

单词 决意

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法院的上述决意味着,死刑对死罪不再是强制性的,是否判处死刑完全由 审判长决定;以对某一特定案件的所有相关情况的考虑为基础。
The above ruling by Court means that the [...]
death penalty is no longer mandatory for capital offences and leaves the decision
whether or not to impose the death penalty solely in the hands of the presiding Judge; basing on consideration of all the relevant circumstances surrounding a particular case.
在任何修改 意见得到批准之前,可以实施某种过渡或临时方案,如声明对纠纷的 决意 向 、 暂时弃权 或延缓表态。
An interim or provisional solution, such as a declaration of intent, and temporary waiver or moratorium on dispute settlement, could be provided to cover the period until any amendment is ratified.
[...] 和实施意外事故的应急反应流程,以实现及时有效地管理和 决意外 事故的目的。
Each organization should define and implement
an incident-response process to meet its needs in achieving timely and effective
[...] management and solution of an incident.
在第二次世界大战的余波中,安全理事会设立了的里亚斯特自由领土,作为一个中立的城邦,以 决意 大 利 和南斯拉夫之间的领土争端。
In the aftermath of World War II, the Free Territory of Trieste was
established by the Security Council as a neutral city-state
[...] in order to resolve territorial claims between Italy and Yugoslavia.
这些行动表现出对国际法的漠视,似乎是为了对一小群自给自足的人民保留 其目前主权地位的决意愿实施惩罚。
These actions demonstrate a disregard for international law and appear to be
aimed at punishing a small self-sufficient people for
[...] their self-determined wish to retain [...]
their current sovereignty status.
工作人员协会还对某些部门负责 决意 做 冷 漠的考虑表示担忧,他们在招聘问题上宁 [...]
可面“向外”而不“朝内”,大量雇用短期合同(ALD)职员来负责正常计划的常规工作, 这必然使教科文组织的公务员制度处于不稳定的状态。
ISAU is further concerned
[...] about the cold, resolute motives of some [...]
sectors’ officials who prefer to recruit from outside
rather than in-house, the exceedingly large number of staff hired under appointments of limited duration (ALD) arrangements to perform recurrent regular programme duties and the growing insecurity of the civil service at UNESCO which is the unavoidable outcome.
决意捍卫 保护难民的原则,履行我们解决难民困苦的责任,包括通过 支持为此作出的努力,设法消除难民流动的根源,使这些难民安全、可持续地回 [...]
返,为长期处于困境的难民寻求持久的解决办法,防止难民流动成为国家间紧张 关系的根源。
We commit ourselves to safeguarding the [...]
principle of refugee protection and to upholding our responsibility in resolving
the plight of refugees, including through the support of efforts aimed at addressing the causes of refugee movement, bringing about the safe and sustainable return of those populations, finding durable solutions for refugees in protracted situations and preventing refugee movement from becoming a source of tension among States.
总统、总理和武装部队的领导人最近重申,他 决意实 施 改革并由政府承担其责任,包括与立即改善军营中恶劣的工作和生活条件有关 [...]
The President, the Prime Minister and the
leadership of the armed forces recently
[...] reiterated their firm intention to implement the [...]
reform and to have the Government assume
its responsibilities, including those related to immediately addressing the poor working and living conditions in the barracks.
但是,如果伊朗决意自我孤立,无视安全 理事会具有法律约束力的要求,那么,国际社会就必 须保持同样的决心,团结一致维持对伊朗的压力,迫 [...]
使其履行国际义务,并表明伊朗作出的选择是要付出 代价的。
But if Iran remains determined to isolate itself [...]
by ignoring the legally binding demands of the Security Council, then the
international community must remain similarly determined to stand together to maintain pressure on Iran to meet its international obligations and to make clear to Iran that its choices will have a cost.
[...] 2010 年能否切实举行选举 以及缅甸政府是决意组织 自由和正规的选举并于 不久颁布选举法和成立选举委员会表示遗憾。
It was also regrettable that the Special Rapporteur was expressing doubt that the elections scheduled for
2010 would actually take place, and was
[...] questioning the determination of the Government [...]
of Myanmar to hold free and fair elections,
promulgate electoral laws in the near future and also establish an electoral commission.
为了使我们能够更好地应对世界面临的多层面和相互关联的挑战和威胁,为 了在和平与安全、发展以及人权领域取得进展,我们重申按照国际法建立一个有 效的多边体系极其重要,要强调联合国的中央作用,我 决意 通 过 贯彻执行联合 国的决定和决议来促进并加强联合国的效力。
We reaffirm the vital importance of an effective multilateral system, in accordance with international law, in order to better address the multifaceted and interconnected challenges and threats confronting our world and to achieve progress in the areas of peace and security, development and human rights, underlining the central role of the United Nations, and commit ourselves to promoting and strengthening the effectiveness of the Organization through the implementation of its decisions and resolutions.
安理会吁请双方继续展示政治意志,在有利于对话的氛围内作 出努力,以期进入更加密集、更具实质性的谈判阶段,从而确保第 1754(2007) 号和第
[...] 1783(2007)号决议得到执行,谈判取得圆满成功,申明坚决支持秘书长及 其个人特使决意在此前提下为西撒哈拉问题寻求解决。
The Council called upon the parties to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue in order to enter into a more intensive and substantive phase of negotiations, thus ensuring implementation of resolutions 1754 (2007) and 1783 (2007) and the success of negotiations; and affirmed its strong support
for the commitment of the Secretary-General and his Personal
[...] Envoy towards a solution to the question [...]
of Western Sahara.
对于将“伏特加”一词信奉为历史及文化之维系的俄罗斯人来说,最高法院的 决意 味 着 ,他们在保护那些在国外市场火热畅销的俄罗斯伏特加品牌上,又向前迈进了一步。
For the Russians who believe that the Russian word ‘vodka’ is
associated with their history and culture,
[...] this High Court ruling represents further [...]
progress in protecting the brand equity
of all of the Russian vodka brands in lucrative foreign markets.
决意见称 ,设立监 察员办公室和采取其他改进措施“是值得欢迎的”,但它们没有提供“有效的司 [...]
According to the opinion, while the creation [...]
of the Office of the Ombudsperson and other improvements “are to be welcomed”,
they fail to provide an “effective judicial remedy”.k
欧洲防止酷刑委员会承认要将一个隔离命令规定隔离 决意 继 续 留 下的外国人弄离国家领土,往往是一项困难任务。
The CPT recognises that it will often be a difficult task to enforce an expulsion order in respect of a foreign national who is determined to stay on a State’s territory.
相反,以色列领导人的顽固行动和傲慢讲话清楚地证明,该政 府实际决意干扰和平努力,违抗国际社会的意愿。
On the contrary, the intransigent actions and arrogant remarks made by Israeli leaders provide unequivocal proof that this Government is in fact set on derailing peace efforts and defying the will of the international community.
大会 大会 大会 大会, 重决意 重申决意 重申决意 重申决意维护 《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则、国际法和以法治为基础的国际秩 序,这对于国家间和平共处与合作至关重要
to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, to international law and to an international order based on the rule of law, which is essential for peaceful coexistence and cooperation among States
这些 非法行为已构成犯罪,如果企图掩饰这些行为,则只能说明占领 决意 走 暴 力和 偏见道路,而不走巴勒斯坦人民和国际社会致力推动的和平与合作道路。
These illegal acts are criminal and any attempt
[...] to justify them serves only to highlight the occupying Power’s determination to walk the path [...]
of violence and prejudice
rather than the one of peace and cooperation to which Palestinians, along with the international community, are committed.
决意打击有罪不罚现象,注意到各国表达的意见认为,最好依照国际法 负责任地、慎重地适用普遍管辖权,以此确保这种管辖权使用的合法性和公信力
Reiterating its commitment to fighting impunity, and noting the views expressed [...]
by States that the legitimacy and credibility
of the use of universal jurisdiction are best ensured by its responsible and judicious application consistent with international law
大会党已经动用其安全机构镇压叛乱 决意 结 束 关于苏丹多样性和身份认同的争论,继续致力于为所有苏丹人民保持阿拉伯伊斯兰身份认同,坚持伊斯兰教教法,并且准备将关键的州进行划分以适应政治大亨们的需要。
The party has mobilised its security apparatus to suppress
[...] any revolts, has decided to end the debate [...]
about Sudan’s diversity and identity,
remains committed to an Arab-Islamic identity for all Sudanese and keeping Sharia and is ready to sub-divide key states to accommodate political barons.
首席法官Brown的决意见清 楚地表明,修改后的起诉状必须提出能够满足更加严格的起诉责任的具体事实,包括(1)打破《对外贸易反托拉斯改进法》(FTAIA)的管辖权限制;(2)满足《联邦民事诉讼程序规则》的第8条和第9(b)条规定的最低起诉要求。
Chief Judge Brown’s opinion made clear that [...]
any amended pleading would have to allege concrete facts to satisfy a significantly
enhanced pleading burden (i) to overcome the jurisdictional bar of the Foreign Trade Antitrust Improvements Act (the “FTAIA") and (ii) satisfying the threshold pleading requirements of Rules 8 and 9(b) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure.
[...] 以及其他方面基础之上,对合同在石油行业关闭期 过后进行延期的意决定权
It also secured discretion over the post-shutdown
extension of contracts based on, among other things, companies’
[...] cooperation in helping resolve the impasse with [...]
该决议已导致对利比亚的军事侵略。 如果安理会一些成员越出其合法权力而 意决 定重 新界定国际法,那么联合国便失去其存在理由。
If some members of the Council exceed their legal powers and decide of their own accord to redefine international law, the United Nations loses its raison d’être.
这种 决定以法律为基础,不能在司法诉讼过程中作出,也不能由法官 意决 定。
Such a decision is governed by the law and cannot be made in the course of judicial
[...] proceedings or arbitrarily decided by a judge.
借助实时查 看曲面艺术品复制的功能,您能够在绘制与雕刻 时,做出更好的意决策。
You can work with a live view of the artwork repeating across the
[...] surface to make better creative decisions while you paint and sculpt.
诉澳大利亚案不同的是,本案中并无可认为驱逐提 交人为专断意决定的特别情况。
Unlike in Winata and Li v. Australia, in the present case there are no exceptional circumstances that would deem
[...] the removal of the author arbitrary.
主席提请意,决议草案二 A 节涉及的是 2010-2011 两年期预算批款,B 节涉及的是 2010-2011 两年期收入估计数,C 节涉及的是 2010 年批款的筹措。
Section A dealt with budget appropriations for the biennium 2010-2011, section B with income estimates for the biennium 2010-2011, and section C with financing of appropriations for the year 2010.
依据《土著人民权利宣言》第5 条和第18 条,在自决权的范畴内,土著人 民有权对所有涉及到其内部和本地的所有事务作出独立的决定,并在 意决 定参 与外部决策时有权切实地影响外部的决策进程。
As a result of articles 5 and 18 of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and within the ambit of the right to self-determination, indigenous peoples
have the right to make
[...] independent decisions in all matters relating to their internal and local affairs, and to effectively influence external decision-making affecting them if they choose [...]
to participate in external decision-making.
会员国已经受到意决定设 立新办事处、尤其是国别办事处的干扰,他们觉得这些办 事处没有在人力和财力上得到足够的支持,办事处仅仅是起到了代表处的职能,在计划执行 [...]
Member States had been disturbed at
[...] the randomness of decisions taken regarding [...]
the opening of offices, particularly national
offices, that they found to be poorly resourced from the human and financial point of view, often merely carrying out representational functions, with no real efficiency in terms of programme execution.
大会第六十五届会议请秘书长提请所有国家政府、联合国各主管机构、专门 机构、区域政府间组织和国际人道主义组织 意决 议 ;请秘书长向人权理事会相 关届会和大会第六十七届会议提出关于决议执行情况、包括关于相关建议落实情 况的全面报告(第 65/210 号决议)。
At its sixty-fifth session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to bring the resolution entitled “Missing persons” to the attention of all Governments, the competent United Nations bodies, the specialized agencies, regional intergovernmental organizations and international humanitarian organizations; and also requested the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report on the implementation of the resolution, including relevant recommendations, to the Human Rights Council at its relevant session and to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session (resolution 65/210).




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