

单词 冷酷的

See also:


cold adj

(of sb. or sth) cool (loanword)
strong (e.g. of wine)

冷的 adj

cold adj

External sources (not reviewed)

加 里 波 的 的 勇 敢 ﹑ 加 富冷 酷 的 政 策 (戰 爭 ﹑ 起 義 ﹑ 以 民 意 為 基 礎 的 武 力 )。
The audacity of Garibaldi, the cold policy of Cavour, by war and insurrection, by armed violence endorsed by popular vote.
对KRG来说,这项交易能够在不必沦为日 冷酷的 伊 拉克政府的人质的情况下保证地区未来经济财富。
For the KRG, the deal would secure the region’s future economic wealth without holding it hostage to an increasingly unsympathetic Iraqi government.
該劇是令人興奮的...然而,這個CEO的豪華品牌製造產品與高情感價值來自金 冷酷的 世 界
The play is exciting ... And yet, this CEO of a luxury brand manufacturing products with high emotional
[...] value comes from the cold world of finance.
不过,今天,这冷酷的殖民 主义态度对它没有 利益的地方漠不关心,在 索马里几百万儿童仅仅由于 [...]
Today, however, this cold colonial
[...] attitude stands aloof from places where [...]
it has no interest, and is watches idly as millions
of children die for want of a morsel of bread in Somalia.
吸毒為了「好奇」、尋求刺激或藉藥物逃 避高冷酷的社會現實。
They take narcotic drugs out of curiosity and they do so because they want to have excitement and to escape from the strong pressure of grim reality by means of drugs.
去 年 10 月,教 育署( “ 教 署 ” ) 突 然 向 109 所 屬 於 第 四期改善工程的學 校 ,發出一道 簡短冷酷的 傳 真 , 說因成 本效益而 終 止 這些學 校 的 改善工程,等 待 顧問的 檢討結果。
Last October, the Education Department faxed a short and cold note to 109 of the schools of phase 4 of the SIP, saying that their improvement works were to be suspended due to cost-effectiveness reasons, pending the findings of a consultancy review.
我们还要面对媒体对这一案件几乎无一例外地表现 冷酷 无 情 的 沉 默 ,因为媒体 对这一冤情只字不提。
We are also up against the stony silence about this case in the media, which, with very few exceptions, have made no reference whatsoever to this injustice.
过去 19 天里,巴勒斯坦平民成冷酷无情的以 色列战争机器蓄意打击的对象,并遭到残忍的大规模 屠杀。
Over the past 19 days, Palestinian civilians have been deliberately targeted and brutally mass-murdered [...]
by the ruthless Israeli
war machine, which is callously shattering lives and livelihoods in the Gaza Strip.
我们最近看到海盗活动的狰狞面目 冷酷 无 情的 海盗杀害了四名无辜美国人。
We recently saw the human face of piracy when four innocent Americans were killed by ruthless pirates.
在全世界的记忆中,我们从未亲眼看到 过这冷酷无情的暴行
In the world’s memory, there has never been such callousness displayed before our very eyes.
因此迫切要强调的 是,必须铲除继续制造和培冷酷无 情 的 杀 手 和无休 止破坏阿富汗分子的庇护所。
It is therefore imperative to stress the necessity of eliminating the sanctuaries that continue to produce and prepare the ruthless killers and agents of the unending destruction of Afghanistan.
不過,在繁榮的背後,大家可以愈來愈清晰㆞看到㆒冷酷無情的社會 現象 ― 「貧者愈貧、富者愈富」。
However, lurking behind this
[...] facade of prosperity, a cruel social phenomenon [...]
is gradually unveiling itself - "The rich become richer, and the poor poorer.
索马里公民遭冷酷无情的军阀的勒索、其沿海和毗连海路海盗行为层出不 穷;海洋资源遭到外部势力肆无忌惮的掠夺;这些虚弱和四分五裂的实体被邻国 [...]
利用以达成不公正和非法的协定,或利用这些脆弱的小国作为其国内经济的附属 体,这些就是纷乱的索马里局势产生的一些令人不安的现实。
The extortion of its citizens by ruthless and callous warlords; [...]
the mushrooming and proliferation of piracy along its coasts
and adjacent sea lanes; the unconscionable plundering of its maritime resources by extraneous forces; the instrumentalization of the weak and fragmented entities by neighbouring countries both to extract unfair and illicit agreements or to use these fragile mini-States as an appendage of their domestic economies are some of the disturbing realities that this simmering Somali situation has given rise to.
主席,我首先要說的,是政府對基層市 的冷酷 , 其 中最表表者, 是完全不顧及所謂“N無人士”的處境。
President, to begin with,
[...] the Government's cruelty towards the grassroots [...]
is well evident in its complete disregard of the plight of the "N-nothings".
我们想要取 消其合法性的仅仅是以色列的定居活动、占领和种族 隔离以冷酷无情的暴力逻辑,我们相信,世界上所 有的国家在这方面都站在我们这一边。
We aim to delegitimize only the settlement activities, the occupation and apartheid and the logic of ruthless force, and we believe that all the countries of the world stand with us in this regard.
这种状况预示着可怕的后果,因为占领国以色列 仰仗这个国际组织中一些有影响力的国家的盲目支 持和直接保护,公然藐视冷酷漠视 国际社 的 意愿 及其决心,继续针对阿拉伯被占领土上的阿拉伯人口 实行国家恐怖主义,继续奉行侵略和种族主义政策, 并且系统化地侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法。
The situation warns of dire consequences in view of the continued State terrorism practised by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Arab population in the occupied Arab territories, its continued policies of aggression and racism and its systematic violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in blatant defiance of, and cynical disregard for, the will of the international community and its resolutions, with the blind support and direct protection of some influential States in this international Organization.
我們必須面對商業的冷酷事實  ― 若投資者發覺條件不合理或投資環境對其 不利,便不會投資。
We have to face the hard commercial facts -- investors will not invest if the terms are not reasonable, or if the investment climate is perceived to be antagonistic.
但是,現時所見的事實卻是相反的,現時的執行聯盟是各散東西,所謂 “樹倒猢猻散",這正充分反映出香港的政治現實,特別反映出這些所謂執 政聯盟分子的機會主義者,他們對這些政治關係、政治立場、政治決定的毫 無情義冷酷無情的一面
This precisely and fully reflects the political reality in Hong Kong, in particular, the total lack of bonds and the cold-heartedness of the opportunists in the socalled ruling coalition when it comes to matters of political relations, political stances and political decisions.
我並非 這冷酷,認為政府不須採取適的 行 動 ,但我們作為立法會議員,要 全面性瞭解環境,從而能敦促政府做出適應社會發展的工作。
I am not being cold-blooded as to think that appropriate government action [...]
is not necessary, but as Legislative Council
Members, we must have an overall view of the situation before urging the Government to take actions to facilitate social development.
主席女士,日 前行政會議成員錢 果 豐 先生發冷酷無 情 的言論,竟將失 業 率 高 企 歸 究 香港勞 工 “ 眼角高 ” 和 “ 不 肯屈就 ”。
Madam President, a couple of days ago, Executive Council Member Dr CH'IEN Kuo-fung made a heartless remark, saying that the high unemployment rate was attributable to the "pickiness" and "inflexibility" of Hong Kong workers.
我今天不得不给你们写信,提请你们注意占领国以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土 对以色列平民不断过分地使用致命武力这一应受谴责的行为,包括以色列占领军 对无辜平冷酷无情地蓄意滥用武 的 行 为
I am compelled to write to you today to draw your attention to the continuing condemnable use of excessive and lethal force by Israel, the occupying Power, against Palestinian civilians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
大规模犯罪一般需要鼓 动大量的人,无论是士兵或平民、警察或打工者,使其怀 冷酷 和 某 种程 的残 忍 无情的心态,去打击自己的邻居甚至家人。
Mass crimes generally require the mobilization of large numbers of people — whether soldiers or civilians, police or wage earners — to turn on their neighbours and even their families with cold and calculated cruelty and callousness.
值此以色列占领四十三周年之际,在以色列对载有运往被困加沙地带的人道 主义援助物资的加沙自由船队进行非法和 酷的 侵 略 几天后,我写信提请你注意 以色列继续在包括东耶路冷在内 的被占领的巴勒斯坦领土全境推行非法政策 和作法。
On the forty-third anniversary of the Israeli occupation, and a few days after the illegal and brutal Israeli aggression against the Gaza Freedom Flotilla carrying humanitarian aid to the besieged Gaza Strip, I
write to draw your attention to the
[...] continued illegal Israeli policies and practices throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.
天文台是很關心這個題目,並主動進行我剛才所說的研究,即研究在炎 熱天氣下的濕度、風力等,然後看看死亡率,進行學術研究,看看這些在統
[...] 每天公布熱壓力指數,因為天文台覺得,對市民來說,最容易明白的便是現的酷熱和寒冷天氣 警告,只要溫度在攝氏 33 度以上,天文台便會發出酷 [...]
The HKO is very much concerned about this issue and took the initiative to conduct the research I mentioned just now, that is, to study the humidity, wind speed, and so on, in hot weather and then look at the corresponding mortality rate, and conduct an academic study to see if any statistical correlation can be
established between them and then
[...] continue to…… At present, the HKO has yet to decide whether [...]
it will announce the HSI on a
daily basis because it holds that the public find the cold and very hot weather warnings now most easy to understand.
主席,對於有關市的 辯 論的 同 事 已 經 作 了 一 點回應 , 我只想簡 單 地 說 , “ 市 場 無情,人要有情” , 社 會 不 能變得 麻 木 不 仁,不 能變冷 酷 無 情 , 社 會 不 是森林。
Madam President, with
[...] regard to the debate on market operation, my colleagues have made certain responses, I can only put it in a straightforward way: "the market is merciless, man should be compassionate", society should not become indifferent, cruel and apathetic, as it is [...]
not a jungle at all.
不過,很可惜,市場運作是會失的 , 而 且市場可以 冷酷 無 情, 沒有是非之心,亦沒有惻隱之心,甚至可以說市場是弱肉強食,利欲熏 [...]
心的代名詞,與我們作為一個人,一個有血、有肉、有感情、有良知的 人所作出的決定有不同。
Regrettably, there are times that
market operation fails to function
[...] and the market can be cruel and apathetic, with no sense of right [...]
and wrong, and no feelings of compassion.
主席,歷史告訴我們,自由市場只 冷酷 無 情 地,大量淘汰那些缺 乏競爭力和議價能的基層人士,令他們長期缺乏發展和往上流動的機 會,自由市場有很多事不做,有很多事不願意做,也有很多事做不到, 這正正須由特區政府推行。
President, history
[...] tells us that a free market will only eliminate callously those grassroots who lack competiveness and [...]
bargaining power, depriving
them of the opportunities of development and upward social mobility persistently.
迄今 12 天来,让国际社会 震惊和恐的是,由于以色冷酷无 情 、过度和不分 青红皂白地使用武力,加沙出现了难以想象的人间悲 剧和严重的人道主义危机。
For 12 days now, the international community has witnessed in shock and horror the unimaginable human tragedy and grave humanitarian crisis that have unfolded in Gaza as a result of the callous, excessive and indiscriminate use of force by Israel.
(三 ) 針對有一些機構動員長者進行街頭籌款活動,而有市民因 擔心拒絕捐款會顯得相冷酷而覺 得有壓力,當局會否檢 討籌款活的有關規定?
(c) given that some organizations have mobilized elderly people to conduct on-street fund-raising activities and some members of the public feel pressurized as they worry that they may appear to be very unsympathetic if they refuse to donate money, whether the authorities will review the relevant requirements on fund-raising activities?




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