

单词 准予



See also:

(archaic) I

External sources (not reviewed)

检察长准予前拘留时他未被带见该检察官,他也未被带见 法官或其他有权行使司法权力的官员。
He was not brought before the
[...] prosecutor when heapproved the placement [...]
on pretrial detention, nor was he brought before
a judge or other official empowered to exercise judicial power.
[...] 当局和委员会收集的材料可以作为证据在法庭上使用,但“这些证据是否可以接 受,由分庭根据有关收集证据的国际准予定。
While the material gathered by Lebanese authorities and by the Commission can be used as evidence before the
Tribunal, “[i]ts admissibility shall be decided by the Chambers pursuant
[...] to international standardsoncollection of [...]
此外,总务委员会提请大会注意,对于有权要求编制简要记录的附属机构, 现已停止作为单独文件印发发言全文的做法,而且只有在这些发言将作为讨论依 据,有关机构在听取所涉经费问题的说明后决定可将一个或多个发言全文载入简 要记录,或作为单独文件印发,或列为已核准印发文件的附件的情况下,该机构 才准予特例不适用这项规定(第 38/32 E 号决议,第 8 和 9 段)。
Furthermore, the General Committee draws to the attention of the General Assembly that the practice of reproducing statements in extenso as separate documents has been discontinued for all its subsidiary organs that are entitled to summary records and that any exceptions to this rule may be made by the body concerned only if the statements are to serve as bases for discussion and if, after hearing a statement of the relevant financial implications, the body decides that one or more statements in extenso may be included in the summary record, or reproduced as separate documents or as annexes to authorized documents (resolution 38/32 E, paras. 8 and 9).
同样,建筑技术标准一 直处于修订过程中,以不断进行更新,因此,在 2009 年,第 A.120 号标准 中的部分内容和名称已经被由第 010-2009-VIVIENDA 号最高敕令批准通过 的《残疾人和老年人无障碍改。
As part of this effort, in 2009 a portion of Regulation A.120 was modified, as was its title, which was changed to Accessibility for Persons with Disabilities and Older Adults, by Supreme Decree No. 010-2009-VIVIENDA.
[...] 免或者如果不这样做,则宣布严厉案例中被指控的肇事者为不受欢迎 者,同准予者独立的居住权利。
If no criminal action is taken by the sending State, host States should demand that diplomatic immunity is lifted or, failing that,
declare the alleged perpetrator in serious cases persona
[...] non grata,while granting independent resident [...]
rights to the victim.
根据 1997
[...] 年《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种 地雷的公约》(《渥太华公约》),各缔约国有义务在公约生效 10 年内扫除雷区 的地雷,除非根据公准予
Under the 1997 Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction, known as the Ottawa Convention, States parties are obliged to clear anti-personnel mines
in mined areas within 10 years of the
[...] Convention’s entryinto force, unless anextension is granted under the Convention.
(b) 在不妨碍以工作人员细则 4.15 规定的晋升作为承认责任加重和确有能
[...] 力的通常办法的原则之下,定期或连续任用工作人员奉命临时承担某一职位的全 部职务和责任时,如该职位显然高于其原职,而且为期超过三个月,可在例外情 况下,自担任较高职位后的第四个月开始准予不计养恤金的特别职位津贴。
(b) Without prejudice to the principle that promotion under staff rule 4.15 shall be the normal means of recognizing increased responsibilities and demonstrated ability, a staff member holding a fixed-term or continuing appointment who is called upon to assume the full duties and responsibilities of a post at a clearly recognizable higher level than his or her own for a temporary period exceeding three
months may, in
[...] exceptional cases, be granteda non-pensionable special post allowance from the beginning of the fourth month [...]
of service at the higher level.
就使 用下述几个语句之一替代第(3)款的起句提出了各种建议:“《透明度规则》规定 仲裁庭行使裁量权的,此种裁量权的行使应考虑到”;“《透明度规则》规定仲裁 庭行使裁量权的,仲裁庭在行使此种裁量权时应考虑到”;或“本《规则准予使裁量权的,仲裁庭应考虑到”。
Various proposals were made to replace the opening words of paragraph (3) by either of the following phrases: “[W]here the Rules on Transparency provide for the arbitral tribunal to exercise discretion, the exercise of that discretion shall take into account”; “[W]here the Rules on Transparency provide for the arbitral tribunal to exercise discretion, the arbitral tribunal in exercising suchdiscretion shall take into account”, or “[W]hen exercising discretion granted under these Rules, the arbitral tribunal shall take into account”.
国家核安全局取代经济、劳工和创业部 贸易司,并接准予核活动的责任。
The State Office succeeded the Nuclear Safety Department of the Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship and took over its responsibility for giving consent for nuclear activities.
这一决定永远应根据国际标 准,由明确界定的准予导,并由一个独立和公正的法庭或法院参照当地条 件、历史、文化与政治背景做出。
This decision should always be guided by well-defined criteria, in accordance with internationalstandards,and be made by an independent and impartial court or tribunal, taking into account the local conditions, history, culture and political context.
我 们 无 法 在 此 一 一 列 明 各 种 损 害 和 利 益 , 但 损 害 和 利 益 两 词 包 括 了 各 种 不 同 的 事 物 , 例 如 恐 吓 对 人 身 施 以 严 重 或 持 续 的 暴 力 , 表 示 监 禁 刑 期 絶 不 会 短 , 恐 吓 会 落 案 貣 诉 对 方 的 近 亲 , 答准 予, 以 及 更 多 其 他 例 子 。
An exhaustive catalogue of types of prejudice and advantage is impossible, but the two expressions include such varied things as a threat of serious personal violence or continued violence, an indication that the prison sentence will be but short, a threat to charge a near relative, a promiseof bail and many more.
修课式研究生教育清楚显示出教学与研究之间的互动关系,专门学 科的教学以教研人员的研究工作爲依据,而学生需要完成論文或研 究项目准予
The teaching-research nexus is clearly evidenced in TPg education where teaching in specialized subjects is informed by the research of the teachers, and students are required to complete a dissertation or research project for graduation purposes.
此与「服务点」计划 不同,後准予无须事前授权可取得承保 服务,但如用计划网络外的服务者,所付费用 将较高。
This contrasts with a "point-of-service" plan, which allows patients to receive covered services without prior authorization but at a higher cost outside a plan's network.
(a) 依照《儿童权利公约》和国际劳工组织关准予最低年龄的第 138 号公约(1973 年)和关于禁止和立即行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动的第 182 号 公约(1999 年),在采矿业杜绝一切形式的童工现象。
(a) The eradication of all forms of child labour in the mining industry in accordance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child and International Labour Organization (ILO) Conventions No. 138 (1973) concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment and No. 182 (1999) concerning the Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labour.
监狱管理部门应当在可能的最大限度内,对女性囚准予回家、开放式 监狱、中途康复所和基于社区的方案和服务等选择,为她们从监狱到重获自由的 过渡提供方便,减少耻辱并在可能的最早阶段重新建立她们与家人之间的联系。
Prison authorities shall utilize options such as home leave, open prisons, halfway houses and community-based programmes and services to the maximum possible extent for women prisoners, to ease their transition from prison to liberty, to reduce stigma and to re-establish their contact with their families at the earliest possible stage.
[...] 险性和实效为基础的标准和相关文本的战略重点方面,食典委必须对建立一套 连贯的、完整的覆盖整个食物链的食品准予先考虑。
In strengthening the strategic focus of the CAC in the development of standards and related texts based on risk and performance for broad application across a range of commodities,
the CAC must give priority to establishing a coherent and integrated
[...] set of food standardscovering the [...]
entire food chain.
根据《国际劳工组织章程》第 22 条,已制定并向劳工组织提交了下列报 告:关准予最低年龄的第 138 号公约(1973 年)执行情况报告,以及关于禁 止和立即采取行动消除最恶劣形式的童工劳动的第 182 号公约(1999 年)执行情况 和 2005 年 8 月 12 日至 2007 年 8 月 12 日期间立即采取行动消除最恶劣形式童工 劳动的情况报告。
According to article 22 of the Constitution of the International Labour Organisation the following have been development and presented to the ILO: Report on the implementation of Convention No. 138 (1973) on Minimum Age for Admission for Employment and the Report on the implementation of Convention No. 182 (1999) on the prohibition and immediate action for the elimination of the worst forms of child labour and Immediate Actions for their Elimination for the period between 12 august 2005 and 12 august 2007.
阵线行政管辖下的Tindouf 省生活在岌岌可危的状况之下。准予署进入拘留中心,在这些中心中,移民被视为是“非法的”,包括被拘留在那里 的儿童。
(d) The UNHCR has still not been able to conduct proper registration of Sahrawi refugees who still live in precarious conditions in the Tindouf province under the administration of the Polisario Front and has not been granted access to detention centres where migrants deemed “irregular”, including children are held.
在作准予申请的同时,本公司已执行有关认购新普通股 的要约。
Concurrently with this admission process, the Company implemented an offer for subscription of new ordinary shares.
经经社理事准予地位的组织无论何时均应遵守关于各该组织与 理事会咨商关系的建立和性质的各项原则(第 55 段)
Organizationsgranted consultative status by the Council shall conform at all times to the principles governing the establishment and nature of their consultative relations with the Council (para. 55).
终审法院拒准予而改为仲裁,认为若有其他若干项法律使《仲裁示范 法》第 [...]
8(1)条的强制性暂停规定不能适用于上述争议,那么这些规定便不能实 行,并且除明确指出的情形外,《雇员补偿条例》第 18A(1)节授予了地方法院处 理雇员索赔事项的专属管辖权。
In refusing to grant astay for arbitration, [...]
the Court of Final Appeal held that the mandatory stay provisions of Article
8(1) of the MAL were inoperative if some other law precluded their application to the dispute in question and that section 18A (1) of the Employees’ Compensation Ordinance conferred exclusive jurisdiction on the District Court to deal with all employees’ compensation claims save in the cases expressly excepted.
(m) 私学学费,只有为了学习工作人员经认定的本国语言,而且总干事认为在工作地 点不可能学习该种语言时,才能予以报销;但对补充获准函授课程之合格私人教 师之学费,或为学校教授某一科目或为该子女此后就学所需任何其他科目之专门 辅导费用,总干事可准予付。
(m) Private tuition shall be reimbursable only for the learning of the language of the country in which the staff member’s recognized home is situated and if the Director-General considers that it is not possible to learn this language at the duty station; however, the Director-General may authorize payment of the grant in respect of private tuition by duly qualified tutors to supplement authorized correspondence courses, or for special coaching required in a subject taught by the school or any other subject which is required for the child’s subsequent education.
第2节 本公约各缔约国对于依据第三十七节适用本公约的任何专门机
[...] 构以及与该机构有关的事务和人员,应根据标准条款规定的条准予其中列载的特权和豁免,但须不违反该机构依据第 [...]
三十六节或第三十八节所提送附件定本(或订正本)内对各该 条款的修订规定。
Each state party to this Convention in respect of any specialized agency to which this Convention has become applicable in accordance with Section 37 shall accord to, or in connection with,
that agency the privileges and immunities set
[...] forth in the standard clauses on the [...]
conditions specified therein, subject to
any modification of those clauses contained in the provisions of the final (or revised) annex relating to that agency and transmitted in accordance with Sections 36 or 38.
庭长指出,Muvunyi 服刑时间已达刑期的四分之三,在法准予释放的 前两个请求中,犯人因类似罪行被判刑期少于或与 [...]
Muvunyi 的刑期相同,属于刑 期较短的。
The President noted that Muvunyi had served more than three fourths of his sentence and
that in the two previous requests for
[...] early releasegranted by the Tribunal,the prisoners [...]
had served sentences that were less
than or equal to Muvunyi’s sentence for similar crimes sentenced at the lesser end of the spectrum.
有具体不同意见的承认是指有关国家按照第 4.A(i)条的规定对该准予认,但在其承认声明中详细说明有那些不同意见;那么,符合受这些不同意见限定 的标准的产品,将许可在其区域管辖范围内自由销售。
Acceptance with specified deviations means that the country concerned gives acceptance, as defined in paragraph 4.A(i), to thestandard with the exception of such deviationsas are specified in detail in its declaration of acceptance; it being understood that a product complying with the standard as qualified by these deviations will be permitted to be distributed freely within the territorial jurisdiction of the country concerned.
(b) 本 公 司 於 有 关 期 间
[...] 内 依 据 上 文 (a) 段 之准 予发 或 同 意 有 条 件 [...]
或 无 条 件 配 发 或 处 理 之 股 本 面 值 总 额,不 得 超 过 於 本 决 议 案 通 过 当 日
本 公 司 之 已 发 行 股 本 面 值 总 额 20%,而 上 述 之 批 准 亦 须 受 此 限 制,惟 根 据 下 述 配 发 者 除 外
(b) the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital allotted or agreed conditionally or
unconditionally to be allotted or dealt with
[...] pursuant totheapproval in paragraph (a) [...]
above during the Relevant Period, otherwise
than pursuant to the following, shall not exceed 20% of the aggregate nominal amount of the share capital of the Company in issue as at the date of passing this resolution and the said approval shall be limited accordingly
根据相关宗教节准予假日,如穆斯林雇员有权在斋月 期间休假一天,基督教徒可以选择星期日作为休息日。
Holiday and vacation time is provided according to the relevant religious holidays, such that Muslim employees are entitled to a day off during the Ramadan, and Christians can choose Sunday as their day off from work.




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