

单词 准备好了

See also:

准备 n

readiness n
preparations pl
preparedness n

准备 (...) v

intend v
fix v

好了 adj

alright adj

准备 adj

preparatory adj

External sources (not reviewed)

巴西已准备好了与报 告员进行全面合 作,以使后者能做出建设性的分析,找到土著人民 [...]
Brazil was prepared to cooperate to the [...]
fullest extent with the Special Rapporteur, in order to facilitate the constructive
assessment of the underlying causes of any possible violations of indigenous peoples’ rights and the solutions needed to deal with them.
为此, 教育部门已准备好了思考意见并已与有关的各方进行了一系列磋商。
To this end, the
[...] Sector has prepared think pieces and launched a series of consultations with diverse stakeholders.
这个步骤所持续的时间的长短完全取决于你和受训者需要多久才能认同他或者 准备 好了,可以尝试自己做带领的工作了。
The length of time that this stage continues depends entirely on how soon you and the trainee
[...] agree that he or she is ready to try to lead [...]
by themselves.
不论您想从自己的汽艇跳入水中还是坐在皮船上乘风破浪-爱尔兰都为 准备好了。
And whether you want to dash through pristine waters on your very own jet-ski or ride the rapids in a kayak – Ireland’s got it sorted.
在教科文组织和主要私营部门合作伙伴的协作下,全套具备信息和传播技术的教师的合格标 准已准备好了。
Complete set of standards for ICT competencies of teachers prepared in collaboration between UNESCO and key private sector partners.
我们结婚的时候都过了40岁,连续几个月我都没有感觉到高峰,但当它来临的时候我们 准备好了 ! 我 们生了一个漂亮的女儿,她真是上天的恩赐。
We were both past 40 when we married and I didn’t recognise a Peak for some months, but when it came we were ready for it!
圣奥古斯丁的风格是很私人的一个例子,很少有这么据悉,如此之大,所 准备好了 , 他 们可以大胆发言,只是因为他经常干。
St. Augustine's style is too personal to be an example, and few are so learned, so great, and so ready, that they can venture to speak as simply as he often does.
凭借其廉价航班的优势, Weeze 机场已准备好了为约 10 万的荷兰以及德国的游客提供快速以及便捷的物流服务。
With its offer of low-cost flights, Airport Weeze is well on the way to becoming a quick and accessible logistical option for about 10 million Dutch and German travelers.
但美国企业来自拥有 全球最大页岩气产业的国度, 他们有丰富的经验可与相对较 小的波兰企业分享,而且许多 美国企业似乎已准备好了要 在 这 个 新 兴 的 高 风 险 部 门 博 上一把。
But coming from a country with the world’s largest shale gas industry, American companies possess a wealth of knowledge that can be shared with smaller Polish companies, and many seem ready to bet on this emerging high-risk sector.
在WAR文件部署之后,你已准备好了 测 试 servlet了。
Deployed in the WAR file, you are ready to test a servlet.
一旦投资准备好了上述提到的各种许可,包 括协议,以及当建筑或者重建项目结束之后, 就可以向当地政府提出建筑许可。
The final application for a building permit may be put forward to the local authorities once the investor has permission for all of the above, including agreements and opinions and also when the architectural or re-development project is finished.
你不必拿出计算器或者求助于“开始”菜单“附件”中的“计算器”,Word2007已经为大 准备好了 一 个“计算”工具。
You do not come up calculator or a recourse to "Start" menu "annex" in the "Calculator", Word2007 has you ready for a "calculation" tool.
假如你有史以来堆过的最大的雪人,不过就是小精灵一族的身材的话,那 准备好了 , 凯 米(Kemi)和拉伊尼奥(Lainio)的冰雪城堡和冰雪村一定会让你印象深刻的。
If you have only ever built an elf-sized snowman, prepare to be impressed by the awesome snow castles and villages in Kemi and Lainio.
企业上网和开展电子商务是一个不可回避的现实,当你的竞争对手正在通过Internet共享信息;通过电子商务降低成本;拓展销售渠道时, 准备好了 吗?
When your competitors are sharing information
through Internet; reducing the cost of sales and expanding their sales channels through
[...] e-commerce platform, are you ready?
您已准备好了,前 一天晚上的例子是你的心走在了前列,你写了这一切让你有一个切纸机放松自己,因为你有一个舒适的毯子在采访中,所有你需要做的是回忆看了一眼你的论文,如果需要的话,在面试时提醒自己或你的神经平静下来。
You have prepared the night before [...]
so the examples are at the forefront of your mind, you have written it all down on a
one-sheeter so you have relaxed yourself as you have a comfort blanket in the interview and now all you need do is recollect and glance at your paper if needed to remind yourself or calm your nerves during interview.
找一个无穷无尽的跨越890联合国教科文组织世界遗产视觉之 准备好了 ! Fotopedia遗产为您提供一个优美的方式来浏览和发现他们。
Get ready for an endless visual journey across the 890 UNESCO World Heritage Sites!
他们是在直接反对古典形象的人类的身 体 , 准备好了 , 结 束 了,完全成熟,没有平凡和诞生和发展的渣滓的方式。
They are in direct opposition to the classical image of the human body, ready, finished, fully mature, in a way purged of the mediocrities and dross of birth and development.
为将COSWIN延伸到唯一没有使用的管件工厂,圣戈班维护团队特意事 准备好了 所 有 所需数据,仅在喜科工程师简单的辅助下便将其全部迁移至中央数据库。
Saint-Gobain Pipelines’ maintenance team prepared all the data required to extend the system to the foundry plant, the only part of the site not yet using COSWIN.
一些 官方赞助商,像John Lewis用爱国色蹦极和'英准备好了‘ Br itain Get Ready创造了大胆的品牌陈述。
Official sponsors such as John Lewis are creating bold statements with patriotic coloured bungees and 'Britain Get Ready'.
其一与两个主要核大国——俄罗斯和美国——是 准备好了 从 旅行它们所签署的新战略核武器削减条约(New [...]
One is related to the readiness of the two major [...]
nuclear powers, Russia and the United States, to move from the stockpile
reductions to which they agreed in the New START treaty to complete elimination of their nuclear arsenals.
委员会将继续提出有关解释《公约》条文的一般 性建议,而且现在已准备好了四项 建议,分别关于 对《公约》第 2 条的解释、老年妇女及保护其权利、 结婚和离婚的经济影响及不利做法,委员会希望能尽 快通过这些建议。
It was currently preparing four draft general recommendations, which it hoped to adopt soon, relating to: the interpretation of article 2 of the Convention; older women and the protection of their rights; the economic consequences of marriage and its dissolution; and harmful practices.
2010年11月,缅甸统治者举行了名义上的自由选举,并且释放了被软禁15年的昂山素姬,自那之后,抵制结束,缅甸 准备好了 迎 接大批的到访游客。
Since November 2010, when Myanmar’s rulers held nominally free elections and released Ms. Aung San Suu Kyi after 15 years of house arrest, the boycott has been lifted and Myanmar is set for an influx of visitors.
温特豪德的台下式洗杯机为您考虑到了所有问题:机 准备好了 投 入新一轮工作时,电子控制电子面板就会通知您;要保护脆弱的餐具,则可以改变洗涤模式来控制;完全绝缘的橱柜减少了热量损失,使您的生意不受干扰;内置错误诊断设备能迅速省钱地定位故障;门的合理位置使得空气能在洗涤缸内流通,以节省您宝贵的时间与空间。
Winterhalter's range of front loading
glasswashers has every aspect covered for
[...] you; smart colour coded electronic panel lets you know when the [...]
machine is ready for another
rack, controlled wash-patterns to protect your fragile items, fully insulated cabinets to reduce heat loss so your business goes on uninterrupted, built-in fault diagnosis to locate faults quickly and cost effectively, door vent position which allows air to circulate within the wash chamber saving you precious space and time.
支持 ZANU-PF 的总检察长说他正在探索一些方 案,以在欧洲法院上起诉欧洲委员会,证实制裁不合法 (《总检察长说:津巴布韦法律小 准备好了 对 付欧 盟》,星期日邮报(在线),2011 年 10 月 27 日)。
Zimbabwe’s ZANU-PF to highlight anti-sanctions petition at regional summit”, Voice of America News, 20 July 2011. The pro-ZANUPF attorney general says he is presently exploring options to bring a case against the European Commission at the European Court of Justice to establish that sanctions are illegal.
我们新研发的 OpenScape Mobile Client
提供全面的统一通信功能,包括无线局域网语音服务(无线局域网语音服务,VoWLAN)和 Call Swipe
[...] 在内的所有功能都可以从移动应用程序中获得,而这些应用程序“app store”已经为准备好了,并 且可以在大多数流行移动设备平台上运行,包括 iPad/iPhone,以及安卓平板电脑和智能手机、Blackberry、Windows [...]
和 Symbian 设备。
Our new OpenScape Mobile client provides comprehensive unified communications, VoWLAN, and Call Swipe capabilities all from a single mobile application that is “app store” ready, and
can run on the most
[...] popular mobile device platforms, including the iPad/ iPhone as well as Android [...]
tablets and smartphones,
and Blackberry, Windows and Symbian devices.
会议的成功体现了精心的筹备和与教 科文组织其它部门良好的团队合作精神,采用交互式会议形式,不仅受到了与会者的欢迎,还活 了 讨 论 而不是宣 读一系准备好的讲稿。
Its success reflected careful preparation, good teamwork with the rest of UNESCO, and the use of interactive session
formats that were much appreciated and which
[...] generated substantive discussion instead of a series of prepared statements.
在体育活动领域,由西班牙残奥委员会、体育高等理事会及卫生及社会政 策部共同推了一项残奥运动支持计划(ADOP),该计划的目标是为西班牙的残 奥会运动员提供尽可能好的条件,是他们为参加残奥会 好准备 , 并 保障西班牙 的残奥代表团在运动会上取得好的成绩。
In the area of sport, mention should be made of the plan entitled Support for Sport, Objective Paralympics (ADOP), an initiative of the Spanish Paralympic Committee, the
Higher Council for Sports and the
[...] Ministry of Health and Social Policy, aimed at providing Spanish paralympic athletes with the best possible training conditions and thus ensuring the success of the Spanish team at the Paralympic Games.
3.104 为了循序 渐进地登记损失索赔,并使受影响的巴勒斯坦自然人和法人更 了 解 能 否进行损失索 赔登记和办理登记的要求,有必要:(a) 在巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷及其周围开展 外联活动;(b) 开展理赔活动,包括向可能的索赔人分发索赔表,向可能的索赔人提供填写索 赔表的技术援助,收集索赔表并交给位于维也纳的登记册办事处;(c) 处理收集的索赔表,准备好将它 们提交给联合国损失登记册委员会;(d) 审查索赔表,并将委员会认为符合索赔标 准的索赔列入登记册。
3.104 In order to accomplish progressive registration of damage claims and increased awareness on the part of the affected Palestinian natural and legal persons about the possibility of and requirements for filing damage claim forms, it would be necessary to: (a) undertake outreach activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around East Jerusalem; (b) conduct claim intake activities, including distributing claim forms to potential claimants, providing technical assistance to potential claimants in completing the claim forms, and collecting and delivering claim forms to the Office of the Register in Vienna; (c) process the claim forms collected and prepare them for submission [...]
to the Board of
the United Nations Register of Damage; and (d) review claim forms and include in the Register those claims that the Board decides are in conformity with established criteria.
葡语共同体及其成员准备好为这项举措做出 切实贡献,因为这是当前为解决危机所做努力中最好 的选择,而且这项举措作为几内亚比绍各派政治和社 会力量及该国人民将接受的最为全面的多边解决办 法,为成功提了最佳保障。
The CPLP and its member
[...] States are ready to make a genuine contribution to that initiative, as it is the best option among the ongoing efforts to resolve the crisis and — as the most comprehensive and multilateral solution to be received by the political and social forces and people of Guinea-Bissau — offers the best guarantee [...]
of success.




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