and on such conditions as the Company shall think fit; to collect the rent and income and to supply to tenants
and occupiers and others light, heat,
[...] air-conditioning, refreshments, attendants, messengers, [...]
waiting rooms, reading rooms,
lavatories, laundry facilities, electric conveniences, garages, recreation facilities and other advantages which from time to time the Company shall consider desirable, or to provide for such management, letting and advantages as aforesaid by employing any person, firm or company to carry out or to supply the same on such terms as the Company may think fit.
V. 一般物品及設備
[...] 例如擴音器、對講機、哨子、電池、充電池、急救箱、急救箱補充 品、蒸餾水/礦泉水茶包、 意見箱、信箱、許可證框架、黑板/ [...]
白板/水松板、香港街道圖、訪客記錄冊、節日裝飾品、典禮裝飾 品、證件套連掛繩等。
V. General Supplies & Equipment e.g. loudhailers, two-way radios, whistles, batteries, rechargeable batteries, first aid
boxes, first aid box refills, distilled
[...] water/mineral water, tea bags, suggestion [...]
boxes, letter boxes, frames for approval
letter, blackboards, whiteboards, cork notice-boards, Hong Kong street guide, guest record books, festive decorations, ceremonial decorations, name badges with necklaces, etc.
为了在这种矿物环境中生长和繁殖,阿尔卑斯柳草发展出来不少特殊的性质:强大的地下根茎,可以吸收深藏在岩石中的水分;通过长出嫩芽自我繁殖的能力——就像自我克隆——这种能力使其得以在 凉 的 地 区开疆拓土。
In order to grow and multiply in this mineral environment, Alpine Willow Herb has developed some very special features: powerful underground roots capable of capturing water hidden deep in the rocks, and the ability
to reproduce itself by growing shoots – like clones of itself – which allow it to
[...] colonize such an inhospitable region.
這些措施包括僱主在工作編排方面應注意的事 項;員工在結束夜間輪值工作後,應營造有助睡眠的環境,盡快
[...] 在黑暗及安靜的環境中睡眠,以及僱員應避免睡眠前飲用咖啡茶或含酒精的飲品等。
These include, for instance, measures to which employers should pay attention in arranging work; the advice that employees should sleep in a dark and quiet environment as soon as possible after night shift work to create a
favourable environment for sleeping; and that employees should avoid
[...] drinking coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages [...]
before sleep.
(11) 作為酒店、汽車旅館、旅館、宿舍、公寓、餐廳 茶 點 和 茶 室 、 咖啡、牛 奶及小吃店、夜總會及所有類別之俱樂部擁有人及/或管理人、酒館、 [...]
啤酒屋及宿舍管理人、持牌食品供應商、葡萄酒、啤酒及烈酒商人、啤酒 製造商、釀酒師、蒸餾酒商、充氣、礦泉和人造水及其他飲料的進口商及
製造商,及在其各自分公司作為承辦人及承包商,以及作為劇院、電影院 、歌舞廳、音樂廳、體育館、桌球室、保齡球中心及所有娛樂場所、電台 及電視台及播音室的擁有人及/或管理人經營業務。
(11) To carry on business as proprietors and/or managers of hotels,
motels, inns, lodging houses, apartment
[...] houses, restaurants, refreshment and tea rooms, [...]
cafes and milk and snack bars, night-clubs
and clubs of all kinds, tavern, beer-house and lodging-house keepers, licensed victuallers, wine, beer and spirit merchants, brewers, malsters, distillers, importers and manufacturers of aerated, mineral and artificial waters and other drinks, and as caterers and contractors in all their respective branches and as managers and/or proprietors of theatres, cinemas, dance-halls, concert halls, stadiums, billiard rooms, bowling centres and all places of entertainment and radio and television stations and studios.




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