

单词 冷藏库

See also:

冷藏 adj

frozen adj

冷藏 v

refrigerate v

冷藏 n

reefer n

External sources (not reviewed)

冷藏库也已经关闭了,但计划在不久的将来让它们重 新开张。
The cold storage warehouses have been shut down as well, but there [...]
is a plan to re-open them again in the near future.
该公司 于 1999 年成立,为建筑业冷藏库制造 预制板。
The company was established in 1999 and is engaged in the manufacture of prefabricated panels for construction and cold stores.
由 Map Office
[...] 那个由蠔壳砌成、满布雾气的小岛,走入张韵雯的巨 冷藏库 , 以 至置身於杜子卿的影像世界,参观者可以从不同的角度去认识香港。
From Map Office's mist-filled oyster shell covered island to Amy
[...] Cheung's giant freezer and Hiram To's [...]
installation, audiences were able to experience
an unique artistic journey and to see Hong Kong from a new perspective.
2006 年,卡塔尔制冷维修行业的氟氯化碳消耗量共计 28.5 ODP 吨(4 ODP
[...] 吨用于 冷却器,1 ODP 吨用冷藏库,16.0 ODP 吨用于汽车空调和 7.5 [...]
ODP 吨用于家用和轻型商 业制冷系统)。
Qatar’s consumption of CFCs in the refrigeration servicing sector amounts
to a total of 28.5 ODP tonnes in 2006 (4
[...] ODP tonnes for chillers, 1 ODP tonne for [...]
cold stores, 16.0 ODP tonnes for MAC servicing
and 7.5 ODP tonnes in domestic and light commercial refrigeration 4 system.
在厄瓜多尔,硬质聚氨酯泡沫主 要用于制冷行业(比如,家用电冰箱 冷藏库 和 仓 库等)和建筑行业(比如,屋顶隔热、 [...]
The main rigid PU foam applications
in Ecuador are for
[...] insulation in the refrigeration sector (domestic [...]
refrigerators, cold stores and warehouses) and the construction sector (insulation
of ceilings, floors, acoustic walls, structural panels and pipeline insulation).
打击非法贩卖文物的活动包括成功开发文化遗产法数据库,其 中 80%的会员国立法在线可查、成功开展培训和宣传活动并建立博物馆 藏库。
The fight against illicit trafficking included the successful development of the Cultural Heritage Laws Database with 80% of all Member
States’ legislation online, training and outreach activities, and
[...] the development of inventories of museum collections.
主要泡沫塑料产品和应用包括家用冰箱和商 冷库 、 冷藏 车 和 冷库 以 及热水器的泡 沫塑料隔热材料;夹层板;施工用连续板材以及建筑用途的硬质泡沫塑料。
The main foam products and applications include foam
insulation for domestic and
[...] commercial refrigerators, refrigerated trucks and containers, [...]
and water heaters; sandwich panels
and blocks; continuous panels for construction and rigid foam for structural applications.
另外,还有 20 多家企业生产了 8,000 套工业制冷系统(例如冷藏室和仓 库 、冷 冻室 、气调贮藏、熟食储藏、加工制冷),其中有 5 家企业为大型企业,另外 15 家为中 小型企业,氟氯烃消费总量为 160 公吨。
Additionally, 8,000
[...] industrial refrigeration systems (e.g., cold storages and warehouses, freezing rooms, controlled atmosphere storages, ripening chambers, process refrigeration) were manufactured [...]
by over 20
enterprises, five of which are large-sized and others are SMEs, with a total consumption of 160 mt of HCFCs.
自1996年在天津保稅区內設立我司自有的公共保稅仓库开展物流业务后,为国內外的客戶提供了进出口代理、JIT配送、VMI服务、保稅仓儲 冷库 仓 儲 与 冷藏 运 输 、海関监管车转関运输等各項专业的服务;我们是天津保稅区內首家建成运營的保稅冷库,为多家国际知名的半导体厂家与食品厂家提供低溫仓儲与配送的服务,也为多家日本知名企业提供其产品銷售所需建立保稅库存的最佳场所。
Our logistic business has developed since 1996 after the establishment of our own Bonded Warehouse in Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone (FTZ). Our professional services cover areas including distribution of export/import, JIT
delivery, tax free storage, VMI
[...] service, refrigerating storage, refrigerating transport, [...]
and transferring from port to
port under custom controlled trucks etc. We are the first company which has refrigerating storage in the FTZ, and providing low temperature storage and delivery for many world class manufacturers in semi-conducting and food industries.
活家禽零售商如欲轉營售賣冰鮮 冷藏 家 禽 業務,可視 乎情況向食環署申請修訂其街市租約/新鮮糧食店牌照。
Those who wish to
[...] switch to chilled/frozen poultry business [...]
may approach the FEHD for amendment to their market tenancies/FPS licences as appropriate.
禁令涵蓋的食品如下: a) 所有水果和蔬菜; b) 所有奶類、奶類飲品及奶粉;以及 c) 所有冷凍冷藏野味 、肉類和家禽、禽蛋,以及活生、冷凍 冷藏 水 產 品,除 非附有日本主管當局所簽發的證明書證明有關食物的輻射水平並沒有超出食 [...]
Food items covered in the prohibition order included the a) all fruits and vegetables; b) all milk, milk
beverages and dried milk;
[...] and c) all chilled or frozen game, meat and poultry, poultry eggs, and live, chilled or frozen aquatic products [...]
unless accompanied
by a certificate issued by the competent authority of Japan certifying that the radiation levels do not exceed the standards laid down by the Codex.
这些活动 包括,进一步培训和认证制冷维修技术员,特别是在加纳北部、为海关官员提供更多的培 训和提高认识活动、将小容量的商业制冷系统 冷库 改 装为(主要使用碳氢化合物和氟氯 化碳的汽车空调装置改装为使用 HFC-134a)制冷剂;继续开展提高公众认识和新闻传播活 动;以及管理和监督活动。
These include the additional training and certification of refrigeration service technicians, particularly in the northern part of the country, additional training and awareness-raising of customs officers, retrofitting of small-capacity commercial refrigeration systems and cold rooms to alternative refrigerants (mainly hydrocarbon-based and CFC-MAC units to HFC-134a); continued public awareness and information dissemination activities; and management and monitoring activities.
经过一些讨论后,主席向食典委提出一个建议,即在国际贸易中取消对一些产品 使用乳过氧化物酶体系,但应确认其以前的决定,即最适宜的保存方法就 冷藏 , 在不 可能进冷藏的地方可考虑把乳过氧化物酶体系作为一种替代方法。
After some discussion, the Chairperson put forward a proposal to the Commission to lift the restriction on the use of the LPS in products in international trade, but to reconfirm its previous decision that the most
appropriate method for
[...] preservation was refrigeration and that the LPS be considered as an alternative only where refrigeration was not possible.
由于鱼易腐烂,远距冷藏运输 以及大型和更快速航运的开发促进了物种种类和 产品类型增多的贸易和消费,包括活鱼和新鲜鱼。
Owing to the perishability of fish, developments
[...] in longdistance refrigerated transport and [...]
large-scale and faster shipments have facilitated
the trade and consumption of an expanded variety of species and product forms, including live and fresh fish.
(f) 设施和基础设施(991 500 美元,即 0.8%),主要原因是:由于从一个清
理结束特派团(联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团(中乍特派团))调入 163 套预制设 施和 343
[...] 个海运集装箱,购置设施和居住设备的所需经费降低;减少购 冷藏设 备 ;由于采购工作出现拖延,减少购置配件和实地防卫用品;自我维持的补偿费 [...]
(f) Facilities and infrastructure ($991,500, or 0.8 per cent), attributable primarily to the reduced requirement for the acquisition of facilities and accommodation equipment, resulting from the transfer of 163 prefabricated facilities and 343 sea containers from a liquidating mission (the United Nations Mission in the Central African
Republic and Chad (MINURCAT)); reduced
[...] acquisitions of refrigeration equipment; reduced [...]
acquisitions of spares and field defence
supplies, owing to delays in the procurement process; and reduced requirements for reimbursement for self-sustainment.
[...] 新,许多国家,特别是不发达国家依然缺乏充足的基础设施和服务,包括卫生的 上岸中心、电力供应、饮用水、路、冰、制冰场 冷库 和 冷 冻 运 输。
However, notwithstanding the technical advances and innovations, many countries, especially less-developed economies, still lack adequate infrastructure and services including
hygienic landing centres, electric power supply, potable water, roads, ice, ice plants,
[...] cold rooms and refrigerated transport.
秘书处代表说,R-507 和 R-404A 是当前与冷 藏室安 装的现行系统兼容的唯一可获得的技术,但工发组织曾表示工发组织希望鼓励乌拉 圭探讨使用碳氢转为两个剩余企业的替代办法。
The representative of the Secretariat said that R-507 and R-404A were the only technologies currently available that were compatible with the current systems being installed for cold rooms, although UNIDO had indicated that it would encourage Uruguay to explore the possible use of hydrocarbons as an alternative for the two remaining enterprises.
在这些补充的植物素材中,有些会成为优质蛋白质,而更大的部分将加入深海的天然碳 藏库 里。
Of the additional plant material, some will become high quality protein, while the larger fraction is added to the natural stores of carbon in the deep ocean.
这些问题,除其他外,还包括市场驱动力(例如,要求适当结合技 术和商业技能才能全面进入的非常具体明确的市场窗口);消费者问题(例如,进口市 场要求取得影响生产惯例的特殊证书);基础设施和设备能力(例如充分的空运 冷藏 室设 施);特定材料或产品消费量极大,足以为之发展起市场并确保供应,等等。
These include, inter alia, market drivers (for example, very specific market windows that require the appropriate combination of technical and business skills to access fully); consumer issues (for example, importing markets requiring specific certifications impacting production practices); infrastructure and installed capacity (for example, sufficient airfreight, cold room facilities); and large enough consumption of a given material or product to develop a market for it and ensure availability, and others.
此外,正在考虑实施能效标识和制定能效标准的产品名单包括:空气压缩机、 空调、电机、燃气产品、家用电器(电视、录像机、视听和相关娱乐产品)和办
[...] 公室设备(计算机和相关设备、复印机、传真机等)、照明产品(灯和镇流器)、 一体式锅炉冷藏设备 (家用和商用)、炉灶、配电变压器、热水器等。
Additionally, the list of products in need of further consideration on the implementation of energy label and energy-efficiency standards include: air compressors, air-conditioners, electrical machines, gas products, electrical household appliances (TVs, VCRs, audio and visual products and related entertainment products) and office equipment (computers and related equipment, copy machines, fax
machines etc.), lighting products (lamps and ballasts), one-piece
[...] boilers, cold storage equipment (for [...]
domestic and commercial
use), stoves, substation transformers and water heaters etc.
其他代表团反对在国际贸易的乳中使用 LPS,强冷藏应是乳保鲜的最好方法。
Other delegations were against allowing the use of the
LPS for milk in international trade
[...] and stressed that refrigeration should be the preferred [...]
method for milk preservation.
鲜活冷藏水产品在世界水产品贸易中所占比例从1980年的7%上升至2010 年的10%,表明物流水平有所提高,且对未加工水产品的需求在不断增长。
[...] trade in live, fresh and chilled fish represented [...]
10 percent of world fish trade in 2010, up from 7 percent in
1980, reflecting improved logistics and increased demand for unprocessed fish.
这幅作品是 布朗大学图书馆 Anne S.K.Brown
[...] 军事藏品的一部分,这些藏品是美国专门收藏士兵和作战历史和形象作品的最重要收藏,也是世界上致力于军事研究和海军制服方面的最大型 藏库。
The work is from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at the Brown University Library, the foremost American collection devoted to the history and iconography of
soldiers and soldiering, and one of the
[...] world’s largest collections devoted to the study [...]
of military and naval uniforms.
对蒙巴萨警察总部的证据保存室和枪支安全藏库作了 修缮,还整修了若干辆警车,以便能够在内罗毕对证据进行法医检 验。
Exhibit holding rooms and secure stowage for firearms have been renovated in the police headquarters in Mombasa, and a number of police vehicles have been refurbished to enable forensic examination of evidence and exhibits in Nairobi.
展会上,艾默生环境优化技术特别针对食品零售业 冷库 、 热 泵热水机领域推出整合解决方案,通过将不同系列的压缩机产品与流体控制阀件、电子控制器等完美结合,为客户提供有效的增值服务。
Emerson Climate Technologies
[...] displayed an integrated refrigeration solution for the [...]
food retail, cold room, and water heating
sectors illustrating the enhanced customer value enabled by Emerson’s broad range of compressor, controls and electronics expertise.
(v) 逐步減少使用鹽和調味料,例如以新鮮 冷藏 、 或 較低鹽含量的罐 裝蔬菜代替醃菜、以新鮮肉代替醃製肉,或以天然的配料代替高鹽 [...]
(v) Reduce the use of salt and seasonings in a stepwise manner,
[...] such as using fresh, frozen or reduced-salt canned [...]
vegetables to replace pickles, using
fresh meat to replace marinated or preserved meats, or using natural ingredients to replace seasonings or sauce which are high in salt.
此外,以色列过境点开放时间非常 有限,基础设施不足,如缺冷藏设 施 和大型扫描仪,且商业过境点使用缓慢和 [...]
低效连续单个检查系统,而不是使用集装箱,使巴勒斯坦企业家无法进行有成本 效益的货运,无法进入交货时间要求严格的国际市场,限制了他们实现规模经济 的能力。
In addition, the very limited working hours at Israeli crossing points,
combined with inadequate infrastructure,
[...] such as the lack of cold storage facilities [...]
and large scanners, and the use of a
slow and inefficient back-toback system at commercial crossings instead of containers, make it impossible for Palestinian enterprises to make cost-effective shipments, thereby preventing them from entering international markets that require rigorous delivery times and limiting their ability to achieve economies of scale.
谷轮涡旋™飞迅压缩机主要用于商用市场,应用领域集中在超市、便利店和餐馆 冷 柜 、 冷库 、 展 示柜等细分市场,为这些领域的客户提供了高能效比的产品和解决方案。
Designed for the commercial refrigeration market, the Copeland Scroll™ Fusion compressor provides customers in the supermarket, convenience store and restaurant sectors with an energy-efficient product solution for their freezers, cold rooms and showcases.
食物安全及環境 生事務委員會一直密切留意政府當局在管
[...] 制本地和進口活生食用牲口/家禽、冰鮮 冷藏 肉 類 、包裝食物及其 他食品方面的食物安全標準和監察制度,以保障公眾健康。
The Panel on Food Safety and Environmental Hygiene has been closely monitoring the food safety standards and the surveillance systems for the control
of local and imported live food
[...] animals/poultry, chilled/frozen meat, packaged [...]
food and other food products, in order to safeguard public health.




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