

单词 凄惋

See also:


sad adj

sigh in regret or pity

External sources (not reviewed)

总干事和特别协调员都谈到了当地局势痛苦和绝望的前景以及不断恶 化的经济形势,并对之表示忧虑惋 惜。
Both the Director-General and the Special Coordinator acknowledged, and deplored, the suffering and despair prevailing on the ground as well as the deteriorating economic situation.
这些政策加深了巴勒斯坦人民的人道困 境,扰乱并加剧了他们本来凄惨的 生活。
These policies have compounded the humanitarian plight of the
[...] Palestinian people by disrupting and adding misery to their already miserable lives.
人权观察社对政府决定拒绝接受关于释放人权维护者和民间社会活动分 子 的建议感惋惜。
Human Rights Watch (HRW) lamented the Government’s decision to reject the recommendations to urge the release of human rights defenders and civil society activists.
由炼狱的改革者否认推出了他们的末 凄 凉 的空白,在经过极端的方式,导致了极端的反应。
The denial of purgatory by the Reformers introduced a dismal blank in their eschatology and, after the manner of extremes, has led to extreme reactions.
這些 晚凄涼的老人家辛 苦 一 生,只 剩 下 一幅荒 地,一 [...]
臉淚容,無 可 奈 何 。
Having worked hard for the whole life, these
[...] poor elderly people are just left [...]
with pieces of deserted land, miserable and totally helpless.
她还对在促进惠及所有人的经济增长方面没 有采取任何行动表惋惜。
It was also regrettable that nothing had been done to promote economic growth for the benefit of all.
本㆟是新界北的民選議員,對於此音樂㆗心落成後未能啟用,未 能造就更多兒童及青少年㆟,實在令㆟感到非 惋 惜。
As an elected Member from the New Territories North, I feel very sorry indeed that that particular centre cannot open upon completion to nurture more children and young people.
在 2000 年《千年宣言》(大会第 55/2 号决议)中,政治领导人承诺“不遗余 力地帮助我们的男女老少同胞摆脱目 凄 苦 可怜和毫无尊严的极端贫穷状况”。
In the 2000 Millennium Declaration (General Assembly resolution 55/2), political leaders committed themselves to “spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty”.
對於擴大問責制所引發的持續政治爭拗,的而且確,我起初是感到有惋惜, 也感到失望的,但回心一想,在特區政制發展的過程中,這是一場不 能迴避,也不應迴避的爭議,因為只有經過民意的理性爭論,大家深入思考, 問責制才可不斷修正,令整個制度走向成熟,從而建立廣泛的社會認受基礎。
On the ongoing political disputes arising from the expansion of the Accountability System, I must admit that I did feel a bit sorry and disappointed at first, but on second thought, I realize that the contentions are a process which could not and should not be avoided in the course of the constitutional development of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (SAR), for it is only through rational public debates and in-depth review could the Accountability System be continuously rectified and the whole system become more mature, thus building up a foundation for extensive public recognition and acceptance.
在程翔案的審判過程中,給我最大感觸的不單是中國法治的落後,還有 中國人心惋然,以及對權力的恐懼。
In the course of CHING Cheong's trial, what struck me most is not just the backwardness of the rule of law in China but also the resignation of the Chinese people and their fear for power.
大群老㆟家,或者手持拐 扙,或者互相摻扶,拿 抗議橫額,在總督府門前請願,要求政府增加公援金,為他凄涼晚景解困。
A large group of elderly people, who were either leaning on their walking sticks or had to be helped along by each other, were holding protesting placards and staging a demonstration in front of Government House to demand for an increase in the payment of public assistance in the hope that the deplorable situation that plagues them in their old age can be alleviated.
惋惜的 是,由于不 能甚或不想从根本上消灭邪恶,我们对无冲突世界的 期望就像地平线一样,随着我们的接近而后退。
Unfortunately, owing to a lack of the ability or perhaps even the will to attack the evil at the root, our hope for a world free of conflict, like the line of the horizon, recedes as we approach it.
在這個情況㆘,雖然有 ㆒些高級㆟員提早退休,引致經驗流失, 實令惋惜,但這亦未嘗不是㆒ 個扶掖後進的好機會。
Under the circumstances, the early retirement of some senior officers, though a regrettable loss of experience, is an opportunity for regeneration.
我們當然不希望 見到香港㆞㆘鐵路公司成為這些令 惋 惜 的 公共機構的其㆗㆒員。
We certainly do not want to see the MTR joining the ranks of these unfortunate public bodies.
(b) 惋惜没 有按照 2006 年审查会议关于急须减少世界捕捞能力的呼吁取得 [...]
进展;在这方面,对于与发展中国家粮食安全无关的补贴问题也没有取得多少进 展;因为根据秘书长的报告,这些补贴还助长捕捞过度和在公海作业的大型捕鱼 船队能力过剩
(b) Regret the lack of progress [...]
towards an urgently needed reduction in the global fishing capacity, as called for by the
2006 Review Conference; and in that connection, that so little progress has been achieved with regard to the problem of subsidies that are not related to food security of developing countries and that encourage overfishing and excess capacity in major fishing fleets operating on the high seas, as indicated in the report of the Secretary-General
香港㆒直以來都是㆒個有量度、 有愛心的社會,如果這個社會的態度有任何改變,實在是㆒件令 惋 惜 的 事情。
Hong Kong has always been a tolerant and caring society, and it will be sad to see any change of that approach by the community.
他們得不到工傷賠償,令我們感惋 惜。
We are sorry that they were not given work injury compensations.
比利时代表对某些代表团将程序性策略作为挡箭牌,而不是对实质内容进行 表决感到失望惋惜。
The representative of Belgium expressed a feeling of disappointment and shame that some delegations had hidden behind procedural tactics, instead of voting on substance.
主席,他還很可笑地說,這件事情的發生, 惋 惜 、很失望,不過,這 是不可以,也不應該迴避的爭議。
President, it is ludicrous for him to say that what happened was a pity and disappointing, and that the controversy cannot and should not be avoided.
在欧洲人权法院宣布这两个案的判决后,欧洲委员会部长理事会于 2005 年 4 月 7 日就这些拘留条件通过一项初步决议,要求希腊主管当局“继续加紧努力, 使拘留条件符合欧洲人权公约的要求、特别是法院判决的规定,并审查关于这方 面的内部有效救济问题”。542 从希腊政府在部长理事会审议上述两案时提出的讯 息看来,人们可以相反地确认希腊的拘留结构令 惋 惜。
Following the Judgments of the European Court in these cases, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted, on 7 April 2005, an interim resolution on those conditions of detention in which it invited the competent Greek authorities “to continue and intensify their efforts to align the conditions of detention with the requirements of the Convention [for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms], as set out in particular in the Court’s judgements and to look into the question of ensuring the availability of effective domestic remedies”.542 In communications from the Greek Government at the time the cases were being considered by the Committee of Ministers, there was confirmation of the lamentable state of detention facilities in Greece.
劉千石議員辭職,當然會令民主黨在局內失去寶貴的㆒席,我們對 此深惋惜。
Because of the resignation of Mr LAU Chin-shek, the DP will of course lose one valuable seat in this Council and we
[...] are deeply sorry about this.
我對她的離 任 感 到 十惋 惜 。
I feel very sorry for her departure.
It is indeed pitiful that government officials know so little about this.
(d) 确认在船旗国活动的相关管制方面也没有取得重大进展 惋 惜 至今未能 开展措施商定一项具有法律约束力的《协定》,以便能够有效执行《海洋法公约》 [...]
和《协定》对船旗国规定的义务,同时仿照粮农组织关于港口国措施的具有法律 约束力的《协定》案例达成的范本。
(d) Note that progress in the related regulations pertaining to
the activities of flag States was also
[...] insignificant and regret that to this [...]
day, it has not been possible to launch the
negotiation of a binding Agreement that would allow for the effective implementation of flag State obligations arising from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the Agreement, replicating the model forming the basis for the FAO Binding Agreement on Port State Measures.
惋 惜 行 政長官董先生的求 去 ,惋 惜 的是吹 彈 欲 破 的 “ 一國兩 制 ”實在太 脆 弱 , 經 不 起 考 驗 。
It does grieve me that the vulnerable "one country, two systems" is so fragile that it is unable to stand the test.
惋惜地 告诉 安理会,敌对双方之间的战火仍在持续,达尔富尔部 分地区的安全局势仍处于紧张与动荡之中。
It saddens me to inform the Council that the fighting between the two belligerent parties is still continuing and that the security situation in parts of Darfur remains tense and volatile.
雖然僱傭(修訂)條例草案的進展似乎令㆟懷疑這個制度是否有效,但最終的結 果大家都能接受,當然劉千石先生辭職則屬例外,而且實在令 惋 惜 , 但這次衝突最 終獲得解決,足以證明現時的制度實在仍然有效。
Although the progress on the Employment (Amendment) Bill seemed to cast doubt on the effectiveness of the system, the final result was acceptable to all, the exception of course being the unfortunate resignation of Mr LAU Chin-shek.
劉健儀議員:主席女士,對於天水圍上月發生的一宗家庭倫常慘劇,令金氏 三母女慘死,相信我們在感到震驚、憤怒 惋 惜 之餘,均有一個同樣的目標, 就是認為家庭暴力事件一宗也嫌太多,必須及時加以制止。
MS MIRIAM LAU (in Cantonese): Madam President, I believe that besides feeling stunned, irate and sorry for the horrible death of Ms KAM and her two daughters in the family tragedy that occurred in Tin Shui Wai last month, all of us do also share one common belief, the belief that one single family tragedy is too many, and, we must take preventive measures before it is too late.
惋惜, 说他单边修改了对“性别”这个普遍认可 术语的定义,将自己的定义基于一些国际人权法领域 不存在的原则,把一些概念模糊的词语当成自己报告 的核心内容。
It had lamented the fact that the Special Rapporteur had exceeded his mandate, unilaterally attempted to change the definition of a universally accepted term, based his definition on premises that did not exist in international human rights law and made undefined terms the main focus of his work.
与会惋惜地表示,缺少过渡联邦政府对民众的充分问责制、社区一级的社会服务和民 族和解进程中与长老和部族领袖的协商机制。
The participants lamented the lack of: adequate Transitional Federal Government accountability to the population, social services at the community level and a consultation mechanism with the elders and clan leaders in the national reconciliation process.




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