

单词 冷漠对待

冷漠对待 verb ()

neglect v

See also:


lack of regard
cold and detached towards sb.

冷漠 adj

indifferent adj
aloof adj
apathetic adj



对待 v

deal v

External sources (not reviewed)

法庭又裁定,本组织办理申 诉人申诉时缺乏透明度;她受 冷漠对待 ; 始终被剥夺机会,不仅无法获得发给 [...]
保险公司的文件,甚至也无法获得相关恶意行为保险的文字材料;在处理其索赔 过程中还出现了毫无道理的拖延。
In addition, the Tribunal found that the Organization’s dealings
with the applicant lacked transparency; that
[...] she was callously treated; that she was not [...]
provided with counselling; that she
was consistently denied access, not only to all the documentation sent to the insurer, but even to the text of the relevant Malicious Acts Insurance Policy; and that there were unconscionable delays in the handling of her claim.
有数起受到广泛报导的案件,都是富有的年轻人和行人、自行车骑士或农民发生交通事故之后,对政府表现出嘲弄的态度,而药家鑫的案子也“引起社会大众对于富 冷漠对待 穷 人的态度大加挞伐”(BBC)。
There have been several widely publicized cases of affluent young people thumbing their noses at authority after traffic accidents with pedestrians, cyclists or
farmers, and the case in Xi'an also "sparked uproar over
[...] the perceived indifference of the rich to [...]
the less well-off" (BBC).
该反对意见违背了国际法和有关地图绘制的国际公认原 则,也没冷静客观地对待泰国历史。
The objections are not based on international law, accepted principles of
[...] map-making or a dispassionate reading of Thai history.
尽管一些难民确实通过这样的移 徙成功地改善了他们的命运,然而 待 那 些 移徙到城市的人们的情境往往是艰难冷漠的, 而出路的寻找往往扑朔迷茫。
While some refugees indeed succeed in
[...] improving their lot by such movement, the situation awaiting those who move to cities is, however, frequently [...]
harsh and unwelcoming,
and the search for solutions often elusive.
哈马斯极冷漠地利用 以色对人命 的珍惜和以色列政府和人民多年来所 表明的道德价值捞取好处。
Hamas is exploiting in a most cynical way Israel’s sensitivity [...]
for human life and the moral values demonstrated throughout
the years by the Government of Israel and its people.
工作人员协会对某些 部门负责人决意 冷漠 的 考 虑表示担忧,他们在招聘问题上宁 可面“向外”而不“朝内”,大量雇用短期合同(ALD)职员来负责正常计划的常规工作, [...]
ISAU is further concerned about the cold, resolute motives of some [...]
sectors’ officials who prefer to recruit from outside
rather than in-house, the exceedingly large number of staff hired under appointments of limited duration (ALD) arrangements to perform recurrent regular programme duties and the growing insecurity of the civil service at UNESCO which is the unavoidable outcome.
如果我对杀戮、虐待和镇压漠 视不顾,不采取行动的后果将使我们背上沉重负担。
The consequences of inaction would weigh heavily upon us if we were to turn a blind eye to killings, abuses and repression.
當時, 我一方面不明白我們的國家領導人為何會以一種如 冷漠 和 無 良的態度來待這羣 年青人的訴求和熱誠,以及如此殘酷地折磨他們,但另一方面,我 又覺得中國有這羣年青人,以他們如此熱忱於國家的未來,如此關懷國家的 現況,可見國家是有將來的。
At that time, on the one hand, I did not understand why the leaders
of our country would
[...] adopt such an indifferent and heartless attitude towards the aspirations and ardour of this group of young people and torment them so cruelly; on the other [...]
hand, I thought that
since China had such a group of young people with such enthusiasm for the future of the country and who were so concerned about the situation of the country, it could be seen that our country would have a future.
的法律需求的限制。在这个日新月异 的时代,IT决策者们需要保冷静,对待媒体炒作,同时又不妨碍创 新。
In these changing times, IT decision-makers need to keep their cool, be wary of the hype, but not stand in the way of innovation.
令他们害怕和关切的是,当暴力行为发生时, 缺乏应该做什么、去哪里的信息,而当人们 对 他 们 的苦难和创伤时,往往态冷漠、无 所作为,因此儿童们更感到深深的失望。
They express fear and concern at the lack of information on what to do and where to go when
violence takes place, and they feel deeply
[...] disappointed when their suffering and trauma are met with indifference and inaction.
这些报告证实了惊 人的事实,犹太复国主义政权对加 沙 的侵略 冷漠 和蓄意针对平民 目标,特别是住房及其居民、基本基 础设施、学校、医疗设施和包括妇女与儿童在内的无 辜平民,发动进攻。
Those reports attest to the appalling fact that, in the Zionist regime’s aggression against Gaza, civilian targets, particularly homes and their occupants, basic infrastructure, schools, medical facilities and innocent civilians, including women and children, have been callously and deliberately targeted.
我們今天的宗旨應該是將 心比心,緊記過去,“己所不欲,勿施於人”,還是要非華裔人士子女也 吃吃苦,抱着“今天也輪到你們了”的心態,任由他們受 漠 視 與 冷待?
Should we put ourselves in their shoes, be mindful of the past and decide not to treat others the way we ourselves do not want, or should we give a hard time to the children of non-Chinese people with the
mentality that it is now their turn to
[...] suffer and remain indifferent when they are neglected and treated without sympathy?
考虑到国际经济关系的贸易和相关方 对 荒漠 化和 土地退化的影响,我们将推动建立一个普遍、有 章可循、公开、非歧视性和平等的多边贸易制度,确 认以特殊和不同方对待发展 中国家的原则,注重向 发展中国家的产品提供优惠准入,并且避免实行贸易 保护主义和其他扭曲贸易的措施。
Considering the impact of trade and
[...] relevant aspects of international economic relations on desertification and land degradation, we shall promote a universal, rules-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system, recognizing [...]
the principle of
special and differential treatment for developing countries, focused on providing preferential access to products from developing countries and avoiding the implementation of trade protectionism and other trade-distorting measures.
面對舊友的冷言冷語及昔日下屬 冷漠 對 待 , 放 下身段並不 易為。
Cold shoulders of former friends and cool reception from former subordinates are not easy to live down.
生存能力:今天的教育制度,包括技术教育和职业培训,都不能向青年人提供获得和 加强必要的综合性生存能力的机会,尤其是解决例如艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其它流行病 等现代问题,以及对培训 结束后走向社会、融入劳动世界、政治与社 冷漠 的问 题。
Competencies for life: Currently, education systems do not provide young people opportunities to obtain and strengthen the complex set of competencies for life, including technical and vocational education. Many of these
competencies are essential for addressing modern problems such as HIV/AIDS and
[...] other pandemic diseases, exiting and entering the labour force and social and political indifference.
[...] 抗拒、誤解及恐懼,愛滋病㆟受到社會的歧視 冷漠 對 待 、 青 少年對生命的輕視、輕 率尋死等等,很多時都是由於市民只能從媒介㆗得到歪曲及片面的訊息,而反映出普 [...]
What have been shown in recent episodes include, for example, how the physically disabled, mentally handicapped and mentally ill are rejected, misunderstood and feared by the public; how the
HIV positive patients are
[...] discriminated against and apathetically treated by the community; [...]
and how youngsters care little
about their lives and how they indiscreetly resort to death as a convenient solution to their problems.
但是,我覺得 有 3
[...] 位議員上次有發言而今次沒有,他們是現在不在場的湯家驊議員、楊森 議員和李卓人議員,我希望 3 位沒冷漠對待這個問題。
They are Mr Ronny TONG, Dr YEUNG Sum and Mr LEE Cheuk-yan, all
of whom are not present at the moment. I hope it is not the case that these
[...] three Members are indifferent to this issue.
自 1991 年以来,阿尔及利亚不得不冷漠和 怀 疑的背景下 对 恐 怖 主义 现 象 。
Since 1991, Algeria has had to cope with the phenomenon of
[...] terrorism against a background of indifference and suspicion.
大部分的射手座不太记恨,然而 一旦你欺骗或背叛他,他只好选对 你 冷漠以 对。
They do not like change, they get used to walking the same road, taking the same bus, going to the same restaurant and eating the same food.
大会第六十三届会议注意到秘书长任命了一名新的使用多种语文问题协调 员;请秘书长确保平对待所有 语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所有正式语文同时分发文件;请新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member States, including through simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested the Department of Public Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
[...] 夠改變他那種油滑和冷漠的態度,因為局長予人的感覺是說話音調沒有 高低,沒甚麼感情,這是局長的風格,但局長如果從事教育工作而不付 出感情,只用一冷漠態度對待教育事業,這對於香港的前途和學子來 說是很悲哀的。
President, I hope the Secretary will change his
[...] slick and indifferent attitude, as the Secretary gives people the feeling he will only speak monotonously [...]
without much feelings.
教科文组织需要提倡一种全局性的观点 对待 遗 产 教育的各个方面,并将它与更广泛的 问题联系起来。
UNESCO needs to advocate a holistic approach to all aspects of heritage education and link it to wider issues.
本卷采用强烈的叙事方法,就像小说中的插图一样,它的艺术性质是需要被人的意图‘利用’的,它的力量是通过损毁自身而提炼出来的烈性,带有扭曲的心理特征,也 冷漠 的 ,如 同 对 旁 人 的背后评说。
Its power is an intensity that is distilled from self-destruction. There is a twisted psyche and a callousness to it, a sense of talking about someone behind their back.
2011 年,“阿拉伯之春”在世界各地再次唤起了对公民行动的信心并催化了 “占领华尔街”等公民运动,因为那些通常被贴上“普通公民”标签的人 对于 被困在充耳不闻的政府冷漠无情 的市场之间走投无路的情况终于失去了耐心。
In 2011, the Arab Spring had renewed faith in citizen action around the world and catalysed citizen movements such as Occupy Wall Street, as the people often labelled “ordinary citizens” finally lost patience with being trapped between States that did not listen and markets that did not care.
[...] 减缓措施,并加强全球一级的合作,以便除其他外 对 荒 漠 化 、 土地退化和砍 伐森林问题,呼吁国际社会根据《气候公约》所列标准,将发展中国家的需求 [...]
的、按比例增加的、可预测的、新的额外供资、技术开发和支助以及能力建 设。
The Ministers also reaffirmed that urgent actions were needed to support adaptation and voluntary mitigation measures undertaken by developing countries, and to strengthen
cooperation at the global level to address,
[...] inter alia, desertification, land degradation [...]
and deforestation, and called upon
the international community to prioritize the needs of the developing countries, taking into account the needs of those that are particularly vulnerable, in accordance with the criteria set in the UNFCCC, and to provide long-term, adequate, scaledup, predictable, new and additional finance, technology development and support as well as capacity-building.
他们要求教科文组织:(i) 通过强化其有关计划,特别是针对青年的计划,提高对危 及全球社会的这种危险的认识;(ii) 呼吁各国政府迅即实施旨在控制艾滋病毒传播的可持续 教育和增强意识计划;(iii) 强调以注重人权的方法对待艾滋 病这一流行病的重要性,同时 铭记性别歧视和性剥削会使妇女、女青少年和女童成为最大的受害者。
UNESCO was requested: (i) to raise awareness of the dangers threatening the global community through a strengthening of its programmes, particularly directed at youth; (ii) to urge governments to implement quickly sustainable educational and awareness programmes aimed at containing the spread of the HIV virus; and (iii) to stress the value of a human rights-based approach to the AIDS pandemic, bearing in mind factors of gender discrimination and exploitation which make women, female adolescents and the girl child the most vulnerable victims.
該 審裁處可 採 取的民事制 裁措施(草案第 249條 ),已 擴大至包 括 “交 回 利 潤命令 ”(要 求 違 規者向政府繳 付 相當於因 其作出的失 當行為所賺 取的 利 潤 或 避 免 損 失 的 款 項 )、冷淡對 待命令 ”(限 制有關人士進入市場)、 “取消資格 命 令 ”(取消有關人士出任任何 法團董 事或其 他高級 人員的資 格 )、“終止及 停止命 令 ”(命 令 有關人士不 可 參與任何 指 明形式的市場失 當行為)、“支 付 政府及證監 會 訟 費 令 ”(要 求 有關人士支 付 政府及證監 會 因調查其市場失 當行為而招 致 的費用),以 及 “紀 律 轉 介 令 ”(在該人是某 團體的成員的情況下,建議該團體針 對 他 展開紀 律行動)。
The range of civil sanctions (clause 249) available to MMT is expanded to include “disgorgement order” (to demand payment to the Government the amount of the profit gained or loss avoided as a result of the misconduct engaged by a person), “cold shoulder order” (to restrict a person’s access to the market), “disqualification order” (to disqualify a person from being a director or other officer of any corporation), “cease and desist order” (to order a person not to engage in any specified form of market misconduct), “Government and SFC cost orders” (to demand the person to pay the costs incurred by the Government and SFC in investigating his market misconduct), and “disciplinary referral order” (to recommend to any body to commence disciplinary action against the person who is one of its members).
墨西 哥认为,里约+20 会议应该就体制框架的四个主要 方面通过决定:第一,三个支柱的一体化和关于可 持续性议程的定义;第二,加强联合国机构之间的 协调以便停止有关发展和可持续发展问题的单独讨 论,并将所有发展问题都作为可持续发展问 对待; 第 三,加强经济、社会和环境三个支柱中每一个支 柱的垂直统一管理;第四,确保已经做出的和即将 在本次大会上做出的承诺得到履行。
Mexico believed that Rio+20 should adopt decisions on the four main aspects of that institutional framework: first, integration of the three pillars and definition of an agenda for sustainability; second, strengthening coordination between United Nations agencies so as to discontinue separate discussion of development and sustainable development, treating all development as sustainable; third, fostering vertical integration of each of the three pillars, economic, social and environmental; and fourth, ensuring fulfilment of commitments assumed and those to be assumed at the Conference.




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