

单词 冻土层

See also:


freeze v


frostbite n


layer of soil
ground level

External sources (not reviewed)

为什么 要在挪威的永冻土层建设 基因库以维护 世界农业的整体多样性?
Why is a gene bank being built in
[...] the Norwegian permafrost in order to safeguard [...]
the whole of the world’s agricultural diversity?
瑞士约4-6 % 的地表是冻土层,由 大量松散的冰冻土石组成。
Some 4-6 % of Switzerland's
[...] surface is permafrost, a mass of loose [...]
earth and stones held together by ice.
如果北极层真的继续融化以及如果冻土继续解冻,目前长期 储存在这些土壤中的碳都将被释放出来。
If indeed Arctic
[...] melt continues to occur and if permafrost continues to melt in the tundra, [...]
old carbon will be released
that is currently stored in those soils.
助手发现,他们都有一个共同的债券,他们的友谊产生了很大的火,打消了Windegos, 冻土 地 及 其领导人。
The assistants found that they shared a
common bond, and their friendship created a great fire that dispelled the
[...] Windegos and thawed out the land and their leaders.
例如这种做法造成产量下降、水源耗尽( 过渡使用和浪费),层土壤流 失,包括蜜蜂在内的传播花粉的昆虫的消失,以及使用不可持久的农用 [...]
This is illustrated by falling grain
yields, depletion of water (overuse and waste),
[...] erosion of top soils, the disappearance [...]
of pollinating insects including bees
and the use of unsustainable agrochemical inputs.
加拿大的包括圣卢西亚制冷和空调行业的消耗臭氧层物质的最终淘汰管理计划和乌拉 圭附件 A
[...] 第一类物质最终淘汰管理计划,意大利的是刚果民主共和国最终淘汰溶剂行业的 消耗臭层物质 总体项目,摩洛哥淘汰用 土 壤 熏 蒸剂的甲基溴,在塞尔维亚最终淘汰四 氯化碳项目;西班牙的是阿拉伯利比亚民众国淘汰园艺中的甲基溴。
For Canada, those covered the terminal phase-out management plan for ODS in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector in Saint Lucia and the terminal phase-out management plan for Annex A Group I substances in Uruguay; for Italy, the umbrella project
for terminal phase-out of ODS in the solvent sector in the Democratic Republic of
[...] Congo, the phase-out of methyl bromide as a soil fumigant in Morocco, and the terminal [...]
CTC phase-out project in Serbia; and for Spain, the phase-out of methyl bromide in horticulture in Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.
[...] 指出,有证据显示,本世纪末释放的碳当量可能等于 270 年的今日碳排放量——这是温度上升导致的冻 土解冻产生的次级效应。
According to one report, there is evidence that an amount of carbon equivalent to 270 years of emissions at today’s level could be
released by the end the century — a secondary effect of the increase in temperatures
[...] leading to the melting of the permafrost.
执行委员会非常赞赏伊朗伊斯兰共和国为减少消耗臭层物质 所做出的努力,并且希望它在今后两年内继续取得进展,维持和利用其现有氟氯化 碳削减成果,以期按照《蒙特利尔议定书》的削减时间表实现完全淘汰的目标,并按照它 与执行委员会签订的《协议》完成其淘汰目标,包括为按时完成氟氯烃加 冻 结 和 淘汰目 标而编制氟氯烃淘汰管理计划。
The Executive Committee greatly appreciates the effort of
Islamic Republic of Iran to reduce ODS consumption and expresses the expectation that in the next two years, the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue
[...] the progress achieved, sustain and build upon its current level of CFC reductions to achieve complete CFC phase-out in order to comply with the Protocol’s reduction schedules and achieve its phase-out targets as stipulated in its Agreement with the Executive Committee, including efforts to prepare HPMP to address the HCFC accelerated freeze and phase-out schedule.
Rose Cory及其同事分析了34个北极地点,其中一些地区目前正在经历着显著的 冻土 融 化
Rose Cory and colleagues analyzed 34 Arctic sites, some of which currently experience
[...] dramatic permafrost soil thawing.
[...] 已确定的用水热点区,以便更好地反应和覆盖亚太区域特别易受极端 气候事件影响的所有地区,包括 冻土 融 化 对国家经济和对全球气候 变化产生的影响。
One delegation requested that the secretariat review the water hotspots that had been identified, in order to better reflect and cover all the areas of Asia and the Pacific that were particularly vulnerable to different extreme
weather events, including the impact of the
[...] melting of the permafrost on the national [...]
economy and on climate change globally.
(b) 潜在影响:中心将为促进地区科技合作提供新的动力,特别是在监测冰雪 冻土 状态 及评估气候变化对水资源影响方面。
(b) Potential impact: The centre will create new momentum in fostering regional scientific
collaboration, particularly in monitoring
[...] glaciers, snow and permafrost conditions and [...]
evaluating the implications of climate change on water resources
因此,目前十分有必要对中亚地区的上游水源进行全方面的评估 和监测,特别需要监测冰雪冻土的 溶化给水文系统带来的变化和影响。
It is therefore crucial to assess and monitor all aspects of the water resources in the headwaters of the rivers of Central Asia and, in particular, to monitor the changes in and consequent impacts on river regimes of the melting of snow, glacier ice and permafrost.
松散的scree,扰乱高山草甸,潮湿的陡崖,永 冻土 砾 石 和沙岩,陡的岩石坡; 3200-5200米甘肃,西藏,青海。
Loose scree, disturbed alpine meadows, moist
[...] gravelly slopes, permafrost gravel and sandstone, [...]
steep rocky slopes; 3200-5200 m. Gansu, Qinghai, Xizang.
Aspose.Cells能让用户完全控制其页面设置,且能允许用户对一系列的显示选项进行操作,如:预览分页符,缩放电子表格 层 级 ,使 用 冻 结 窗 口控制数据的可见性,设置页面方向,缩放比例,纸张大小,页眉/页脚和打印区域等。
Cells gives you complete control over page setup and allows you to manipulate a wide range of display options such as; preview page breaks and the
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[...] data visibility using Freeze Panes, set page orientation [...]
options, scaling, paper size,
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[...] 2749(XXV)号决议,其中大会宣布各国管辖之外海洋底 床与层土壤, 以及该区域之资源,为全人类共同继承之财产,询问是否需要制 [...]
定一套类似于对该区域发现的矿物质进行规范的具体规章,以规范在该区域捕获 的用作生物燃料、氢生产或其他形式的海洋可再生能源的生物群系。
Recalling General Assembly resolution 2749 (XXV), in which the
Assembly had declared that the
[...] seabed and ocean floor, and the subsoil thereof, beyond [...]
the limits of national jurisdiction,
as well as the resources of the area, were the common heritage of mankind, an enquiry was made whether a specific set of regulations akin to that in place for minerals found in the Area might be required for biota harvested in the Area for use as biofuels, hydrogen production or other forms of marine renewable energies.
移除层土,并将其 堆放以用于更换和之后的再利用。
The topsoil is removed and stockpiled [...]
for replacement and future reclamation.
在硬化混凝土中, ETONIS® 260能够大大提高混土层的抗 折和抗拉强度, 以及对冰霜和融雪剂的抵御能力, 大量减少混凝土中裂缝的产生, 使整个混土层更为耐抗和耐用。
In hardened concrete, ETONIS® 260 significantly increases the flexural and tensile strength of the concrete surfacing and augments its resistance to frost and road salts.
同样,以色列占领当局切割和转运与阿克萨清真寺毗邻的伊斯兰宗教基金的 重要考土层,包 括从被占领的东耶路撒冷“尊贵禁地”大院搬走一块具有极大 [...]
Likewise, Israeli occupation authorities
removed and transferred
[...] important archaeological layers of Islamic Waqf land adjacent to Al-Aqsa [...]
Mosque, including the removal
of a large stone of great archaeological importance at Haram Al-Sharif compound in occupied East Jerusalem, which was moved in front of the Israeli Knesset in West Jerusalem.
必须 通过这个方法决定目前及未来应优先解决的问题 (即在部门及土层面), 以及采取哪些适应措施解 决这些问题。
They are normally based on knowledge about the physical impacts of climate change, and seek to understand the social and economic dynamics of these impacts and the possible solutions.
多孔混土层的另 一大好处, 是透水混凝土中的空腔还具有消音功用, 能够帮助降低噪声。
The open-pored surface has another positive effect: the drainage concrete’s cavities absorb sound and thus contribute to noise pollution prevention.
斯瓦尔巴特全球种子库位于一条 120 米 长砂岩地道尽头的永冻土带中,其安 全性已得到普遍认可。
The internationally supported gene bank – the Svalbard Global Seed Vault – is
considered secure, being situated at the end of a 120-meter-long tunnel in sandstone
[...] rock and under permafrost conditions.
经验似乎表明,首个履约目标(通常 冻 结 消 耗臭 层物 质的消费和生产)较后续履约目标带来的挑战更大。
Experience seems to indicate that the first compliance target,
[...] which is usually the freeze on consumption and production [...]
of ODS, presents a bigger
challenge to countries than the subsequent compliance targets.
[...] 大部分地区显现,干旱、荒漠化、水资源减少、土地 退化、自然灾害更加频繁,以冻土 、 冰 川和积雪融 化等问题更加严重。
It has become increasingly evident that extensive effects of climate change have already appeared in most parts of the subregion, which has become more exposed to drought; desertification; reduced water
resources; land degradation; increased occurrence of natural disasters
[...] and melting of permafrost, glaciers and [...]
snow cover.
科研人员从西伯利亚冻土中分 离出了能够在低温、低压和低氧环境下生长的微生物,这种环境妨碍了大多数陆地微生物的生长。
Researchers have isolated bacteria
[...] from Siberian permafrost that are capable [...]
of growing in low-pressure, -temperature, and
-oxygen conditions, which hinder the growth of most terrestrial microorganisms.
该中试平台拥有2500平方米的中试场地,划分为细菌发酵区、细胞培养区、纯化区、粉针制剂线、分析实验室等实验区域,配备有50L细胞罐、500L带传感器细胞罐、5L/30L发酵罐、100L细胞反应器、连续流离心机 层 析 系统 AKTA pilot冻干机 、50L酵母表达系统、百克级纯化设备等先进设备,可提供细菌发酵,细胞培养,原核细胞、真核细胞表达的生物药物的生产工艺放大的研究、优化和验证,临床前研究、临床研究的药物的中试生产,通过新药审批申报,获得GMP证书后的药物生产基地,以及多种蛋白类辅料的商业化生产等服务。
It is provided with 2500m2 pilot test site, divided into the bacterial fermentation zone, cell culture zone, purification zone, powder injection preparation line, analytical laboratory, etc.; equipped with the 50L cell vessel, 500L cell vessel with sensor, 5L/30L fermentation tank, 100L cell reactor,
continuous flow centrifuge,
[...] chromatography system, AKTA pilot freeze-dryer, 50L enzyme expression [...]
system, 100g class purification
equipment and other advanced equipment; available to provide the bacterial fermentation, cell culture; research, optimization and verification of production process scale-up of prokaryocyte or eukaryote expressed biomedicine; pilot test scale production of drugs in pre-clinical and clinical studies; production base for drugs passing new drug review and obtaining GMP certificate; customized production of various protein auxiliary materials and other services.
虽然“污染者必须赔偿”的原则已经在许多国家的环境立法中被赋予法律的 效力,但来自大层、土壤和 水的各种环境服务仍然主要被人视为全球共有的一 [...]
部分“免费物品”,既没有定价,对环境和社会造成损害的代价也还没有纳入生 产成本和价格之中。
Although the Polluter Pays Principle has been given legal force in environmental legislation
in many countries, environmental
[...] services from the atmosphere, soil and water [...]
are still mainly regarded as part of the global
commons of “free goods” that are not priced and the costs of damage to the environment and society are still not integrated into production costs and prices.
单个半圆凿钻装置适用于层土研究,可扩展的半圆凿钻(Bi-partite)装置适用于深达 5 米的 土壤研究,土壤结构和土壤组成最终确定可采样深度和设备的具体配置。
Heavy-duty gouge augers have been
[...] developed for hard soils such as loam and stony soils. they are [...]
driven into the soils using a
hammer. the single type sets are suitable for topsoil research. the bi-partite auger sets are used in soil research to a depth of 5 m, depending on soil structure and soil composition.
不仅仅是蓬特蕾西纳(Pontresina)的居民为 冻层 的 融 化而担忧,对缆车及上山吊椅的经营者而言 冻层 的 融 化也同样是一个威胁:因为这些设施通常不是固定在坚固的岩石上,而是固定在所谓的 冻层 上。
[...] is the first village in the Alps to tackle the problem, but communities throughout the area are under similar threat, and so are the cable cars and chair lifts whose supports are anchored in permafrost rather than in solid rock.
土著人民特别容易受到同气候变化有关的自然灾害的影响,其中包括诸 如:冻土融化 、其传统生活方式所必需的植物和动物的变化或者沙漠化等缓慢 [...]
Indigenous peoples are particularly affected by natural disasters linked to climate
change, including slow onset
[...] disasters such as thawing of permafrost, changes in the [...]
flora and fauna essential for the
traditional lifestyle of the peoples concerned, or desertification.




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