

单词 冷冻库

冷冻库 ()

freezer compartment

See also:

冷冻 adj

frozen adj

冷冻 v

freeze v




freeze v

External sources (not reviewed)

此外,还需维修一些冷冻货车和集装箱 冷冻库 和 需 要定期维修的大型工厂以及汽车空调 [...]
In addition, there are also
[...] a number of refrigerated trucks and containers, [...]
cold stores and larger industrial plants that
require servicing on a regular basis, as well as mobile air conditioning units.
(g) 征聘了若干专家视察最终用户,例 冷冻库 、 冷冻 运 输 公司等,并收集有关 这些用户氟氯化碳储存设备的资料。
(g) Several experts were contracted to visit end-users such
[...] as cold stores, refrigerated transport companies [...]
etc. and to collect information on
their CFC containing equipment.
该公 司每年共制造 30 个冷冻库,业 务包括按具体要求设计冷藏室,安装必要的绝缘板、冷却 和其他相关设备,经常是在现场实地组装。
Annually, the company makes a total of 30 chambers, and the operation includes the design of the cold room based on specifications, installation of the necessary panels and cooling and other related equipment which is often assembled onsite.
首都的三家超级市场都配有冷却窗 冷冻库 , 这 些冷却窗 冷冻库 也 都符 合《议定书》关于使用替代物质如 R-113A、R-404A、R-407A、R-410A、R-507 和 R-600A 的一般标准。
The three supermarkets in the capital are equipped with cooling windows and cool storage areas which correspond to the normal standards of the Protocol using alternative substances such as R-113A, R-404A, R-407A, R-410A, R-507 and R-600A.
这意味着您对客户要求的 响应有 了更大的灵活性,因为它允许您直接从仓 库 中 拿 出 冷冻 的 产 品。
For you, this also means greater flexibility to respond to your customers’ needs as it allows
[...] you to remove frozen products from stock later.
大西洋金枪鱼养护委和美洲金枪鱼委通过了关 冷冻 大眼 金枪鱼的统计文件方案,大西洋金枪鱼养护委设立了大西洋箭鱼统计文件方 案。
ICCAT and IATTC have adopted statistical document
[...] programmes for frozen bigeye tuna, [...]
and ICCAT has established a statistical document
programme for Atlantic swordfish.
[...] 新,许多国家,特别是不发达国家依然缺乏充足的基础设施和服务,包括卫生的 上岸中心、电力供应、饮用水、路、冰、制冰场 冷库 和 冷冻 运 输
However, notwithstanding the technical advances and innovations, many countries, especially less-developed economies, still lack adequate infrastructure and services including
hygienic landing centres, electric power supply, potable water, roads, ice, ice plants,
[...] cold rooms and refrigerated transport.
另外,还有 20 多家企业生产了 8,000 套工业制冷系统(例如,冷藏室和 库 、冷 冻室、 气调贮藏、熟食储藏、加工制冷),其中有 5 家企业为大型企业,另外 15 家为中 小型企业,氟氯烃消费总量为 [...]
160 公吨。
Additionally, 8,000
[...] industrial refrigeration systems (e.g., cold storages and warehouses, freezing rooms, controlled [...]
atmosphere storages,
ripening chambers, process refrigeration) were manufactured by over 20 enterprises, five of which are large-sized and others are SMEs, with a total consumption of 160 mt of HCFCs.
东北大西洋渔业委员会控制和执法制度中包括两项主要工具,用以打击非 法、无管制或未报告的捕鱼活动,即:把悬挂《东北大西洋渔业公约》非缔约国
[...] 国旗的船舶列入黑名单,以及港口国控制系统,它控 冷冻 鱼 在东北大西洋渔业 公约区内国外港口的上岸量。
NEAFC had two main tools to combat IUU fishing that were part of its scheme of control and enforcement, namely the blacklisting of vessels under flags of non-Contracting Parties to NEAFC and a
port state control system, which controlled
[...] the landings of frozen fish into foreign [...]
harbours in the NEAFC Convention Area.
目前这些办事处国家计划官员职位预算尚有缺口,一旦四 冷冻 职 位资金到位,将重 新在总部外办事处安排这些职位。
There is a funding gap for National Programme Officers positions in these offices.
[...] 和大量高附加值的产品,主要以新鲜 冷冻 、 加面包、熏制或罐头形式以即食和/ [...]
In developed countries, innovation in value addition is converging on convenience foods and a
wider range of high-valueadded products,
[...] mainly in fresh, frozen, breaded, smoked [...]
or canned forms to be marketed as ready
and/or portion-controlled, uniform-quality meals.
这些活动 包括,进一步培训和认证制冷维修技术员,特别是在加纳北部、为海关官员提供更多的培 训和提高认识活动、将小容量的商业制冷系统 冷库 改 装为(主要使用碳氢化合物和氟氯 化碳的汽车空调装置改装为使用 HFC-134a)制冷剂;继续开展提高公众认识和新闻传播活 动;以及管理和监督活动。
These include the additional training and certification of refrigeration service technicians, particularly in the northern part of the country, additional training and awareness-raising of customs officers, retrofitting of small-capacity commercial refrigeration systems and cold rooms to alternative refrigerants (mainly hydrocarbon-based and CFC-MAC units to HFC-134a); continued public awareness and information dissemination activities; and management and monitoring activities.
为了更准确反映立法原意,并与《食物业规例》(第132X章)附表6有关预先包 冷冻 牛 肉 、羊肉或猪肉的标签采用的中文译本“此日期或之前食用”日期一致,《2008年成文法(杂项规定)条例》对《食物及药物(成分组合及标签)规例》(第132W章)内有关“此日期前食用”的字句作出修订。
In order to better reflect the legislative intent and to tie in with the Chinese translation of “use by” date in Schedule 6 to the Food Business Regulation, Cap. 132X on the labelling of prepackaged chilled beef, mutton or pork, amendment to the Chinese rendition of “use by” date in the Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) Regulations, Cap. 132W had been included in the Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance 2008.
我们同 时还着眼于能够在尽可能短的时间内带来和平红利 的地方项目,这些项目冷库到学 校和医院设备都 有。
We have also simultaneously targeted local projects that will provide a peace dividend in the shortest possible period of time, ranging from cold storage plants to equipment for schools and hospitals.
在联苏特派团,注意到奥贝德一些口粮储存的温度控制有若干缺陷,包括: (a) 冷冻食品柜的温度计不好用;(b) 冷冻食品柜的温度高于规定标准;(c) 保 鲜食品柜没装温度计;(d) 没有按要求记录食品柜的温度。
These included (a) the non-functioning
[...] thermometer of the frozen-food container, (b) the higher than the required standard temperature in the frozen-food container, [...]
(c) the lack of thermometer
in the fresh food container and (d) the failure to record the temperature of the container, as required.
海地和索马里似乎需要立即采取行动以实现哈 库冻 结 目 标和在 2005 年实现减少 50%的目标,在 [...]
2004 年业务计划中未为此规划任何活动,而且已获得哈龙库援助的下列 国家也似乎需要这样做:莱索托、马来西亚、卡塔尔和也门。
There appeared to be a need for immediate actions to
[...] achieve the halon freeze and the 50 per [...]
cent reduction in 2005 in Haiti and Somalia,
for which no activity had been planned in the 2004 business plans and also in the following countries that have received halon banking assistance: Lesotho, Malaysia, Qatar and Yemen.
但 是,2011 年进口了约 22.00
[...] 公吨(1.21 ODP 吨),2012 年数量增加是由于 2013 年冻结需 要增库存量
However, approximately 22.00 mt (1.21 ODP tonnes) were
imported in 2011, and that additional amounts will be imported in 2012 to increase
[...] the stockpile because of the freeze in 2013.
西班牙买方和巴基斯坦卖方订立了 1,920 箱净重 12.920 公斤冷冻墨鱼 的买卖 合同,当事双方对货物质量问题发生争议:部分产品(5.589 [...]
公斤)据称不合 格,被卫生当局下令销毁,其余部分质量低于合同规定的质量,而且数量不 足,只有 12.740 公斤。
The Spanish buyer and the Pakistani seller, which had
concluded a contract for the sale and purchase
[...] of 1,920 boxes of frozen cuttlefish having [...]
a net weight of 12.920 kg were in dispute
over the quality of part of the merchandise: part of the product (5.589 kg) had been declared unfit and destroyed by order of the health authorities, while the rest had been inferior in quality to that contracted for and the quantity was also smaller, at 12.740 kg.
通过了步骤 5/8 里有关即食食品中的李斯特菌微生物标准拟议草案(应用
食品卫生通用原则来控制即食食品中的李斯特菌指南附录 II(CAC/GL 61-2007),省略 了步骤 6 和 7,对第 3.1 部分快餐的第 3 个小点做了少量文字修改,其中将不会出现李斯
[...] 特菌的增长,为的是与其他能防止李斯特菌增长的组合分 冷冻 , 以 及在脚注 8 里使措 词更易可读。
The Commission adopted the Proposed Draft Microbiological Criteria for Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (Annex II to the Guidelines on the Application of General Principles of Food Hygiene to the Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Ready-to-Eat Foods (CAC/GL 61-2007)) at Step 5/8, with the omission of Steps 6 and 7, with small editorial amendments in the third bullet point of Section 3.1 Ready-toEat foods in which growth
of L. monocytogenes will not occur,
[...] in order to separate freezing from other combinations [...]
that could prevent the growth
of L. monocytogenes, and in footnote 8 to make the wording more easily readable.
食典委还注意到生物技术食品政府间特别工作组和快 冷冻 食 品加工与处理政府 间特别工作组已提前一年完成了他们的工作,同意解散这两个工作组。
The Commission further noted that the Ad Hoc Intergovernmental Task Forces on Foods derived from
Biotechnology and on the Processing and
[...] Handling of Quick Frozen Foods had completed [...]
their work, both one year ahead of schedule,
and agreed to dissolve the two task forces.
codexalimentarius.org 如果实验室接到检查机构的通知说对某个样品的分析受到质疑或引起 争议,则应将该样品在适当条件 冷冻 保 存 ,同时与该样品的检查有 关的全部记录应一直保存到所有的质疑结束为止。
unesdoc.unesco.org If the Laboratory has been informed by the Testing Authority that the analysis of a Sample
is challenged or disputed, the Sample
[...] shall be retained frozen under appropriate [...]
conditions and all the records pertaining
to the Testing of that Sample shall be stored until completion of any challenges.
巴拿马禁止海上转运并控冷冻货船 在港口区和领 海上从事转运的活动。
Panama prohibited at-sea trans-shipment and controlled the
[...] activities of refrigerated cargo vessels [...]
involved in trans-shipment in port areas and territorial waters.
根据外部温度对冷凝压力的优化控制,压缩机和风扇上的变频器控制,高冷凝压力报警时压缩机停机,过冷器控制,辅助温控,螺杆式压缩机控制,压缩机组优化控制功能(与XWEB系统相连接)动态计算各冷柜 冷库 的 冷 却 需 求。
Optimized management of condenser pressure according to the external temperature, Inverters on both compressors and fan, compressors OFF in case of high condenser pressure alarm, Sub-cooling management, Auxiliary thermostat management, Screw compressor control and
Compressor Rack Optimizer function (with XWEB system) dynamically
[...] calculates the cooling demand from each [...]
counter or cold room.
将原始样本(正确标记以备追溯 冷冻 保 存 在-80℃ 冷冻 干 燥 后室温保存。
The original sample (labelled appropriately for traceability)
[...] should be kept frozen at −80 °C or freeze-dried and kept [...]
at room temperature.
展会上,艾默生环境优化技术特别针对食品零售业 冷库 、 热 泵热水机领域推出整合解决方案,通过将不同系列的压缩机产品与流体控制阀件、电子控制器等完美结合,为客户提供有效的增值服务。
Emerson Climate Technologies
[...] displayed an integrated refrigeration solution for the [...]
food retail, cold room, and water heating
sectors illustrating the enhanced customer value enabled by Emerson’s broad range of compressor, controls and electronics expertise.
谷轮涡旋™飞迅压缩机主要用于商用市场,应用领域集中在超市、便利店和餐馆 冷 柜 、 冷库 、 展 示柜等细分市场,为这些领域的客户提供了高能效比的产品和解决方案。
Designed for the commercial refrigeration market, the Copeland Scroll™ Fusion compressor provides customers in the supermarket, convenience store and restaurant sectors with an energy-efficient product solution for their freezers, cold rooms and showcases.
它还计划停止清洗和冲洗期间 CFC
的排放,通过开展制冷维修技 术人员培训,改进维护做法,防止渗漏和进行 CFC 回收与循环,最大限度地减少和消除
[...] 消耗臭氧制冷剂的无控制排放;推动全部门信息分享网络的发展,从而增加无 CFC 设备 和技术及无 CFC 冷冻剂的使用;实行制冷条例和强制性良好做法守则。
It also plans to stop the venting of CFCs during purging and flushing, to minimize and eliminate uncontrolled emissions of ozone depleting refrigerants through better maintenance practices, leak prevention and CFC recovery and recycling through training of refrigeration service technicians; to stimulate the development of a network for information sharing throughout the sector that will hopefully lead to an increase in
the use of non-CFC equipment and
[...] technology and non-CFC coolants; to introduce regulations [...]
and mandatory codes of good practices in refrigeration.




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