

单词 决定性

See also:


decide (to do something)

决定 v

make decision v
determine v
decide v
aim v


determine chemical composition
determine the nature (usually of error or crime)

External sources (not reviewed)

同时他们还要求 与会者们铭记,他们是要采决定性 行 动 ,在国家层面保护和促进儿童的权利。
They also asked participants to remember that fact in moments when they were called upon to take decisive action to protect and promote the rights of children at the national level.
决定性作用的可能是 一些事实性背景,诸如成员数量以及介入行动的性质。
The factual context such as the size of
[...] membership and the nature of the involvement [...]
will probably be decisive.
该委员会的意见并不决定性的, 但可以是特设委员会审议的起点,因为他 们的意见将对潜在的议定书在实际中如何运作产生影响。
The Committee’s
[...] views would not be determining, but could prove [...]
a starting point from the Ad Hoc Committee’s considerations,
since their views would have bearing on how a potential protocol would work in practice.
规则 159 规定,审判分庭可 接受匿名证人的证据;但是,不可仅仅依据或 决定性 的 程 度上依据此类证据作 出有罪判决。
Rule 159 provides that the Trial Chamber may admit the evidence of an anonymous witness; however, a conviction may not be based solely or to a decisive extent on such evidence.
对公务员制度委员会而言,其工作与 工作人员的服务条件有关,人事统计 决定性 的 衡量标准,而对行政首长协调会 秘书处而言,其工作包含全系统问题,费用分担的百分比有 [...]
50%是基于人员,有 50%是基于活动规模,人员和活动规模以经审计的支出水平衡量(另见下文第 十.14 段)。
In the case of ICSC, whose work is related to
conditions of service for staff, personnel
[...] statistics are the determining measure, while in [...]
the case of the CEB secretariat, whose
work encompasses a portfolio of system-wide matters, the percentage of cost-sharing is based 50 per cent on personnel and 50 per cent on the scale of activity, measured by audited expenditure levels (see also para. X.14 below).
例如,这里的评注似可作如下说明:(f)项——筹资安排所在地或筹资批准所在地 或债务人主要银行所在地——只在银行控制债务人的情况下才相关;(k)项——雇 员所在地——或许在雇员可能成为未来债权人的情况下才相关,但如果以下述 几点为依据就不那么重要了:对雇员的保护更多的是保护相关方权利问题,与
主要利益中心分析无关,而且《示范法》第 22
[...] 条无论如何都已处理这一问题; (e)项——适用于大部分争议的法律所属的法域,其重要性不足以成为一 决定 性因素 ,而且这种法域在任何情况下都有可能是一个与债务人的管理地或业务 实施地无关的法域,比(e)项更重要的因素反倒是债务人的管理地或业务实施 地。
That commentary might suggest, for example, that (f) the location from which financing was organized or authorized or the location of the debtor’s primary bank, would only be important where the bank controlled the debtor; that (k) the location of employees, might be important where employees could be future creditors, or less important on the basis that protection of employees is more an issue of protecting the rights of interested parties, is not relevant to the COMI analysis and is, in any event addressed by article 22 of the Model Law; that (e) the
jurisdiction whose law would
[...] apply to most disputes, was not sufficiently important to be a determining factor and could, [...]
in any event, be a
jurisdiction unrelated to the place from which the debtor was managed or conducted its business, factors that were both considered to be more important than (e).
一些会员国认为,该建议草案一旦获得通过,它将是教科文组织对世界信息社会首脑 会议(日内瓦,2003 年--突尼斯,2005
[...] 年)工作做出的重要贡献,因为促进世界信息网络的 语言多样性和普及利用网络空间已在当代辩论中占了重要的一席之地,而且这种辩论的结果 及其落实情况对建立一个更加公正和公平的信息社会将 决定性 作 用
Several Member States considered that the draft recommendation, once adopted, would constitute an important contribution by UNESCO to the work of the World Summit on the Information Society (Geneva, 2003; Tunis, 2005), in view of the fact that the promotion of linguistic diversity in global information networks and universal access to cyberspace are already central to current debates and that the conclusions of these
debates and their
[...] follow-up will play a determining role in the development of a fairer and more equitable information [...]
今后三年在保证阿富汗政府对其本国安全负起 全面责任方面具决定性的意 义,这样,随着安援部 队缩编,阿富汗人民将能完全掌控自己的命运,他们 [...]
The next three
[...] years will be decisive in ensuring that [...]
the Afghan Government takes full responsibility for its country’s
security, so that, as ISAF troops are drawn down, the people of Afghanistan can assume full control of the destiny for which they have already sacrificed so much.
喀麦隆对人民的贫困程度及其引发的 结果做出了估计,并努力确认该现象的不同特点 决定性 因 素
Cameroon has assessed the extent
and effects of poverty among its population and has
[...] identified the characteristics and determinants of that phenomenon.
事实上,具有讽刺意味的是,住房问题竟是 界定本次危机的关键要素之一:对于人口持续增长的 发展中国家而言,必须通过建设体面的可负担住房来
[...] 减少贫民窟居民的人数,而对于一些发达国家来说却 恰恰相反:兴建住房过剩是引发危机 决定性 因 素之 一。
Indeed, it was ironic that the issue of housing should be one of the key elements defining the crisis: for developing nations with growing populations, there was a need to reduce the numbers of slum-dwellers by building decent and affordable housing units, but for some developed nations, the
opposite was true: the excess building of residential units
[...] had been one of the determining factors creating the crisis.
弹性体表面上的这些微油滴形成了一层薄膜, 它在某些应用领域中对改善部件的功能和密封性能发挥 决定性 作 用
The oil droplets form a film on
[...] the surface of the elastomer that greatly improves the part's functionality and sealing action in several application areas.
35 C/DR.36(提案国:古巴)涉及第 01000 第 1(a)(ii)小段,它请总干事在该小段
结尾加上“教科文组织将在古巴哈瓦那与有关方面共同主办第七届国际高等教育 大会--‘2010 年的大学’,寻求解决全民终身教育问题的办法,从而表明高等教
[...] 育对社会与时代的最新承诺,并使所有与会者能够共同审议需要对高等教育机构 进行的变革,使其能在各国的可持续发展进程中发 决定性 作 用 ”。
35 C/DR.36 (Cuba) concerning paragraph 01000, 1(a)(ii), which invites the Director-General to insert at the end of the subparagraph “Holding the Seventh International Congress on Higher Education ‘University 2010’ co-sponsored by UNESCO, in Havana (Cuba), in order to find solutions to the problem of lifelong education for all, thus confirming the renewed commitment of higher education to society and to its time, permitting the joint examination of all the participants of the changes that need to be made
in higher education institutions so that
[...] they may play a decisive role in the sustainable [...]
development of our countries”.
完工时间短(从签订合同到调试只用了 16 个月)和博汇纸业的成功启动又一次证明了供应商的技术对于这一规模生产线的成功具 决定性。
The short completion time of only 16 months – from signing of contract to commissioning – as well as the successful start-up of the Bohui machine once again
demonstrates the fact that the technology from one
[...] supplier is decisive for the success of production lines of this size.
不同之处不仅在于发达国家是危机的中心,尽管 发达国家在近期经济发展中起 决定性 作 用,而且在于危机在该区域出现的时 机,在于该区域如何受到危机的影响。
Not only because the epicentre of the crisis lay in the developed countries,
although this plays no
[...] small part in accounting for recent economic trends, but, above all, because [...]
of the juncture at which
the crisis broke out in the region and how the region was affected.
他的挽救工作构成了神对世界的拯救工作功 决定性 或 末 世论的体现,对进一步的“最后的事”在未来后浓度betokened到犹太大卫教派,它降低到仅仅是“初步”的角色,那些复发要素的福音,是耶稣的信息特色。
His redeeming work
[...] constituted the decisive or eschatological manifestation of the power of God operating for the world's [...]
salvation; the
later concentration on a further "last thing" in the future betokened a relapse into Jewish apocalypticism, which relegated to a merely "preliminary" role those elements of the gospel which were distinctive of Jesus' message.
讯中,根据该等细则,作为应计负债股份的持有人或其中一位持有人记录于股东名 册,作出催缴的董事会决议案正式记录于董事会的会议记录,以及催缴通知已正式 发给被起诉的股东,即属证明被起诉股东名称的足够证据;且毋须证明作出催缴的
[...] 董事的委任,亦毋须证明任何其他事项,惟上述事项的证明应为该负债 决定性的 证据。
On the trial or hearing of any action or other proceedings for the recovery of any money due for any call, it shall be sufficient to prove that the name of the Member sued is entered in the Register as the holder, or one of the holders, of the shares in respect of which such debt accrued, that the resolution making the call is duly recorded in the minute book, and that notice of such call was duly given to the Member sued, in pursuance of these Articles; and it shall not be necessary to prove the appointment of the Directors who made such
call, nor any other matters whatsoever, but the proof of the matters
[...] aforesaid shall be conclusive evidence of [...]
the debt.
(4) 如于任何董事会会议上有任何有关一位董事(会议主席除外)权益的 重大性或有关任何董事(主席除外)的投票资格的问题,而该问题不能透过自愿同 意放弃投票而获解决,则该问题须提呈会议主席,而彼对该董事所作决定须为最终 及决定性(惟 倘据该董事所知该董事的权益性质或程度并未向董事会公平披露除 外)。
(4) If any question shall arise at any meeting of the Board as to the materiality of the interest of a Director (other than the chairman of the meeting) or as to the entitlement of any Director (other than such chairman) to vote and such question is not resolved by his voluntarily agreeing to abstain from voting, such question shall be referred to
the chairman of the
[...] meeting and his ruling in relation to such other Director shall be final and conclusive except in a case where the nature or extent of [...]
the interest of the
Director concerned as known to such Director has not been fairly disclosed to the Board.
[...] 管建设和平支助事务助理秘书长的建议,并强调, 各级政府的领导力以及治理的透明是实现和平决 定性因素
He thanked the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support for her recommendations and stressed
that leadership at all levels of government and transparency
[...] in governance were determining factors in achieving peace.
任一当事方均可以发决定性事实为由,向争议法庭提出修订判决的申请, 但此事实应为争议法庭及申请修订判决的当事方在判决作出时所不知,且必须以 [...]
Either party may apply to the Dispute Tribunal for a
revision of a judgement on the basis of the
[...] discovery of a decisive fact that was, [...]
at the time the judgement was rendered,
unknown to the Dispute Tribunal and to the party applying for revision, always provided that such ignorance was not due to negligence.
不认为是歧视的还有给予残疾工人优待,包括创造考虑残疾工人特殊需要 的工作环境,或在雇用人员时、下达指示或提供再培训和在职培训机会时,考虑
[...] 性别、语言熟练水平、年龄或残疾,只要这是专业活动性质或有关条件必需的根决定性的专业要求。
It is also not considered discriminatory to grant preferences to disabled workers, including creation of working environment taking account of the special needs of disabled workers, or taking account of the sex, level of language proficiency, age or disability upon employment of a person, or upon giving instructions or enabling access to
retraining or inservice training, if this is an
[...] essential and determinative professional [...]
requirement arising from the nature of the
professional activity or related conditions.
15 岁女儿构成实际的个人风险,提交者本人因母亲反 对未遭受割礼,需再次忆及的是,在大多数情况中,母亲是否反对割礼 决定性 作用
The essential question is whether, taking into consideration all the information provided, the particular circumstances of the case could constitute a real and personal risk for the author’s daughter, who is 15 years old and whose mother is not excised, thanks to
her own mother who
[...] opposed excision, recalling once again that a mother’s opposition to excision is a determining factor in most cases.
1965 年第 2065(XX)号决议和后来的大会
关于马尔维纳斯群岛问题的决议以及非殖民化特别 委员会就同一问题通过的决议都明确承认了阿根廷
[...] 政府与联合王国政府对其主权存在争端,并且确认 了解决这一争端的方式就是通过重启双边谈判以尽 快找到一个公正、和平决定性的解 决办法,而且 要考虑到岛民的利益。
Resolution 2065 (XX) of 1965 and subsequent General Assembly resolutions on the question of the Malvinas Islands, as well as the resolutions on the same issue adopted by the Special Committee, expressly recognized the existence of a sovereignty dispute between the Governments of Argentina and the United Kingdom, and noted that the way to resolve that dispute was through the
resumption of
[...] negotiations with a view to finding a just, peaceful and lasting solution as soon as [...]
possible, taking into
account the interests of the islanders.
在将残疾问题纳入国家公共议程并将关爱残疾人的典范做法予以推广方面, 一项具决定性意义的成果就是颁布了第 498-2009-MIMDES 号部长决议,重申 了对帮助残疾人融入社会利国利民这一理论的认可。
Ministerial Decision No. 498-2009-MIMDES establishing the Order of Merit for the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities has made a decisive contribution to placing disability rights on the public agenda in Peru and promoting good practice with respect to persons with disabilities.
在美国,由于国际拘役公正署和其他人权倡导者 决定性 工 作 ,公众對监狱强奸的态度已经开始从轻 [...]
率,由于消息不靈通而倒至刻板的印象,轉向着更加广泛的认识知上的转变,那就是:虐待是对人权 的严重侵犯。
In the U.S., thanks to determined work by JDI and [...]
other human rights advocates, public attitudes about rape in prison have
started to shift away from flippant, ill-informed stereotypes and toward a broader recognition that this abuse is a human rights violation.
2010年2月2日,外交部长比尔特在“全球零核”倡议首脑会议上特别指出, 国际社会已到达一个重要关头,要么采 决定性 步 骤 ,进一步削减核武库并防止 核武器进一步泛滥,最终接近实现无核武器世界的目标,要么将面临不扩散制度 [...]
被侵蚀的严重危险,从而助长大大增加使用这些武器的风险并带来灾难性和无法 预见的影响。
In an address given at the Global Zero summit on 2 February 2010, Foreign Minister Bildt stated, inter alia, that the international community had arrived
at a critical point, where it could
[...] either take decisive steps forward in further reducing [...]
nuclear arsenals and preventing
a further spread of nuclear weapons, eventually taking the world closer to the goal of a world free of those weapons, or face the very serious risk of the non-proliferation regime eroding and paving the way for a development that would significantly increase the risk of those weapons being used, with catastrophic and unforeseeable effects.
在内部历史的犹太教犹太法典施加作为公认的传统知识的来源和传统的宗教教义补充圣经权威集合 决定性 的 影 响,事实上,这种影响力和它作了摆脱它努力,或限制在一定范围内它,构成了历史的犹太教内部物质。
On the internal history of Judaism the Talmud exerted a decisive influence as the recognized source for a knowledge of tradition and as the authoritative collection of the traditional religious doctrines which supplemented the Bible; indeed, this influence and the efforts which were made to escape from it, or to restrict it within certain limits, constitute the substance of the inner history of Judaism.
他称,“社会影响”,如避免声望受损等, 是 1996 年中国决定签署《全面禁止核试验条约》决 定性因素,当时,这一举动使中国面临着一种可能性, 即,与其他拥有核武器的国家相比,中国需在核发展阶 [...]
段更初期就要冻结国内核军火库,从而损害了中国在核 武器国之间的地位。
He argues that “social influence” such
as avoidance of reputational
[...] costs were a decisive factor in China’s decision to sign the [...]
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
in 1996, a move which, at the time exposed China to the possibility of freezing its nuclear arsenal at a more primitive stage of development than other nuclear weapon states, harming its position vis-à-vis those states.
2009 年 10 月,青年党在与
[...] Ras Kamboni 部队的作战中赢得决定性胜 利 ,控制了港口城市基斯马尤以及二级口岸马尔卡和巴拉维,自此以来,这些 [...]
In October 2009,
[...] Al-Shabaab won a decisive battle over the [...]
Ras Kamboni forces for control of the port town of Kismaayo,
which, together with the secondary ports of Marka and Baraawe, has since emerged as the most important source of income for the group.
具体来说,本文件提出了 3 套决定:(a)
[...] 修改筹备委员会会议的做法,以举 行更短、更频繁的可能做出程序性和实 性决定 的 年 度会议,并列明举行特别会 议的可能性;(b) [...]
形成一个由前任、现任和下任主席组成的主席小组,以便更好 地维持会议期间和休会期间《条约》的工作;(c)
以一个小型支助单位加强审议 程序的行政能力。
Specifically, this paper proposes three sets of decisions to: (a) modify the practice of Preparatory Committee meetings to provide for shorter but more frequent
annual meetings that may take both
[...] procedural and substantive decisions, and to set out [...]
the possibility of extraordinary meetings;
(b) form a Chairs’ Circle of past, incumbent and future Chairs to better sustain the Treaty’s work during and between meetings; and (c) bolster the administrative capacity of the review process with a small support unit.
为进一步落实大会 1997 年 12 月 22 日第 52/214 号决议 B 节的各项 目标,其中大会请所有政府间机构酌情考虑有无可能在一段时间内将
其报告希望达到的长度限制从 32 页减少到 20 页,但不会对报告编制
[...] 格式或内容的质量产生不利影响,委员会应努力缩短其年度报告篇 幅,同时铭记这类报告需要包含委员会通过或转交的各项决议和决 定,以及每一议程项目下审议情况的简要概述,特别侧重于达成的政性决定和结
(i) In order to further the objectives of General Assembly resolution 52/214 of 22 December 1997, section B, in which the Assembly invited all intergovernmental bodies to consider, where appropriate, the possibility of reducing the length of their reports from the desired limit of thirty-two pages to twenty pages over a period of time without adversely affecting either the quality of presentation or the content of the reports, the Commission will make efforts to reduce the length of its annual reports, bearing in mind the need for such reports to include resolutions and decisions adopted or transmitted by the Commission, as well as a
brief summary of its
[...] deliberations under each agenda item, focusing in particular on policy findings and conclusions reached




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